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Commit 156d9718 authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #3369 from metabase/faster-mac-app-launch-time

Faster mac app launch time :race_car:
parents 90fa5321 ba43d83e
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......@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@
self.task.environment = @{@"MB_DB_FILE": DBPath(),
@"MB_PLUGINS_DIR": PluginsDirPath(),
@"MB_JETTY_PORT": @(self.port)};
self.task.arguments = @[@"-Djava.awt.headless=true",
self.task.arguments = @[@"-Djava.awt.headless=true", // this prevents the extra java icon from popping up in the dock when running
@"-client", // make sure we're running in -client mode, which has a faster lanuch time
@"-Xverify:none", // disable bytecode verification for faster launch speed, not really needed here since JAR is packaged as part of signed .app
@"-jar", UberjarPath()];
__weak MetabaseTask *weakSelf = self;
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"check-reflection-warnings" ["with-profile" "+reflection-warnings" "check"]
"test" ["with-profile" "+expectations" "expectations"]
"generate-sample-dataset" ["with-profile" "+generate-sample-dataset" "run"]
"profile" ["with-profile" "+profile" "run" "profile"]
"h2" ["with-profile" "+h2-shell" "run" "-url" "jdbc:h2:./metabase.db" "-user" "" "-password" "" "-driver" "org.h2.Driver"]}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.391"]
......@@ -72,14 +73,15 @@
[ring/ring-json "0.4.0"] ; Ring middleware for reading/writing JSON automatically
[stencil "0.5.0"] ; Mustache templates for Clojure
[swiss-arrows "1.0.0"]] ; 'Magic wand' macro -<>, etc.
:repositories [["bintray" ""]]
:repositories [["bintray" ""]] ; Repo for Crate JDBC driver
:plugins [[lein-environ "1.0.3"] ; easy access to environment variables
[lein-ring "0.9.7" ; start the HTTP server with 'lein ring server'
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]] ; TODO - should this be a dev dependency ?
:main ^:skip-aot metabase.core
:manifest {"Liquibase-Package" "liquibase.change,liquibase.changelog,liquibase.database,liquibase.parser,liquibase.precondition,liquibase.datatype,liquibase.serializer,liquibase.sqlgenerator,liquibase.executor,liquibase.snapshot,liquibase.logging,liquibase.diff,liquibase.structure,liquibase.structurecompare,liquibase.lockservice,liquibase.sdk,liquibase.ext"}
:target-path "target/%s"
:jvm-opts ["-Djava.awt.headless=true"] ; prevent Java icon from randomly popping up in dock when running `lein ring server`
:jvm-opts ["-server" ; Run JVM in server mode as opposed to client -- see for a good explanation of this
"-Djava.awt.headless=true"] ; prevent Java icon from randomly popping up in dock when running `lein ring server`
:javac-options ["-target" "1.7", "-source" "1.7"]
:uberjar-name "metabase.jar"
:ring {:handler metabase.core/app
......@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@
:jvm-opts ["-Dlogfile.path=target/log"
"-Xms1024m" ; give JVM a decent heap size to start with
"-Xmx2048m" ; hard limit of 2GB so we stop hitting the 4GB container limit on CircleCI
"-server" ; Run JVM in server mode as opposed to client -- see for a good explanation of this
"-Xverify:none" ; disable bytecode verification when running in dev so it starts slightly faster
"-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled" ; let Clojure's dynamically generated temporary classes be GC'ed from PermGen
"-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"] ; Concurrent Mark Sweep GC needs to be used for Class Unloading (above)
:aot [metabase.logger]} ; Log appender class needs to be compiled for log4j to use it
......@@ -127,15 +129,19 @@
"-Xverify:none"]} ; disable bytecode verification when running tests so they start slightly faster
;; build the uberjar with `lein uberjar`
:uberjar {:aot :all
:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.compiler.elide-meta=[:doc :added :file :line]" ; strip out metadata for faster load / smaller uberjar size
"-Dmanifold.disable-jvm8-primitives=true"]} ; disable Manifold Java 8 primitives (see
:generate-sample-dataset {:dependencies [[faker "0.2.2"] ; Fake data generator -- port of Perl/Ruby
;; generate sample dataset with `lein generate-sample-dataset`
:generate-sample-dataset {:dependencies [[faker "0.2.2"] ; Fake data generator -- port of Perl/Ruby library
[incanter/incanter-core "1.9.1"]] ; Satistical functions like normal distibutions}})
:source-paths ["sample_dataset"]
:main ^:skip-aot metabase.sample-dataset.generate}
;; Profile Metabase start time with `lein profile`
:profile {:jvm-opts ["-XX:+CITime" ; print time spent in JIT compiler
"-XX:+PrintGC"]} ; print a message when garbage collection takes place
;; Run reset password from source: MB_DB_PATH=/path/to/metabase.db lein with-profile reset-password run
;; Create the reset password JAR: lein with-profile reset-password jar
;; -> ./reset-password-artifacts/reset-password/reset-password.jar
......@@ -147,4 +153,5 @@
;; Exclude everything except for reset-password specific code in the created jar
:jar-exclusions [#"^(?!metabase/reset_password).*$"]
:target-path "reset-password-artifacts/%s"} ; different than ./target because otherwise lein uberjar will delete our artifacts and vice versa
