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Unverified Commit 1c6e8109 authored by Bryan Maass's avatar Bryan Maass Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Use all text scorers in the final result to increase scoring signal (#26026)

* Uses all text scorers in the final result

- instead of just the maximum one
- add tests

* add prefix scorer test + fix text-score-with

* linter fixes

* pass in number of results to find

* refactor test function

* fix linter by removing unused namespace: metabase.util

* limit arity of serialize to 3

* make oss-score and ee-score different things

- They were defined to be exactly the same, but should be different!
- Update some tests that broke when a test function was fixed

* remove extra let

* move rseq back out of sorted-take

* improve test feedback

* force weight of text based scorers always weigh 10

* handle 0 score/weights when normalizing scores

* add nil check

* fix more subtle test differences

* more test fiddling

- still test that :offset and :limit respect limits

* reuse bit->boolean from api collection

* clean up some tests

- filter -> remove
- replace some magic numbers
- revert to testing entire maps instead of names of sorted items

* add test, docstring, and weight

* sort ns requires

* responding to most of the review comments

* start our zero-score sum check with 0

* do not tokenize / normalize nil raw-search-string

* force equality in basic search test

* modify test to work in dev and test environments

* use display_name in results when appropriate

- This was looking for the _first_ column that had a non-zero score, but
actually we need to consider all relevant columns.
- Uses them to figure out if there is a display name, and if there is,
to use it.
- Coppied over the logic about showing :context from the prior approach
parent deeaed9c
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.math.combinatorics :as math.combo]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[java-time :as t]
[ :as ee-scoring]
[metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
......@@ -18,67 +21,108 @@
(is (= [1 3 2] (score [(item 1 "verified") (item 2 nil) (item 3 nil)]))))))
(defn- ee-score
(fn [item]
(with-redefs [#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} premium-features/enable-enhancements? (constantly true)]
(-> (scoring/score-and-result search-string item) :score))))
[search-string item]
(with-redefs [#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
premium-features/enable-enhancements? (constantly true)]
(-> (scoring/score-and-result search-string item) :score)))
(defn- oss-score
(fn [item]
(with-redefs [#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} premium-features/enable-enhancements? (constantly false)]
(-> (scoring/score-and-result search-string item) :score))))
[search-string item]
(with-redefs [#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
premium-features/enable-enhancements? (constantly false)]
(-> (scoring/score-and-result search-string item) :score)))
(deftest official-collection-tests
(testing "it should bump up the value of items in official collections"
;; using the ee implementation that isn't wrapped by enable-enhancements? check
(let [search-string "custom expression examples"
ee-score (ee-score search-string)
oss-score (oss-score search-string)
labeled-results {:a {:name "custom expression examples" :model "dashboard"}
:b {:name "examples of custom expressions" :model "dashboard"}
:c {:name "customer success stories"
:dashboardcard_count 50
:updated_at (t/offset-date-time)
:collection_position 1
:model "dashboard"}
:d {:name "customer examples of bad sorting" :model "dashboard"}}
{:keys [a b c d]} labeled-results]
(let [search-string "custom expression examples"
a {:id "a" :name "custom expression examples" :model "dashboard"}
b {:id "b" :name "examples of custom expressions" :model "dashboard"}
c {:id "c"
:name "customer success stories"
:dashboardcard_count 50
:updated_at (t/offset-date-time)
:collection_position 1
:model "dashboard"}
d {:id "d" :name "customer examples of bad sorting" :model "dashboard"}]
(doseq [item [a b c d]]
(is (> (ee-score (assoc item :collection_authority_level "official")) (ee-score item))
