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Unverified Commit 241f2179 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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[Toucan 2 Prep] Replace the `IObjectPermissions` protocol with multimethods (#24917)

* [Toucan 2 prep] Don't invoke Toucan models as functions

* Some fixes

* Test fixes

* Test fix

* [Toucan 2 prep] Don't call `type` or `class` on Toucan models

* Test fixes

* More test fixes :wrench:

* Replace perms protocol with multimethods; derive models from perms policy keywords

* Test fixes :wrench:

* Appease Eastwood

* Fix errors now that App has been merged in

* Empty commit to trigger CI
parent 594a435e
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 258 additions and 187 deletions
......@@ -417,6 +417,7 @@
metabase.models.action/QueryAction hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.action/HTTPAction hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.activity/Activity hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.application-permissions-revision/ApplicationPermissionsRevision hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.bookmark/BookmarkOrdering hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.bookmark/CardBookmark hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
......@@ -466,6 +467,7 @@
metabase.models.user/User hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models.view-log/ViewLog hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models/Activity hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models/App hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models/ApplicationPermissionsRevision hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models/BookmarkOrdering hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
metabase.models/Card hooks.metabase.models.disallow-invoking-model/hook
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(def known-models
......@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
(models/defmodel GroupTableAccessPolicy :group_table_access_policy)
;;; only admins can work with GTAPs
(derive GroupTableAccessPolicy ::mi/read-policy.superuser)
(derive GroupTableAccessPolicy ::mi/write-policy.superuser)
;; This guard is to make sure this file doesn't get compiled twice when building the uberjar -- that will totally
;; screw things up because Toucan models use Potemkin `defrecord+` under the hood.
(when *compile-files*
......@@ -138,11 +142,4 @@
{:types (constantly {:attribute_remappings ::attribute-remappings})
:pre-insert pre-insert
:pre-update pre-update})
;; only admins can work with GTAPs
{:can-read? mi/superuser?
:can-write? mi/superuser?}))
:pre-update pre-update}))
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
:cljs @(#'clojure.core/get-global-hierarchy))
(filter keyword?)
(filter #(= (namespace %) (name keyword-namespace)))))
(defn- test-derived-from [a-type {:keys [required disallowed]}]
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
nav_items (s/maybe [(s/maybe su/Map)])}
(api/write-check Collection (db/select-one-field :collection_id App :id app-id))
(db/update! App app-id (select-keys body [:dashboard_id :options :nav_items]))
(hydrate-details (App app-id)))
(hydrate-details (db/select-one App :id app-id)))
;; TODO handle personal collections, see collection/personal-collection-with-ui-details
(api/defendpoint GET "/"
......@@ -56,12 +56,15 @@
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:types (constantly {:details :json, :topic :keyword})
:pre-insert pre-insert})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:can-read? (partial can-? mi/can-read?)
;; TODO - when do people *write* activities?
:can-write? (partial can-? mi/can-write?)}))
:pre-insert pre-insert}))
(defmethod mi/can-read? Activity
[& args]
(apply can-? mi/can-read? args))
(defmethod mi/can-write? Activity
[& args]
(apply can-? mi/can-write? args))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------ Etc. ------------------------------------------------------
(:require [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
(:require [metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.serialization.hash :as serdes.hash]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan.db :as db]
......@@ -8,7 +7,10 @@
(models/defmodel App :app)
(u/strict-extend (class App)
;;; You can read/write an App if you can read/write its Collection
(derive App ::perms/use-parent-collection-perms)
(u/strict-extend #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:metabase/disallow-class-or-type-on-model]} (class App)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:types (constantly {:options :json
......@@ -16,10 +18,6 @@
:properties (constantly {:timestamped? true
:entity_id true})})
;; You can read/write an App if you can read/write its Collection
