@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ If you don't have access to the Metabase Admin panel, you'll need to ask the per
- If you're running Metabase Cloud, check that you've [whitelisted our IP addresses](https://www.metabase.com/cloud/docs/ip-addresses-to-whitelist).
3. Make sure that Metabase is using a role with the necessary privileges to connect to your data warehouse. See [Granting database privileges](../databases/connecting.md#database-roles-users-and-privileges).
3. Make sure that Metabase is using a role with the necessary privileges to connect to your data warehouse. See [Granting database privileges](../databases/users-roles-privileges.md).
The steps above will help you detect whether the problem is occurring outside of Metabase. To _fix_ problems with your database server, you'll need to refer to the docs for your database or cloud service. Remember to [test your database connection](#testing-the-connection-status) after you make changes.
- be [granted privileges](./data-permissions.md#granting-database-privileges) to query that database.
- be [granted privileges](../databases/users-roles-privileges.md) to query that database.
If the [connection is failing](./db-connection.md) or the database privileges are wrong, the sync query won't be able to run. If Metabase can't sync with your database after you first set it up, then the initial scan and fingerprinting queries won't run either.