(str "Item not greater for model: " (:model item))))
(let [items (shuffle [a b c d])]
(is (= (sort-by oss-score items)
;; assert that the ordering remains the same even if scores are slightly different
(sort-by ee-score items)))
(is (= ["customer examples of bad sorting"
"customer success stories"
"examples of custom expressions"
"custom expression examples"]
(map :name (sort-by oss-score [a b c d]))))
(is (= ["customer success stories"
"customer examples of bad sorting" ;; bumped up slightly in results
"examples of custom expressions"
"custom expression examples"]
(map :name (sort-by ee-score [a b c
(assoc d :collection_authority_level "official")])))))))
(is (> (ee-score search-string (assoc item :collection_authority_level "official"))
(ee-score search-string item))
(str "Score should be greater for item: " item " vs " (assoc item :collection_authority_level "official"))))
(is (= ["customer examples of bad sorting"
"customer success stories"
"examples of custom expressions"
"custom expression examples"]
(mapv :name (sort-by #(oss-score search-string %)
(shuffle [a b c d])))))
(is (= ["customer examples of bad sorting"
"customer success stories"
"examples of custom expressions"
"custom expression examples"]
(mapv :name (sort-by #(ee-score search-string %)
(shuffle [a b c (assoc d :collection_authority_level "official")])))))))
(testing "It should bump up the value of verified items"
(let [search-string "foo"
dashboard-count #(assoc % :dashboardcard_count 0)
ee-score (comp (ee-score search-string) dashboard-count)
oss-score (comp (oss-score search-string) dashboard-count)
labeled-results {:a {:name "foobar" :model "card" :id :a}
:b {:name "foo foo" :model "card" :id :b}
:c {:name "foo foo foo" :model "card" :id :c}}
{:keys [a b c]} labeled-results]
(let [ss "foo"
a {:name "foobar"
:model "card"
:id :a
:dashboardcard_count 0}
b {:name "foo foo"
:model "card"
:id :b
:dashboardcard_count 0}
c {:name "foo foo foo"
:model "card"
:id :c
:dashboardcard_count 0}]
(doseq [item [a b c]]
(is (> (ee-score (assoc item :moderated_status "verified")) (ee-score item))
(is (> (ee-score ss (assoc item :moderated_status "verified"))
(ee-score ss item))
(str "Item not greater for model: " (:model item))))
(let [items (shuffle [a b c])]
(is (= (sort-by oss-score items) (sort-by ee-score items))))
;; a is sorted lowest here (sort-by is ascending)
(is (= [:a :c :b] (map :id (sort-by ee-score [a b c]))))
;; a is verified and is now last or highest score
(is (= [:c :b :a]
(is (= (sort-by #(oss-score ss %) items)
(sort-by #(ee-score ss %) items))))
(is (= [:c :b :a] (map :id (sort-by #(ee-score ss %) [a b c]))))
;; c is verified and is now last or highest score
(is (= [:b :a :c]
(map :id
(sort-by ee-score [(assoc a :moderated_status "verified") b c])))))))
(sort-by #(ee-score ss %)
(assoc c :moderated_status "verified")])))))))
(defn- all-permutations-all-orders
"(all-permutations-all-orders [1]) ;; => [[] [1]]
(all-permutations-all-orders [1 2])
;; => [[] [1] [2] [1 2] [2 1]]
(all-permutations-all-orders [1 2 3])
;; => [[] ;; size 0
;; [1] [2] [3] ;; size 1
;; [1 2] [2 1] [1 3] [3 1] [2 3] [3 2] ;; size 2
;; [1 2 3] [1 3 2] [2 1 3] [2 3 1] [3 1 2] [3 2 1]] ;; size 3
{:pre [(> 10 (count values))]}
(mapv vec (mapcat math.combo/permutations (math.combo/subsets values))))
(defn test-corups [words]
(let [corpus (->> words
(mapv #(str/join " " %))
(remove #{""}))
the-query (json/generate-string {:type :query :query {:source-table 1}})
->query (fn [n] {:name n :dataset_query the-query})
results (map ->query corpus)]
(doseq [search-string corpus]
(is (= search-string
(-> (scoring/top-results
(map #( search-string %)))
(deftest identical-results-result-in-identical-hits
(test-corups ["foo" "bar"])
(test-corups ["foo" "bar" "baz"])
(test-corups ["foo" "bar" "baz" "quux"]))
......@@ -297,13 +297,6 @@
[_ collection options]
(card-query false collection options))
(defn- bit->boolean
"Coerce a bit returned by some MySQL/MariaDB versions in some situations to Boolean."
(if (number? v)
(not (zero? v))
(defn- fully-parametrized-text?
"Decide if `text`, usually (a part of) a query, is fully parametrized given the parameter types