;; Should not be needed as every app should have an entity_id, but currently it's
;; necessary to satisfy metabase-enterprise.models.entity-id-test/comprehensive-identity-hash-test.
......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
(models/defmodel Card :report_card)
;;; You can read/write a Card if you can read/write its parent Collection
(derive Card ::perms/use-parent-collection-perms)
;;; -------------------------------------------------- Hydration --------------------------------------------------
......@@ -324,10 +327,6 @@
:pre-delete pre-delete
:post-select public-settings/remove-public-uuid-if-public-sharing-is-disabled})
;; You can read/write a Card if you can read/write its parent Collection
(assoc revision/IRevisionedDefaults
:serialize-instance serialize-instance)
......@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
(models/defmodel Collection :collection)
(doto Collection
(derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(def AuthorityLevel
"Schema for valid collection authority levels"
(s/maybe (s/enum "official")))
......@@ -860,8 +864,8 @@
;;; -------------------------------------------------- IModel Impl ---------------------------------------------------
(defn perms-objects-set
"Return the required set of permissions to `read-or-write` `collection-or-id`."
;;; Return the required set of permissions to `read-or-write` `collection-or-id`.
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set Collection
[collection-or-id read-or-write]
(let [collection (if (integer? collection-or-id)
(db/select-one [Collection :id :namespace] :id (collection-or-id))
......@@ -897,11 +901,6 @@
:post-insert post-insert
:pre-update pre-update
:pre-delete pre-delete})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)
:can-write? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)
:perms-objects-set perms-objects-set})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name :namespace parent-identity-hash])})
(ns metabase.models.collection.root
(:require [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
(:require [metabase.models.dispatch :as models.dispatch]
[metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
[metabase.util :as u]
......@@ -16,7 +17,17 @@
(p.types/defrecord+ RootCollection [])
(defn- has-perms? [collection read-or-write]
(doto RootCollection
(derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(extend-protocol models.dispatch/Model
(model [_this]
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set RootCollection
[collection read-or-write]
{:pre [(map? collection)]}
;; HACK Collections in the "snippets" namespace have no-op permissions unless EE enhancements are enabled
(if (and (= (u/qualified-name (:namespace collection)) "snippets")
......@@ -30,14 +41,7 @@
{:types {:type :keyword}})
{:perms-objects-set has-perms?
:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)
:can-write? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)}))
{:types {:type :keyword}}))
(def ^RootCollection root-collection
"Special placeholder object representing the Root Collection, which isn't really a real Collection."
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
[metabase.models.collection :as collection :refer [Collection]]
[metabase.models.dashboard-card :as dashboard-card :refer [DashboardCard]]
[metabase.models.field-values :as field-values]
[metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.models.params :as params]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.pulse :as pulse :refer [Pulse]]
......@@ -65,6 +64,9 @@
(comment moderation/keep-me)
(models/defmodel Dashboard :report_dashboard)
(derive Dashboard ::perms/use-parent-collection-perms)
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Entity & Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------
(defn- pre-delete [dashboard]
......@@ -141,10 +143,6 @@
:post-update post-update
:post-select public-settings/remove-public-uuid-if-public-sharing-is-disabled})
;; You can read/write a Dashboard if you can read/write its parent Collection
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name (serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :collection)])})
......@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
(models/defmodel DashboardCard :report_dashboardcard)
(doto DashboardCard
(derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(declare series)
(defn- perms-objects-set
"Return the set of permissions required to `read-or-write` this DashboardCard. If `:card` and `:series` are already
hydrated this method doesn't need to make any DB calls."
;;; Return the set of permissions required to `read-or-write` this DashboardCard. If `:card` and `:series` are already
;;; hydrated this method doesn't need to make any DB calls.
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set DashboardCard
