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Commit 1e2b13f1 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
Browse files

move annotation to its own file

parent 4a527334
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......@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"
:aliases {"test" ["with-profile" "+expectations" "expectations"]}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[org.clojure/core.logic "0.8.10"]
[org.clojure/core.match "0.3.0-alpha4"] ; optimized pattern matching library for Clojure
[org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.4"] ; math functions like `ceil`
[org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.7"] ; needed by core.match; has useful FIFO, LRU, etc. caching mechanisms
[org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"] ; CSV parsing / generation
[org.clojure/java.classpath "0.2.2"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.3.7"] ; basic jdbc access from clojure
[org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.4"] ; math functions like `ceil`
[org.clojure/tools.logging "0.3.1"] ; logging framework
[org.clojure/tools.macro "0.1.5"] ; tools for writing macros
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.10"]
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
[swiss.arrows :refer [<<-]]
[metabase.db :refer :all]
[metabase.driver.interface :as i]
[metabase.driver.query-processor.expand :as expand]
(metabase.driver.query-processor [annotate :as annotate]
[expand :as expand])
(metabase.models [field :refer [Field], :as field]
[foreign-key :refer [ForeignKey]])
[metabase.util :as u]))
......@@ -195,219 +196,6 @@
(qp query)))
;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; ## Ordering
;; Fields should be returned in the following order:
;; 1. Breakout Fields
;; 2. Aggregation Fields (e.g. sum, count)
;; 3. Fields clause Fields, if they were added explicitly
;; 4. All other Fields, sorted by:
;; A. :position (ascending)
;; Users can manually specify default Field ordering for a Table in the Metadata admin. In that case, return Fields in the specified
;; order; most of the time they'll have the default value of 0, in which case we'll compare...
;; B. :special_type "group" -- :id Fields, then :name Fields, then everyting else
;; Attempt to put the most relevant Fields first. Order the Fields as follows:
;; 1. :id Fields
;; 2. :name Fields
;; 3. all other Fields
;; C. Field Name
;; When two Fields have the same :position and :special_type "group", fall back to sorting Fields alphabetically by name.
;; This is arbitrary, but it makes the QP deterministic by keeping the results in a consistent order, which makes it testable.
(defn- order-cols
"Construct a sequence of column keywords that should be used for pulling ordered rows from RESULTS.
FIELDS should be a sequence of all `Fields` for the `Table` associated with QUERY."
[{{breakout-fields :breakout, {ag-type :aggregation-type} :aggregation, fields-fields :fields, fields-is-implicit :fields-is-implicit} :query} results fields]
(let [;; Get all the column name keywords returned by the results
result-kws (set (keys (first results)))
valid-kw? (partial contains? result-kws)
breakout-ids (map :field-id breakout-fields)
breakout-kws (->> (for [field breakout-fields]
(->> (rest (expand/qualified-name-components field)) ; TODO - this "qualified name for results" should be calculated in the Query expander
(interpose ".")
(apply str)
(filter valid-kw?))
fields-ids (map :field-id fields-fields)
field-id->field (zipmap (map :id fields) fields)
;; Get IDs from Fields clause *if* it was added explicitly and other all other Field IDs for Table.
fields-ids (when-not fields-is-implicit fields-ids)
all-field-ids (->> fields ; Sort the Fields.
(sort-by (fn [{:keys [position special_type name]}] ; For each field generate a vector of
[position ; [position special-type-group name]
(cond ; and Clojure will take care of the rest.
(= special_type :id) 0
(= special_type :name) 1
:else 2)
(map :id)) ; Return the sorted IDs
;; Get the aggregate column if any
ag-kws (when (and ag-type
(not= ag-type :rows))
(let [ag (if (= ag-type :distinct) :count
;; Make a helper function that will take a sequence of Field IDs and convert them to corresponding column name keywords.
