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Add aggregation expression support for mongo (#28061)

parent 6d7ac621
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......@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
(doseq [feature [:basic-aggregations
......@@ -900,62 +900,96 @@
{:group {(annotate/aggregation-name ag) (aggregation->rvalue ag)}})
(defn- extract-aggregation
"Separate the expression `aggregation` named `aggr-name` into two parts:
an simple expression and an aggregation expression, where the simple expression
references the result of the aggregation expression such that first evaluating
the aggregation expression and binding its result to `aggr-name` and then
evaluating the simple expression in this context, the result is the same as
evaluating the whole expression `aggregation`.
This separation is necessary, because MongoDB doesn't support embedding
aggregations in `normal' expressions.
For example the aggregation
[:+ [:/ [:sum
[:case [[[:< [:field 12 nil] [:field 7 nil]]
[:field 12 nil]]]
{:default 0}]]
{:name \"expression\"}]
is transformed into the simple expression
[:+ [:/ \"$expression\" 2] 1]
and the aggregation expression
[:case [[[:< [:field 12 nil] [:field 7 nil]]
[:field 12 nil]]]
{:default 0}]]
{:name \"expression\"}]"
[aggregation aggr-name]
(when (and (vector? aggregation) (seq aggregation))
(let [[op & args] aggregation]
(= op :aggregation-options)
(let [[embedding-expr aggregation'] (extract-aggregation (first args) aggr-name)]
[embedding-expr (into [:aggregation-options aggregation'] (rest args))])
(aggregation-op op)
[(str \$ aggr-name) aggregation]
(let [ges (map #(extract-aggregation % aggr-name) args)
[embedding-expr aggregation'] (first (filter some? ges))]
(when-not aggregation'
(ex-info (tru "Don''t know how to handle aggregation {0}" aggregation)
{:type :invalid-query, :clause aggregation})))
[(into [op] (map (fn [arg ge] (if ge embedding-expr arg)) args ges))
(defn- expand-embedded-aggregation [aggregation]
(let [aggr-name (annotate/aggregation-name aggregation)
[embedding-expr aggregation-expr] (extract-aggregation aggregation aggr-name)
expanded (expand-aggregation aggregation-expr)]
(cond-> expanded
(not (string? embedding-expr))
(update :post conj {aggr-name (->rvalue embedding-expr)}))))
(defn- extract-aggregations
"Extract aggregation expressions embedded in `aggr-expr` using `parent-name`
as a namespace for the names introduced for the aggregation expressions.
The function returns a pair with the first element an expression like
`aggr-expr` with aggregations replaced by new names. The second element of
the pair is a map from the extracted aggregations to the new names conjoined
on `aggregations-seen`. `:aggregation-option`s are ignored.
For example, given \"expression\" as `parent-name`, the expression
[:aggregation-options [:+ [:count [:field 1144 nil]]
[:* [:count [:field 1144 nil]]
[:sum [:+ [:field 1142 nil] 1]]]]
{:name \"expression\"}]
is mapped to
[[:+ \"$expression~count\" [:* \"$expression~count\" \"$expression~sum\"]]
{[:count [:field 1144 nil]] \"expression~count\"
[:sum [:+ [:field 1142 nil] 1]] \"expression~sum\"}]"
([aggr-expr parent-name] (extract-aggregations aggr-expr parent-name {}))
([aggr-expr parent-name aggregations-seen]
(if (and (vector? aggr-expr) (seq aggr-expr))
(let [[op & args] aggr-expr
seen (get aggregations-seen aggr-expr)]
[(str \$ seen) aggregations-seen]
(= :aggregation-options op)
(extract-aggregations (first args) parent-name aggregations-seen)
(aggregation-op op)
(let [aggr-name (str parent-name "~" (annotate/aggregation-name aggr-expr))]
[(str \$ aggr-name) (assoc aggregations-seen aggr-expr aggr-name)])
(reduce (fn [[ges as] arg]
(let [[ge as] (extract-aggregations arg parent-name as)]
[(conj ges ge) as]))
[[op] aggregations-seen]
[aggr-expr aggregations-seen])))
(defn- simplify-extracted-aggregations
"Simplifies the extracted aggregation ()for `aggr-name` if the expression
contains only a single top-level aggregation. In this case there is no
need for namespacing and `aggr-name` can be used as the name of the group
introduced for the aggregation.
`extracted-aggr` is typically the result of [[extract-aggregations]]."