described by `template-tags` (usually the template tags of a native query).
......@@ -347,7 +340,7 @@
(defn- post-process-card-row [row]
(-> row
(dissoc :authority_level :icon :personal_owner_id :dataset_query)
(update :collection_preview bit->boolean)
(update :collection_preview api/bit->boolean)
(assoc :fully_parametrized (fully-parametrized-query? row))))
(defmethod post-process-collection-children :card
......@@ -538,3 +538,10 @@
(catch Throwable e#
(~raise e#))))
(defn bit->boolean
"Coerce a bit returned by some MySQL/MariaDB versions in some situations to Boolean."
(if (number? v)
(not (zero? v))
......@@ -443,33 +443,29 @@
(s/defn ^:private search
"Builds a search query that includes all of the searchable entities and runs it"
[search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(letfn [(bit->boolean [v]
(if (number? v)
(not (zero? v))
(let [search-query (full-search-query search-ctx)
_ (log/tracef "Searching with query:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str search-query))
reducible-results (db/reducible-query search-query :max-rows search-config/*db-max-results*)
xf (comp
(filter check-permissions-for-model)
;; MySQL returns `:bookmark` and `:archived` as `1` or `0` so convert those to boolean as needed
(map #(update % :bookmark bit->boolean))
(map #(update % :archived bit->boolean))
(map (partial scoring/score-and-result (:search-string search-ctx)))
(filter #(pos? (:score %))))
total-results (scoring/top-results reducible-results xf)]
;; We get to do this slicing and dicing with the result data because
;; the pagination of search is for UI improvement, not for performance.
;; We intend for the cardinality of the search results to be below the default max before this slicing occurs
{:total (count total-results)
:data (cond->> total-results
(some? (:offset-int search-ctx)) (drop (:offset-int search-ctx))
(some? (:limit-int search-ctx)) (take (:limit-int search-ctx)))
:available_models (query-model-set search-ctx)
:limit (:limit-int search-ctx)
:offset (:offset-int search-ctx)
:table_db_id (:table-db-id search-ctx)
:models (:models search-ctx)})))
(let [search-query (full-search-query search-ctx)
_ (log/tracef "Searching with query:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str search-query))
reducible-results (db/reducible-query search-query :max-rows search-config/*db-max-results*)
xf (comp
(filter check-permissions-for-model)
;; MySQL returns `:bookmark` and `:archived` as `1` or `0` so convert those to boolean as needed
(map #(update % :bookmark api/bit->boolean))
(map #(update % :archived api/bit->boolean))
(map (partial scoring/score-and-result (:search-string search-ctx)))
(filter #(pos? (:score %))))
total-results (scoring/top-results reducible-results search-config/max-filtered-results xf)]
;; We get to do this slicing and dicing with the result data because
;; the pagination of search is for UI improvement, not for performance.
;; We intend for the cardinality of the search results to be below the default max before this slicing occurs
{:total (count total-results)
:data (cond->> total-results
(some? (:offset-int search-ctx)) (drop (:offset-int search-ctx))
(some? (:limit-int search-ctx)) (take (:limit-int search-ctx)))
:available_models (query-model-set search-ctx)
:limit (:limit-int search-ctx)
:offset (:offset-int search-ctx)
:table_db_id (:table-db-id search-ctx)
:models (:models search-ctx)}))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Endpoint |
......@@ -81,31 +81,29 @@
{:is_match is-match
:text (tokens->string text-tokens (not is-match))})))))
(defn- text-score-with
"Scores a search result. Returns a map with the score and other info about the text match,
if there is one. If there is no match, the score is 0."
(defn- text-scores-with
"Scores a search result. Returns a vector of score maps, each containing `:weight`, `:score`, and other info about
the text match, if there is one. If there is no match, the score is 0."
[weighted-scorers query-tokens search-result]
(let [total-weight (reduce + (map :weight weighted-scorers))
scores (for [column (search-config/searchable-columns-for-model (:model search-result))
:let [matched-text (-> search-result
(get column)
(search-config/column->string (:model search-result) column))