:h2-shell {:main}}) ; get the H2 shell with 'lein h2'
;; get the H2 shell with 'lein h2'
:h2-shell {:main}})
;; -*- comment-column: 35; -*-
(ns metabase.core
(:require [ :as log]
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as log]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as ring-jetty]
(ring.middleware [cookies :refer [wrap-cookies]]
[gzip :refer [wrap-gzip]]
......@@ -24,8 +26,7 @@
[setup :as setup]
[task :as task]
[util :as u])
(metabase.models [setting :refer [defsetting]]
[user :refer [User]])))
[metabase.models.user :refer [User]]))
......@@ -183,8 +184,7 @@
(reset! jetty-instance nil)))
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- App Main ----------------------------------------
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- Normal Start ----------------------------------------
(defn- start-normally []
(log/info "Starting Metabase in STANDALONE mode")
......@@ -201,29 +201,60 @@
(log/error "Metabase Initialization FAILED: " (.getMessage e))
(System/exit 1))))
(def ^:private cmd->fn
{:migrate (fn [direction]
(db/migrate! @db/db-connection-details (keyword direction)))
:load-from-h2 (fn [& [h2-connection-string-or-nil]]
(require 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2/load-from-h2!) h2-connection-string-or-nil))})
;;; ---------------------------------------- Special Commands ----------------------------------------
(defn ^:command migrate
"Run database migrations. Valid options for DIRECTION are `up`, `force`, `down-one`, `print`, or `release-locks`."
(db/migrate! @db/db-connection-details (keyword direction)))
(defn ^:command load-from-h2
"Transfer data from existing H2 database to the newly created MySQL or Postgres DB specified by env vars."
(load-from-h2 nil))
(require 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2/load-from-h2!) h2-connection-string)))
(defn ^:command profile
"Start Metabase the usual way and exit. Useful for profiling Metabase launch time."
;; override env var that would normally make Jetty block forever
(intern 'environ.core 'env (assoc environ.core/env :mb-jetty-join "false"))
(u/profile "start-normally" (start-normally)))
(defn ^:command help
"Show this help message listing valid Metabase commands."
(println "Valid commands are:")
(doseq [[symb varr] (sort (ns-interns 'metabase.core))
:when (:command (meta varr))]
(println symb (s/join " " (:arglists (meta varr))))
(println "\t" (:doc (meta varr)))))
(defn- cmd->fn [command-name]
(or (when (seq command-name)
(when-let [varr (ns-resolve 'metabase.core (symbol command-name))]
(when (:command (meta varr))
(do (println (u/format-color 'red "Unrecognized command: %s" command-name))
(System/exit 1))))
(defn- run-cmd [cmd & args]
(let [f (or (cmd->fn cmd)
(do (println (u/format-color 'red "Unrecognized command: %s" (name cmd)))
(println "Valid commands are:\n" (u/pprint-to-str (map name (keys cmd->fn))))
(System/exit 1)))]
(try (apply f args)
(catch Throwable e
(.printStackTrace e)
(println (u/format-color 'red "Command failed with exception: %s" (.getMessage e)))
(System/exit 1)))
(println "Success.")
(System/exit 0)))
(try (apply (cmd->fn cmd) args)
(catch Throwable e
(.printStackTrace e)
(println (u/format-color 'red "Command failed with exception: %s" (.getMessage e)))
(System/exit 1)))
(System/exit 0))
;;; ---------------------------------------- App Entry Point ----------------------------------------
(defn -main
"Launch Metabase in standalone mode."
[& [cmd & args]]
(if cmd
(apply run-cmd (keyword cmd) args) ; run a command like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks` or `lein run migrate release-locks`
(start-normally))) ; with no command line args just start Metabase normally
(apply run-cmd cmd args) ; run a command like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks` or `lein run migrate release-locks`
(start-normally))) ; with no command line args just start Metabase normally
......@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
;; This is the very first log message that will get printed.
;; It's here because this is one of the very first namespaces that gets loaded, and the first that has access to the logger
;; It shows up a solid 10-15 seconds before the "Starting Metabase in STANDALONE mode" message because so many other namespaces need to get loaded
(log/info "Loading Metabase...")
;; Set the default width for pprinting to 200 instead of 72. The default width is too narrow and wastes a lot of space for pprinting huge things like expanded queries
(intern 'clojure.pprint '*print-right-margin* 200)
......@@ -707,3 +712,11 @@
(map? object-or-id) (recur (:id object-or-id))
(integer? object-or-id) object-or-id
:else (throw (Exception. (str "Not something with an ID: " object-or-id)))))
(defmacro profile
"Like `clojure.core/time`, but lets you specify a message that gets printed with the total time, and formats the time nicely using `format-nanoseconds`."
{:style/indent 1}
[message & body]
`(let [start-time# (System/nanoTime)]
(prog1 (do ~@body)
(println (format-color '~'green "%s took %s" ~message (format-nanoseconds (- (System/nanoTime) start-time#)))))))
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