[aggr-name [aggr-expr aggregations-seen :as extracted-aggr]]
(if-let [aggr-group (and (string? aggr-expr)
(str/starts-with? aggr-expr (str \$ aggr-name "~"))
(= (count aggregations-seen) 1)
(let [[k v] (first aggregations-seen)]
(when (= v (subs aggr-expr 1))
[(str \$ aggr-name) {aggr-group aggr-name}]
(defn- expand-aggregations
"Expands the aggregations in `aggr-expr` into groupings and post processing
expressions. The return value is a map with the following keys:
`:group` - a map containing the groups of aggregation expression,
`:post` - a vector of maps containing the expressions referring to the
fields generated by the groups. Each map in the `:post` vector may (and
usually does) refer to the fields introduced by the preceding maps."
(let [aggr-name (annotate/aggregation-name aggr-expr)
[aggr-expr' aggregations-seen] (simplify-extracted-aggregations
(extract-aggregations aggr-expr aggr-name))
raggr-expr (->rvalue aggr-expr')
expandeds (map (fn [[aggr name]]
(expand-aggregation [:aggregation-options aggr {:name name}]))
{:group (into {} (map :group) expandeds)
:post (cond-> [(into {} (mapcat :post) expandeds)]
(not= raggr-expr (str \$ aggr-name)) (conj {aggr-name raggr-expr}))}))
(defn- order-postprocessing
"Takes a sequence of post processing vectors (see [[expand-aggregations]]) and
returns a sequence with the maps at the same index merged.
This is an optimization to reduce the number of stages in the pipeline and
assumes that
a) maps can only depend on maps preceding them in their own vector and
b) the keys in the maps at the same level are unique."
(when (seq posts)
(for [i (range (apply max (map count posts)))]
(into {} (map #(get % i)) posts))))
(defn- group-and-post-aggregations
"Mongo is picky about which top-level aggregations it allows with groups. Eg. even
......@@ -967,11 +1001,11 @@
of preceding stages.
The intermittent results accrued in `$group` stage are discarded in the final `$project` stage."
[id aggregations]
(let [expanded-ags (map expand-embedded-aggregation aggregations)
(let [expanded-ags (map expand-aggregations aggregations)
group-ags (mapcat :group expanded-ags)
post-ags (mapcat :post expanded-ags)]
post-ags (order-postprocessing (map :post expanded-ags))]
(into [{$group (into (ordered-map/ordered-map "_id" id) group-ags)}]
(map (fn [p] {:$addFields p}))
(keep (fn [p] (when (seq p) {:$addFields p})))
(defn- projection-group-map [fields]
......@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@
{:native []}
:joins [{:source-query "wow"}]}}))))))
(deftest order-postprocessing-test
(is (= [{"expression_2~share" {"$divide" ["$count-where-141638" "$count-141639"]}}
{"expression" {"$add" ["$expression~count" {"$multiply" ["$expression~count" "$expression~sum"]}]}
"expression_2" {"$multiply" [2 "$expression_2~share"]}}]
[[{} {"expression" {"$add" ["$expression~count" {"$multiply" ["$expression~count" "$expression~sum"]}]}}]
[{"expression_2~share" {"$divide" ["$count-where-141638" "$count-141639"]}}
{"expression_2" {"$multiply" [2 "$expression_2~share"]}}]]))))
(deftest relative-datetime-test
(mt/test-driver :mongo
(testing "Make sure relative datetimes are compiled sensibly"
......@@ -49,8 +60,8 @@
:mbql? true}
(mt/mbql-query attempts
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter [:time-interval $datetime :last :month]})))))))))
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter [:time-interval $datetime :last :month]})))))))))
(deftest absolute-datetime-test
(mt/test-driver :mongo
......@@ -114,6 +114,23 @@
[:* [:count $id] [:sum $price]]]]
:breakout [$price]})))))))
(deftest nested-post-multi-aggregation-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
(testing "nested post-aggregation math: count + (count * sum)"
(is (= [[1 990 22 22 2.0]
[2 10502 59 59 2.0]
[3 689 13 13 2.0]
[4 186 6 6 0.0]]
(mt/formatted-rows [int int int int float]
(mt/run-mbql-query venues
{:aggregation [[:+
[:count $id]
[:* [:count $id] [:sum [:+ $price 1]]]]
[:count $id]
[:* 2 [:share [:< $price 4]]]]
:breakout [$price]})))))))
(deftest math-inside-aggregations-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
(testing "post aggregation math + math inside aggregations: max(venue_price) + min(venue_price - id)"
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