;; Don't include names that aren't part of RESULT-KWS: we fetch *all* the Fields for a Table regardless of the Query, so
;; there are likely some unused ones.
ids->kws (fn [field-ids]
(some->> (map field-id->field field-ids)
(map :name)
(map keyword)
(filter valid-kw?)))
;; Concat the Fields clause IDs + the sequence of all Fields ID for the Table.
;; Then filter out ones that appear in breakout clause and remove duplicates
;; which effectively gives us parts #3 and #4 from above.
non-breakout-ids (->> (concat fields-ids all-field-ids)
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set breakout-ids))))
;; Use fn above to get the keyword column names of other non-aggregation fields [#3 and #4]
non-breakout-kws (->> (ids->kws non-breakout-ids)
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set ag-kws)))))
;; Collect all other Fields
other-kws (->> result-kws
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set (concat breakout-kws non-breakout-kws ag-kws)))))
sort)] ; sort by name so results are deterministic
(when (seq other-kws)
(log/warn (u/format-color 'red "Warning: not 100%% sure how to order these columns: %s" (vec other-kws))))
;; Now combine the breakout [#1] + aggregate [#2] + "non-breakout" [#3 & #4] column name keywords into a single sequence
(when-not *disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Using this ordering: breakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s"
(vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws))))
(let [ordered-kws (concat breakout-kws ag-kws non-breakout-kws other-kws)]
(assert (and (= (set ordered-kws) result-kws)
(= (count ordered-kws) (count result-kws)))
(format "Order-cols returned invalid results: expected %s, got %s\nbreakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s" result-kws (vec ordered-kws)
(vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws)))
(defn- add-fields-extra-info
"Add `:extra_info` about `ForeignKeys` to `Fields` whose `special_type` is `:fk`."
;; Get a sequence of add Field IDs that have a :special_type of FK
(let [fk-field-ids (->> fields
(filter #(= (:special_type %) :fk))
(map :id)
(filter identity))
;; Look up the Foreign keys info if applicable.
;; Build a map of FK Field IDs -> Destination Field IDs
field-id->dest-field-id (when (seq fk-field-ids)
(sel :many :field->field [ForeignKey :origin_id :destination_id], :origin_id [in fk-field-ids], :destination_id [not= nil]))
;; Build a map of Destination Field IDs -> Destination Fields
dest-field-id->field (when (and (seq fk-field-ids)
(seq (vals field-id->dest-field-id)))
(sel :many :id->fields [Field :id :name :table_id :description :base_type :special_type], :id [in (vals field-id->dest-field-id)]))]
;; Add the :extra_info + :target to every Field. For non-FK Fields, these are just {} and nil, respectively.
(for [{field-id :id, :as field} fields]
(let [dest-field (when (seq fk-field-ids)
(some->> field-id
(assoc field
:target dest-field
:extra_info (if-not dest-field {}
{:target_table_id (:table_id dest-field)}))))))
(defn- get-cols-info
"Get column info for the `:cols` part of the QP results."
[{{{ag-type :aggregation-type, ag-field :field} :aggregation} :query} fields ordered-col-kws join-table-ids]
(let [field-kw->field (zipmap (map #(keyword (:name %)) fields)
field-id->field (delay (zipmap (map :id fields) ; a delay since we probably won't need it
(->> (for [col-kw ordered-col-kws]
;; If col-kw is a known Field return that
(field-kw->field col-kw)
;; Otherwise if this Query included any joins then attempt to lookup a matching Field from one of the join tables
(and (seq join-table-ids)
(sel :one :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type], :name (name col-kw), :table_id [in join-table-ids]))
;; Otherwise if this is a nested Field recursively find the appropriate info
(let [name-components (s/split (name col-kw) #"\.")]