[dashcard read-or-write]
(let [card (or (:card dashcard)
(db/select-one [Card :dataset_query] :id (u/the-id (:card_id dashcard))))
......@@ -48,11 +52,6 @@
:visualization_settings :visualization-settings})
:pre-insert pre-insert
:post-select #(set/rename-keys % {:sizex :sizeX, :sizey :sizeY})})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:perms-objects-set perms-objects-set
:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)
:can-write? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [(serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :card)
......@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
(models/defmodel Database :metabase_database)
(doto Database
(derive ::mi/read-policy.partial-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(defn- schedule-tasks!
"(Re)schedule sync operation tasks for `database`. (Existing scheduled tasks will be deleted first.)"
......@@ -184,7 +188,8 @@
(assoc :initial_sync_status "incomplete")))
(defn- perms-objects-set [{db-id :id} read-or-write]
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set Database
[{db-id :id} read-or-write]
#{(case read-or-write
:read (perms/data-perms-path db-id)
:write (perms/db-details-write-perms-path db-id))})
......@@ -206,11 +211,6 @@
:pre-insert pre-insert
:pre-update pre-update
:pre-delete pre-delete})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:perms-objects-set perms-objects-set
:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read)
:can-write? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name :engine])})
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"Helpers to assist in the transition to Toucan 2. Once we switch to Toucan 2 this stuff shouldn't be needed, but we
can update this namespace instead of having to update code all over the place."
[potemkin :as p]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.models :as models]))
......@@ -33,19 +34,26 @@
(instance-of? model x))
(format "instance of a %s" (name model))))
(defn model
"Given either a Toucan model or a Toucan instance, return the Toucan model. Otherwise return `nil`."
(models/model? x)
(p/defprotocol+ Model
(model [this]
"Given either a Toucan model or a Toucan instance, return the Toucan model. Otherwise return `nil`."))
(extend-protocol Model
(model [this]
(models/model? this)
(toucan-instance? this)
(let [model-symb (symbol (name this))]
(db/resolve-model model-symb))
(toucan-instance? x)
(let [model-symb (symbol (name x))]
(db/resolve-model model-symb))
(model [_this] nil))
(defn instance
"Create a new instance of Toucan `model` with a map `m`.
......@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
(models/defmodel Field :metabase_field)
(doto Field
(derive ::mi/read-policy.partial-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))
(defn- hierarchy-keyword-in [column-name & {:keys [ancestor-types]}]
(fn [k]
(when-let [k (keyword k)]
......@@ -148,11 +152,10 @@
(perms-objects-set* db-id schema table-id read-or-write)))
:ttl/threshold 5000))
(defn- perms-objects-set
"Calculate set of permissions required to access a Field. For the time being permissions to access a Field are the
same as permissions to access its parent Table."
;;; Calculate set of permissions required to access a Field. For the time being permissions to access a Field are the
;;; same as permissions to access its parent Table.
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set Field
[{table-id :table_id, {db-id :db_id, schema :schema} :table} read-or-write]
{:arglists '([field read-or-write])}
(if db-id
;; if Field already has a hydrated `:table`, then just use that to generate perms set (no DB calls required)
(perms-objects-set* db-id schema table-id read-or-write)
......@@ -192,12 +195,6 @@
:properties (constantly {:timestamped? true})
:pre-insert pre-insert})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:perms-objects-set perms-objects-set
:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read)
:can-write? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name (serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :table)])})
......@@ -14,16 +14,14 @@
[metabase.util.encryption :as encryption]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
[potemkin :as p]
[potemkin.types :as p.types]
[schema.core :as s]
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.models :as models])
(:import [ BufferedInputStream ByteArrayInputStream DataInputStream]
(comment models.dispatch/keep-me)
......@@ -260,76 +258,87 @@
;;; | New Permissions Stuff |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(p.types/defprotocol+ IObjectPermissions
"Methods for determining whether the current user has read/write permissions for a given object. See documentation
for [[metabase.models.permissions]] for a high-level overview of the Metabase permissions system."
