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Commit 18712b24 authored by Ryan Senior's avatar Ryan Senior
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Added dimension_options to the query_metadata response

parent e1929ea9
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......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"/api/table endpoints."
(:require [ :as log]
[compojure.core :refer [GET PUT]]
[medley.core :as m]
[sync-database :as sync-database]
[util :as u]]
......@@ -76,6 +77,70 @@
(sync-database/sync-table! updated-table))
(def ^:private dimension-options
(zipmap (map str (range))
(map (fn [[name param]]
{:name name
:mbql ["datetime-field" nil param]
:type :type/DateTime})
[["Minute" "minute"]
["Minute of Hour" "minute-of-hour"]
["Hour" "hour"]
["Hour of Day" "hour-of-day"]
["Day" "day"]
["Day of Week" "day-of-week"]
["Day of Month" "day-of-month"]
["Day of Year" "day-of-year"]
["Week" "week"]
["Week of Year" "week-of-year"]
["Month" "month"]
["Month of Year" "month-of-year"]
["Quarter" "quarter"]
["Quarter of Year" "quarter-of-year"]
["Year" "year"]])
(map (fn [[name params]]
{:name name
:mbql (apply vector "binning-strategy" nil params)
:type :type/Numeric})
[["Quantized by the default binning strategy for the field" ["default"]]
["Quantized by the 10 equally sized bins" ["num-bins" 10]]
["Quantized by the 50 equally sized bins" ["num-bins" 50]]
["Quantized by the 100 equally sized bins" ["num-bins" 100]]]))))
(def ^:private dimension-options-for-response
(m/map-vals #(dissoc % :type) dimension-options))
(def ^:private datetime-dimension-indexes
(->> dimension-options
(m/filter-kv (fn [k v] (isa? (:type v) :type/DateTime)))
(def ^:private numeric-dimension-indexes
(->> dimension-options
(m/filter-kv (fn [k v] (isa? (:type v) :type/Numeric)))
(defn- assoc-dimension-options [resp]
(-> resp
(assoc :dimension_options dimension-options-for-response)
(update :fields (fn [fields]
(mapv (fn [{:keys [base_type] :as field}]
(assoc field
(isa? base_type :type/Number)
(isa? base_type :type/DateTime)
(api/defendpoint GET "/:id/query_metadata"
"Get metadata about a `Table` useful for running queries.
......@@ -87,6 +152,7 @@
{include_sensitive_fields (s/maybe su/BooleanString)}
(-> (api/read-check Table id)
(hydrate :db [:fields :target] :field_values :segments :metrics)
(update-in [:fields] (if (Boolean/parseBoolean include_sensitive_fields)
;; If someone passes include_sensitive_fields return hydrated :fields as-is
(ns metabase.api.table-test
"Tests for /api/table endpoints."
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[expectations :refer :all]
[driver :as driver]
[http-client :as http]
......@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
(resolve-private-vars metabase.models.table pk-field-id)
(resolve-private-vars metabase.api.table dimension-options-for-response datetime-dimension-indexes numeric-dimension-indexes)
;; ## /api/org/* AUTHENTICATION Tests
......@@ -129,10 +131,15 @@
(perms/delete-related-permissions! (perms-group/all-users) (perms/object-path database-id))
((user->client :rasta) :get 403 (str "table/" table-id))))
(defn- query-metadata-defaults []
(->> dimension-options-for-response
(assoc (table-defaults) :dimension_options)))
;; ## GET /api/table/:id/query_metadata
(merge (table-defaults)
(merge (query-metadata-defaults)
(match-$ (hydrate/hydrate (Table (id :categories)) :field_values)
{:schema "PUBLIC"
......@@ -151,7 +158,8 @@
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $
:min_value 1.0
:max_value 75.0}))
:max_value 75.0
:dimension_options (var-get numeric-dimension-indexes)}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field (id :categories :name))
{:special_type "type/Name"
:name "NAME"
......@@ -163,7 +171,8 @@
:base_type "type/Text"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))])
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options []}))])
:rows 75
:updated_at $
:id (id :categories)
......@@ -194,7 +203,7 @@
;;; GET api/table/:id/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields
;;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values themselves
(merge (table-defaults)
(merge (query-metadata-defaults)
(match-$ (Table (id :users))
{:schema "PUBLIC"
:name "USERS"
......@@ -213,7 +222,8 @@
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $
:min_value 1.0
:max_value 15.0}))
:max_value 15.0
:dimension_options (var-get numeric-dimension-indexes)}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field (id :users :last_login))
{:special_type nil
:name "LAST_LOGIN"
......@@ -225,7 +235,8 @@
:visibility_type "normal"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options (var-get datetime-dimension-indexes)}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
{:special_type "type/Name"
:name "NAME"
......@@ -237,7 +248,8 @@
:visibility_type "normal"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options []}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field :table_id (id :users), :name "PASSWORD")
{:special_type "type/Category"
:name "PASSWORD"
......@@ -249,7 +261,8 @@
:visibility_type "sensitive"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))])
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options []}))])
:rows 15
:updated_at $
:id (id :users)
......@@ -276,7 +289,7 @@
;;; GET api/table/:id/query_metadata
;;; Make sure that getting the User table does *not* include password info
(merge (table-defaults)
(merge (query-metadata-defaults)
(match-$ (Table (id :users))
{:schema "PUBLIC"
:name "USERS"
......@@ -294,7 +307,8 @@
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $
:min_value 1.0
:max_value 15.0}))
:max_value 15.0
:dimension_options (var-get numeric-dimension-indexes)}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field (id :users :last_login))
{:special_type nil
:name "LAST_LOGIN"
......@@ -305,7 +319,8 @@
:base_type "type/DateTime"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options (var-get datetime-dimension-indexes)}))
(merge defaults (match-$ (Field (id :users :name))
{:special_type "type/Name"
:name "NAME"
......@@ -316,7 +331,8 @@
:base_type "type/Text"
:fk_target_field_id $
:raw_column_id $
:last_analyzed $}))])
:last_analyzed $
:dimension_options []}))])
:rows 15
:updated_at $
:id (id :users)
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