match-tokens (some-> matched-text normalize tokenize)
score (and matched-text
(reduce (fn [tally f]
(+ tally
(f query-tokens match-tokens)))
(map :scorer weighted-scorers)))]
:when (and matched-text
(pos? score))]
{:score (/ score total-weight)
:match matched-text
:match-context-thunk #(match-context query-tokens match-tokens)
:column column})]
;; TODO is pmap over search-result worth it?
(let [scores (for [column (search-config/searchable-columns-for-model (:model search-result))
{:keys [scorer name weight]
:as _ws} weighted-scorers
:let [matched-text (-> search-result
(get column)
(search-config/column->string (:model search-result) column))
match-tokens (some-> matched-text normalize tokenize)
raw-score (scorer query-tokens match-tokens)]
:when (and matched-text (pos? raw-score))]
{:score raw-score
:name (str "text-" name)
:weight weight
:match matched-text
:match-context-thunk #(match-context query-tokens match-tokens)
:column column})]
(if (seq scores)
(apply max-key :score scores)
{:score 0})))
(vec scores)
[{:score 0 :weight 0}])))
(defn- consecutivity-scorer
[query-tokens match-tokens]
......@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@
(count query-tokens)))
(defn fullness-scorer
"How much of the *result* is covered by the search query?"
"How much of the result is covered by the search query?"
[query-tokens match-tokens]
(let [match-token-count (count match-tokens)]
(if (zero? match-token-count)
......@@ -146,15 +144,36 @@
(/ (occurrences query-tokens match-tokens matches-in?)
(defn- prefix-counter
[query-string item-string]
(fn [cnt [a b]]
(if (= a b) (inc cnt) (reduced cnt)))
(map vector query-string item-string)))
(defn- count-token-chars
"Tokens is a seq of strings, like [\"abc\" \"def\"]"
(fn [cnt x] (+ cnt (count x)))
(defn prefix-scorer
"How much does the search query match the beginning of the result? "
[query-tokens match-tokens]
(let [query (str/lower-case (str/join " " query-tokens))
match (str/lower-case (str/join " " match-tokens))]
(/ (prefix-counter query match)
(count-token-chars query-tokens))))
(def ^:private match-based-scorers
[{:scorer consecutivity-scorer
:weight 1}
{:scorer total-occurrences-scorer
:weight 1}
{:scorer fullness-scorer
:weight 1/2}
{:scorer exact-match-scorer
:weight 2}])
[{:scorer exact-match-scorer :name "exact-match" :weight 4}
{:scorer consecutivity-scorer :name "consecutivity" :weight 2}
{:scorer total-occurrences-scorer :name "total-occurrences" :weight 2}
{:scorer fullness-scorer :name "fullness" :weight 1}
{:scorer prefix-scorer :name "prefix" :weight 1}])
(def ^:private model->sort-position
(zipmap (reverse search-config/all-models) (range)))
......@@ -164,14 +183,13 @@
(/ (or (model->sort-position model) 0)
(count model->sort-position)))
(defn- text-score-with-match
(defn- text-scores-with-match
[raw-search-string result]
(if (seq raw-search-string)
(text-score-with match-based-scorers
(tokenize (normalize raw-search-string))
{:score 0
:match ""}))
(text-scores-with match-based-scorers
(tokenize (normalize raw-search-string))
[{:score 0 :weight 0}]))
(defn- pinned-score
[{:keys [model collection_position]}]
......@@ -209,31 +227,27 @@
(max (- stale-time days-ago) 0)
(defn- compare-score-and-result
"Compare maps of scores and results. Must return -1, 0, or 1. The score is assumed to be a vector, and will be
compared in order."
[{score-1 :score} {score-2 :score}]
(compare score-1 score-2))
(defn- serialize
"Massage the raw result from the DB and match data into something more useful for the client"
[result {:keys [column match-context-thunk]} scores]
(let [{:keys [name display_name
collection_id collection_name collection_authority_level collection_app_id]} result]
[result all-scores relevant-scores]
(let [{:keys [name display_name collection_id collection_name collection_authority_level
collection_app_id]} result
matching-columns (into #{} (remove nil? (map :column relevant-scores)))
match-context-thunk (first (keep :match-context-thunk relevant-scores))]
(-> result
:name (if (or (= column :name)
(nil? display_name))
:context (when (and (not (search-config/displayed-columns column))
:name (if (and (contains? matching-columns :display_name) display_name)