(defn- dispatch-on-model [x & _args]
(models.dispatch/model x))
(defmulti perms-objects-set
"Return a set of permissions object paths that a user must have access to in order to access this object. This should be
something like
`read-or-write` will be either `:read` or `:write`, depending on which permissions set we're fetching (these will be
the same sets for most models; they can ignore this param)."
{:arglists '([instance read-or-write])}
(perms-objects-set [instance ^clojure.lang.Keyword read-or-write]
"Return a set of permissions object paths that a user must have access to in order to access this object. This
should be something like #{\"/db/1/schema/public/table/20/\"}. `read-or-write` will be either `:read` or `:write`,
depending on which permissions set we're fetching (these will be the same sets for most models; they can ignore
this param).")
(defmethod perms-objects-set :default
[_instance _read-or-write]
(can-read? [instance] [entity ^Integer id]
"Return whether `*current-user*` has *read* permissions for an object. You should typically use one of these
(defmulti can-read?
"Return whether [[metabase.api.common/*current-user*]] has *read* permissions for an object. You should typically use
one of these implementations:
* `(constantly true)`
* `superuser?`
* `(partial current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)` (you must also implement `perms-objects-set` to use this)
* `(partial current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read)` (you must also implement `perms-objects-set` to use
* `(partial current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)` (you must also implement [[perms-objects-set]] to use this)
* `(partial current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read)` (you must also implement [[perms-objects-set]] to use
{:arglists '([instance] [model pk])}
(^{:hydrate :can_write} can-write? [instance] [entity ^Integer id]
"Return whether `*current-user*` has *write* permissions for an object. You should typically use one of these
(defmulti can-write?
"Return whether [[metabase.api.common/*current-user*]] has *write* permissions for an object. You should typically use
one of these implementations:
* `(constantly true)`
* `superuser?`
* `(partial current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)` (you must also implement `perms-objects-set` to use this)
* `(partial current-user-has-partial-permissions? :write)` (you must also implement `perms-objects-set` to use
(^{:added "0.32.0"} can-create? [entity m]
"NEW! Check whether or not current user is allowed to CREATE a new instance of `entity` with properties in map
* `(partial current-user-has-full-permissions? :write)` (you must also implement [[perms-objects-set]] to use this)
* `(partial current-user-has-partial-permissions? :write)` (you must also implement [[perms-objects-set]] to use
{:arglists '([instance] [model pk]), :hydrate :can_write}
(defmulti can-create?
"NEW! Check whether or not current user is allowed to CREATE a new instance of `model` with properties in map
Because this method was added YEARS after `can-read?` and `can-write?`, most models do not have an implementation
Because this method was added YEARS after [[can-read?]] and [[can-write?]], most models do not have an implementation
for this method, and instead `POST` API endpoints themselves contain the appropriate permissions logic (ick).
Implement this method as you come across models that are missing it.")
(^{:added "0.36.0"} can-update? [instance changes]
"NEW! Check whether or not the current user is allowed to update an object and by updating properties to values in
the `changes` map. This is equivalent to checking whether you're allowed to perform `(toucan.db/update! entity id
This method is appropriate for powering `PUT` API endpoints. Like `can-create?` this method was added YEARS after
most of the current API endpoints were written, so it is used in very few places, and this logic is determined
ad-hoc in the API endpoints themselves. Use this method going forward!"))
(def IObjectPermissionsDefaults
"Default implementations for `IObjectPermissions`."
(constantly nil)
(fn [entity _]
(str (format "%s does not yet have an implementation for `can-create?`. " (name entity))
"Please consider adding one. See dox for `can-create?` for more details."))))
[instance _]
(str (format "%s does not yet have an implementation for `can-update?`. " (name instance))
"Please consider adding one. See dox for `can-update?` for more details."))))})
Implement this method as you come across models that are missing it."
{:added "0.32.0", :arglists '([model m])}
(defmethod can-create? :default
[model _m]
(str (format "%s does not yet have an implementation for [[can-create?]]. " (name model))
