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Unverified Commit 15b75f6e authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #9399 from metabase/fix-turkish-metabase

Fix starting Metabase with Locale = turkish
parents 40b1c32d 6de841e6
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......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
[net.sf.cssbox/cssbox "4.12" :exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-api]] ; HTML / CSS rendering
[org.clojars.pntblnk/clj-ldap "0.0.16"] ; LDAP client
[org.flatland/ordered "1.5.7"] ; ordered maps & sets
[org.liquibase/liquibase-core "3.6.2" ; migration management (Java lib)
[org.liquibase/liquibase-core "3.6.3" ; migration management (Java lib)
:exclusions [ch.qos.logback/logback-classic]]
[org.mariadb.jdbc/mariadb-java-client "2.3.0"] ; MySQL/MariaDB driver
[org.postgresql/postgresql "42.2.5"] ; Postgres driver
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
;;; | MIGRATE! |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(def ^:private ^:const ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(def ^:private ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(defn- migrations-sql
"Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun `liquibase` migrations."
......@@ -450,11 +450,12 @@
[& {:keys [db-details auto-migrate]
:or {db-details @db-connection-details
auto-migrate true}}]
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(reset! setup-db-has-been-called? true))
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(reset! setup-db-has-been-called? true)))
(defn setup-db-if-needed!
"Call `setup-db!` if DB is not already setup; otherwise this does nothing."
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
[ring.util.codec :as codec])
(:import [ InetAddress InetSocketAddress Socket]
[java.text Normalizer Normalizer$Form]
;; This is the very first log message that will get printed.
;; It's here because this is one of the very first namespaces that gets loaded, and the first that has access to the logger
......@@ -652,7 +653,56 @@
(defmacro varargs
"Make a properly-tagged Java interop varargs argument."
"Make a properly-tagged Java interop varargs argument.
(u/varargs String)
(u/varargs String [\"A\" \"B\"])"
{:style/indent 1}
[klass & [objects]]
(vary-meta `(into-array ~klass ~objects)
assoc :tag (format "[L%s;" (.getCanonicalName ^Class (ns-resolve *ns* klass)))))
(def ^:private do-with-us-locale-lock (Object.))
(defn do-with-us-locale
"Implementation for `with-us-locale` macro; see below."
;; Since I'm 99% sure default Locale isn't thread-local we better put a lock in place here so we don't end up with
;; the following race condition:
;; Thread 1 ....*.............................*........................*...........*
;; ^getDefault() -> Turkish ^setDefault(US) ^(f) ^setDefault(Turkish)
;; Thread 2 ....................................*....................*................*......*
;; ^getDefault() -> US ^setDefault(US) ^(f) ^setDefault(US)
(locking do-with-us-locale-lock
(let [original-locale (Locale/getDefault)]
(Locale/setDefault Locale/US)
(Locale/setDefault original-locale))))))
(defmacro with-us-locale
"Execute `body` with the default system locale temporarily set to `locale`. Why would you want to do this? Tons of
code relies on `String/toUpperCase` which converts a string to uppercase based on the default locale. Normally, this
does what you'd expect, but when the default locale is Turkish, all hell breaks loose:
;; Locale is Turkish / -Duser.language=tr
(.toUpperCase \"filename\") ;; -> \"FİLENAME\"
Rather than submit PRs to every library in the world to use `(.toUpperCase <str> Locale/US)`, it's simpler just to
temporarily bind the default Locale to something predicatable (i.e. US English) when doing something important that
tends to break like running Liquibase migrations.)
Note that because `Locale/setDefault` and `Locale/getDefault` aren't thread-local (as far as I know) I've had to put
a lock in place to prevent race conditions where threads simulataneously attempt to fetch and change the default
Locale. Thus this macro should be used sparingly, and only in places that are already single-threaded (such as the
launch code that runs Liquibase).
DO NOT use this macro in API endpoints or other places that are multithreaded or performance will be negatively
impacted. (You shouldn't have a good reason for using this there anyway. Rewrite your code to pass `Locale/US` when
you call `.toUpperCase` or `str/upper-case`. Only use this macro if the calls in question are part of a 3rd-party
{:style/indent 0}
[& body]
`(do-with-us-locale (fn [] ~@body)))
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