(when (> (count name-components) 1)
;; Find the nested Field by recursing through each Field's :children
(loop [field-kw->field field-kw->field, [component & more] (map keyword name-components)]
(when-let [f (field-kw->field component)]
(if-not (seq more)
;; If the are no more components to recurse through give the resulting Field a qualified name like "source.service" and return it
(assoc f :name (apply str (interpose "." name-components)))
;; Otherwise recurse with a map of child-name-kw -> child and the rest of the name components
(recur (zipmap (map (comp keyword :name) (:children f))
(:children f))
;; Otherwise it is an aggregation column like :sum, build a map of information to return
(merge (assert ag-type)
{:name (name col-kw)
:id nil
:table_id nil
:description nil}
;; avg, stddev, and sum should inherit the base_type and special_type from the Field they're aggregating
(contains? #{:avg :stddev :sum} col-kw) {:base_type (:base-type ag-field)
:special_type (:special-type ag-field)}
;; count should always be IntegerField/number
(= col-kw :count) {:base_type :IntegerField
:special_type :number}
;; Otherwise something went wrong !
:else (do (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Annotation failed: don't know what to do with Field '%s'.\nExpected these Fields:\n%s"
(u/pprint-to-str field-kw->field)))
{:base_type :UnknownField
:special_type nil})))))
;; Add FK info the the resulting Fields
;; Remove extra data from the resulting Fields
(map (u/rpartial dissoc :children :parent_id)))))
(defn- post-annotate
"Take a sequence of RESULTS of executing QUERY and return the \"annotated\" results we pass to postprocessing -- the map with `:cols`, `:columns`, and `:rows`.
RESULTS should be a sequence of *maps*, keyed by result column -> value."
(fn [{{:keys [join-tables] {source-table-id :id} :source-table} :query, :as query}]
(let [{:keys [results uncastify-fn]} (qp query)
results (if-not uncastify-fn results
(for [row results]
(m/map-keys uncastify-fn row)))
_ (when-not *disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Driver QP returned results with keys: %s." (vec (keys (first results))))))
join-table-ids (set (map :table-id join-tables))
fields (field/unflatten-nested-fields (sel :many :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type :parent_id], :table_id source-table-id, :active true))
ordered-col-kws (order-cols query results fields)]
{:rows (for [row results]
(mapv row ordered-col-kws)) ; might as well return each row and col info as vecs because we're not worried about making
:columns (mapv name ordered-col-kws) ; making them lazy, and results are easier to play with in the REPL / paste into unit tests
:cols (vec (get-cols-info query fields ordered-col-kws join-table-ids))}))) ; as vecs. Make sure :rows stays lazy!
;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -460,7 +248,7 @@
driver-process-query) query)))
(ns metabase.driver.query-processor.annotate
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as log]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.db :refer [sel]]
[metabase.driver.query-processor.expand :as expand]
(metabase.models [field :refer [Field], :as field]
[foreign-key :refer [ForeignKey]])
[metabase.util :as u]))
;; ## Ordering
;; Fields should be returned in the following order:
;; 1. Breakout Fields
;; 2. Aggregation Fields (e.g. sum, count)
;; 3. Fields clause Fields, if they were added explicitly
;; 4. All other Fields, sorted by:
;; A. :position (ascending)
;; Users can manually specify default Field ordering for a Table in the Metadata admin. In that case, return Fields in the specified
;; order; most of the time they'll have the default value of 0, in which case we'll compare...
;; B. :special_type "group" -- :id Fields, then :name Fields, then everyting else
;; Attempt to put the most relevant Fields first. Order the Fields as follows:
;; 1. :id Fields
;; 2. :name Fields
;; 3. all other Fields
;; C. Field Name
;; When two Fields have the same :position and :special_type "group", fall back to sorting Fields alphabetically by name.
;; This is arbitrary, but it makes the QP deterministic by keeping the results in a consistent order, which makes it testable.
(defn- order-cols
"Construct a sequence of column keywords that should be used for pulling ordered rows from RESULTS.
FIELDS should be a sequence of all `Fields` for the `Table` associated with QUERY."