"Please consider adding one. See dox for [[can-create?]] for more details."))))
(defmulti can-update?
"NEW! Check whether or not the current user is allowed to update an object and by updating properties to values in
the `changes` map. This is equivalent to checking whether you're allowed to perform
(toucan.db/update! model id changes)
This method is appropriate for powering `PUT` API endpoints. Like [[can-create?]] this method was added YEARS after
most of the current API endpoints were written, so it is used in very few places, and this logic is determined ad-hoc
in the API endpoints themselves. Use this method going forward!"
{:added "0.36.0", :arglists '([instance changes])}
(defmethod can-update? :default
[instance _changes]
(str (format "%s does not yet have an implementation for `can-update?`. " (name (models.dispatch/model instance)))
"Please consider adding one. See dox for `can-update?` for more details."))))
(defn superuser?
"Is `*current-user*` is a superuser? Ignores args.
Intended for use as an implementation of `can-read?` and/or `can-write?`."
"Is [[metabase.api.common/*current-user*]] is a superuser? Ignores args. Intended for use as an implementation
of [[can-read?]] and/or [[can-write?]]."
[& _]
@(requiring-resolve 'metabase.api.common/*is-superuser?*))
......@@ -340,9 +349,9 @@
(contains? (current-user-permissions-set) "/"))
(defn- check-perms-with-fn
([fn-symb read-or-write entity object-id]
([fn-symb read-or-write a-model object-id]
(or (current-user-has-root-permissions?)
(check-perms-with-fn fn-symb read-or-write (entity object-id))))
(check-perms-with-fn fn-symb read-or-write (db/select-one a-model (models/primary-key a-model) object-id))))
([fn-symb read-or-write object]
(and object
......@@ -354,20 +363,73 @@
(u/prog1 (f (current-user-permissions-set) perms-set)
(log/tracef "Perms check: %s -> %s" (pr-str (list fn-symb (current-user-permissions-set) perms-set)) <>)))))
(def ^{:arglists '([read-or-write entity object-id] [read-or-write object] [perms-set])}
(def ^{:arglists '([read-or-write model object-id] [read-or-write object] [perms-set])}
"Implementation of `can-read?`/`can-write?` for the old permissions system. `true` if the current user has *full*
permissions for the paths returned by its implementation of `perms-objects-set`. (`read-or-write` is either `:read` or
`:write` and passed to `perms-objects-set`; you'll usually want to partially bind it in the implementation map)."
"Implementation of [[can-read?]]/[[can-write?]] for the old permissions system. `true` if the current user has *full*
permissions for the paths returned by its implementation of [[perms-objects-set]]. (`read-or-write` is either `:read` or
`:write` and passed to [[perms-objects-set]]; you'll usually want to partially bind it in the implementation map)."
(partial check-perms-with-fn 'metabase.models.permissions/set-has-full-permissions-for-set?))
(def ^{:arglists '([read-or-write entity object-id] [read-or-write object] [perms-set])}
(def ^{:arglists '([read-or-write model object-id] [read-or-write object] [perms-set])}
"Implementation of `can-read?`/`can-write?` for the old permissions system. `true` if the current user has *partial*
permissions for the paths returned by its implementation of `perms-objects-set`. (`read-or-write` is either `:read` or
`:write` and passed to `perms-objects-set`; you'll usually want to partially bind it in the implementation map)."
"Implementation of [[can-read?]]/[[can-write?]] for the old permissions system. `true` if the current user has *partial*
permissions for the paths returned by its implementation of [[perms-objects-set]]. (`read-or-write` is either `:read` or
`:write` and passed to [[perms-objects-set]]; you'll usually want to partially bind it in the implementation map)."
(partial check-perms-with-fn 'metabase.models.permissions/set-has-partial-permissions-for-set?))
(defmethod can-read? ::read-policy.always-allow
([_model _pk]
(defmethod can-write? ::write-policy.always-allow
([_model _pk]
(defmethod can-read? ::read-policy.partial-perms-for-perms-set
(current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read instance))
([model pk]
(current-user-has-partial-permissions? :read model pk)))
(defmethod can-read? ::read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set
(current-user-has-full-permissions? :read instance))
([model pk]
(current-user-has-full-permissions? :read model pk)))
(defmethod can-write? ::write-policy.partial-perms-for-perms-set
(current-user-has-partial-permissions? :write instance))
([model pk]
(current-user-has-partial-permissions? :write model pk)))
(defmethod can-write? ::write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set
(current-user-has-full-permissions? :write instance))
([model pk]
(current-user-has-full-permissions? :write model pk)))
(defmethod can-read? ::read-policy.superuser