:context (when (and match-context-thunk
(remove matching-columns search-config/displayed-columns)))
:collection {:id collection_id
:name collection_name
:authority_level collection_authority_level
:app_id collection_app_id}
:scores scores)
:scores all-scores)
(update :dataset_query #(some-> % json/parse-string mbql.normalize/normalize))
......@@ -244,21 +258,11 @@
(defn weights-and-scores
"Default weights and scores for a given result."
[{:weight 2
:score (pinned-score result)
:name "pinned"}
{:weight 2
:score (bookmarked-score result)
:name "bookmarked"}
{:weight 3/2
:score (recency-score result)
:name "recency"}
{:weight 1
:score (dashboard-count-score result)
:name "dashboard"}
{:weight 1/2
:score (model-score result)
:name "model"}])
[{:weight 2 :score (pinned-score result) :name "pinned"}
{:weight 2 :score (bookmarked-score result) :name "bookmarked"}
{:weight 3/2 :score (recency-score result) :name "recency"}
{:weight 1 :score (dashboard-count-score result) :name "dashboard"}
{:weight 1/2 :score (model-score result) :name "model"}])
(defenterprise score-result
"Score a result, returning a collection of maps with score and weight. Should not include the text scoring, done
......@@ -271,31 +275,70 @@
(weights-and-scores result))
(defn- sum-weights [weights]
(fn [acc {:keys [weight] :or {weight 0}}]
(+ acc weight))
(defn- compute-normalized-score [scores]
(let [weight-sum (sum-weights scores)]
(if (zero? weight-sum)
(let [score-sum (reduce
(fn [acc {:keys [weight score]
:or {weight 0 score 0}}]
(+ acc (* score weight)))
(/ score-sum weight-sum)))))
(defn force-weight
"Reweight `scores` such that the sum of their weights equals `total`, and their proportions do not change."
[scores total]
(let [total-weight (sum-weights scores)
weight-calc-fn (if (contains? #{nil 0} total-weight)
(fn weight-calc-fn [_] 0)
(fn weight-calc-fn [weight] (* total (/ weight total-weight))))]
(mapv #(update % :weight weight-calc-fn) scores)))
(def ^:const text-scores-weight
"This is used to control the total weight of text-based scorers in [[score-and-result]]"
(defn score-and-result
"Returns a map with the `:score` and `:result`."
([raw-search-string result]
(let [text-match (text-score-with-match raw-search-string result)
text-score {:score (:score text-match)
:weight 10
:name "text score"}
scores (conj (score-result result) text-score)]
;; Searches with a blank search string mean "show me everything, ranked";
;; see for archived search.
;; If the search string is non-blank, results with no text match have a score of zero.
(if (or (str/blank? raw-search-string)
(pos? (:score text-match)))
{:score (/ (reduce + (map (fn [{:keys [weight score]}] (* weight score)) scores))
(reduce + (map :weight scores)))
:result (serialize result text-match scores)}
{:score 0}))))
"Returns a map with the normalized, combined score from relevant-scores as `:score` and `:result`."
[raw-search-string result]
(let [text-matches (-> raw-search-string
(text-scores-with-match result)
(force-weight text-scores-weight))
all-scores (into (vec (score-result result)) text-matches)
relevant-scores (remove #(= 0 (:score %)) all-scores)
total-score (compute-normalized-score all-scores)]
;; Searches with a blank search string mean "show me everything, ranked";
;; see for archived search.
;; If the search string is non-blank, results with no text match have a score of zero.
(if (or (str/blank? raw-search-string)
(pos? (reduce (fn [acc {:keys [score] :or {score 0}}] (+ acc score))
{:score total-score
:result (serialize result all-scores relevant-scores)}
{:score 0})))
(defn compare-score
"Compare maps of scores and results. Must return -1, 0, or 1. The score is assumed to be a vector, and will be
compared in order."
[{score-1 :score} {score-2 :score}]
(compare score-1 score-2))
(defn top-results
"Given a reducible collection (i.e., from `jdbc/reducible-query`) and a transforming function for it, applies the
transformation and returns a seq of the results sorted by score. The transforming function is expected to output
maps with `:score` and `:result` keys."
[reducible-results xf]
[reducible-results max-results xf]
(->> reducible-results
(transduce xf (u/sorted-take search-config/max-filtered-results compare-score-and-result))