[{{breakout-fields :breakout, {ag-type :aggregation-type} :aggregation, fields-fields :fields, fields-is-implicit :fields-is-implicit} :query} results fields]
(let [;; Get all the column name keywords returned by the results
result-kws (set (keys (first results)))
valid-kw? (partial contains? result-kws)
breakout-ids (map :field-id breakout-fields)
breakout-kws (->> (for [field breakout-fields]
(->> (rest (expand/qualified-name-components field)) ; TODO - this "qualified name for results" should be calculated in the Query expander
(interpose ".")
(apply str)
(filter valid-kw?))
fields-ids (map :field-id fields-fields)
field-id->field (zipmap (map :id fields) fields)
;; Get IDs from Fields clause *if* it was added explicitly and other all other Field IDs for Table.
fields-ids (when-not fields-is-implicit fields-ids)
all-field-ids (->> fields ; Sort the Fields.
(sort-by (fn [{:keys [position special_type name]}] ; For each field generate a vector of
[position ; [position special-type-group name]
(cond ; and Clojure will take care of the rest.
(= special_type :id) 0
(= special_type :name) 1
:else 2)
(map :id)) ; Return the sorted IDs
;; Get the aggregate column if any
ag-kws (when (and ag-type
(not= ag-type :rows))
(let [ag (if (= ag-type :distinct) :count
;; Make a helper function that will take a sequence of Field IDs and convert them to corresponding column name keywords.
;; Don't include names that aren't part of RESULT-KWS: we fetch *all* the Fields for a Table regardless of the Query, so
;; there are likely some unused ones.
ids->kws (fn [field-ids]
(some->> (map field-id->field field-ids)
(map :name)
(map keyword)
(filter valid-kw?)))
;; Concat the Fields clause IDs + the sequence of all Fields ID for the Table.
;; Then filter out ones that appear in breakout clause and remove duplicates
;; which effectively gives us parts #3 and #4 from above.
non-breakout-ids (->> (concat fields-ids all-field-ids)
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set breakout-ids))))
;; Use fn above to get the keyword column names of other non-aggregation fields [#3 and #4]
non-breakout-kws (->> (ids->kws non-breakout-ids)
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set ag-kws)))))
;; Collect all other Fields
other-kws (->> result-kws
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set (concat breakout-kws non-breakout-kws ag-kws)))))
sort)] ; sort by name so results are deterministic
(when (seq other-kws)
(log/warn (u/format-color 'red "Warning: not 100%% sure how to order these columns: %s" (vec other-kws))))
;; Now combine the breakout [#1] + aggregate [#2] + "non-breakout" [#3 & #4] column name keywords into a single sequence
(when-not @(ns-resolve 'metabase.driver.query-processor '*disable-qp-logging*)
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Using this ordering: breakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s"
(vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws))))
(let [ordered-kws (concat breakout-kws ag-kws non-breakout-kws other-kws)]
(assert (and (= (set ordered-kws) result-kws)
(= (count ordered-kws) (count result-kws)))
(format "Order-cols returned invalid results: expected %s, got %s\nbreakout: %s, ag: %s, non-breakout: %s, other: %s" result-kws (vec ordered-kws)
(vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws) (vec other-kws)))
(defn- add-fields-extra-info
"Add `:extra_info` about `ForeignKeys` to `Fields` whose `special_type` is `:fk`."
;; Get a sequence of add Field IDs that have a :special_type of FK
(let [fk-field-ids (->> fields
(filter #(= (:special_type %) :fk))
(map :id)
(filter identity))
;; Look up the Foreign keys info if applicable.
;; Build a map of FK Field IDs -> Destination Field IDs
field-id->dest-field-id (when (seq fk-field-ids)
(sel :many :field->field [ForeignKey :origin_id :destination_id], :origin_id [in fk-field-ids], :destination_id [not= nil]))
;; Build a map of Destination Field IDs -> Destination Fields
dest-field-id->field (when (and (seq fk-field-ids)
(seq (vals field-id->dest-field-id)))
(sel :many :id->fields [Field :id :name :table_id :description :base_type :special_type], :id [in (vals field-id->dest-field-id)]))]
;; Add the :extra_info + :target to every Field. For non-FK Fields, these are just {} and nil, respectively.