([_model _pk]
(defmethod can-write? ::write-policy.superuser
([_model _pk]
(defmethod can-create? ::create-policy.superuser
[_model _m]
;;;; redefs
;;; swap out [[models/defmodel]] with a special magical version that avoids redefining stuff if the definition has not
......@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
(models/defmodel Metric :metric)
(doto Metric
(derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser)
(derive ::mi/create-policy.superuser))
(defn- pre-update [{:keys [creator_id id], :as updates}]
(u/prog1 updates
;; throw an Exception if someone tries to update creator_id
......@@ -26,7 +31,8 @@
(when (not= creator_id (db/select-one-field :creator_id Metric :id id))
(throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (tru "You cannot update the creator_id of a Metric.")))))))
(defn- perms-objects-set [metric read-or-write]
(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set Metric
[metric read-or-write]
(let [table (or (:table metric)
(db/select-one ['Table :db_id :schema :id] :id (u/the-id (:table_id metric))))]
(mi/perms-objects-set table read-or-write)))
......@@ -39,15 +45,6 @@
:properties (constantly {:timestamped? true
:entity_id true})
:pre-update pre-update})
{:perms-objects-set perms-objects-set
:can-read? (partial mi/current-user-has-full-permissions? :read)
;; for the time being you need to be a superuser in order to create or update Metrics because the UI for doing so
;; is only exposed in the admin panel
:can-write? mi/superuser?
:can-create? mi/superuser?})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name (serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :table)])})
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
(models/defmodel MetricImportantField :metric_important_field)
(doto MetricImportantField
(derive ::mi/read-policy.always-allow)
(derive ::mi/write-policy.superuser))
(u/strict-extend #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:metabase/disallow-class-or-type-on-model]} (class MetricImportantField)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:types (constantly {:definition :json})})
(merge mi/IObjectPermissionsDefaults
{:can-read? (constantly true)
:can-write? mi/superuser?}))
{:types (constantly {:definition :json})}))
(ns metabase.models.moderation-review
"TODO -- this should be moved to `metabase-enterprise.content-management.models.moderation-review` since it's a
premium-only model."
(:require [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
(:require [metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.moderation :as moderation]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
......@@ -29,15 +28,14 @@
(models/defmodel ModerationReview :moderation_review)
;;; TODO: this is wrong, but what should it be?
(derive ModerationReview ::perms/use-parent-collection-perms)
(u/strict-extend #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:metabase/disallow-class-or-type-on-model]} (class ModerationReview)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:properties (constantly {:timestamped? true})
:types (constantly {:moderated_item_type :keyword})})
;; Todo: this is wrong, but what should it be?
:types (constantly {:moderated_item_type :keyword})}))
(def max-moderation-reviews
"The amount of moderation reviews we will keep on hand."
......@@ -41,28 +41,36 @@
:pre-insert pre-insert
:pre-update pre-update})
{:can-read? snippet.perms/can-read?
:can-write? snippet.perms/can-write?
:can-create? snippet.perms/can-create?
:can-update? snippet.perms/can-update?})
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name (serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :collection)])})
(defmethod mi/can-read? NativeQuerySnippet
[& args]
(apply snippet.perms/can-read? args))
(defmethod mi/can-write? NativeQuerySnippet
[& args]
(apply snippet.perms/can-write? args))
(defmethod mi/can-create? NativeQuerySnippet
[& args]
(apply snippet.perms/can-create? args))
(defmethod mi/can-update? NativeQuerySnippet
[& args]
(apply snippet.perms/can-update? args))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- Schemas -----------------------------------------------------
(def NativeQuerySnippetName
"Schema checking that snippet names do not include \"}\" or start with spaces."
(s/pred (every-pred
(complement #(boolean (re-find #"^\s+" %)))
(complement #(boolean (re-find #"}" %)))))
(deferred-tru "snippet names cannot include '}' or start with spaces")))
(s/pred (every-pred
(complement #(boolean (re-find #"^\s+" %)))
(complement #(boolean (re-find #"}" %)))))
(deferred-tru "snippet names cannot include '}' or start with spaces")))
;;; ------------------------------------------------- Serialization --------------------------------------------------
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