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Commit 1383e45c authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
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Fix load-from-h2 :honey_pot: [WIP] [ci skip]

parent 0223d641
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......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"Entities that do NOT use an auto incrementing ID column."
#{Setting Session})
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *db-conn*
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *target-db-connection*
"Active database connection to the target database we are loading into."
......@@ -86,26 +86,39 @@
(print (u/format-color 'blue "Transfering %d instances of %s..." (count objs) (:name e)))
;; The connection closes prematurely on occasion when we're inserting thousands of rows at once. Break into smaller chunks so connection stays alive
(println "inserting" (count objs) "like\n" (u/pprint-to-str (first objs)) "...")
(doseq [chunk (partition-all 300 objs)]
(print (color/blue \.))
(apply jdbc/insert! *db-conn* (:table e) (if (= e DashboardCard)
;; mini-HACK to fix h2 lowercasing these couple attributes
;; luckily this is the only place in our schema where we have camel case names
(mapv #(set/rename-keys % {:sizex :sizeX, :sizey :sizeY}) chunk)
(apply jdbc/insert! *target-db-connection* (:table e) (condp = e
;; mini-HACK to fix h2 lowercasing these couple attributes
;; luckily this is the only place in our schema where we have camel case names
(mapv #(set/rename-keys % {:sizex :sizeX, :sizey :sizeY}) chunk)
(for [user chunk]
(dissoc user :google_auth)) ; NOCOMMIT
(println (color/green "[OK]")))
(defn- insert-self-referencing-entity! [e objs]
(println "insert-self-referencing-entity!" e)
(let [self-ref-attr (condp = e
RawColumn :fk_target_column_id
Field :fk_target_field_id)
self-referencing (filter self-ref-attr objs)
others (set/difference (set objs) (set self-referencing))]
;; first insert the non-self-referencing objects
(println "self-referencing:" (count self-referencing) "others:" (count others) "total:" (count objs))
(println "self-referencing:" (u/pprint-to-str (for [field self-referencing]
(select-keys field [:id :fk_target_field_id]))))
(insert-entity! e others)
(println "inserted others <3")
;; then insert the rest, which should be safe to insert now
(insert-entity! e self-referencing)))
(insert-entity! e self-referencing)
(println "inserted self-referencing <3")))
(defn- set-postgres-sequence-values! []
(print (u/format-color 'blue "Setting postgres sequence ids to proper values..."))
......@@ -113,8 +126,8 @@
(doseq [e (filter #(not (contains? entities-without-autoinc-ids %)) entities)
:let [table-name (:table e)
seq-name (str table-name "_id_seq")
sql (format "SELECT setval('%s', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id) FROM %s), 1), true) as val" seq-name table-name)]]
(jdbc/db-query-with-resultset *db-conn* [sql] :val))
sql (format "SELECT setval('%s', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id) FROM %s), 1), true) as val" seq-name (name table-name))]]
(jdbc/db-query-with-resultset *target-db-connection* [sql] :val))
(println (color/green "[OK]")))
(defn load-from-h2!
......@@ -130,20 +143,17 @@
;; connect to H2 database, which is what we are migrating from
(jdbc/with-db-connection [h2-conn (db/jdbc-details {:type :h2, :db (str h2-filename ";IFEXISTS=TRUE")})]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn target-db-spec]
(binding [*db-conn* target-db-conn]
(doseq [e entities
:let [objs (->> (jdbc/query h2-conn [(str "SELECT * FROM " (name (:table e)))])
;; we apply jdbc-clob->str to all row values because H2->Postgres
;; gets messed up if the value is left as a clob
(map #(m/map-vals u/jdbc-clob->str %)))]
:when (seq objs)]
(if-not (contains? self-referencing-entities e)
(insert-entity! e objs)
(insert-self-referencing-entity! e objs)))))))
(binding [*target-db-connection* target-db-conn]
(doseq [e entities
:let [rows (for [row (jdbc/query h2-conn [(str "SELECT * FROM " (name (:table e)))])]
(m/map-vals u/jdbc-clob->str row))]
:when (seq rows)]
(if-not (contains? self-referencing-entities e)
(insert-entity! e rows)
(insert-self-referencing-entity! e rows))))))
;; if we are loading into a postgres db then we need to update sequence nextvals
(when (= (config/config-str :mb-db-type) "postgres")
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn target-db-spec]
(binding [*db-conn* target-db-conn]
(binding [*target-db-connection* target-db-conn]
0% Loading or .
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