(for [{field-id :id, :as field} fields]
(let [dest-field (when (seq fk-field-ids)
(some->> field-id
(assoc field
:target dest-field
:extra_info (if-not dest-field {}
{:target_table_id (:table_id dest-field)}))))))
(defn- get-cols-info
"Get column info for the `:cols` part of the QP results."
[{{{ag-type :aggregation-type, ag-field :field} :aggregation} :query} fields ordered-col-kws join-table-ids]
(let [field-kw->field (zipmap (map #(keyword (:name %)) fields)
field-id->field (delay (zipmap (map :id fields) ; a delay since we probably won't need it
(->> (for [col-kw ordered-col-kws]
;; If col-kw is a known Field return that
(field-kw->field col-kw)
;; Otherwise if this Query included any joins then attempt to lookup a matching Field from one of the join tables
(and (seq join-table-ids)
(sel :one :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type], :name (name col-kw), :table_id [in join-table-ids]))
;; Otherwise if this is a nested Field recursively find the appropriate info
(let [name-components (s/split (name col-kw) #"\.")]
(when (> (count name-components) 1)
;; Find the nested Field by recursing through each Field's :children
(loop [field-kw->field field-kw->field, [component & more] (map keyword name-components)]
(when-let [f (field-kw->field component)]
(if-not (seq more)
;; If the are no more components to recurse through give the resulting Field a qualified name like "source.service" and return it
(assoc f :name (apply str (interpose "." name-components)))
;; Otherwise recurse with a map of child-name-kw -> child and the rest of the name components
(recur (zipmap (map (comp keyword :name) (:children f))
(:children f))
;; Otherwise it is an aggregation column like :sum, build a map of information to return
(merge (assert ag-type)
{:name (name col-kw)
:id nil
:table_id nil
:description nil}
;; avg, stddev, and sum should inherit the base_type and special_type from the Field they're aggregating
(contains? #{:avg :stddev :sum} col-kw) {:base_type (:base-type ag-field)
:special_type (:special-type ag-field)}
;; count should always be IntegerField/number
(= col-kw :count) {:base_type :IntegerField
:special_type :number}
;; Otherwise something went wrong !
:else (do (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Annotation failed: don't know what to do with Field '%s'.\nExpected these Fields:\n%s"
(u/pprint-to-str field-kw->field)))
{:base_type :UnknownField
:special_type nil})))))
;; Add FK info the the resulting Fields
;; Remove extra data from the resulting Fields
(map (u/rpartial dissoc :children :parent_id)))))
(defn post-annotate
"Take a sequence of RESULTS of executing QUERY and return the \"annotated\" results we pass to postprocessing -- the map with `:cols`, `:columns`, and `:rows`.
RESULTS should be a sequence of *maps*, keyed by result column -> value."
(fn [{{:keys [join-tables] {source-table-id :id} :source-table} :query, :as query}]
(let [{:keys [results uncastify-fn]} (qp query)
results (if-not uncastify-fn results
(for [row results]
(m/map-keys uncastify-fn row)))
_ (when-not @(ns-resolve 'metabase.driver.query-processor '*disable-qp-logging*)
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Driver QP returned results with keys: %s." (vec (keys (first results))))))
join-table-ids (set (map :table-id join-tables))
fields (field/unflatten-nested-fields (sel :many :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type :parent_id], :table_id source-table-id, :active true))
ordered-col-kws (order-cols query results fields)]
{:rows (for [row results]
(mapv row ordered-col-kws)) ; might as well return each row and col info as vecs because we're not worried about making
:columns (mapv name ordered-col-kws) ; making them lazy, and results are easier to play with in the REPL / paste into unit tests
:cols (vec (get-cols-info query fields ordered-col-kws join-table-ids))}))) ; as vecs. Make sure :rows stays lazy!
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