;; Make it descending: high scores first
(transduce xf (u/sorted-take max-results compare-score))
(map :result)))
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
(def ^:private remove-databases
"Remove DBs from the results, which is useful since test databases unrelated to this suite can pollute the results"
(partial filter #(not= (:model %) "database")))
(partial remove #(= (:model %) "database")))
(defn- process-raw-data [raw-data keep-database-id]
(for [result raw-data
......@@ -215,16 +215,16 @@
(search-request-data :crowberto :q "test collection"))))))
(testing "It limits matches properly"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(is (= 2 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :limit "2" :offset "0"))))))
(is (>= 2 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :limit "2" :offset "0"))))))
(testing "It offsets matches properly"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(is (<= 4 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :limit "100" :offset "2"))))))
(testing "It offsets without limit properly"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(is (= 5 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :offset "2"))))))
(is (<= 5 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :offset "2"))))))
(testing "It limits without offset properly"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(is (= 2 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :limit "2"))))))
(is (>= 2 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :limit "2"))))))
(testing "It subsets matches for model"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(is (= 0 (count (search-request-data :crowberto :q "test" :models "database"))))
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
(defn- scorer->score
(comp :score
(partial #'scoring/text-score-with [{:weight 1 :scorer scorer}])))
(partial #'scoring/text-scores-with [{:weight 1 :scorer scorer}])))
(deftest ^:parallel consecutivity-scorer-test
(let [score (scorer->score #'scoring/consecutivity-scorer)]
......@@ -123,27 +124,41 @@
(score ["rasta" "the" "toucan"]
(result-row "Rasta the toucan"))))))
(deftest ^:parallel prefix-match-scorer-test
(let [score (scorer->score #'scoring/prefix-scorer)]
(is (= 5/9 (score ["Crowberto" "the" "toucan"]
(result-row "Crowberto el tucan"))))
(is (= 3/7
(score ["rasta" "the" "toucan"]
(result-row "Rasta el tucan"))))
(is (= 0
(score ["rasta" "the" "toucan"]
(result-row "Crowberto the toucan"))))))
(deftest ^:parallel top-results-test
(let [xf (map identity)]
(let [xf (map identity)
small 10
medium 20
large 200]
(testing "a non-full queue behaves normally"
(let [items (->> (range 10)
(let [items (->> (range small)
reverse ;; descending order
(map (fn [i]
{:score [2 2 i]
:result (str "item " i)})))]
(is (= (map :result items)
(scoring/top-results items xf)))))
(scoring/top-results items large xf)))))
(testing "a full queue only saves the top items"
(let [sorted-items (->> (+ 10 search-config/max-filtered-results)
(let [sorted-items (->> (+ small search-config/max-filtered-results)
reverse ;; descending order
(map (fn [i]
{:score [1 2 3 i]
:result (str "item " i)})))]
(is (= (->> sorted-items
(take search-config/max-filtered-results)
(take medium)
(map :result))
(scoring/top-results (shuffle sorted-items) xf)))))))
(scoring/top-results (shuffle sorted-items) 20 xf)))))))
(deftest ^:parallel match-context-test
(let [context #'scoring/match-context
......@@ -302,3 +317,19 @@
(is (nil? (-> {:name "dash" :model "dashboard"}
(#'scoring/serialize {} {})
(deftest force-weight-test
(is (= [{:weight 10}]
(scoring/force-weight [{:weight 1}] 10)))
(is (= [{:weight 5} {:weight 5}]
(scoring/force-weight [{:weight 1} {:weight 1}] 10)))
(is (= [{:weight 0} {:weight 10}]
(scoring/force-weight [{:weight 0} {:weight 1}] 10)))
(is (= 10 (count (scoring/force-weight (repeat 10 {:weight 1}) 10))))
(is (= #{[:weight 1]} (into #{} (first (scoring/force-weight (repeat 10 {:weight 1}) 10)))))
(is (= 100 (count (scoring/force-weight (repeat 100 {:weight 10}) 10))))
(is (= #{{:weight 1/10}} (into #{} (scoring/force-weight (repeat 100 {:weight 10}) 10)))))
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