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Unverified Commit 30e731e3 authored by dpsutton's avatar dpsutton Committed by GitHub
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Custom migrations (#28175)

* Custom migrations

Current syntax:

specify the migration with
  - changeSet:
      id: v46.00-080
      author: dpsutton
      comment: Uppercases all Card names
        - customChange:
            class: "metabase.db.custom_migrations.ReversibleUppercaseCards"

and in the new namespace metabase.db.custom-migrations:

(defmigration UppercaseCards
  (db/execute! {:update :report_card
                :set    {:name}}))

(def-reversible-migration ReversibleUppercaseCards
  (db/execute! {:update :report_card
                :set    {:name}})
  (db/execute! {:update :report_card
                :set    {:name}}))

* Use db provided by liquibase

* edit docstring

* set *warn-on-reflection* to fix lint error & rebase


Co-authored-by: default avatarNoah Moss <>
Co-authored-by: default avatarNoah Moss <>
parent 5e18759f
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......@@ -399,6 +399,8 @@ clojure.core/let
metabase.async.api-response-test/with-response clojure.core/let
metabase.dashboard-subscription-test/with-dashboard-sub-for-card clojure.core/let
metabase.db.custom-migrations/defmigration clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all
metabase.db.custom-migrations/def-reversible-migration clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all clojure.core/def
metabase.db.liquibase/with-liquibase clojure.core/let
metabase.db.schema-migrations-test.impl/with-temp-empty-app-db clojure.core/let
......@@ -38,8 +38,13 @@
(s/def ::createIndex
(s/keys :req-un [::indexName]))
(s/def :custom-change/class (every-pred string? (complement str/blank?)))
(s/def ::customChange
(s/keys :req-un [:custom-change/class]))
(s/def ::change
(s/keys :opt-un [::addColumn ::createTable ::createIndex]))
(s/keys :opt-un [::addColumn ::createTable ::createIndex ::customChange]))
(s/def :change.strict.dbms-qualified-sql-change.sql/dbms
......@@ -55,7 +55,10 @@
;; assumes all custom changes use the `def-migration` or `def-reversible-migration` in
;; metabase.db.custom-migrations
(defn- major-version
"Returns major version from id string, e.g. 44 from \"v44.00-034\""
(ns lint-migrations-file-test
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[lint-migrations-file :as lint-migrations-file]))
(defn mock-change-set [& keyvals]
(defn mock-change-set
"Returns a \"strict\" migration (id > switch to strict). If you want a non-strict migration send :id 1 in `keyvals`. "
[& keyvals]
{:id 1
{:id 1000
:author "camsaul"
:comment "Added x.37.0"
:changes [{:whatever {}}]}
......@@ -31,6 +34,10 @@
{:databaseChangeLog changes}))
(defn- validate-ex-info [& changes]
(try (lint-migrations-file/validate-migrations {:databaseChangeLog changes})
(catch Exception e (ex-data e))))
(deftest require-unique-ids-test
(testing "Make sure all migration IDs are unique"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
......@@ -70,13 +77,12 @@
(testing "[strict only] only allow one change per change set"
(is (= :ok
(mock-change-set :changes [(mock-add-column-changes) (mock-add-column-changes)]))))
(mock-change-set :id 1 :changes [(mock-add-column-changes) (mock-add-column-changes)]))))
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Extra input"
(mock-change-set :id 200
:changes [(mock-add-column-changes) (mock-add-column-changes)]))))))
(mock-change-set :changes [(mock-add-column-changes) (mock-add-column-changes)]))))))
(deftest require-comment-test
(testing "[strict only] require a comment for a change set"
......@@ -215,3 +221,30 @@
(validate (mock-change-set :id "v45.12-345"
:changes [(mock-add-column-changes
:columns [(mock-column :constraints {:deleteCascade true})])]))))))
(deftest custom-changes-test
(let [change-set (mock-change-set
[{:customChange {:class "metabase.db.custom_migrations.ReversibleUppercaseCards"}}])]
(is (= :ok
(validate change-set))))
(testing "missing value"
(let [change-set (mock-change-set
[{:customChange {}}])
ex-info (validate-ex-info change-set)]
(is (not= :ok ex-info))))
(testing "invalid values"
(doseq [bad-value [nil 3 ""]]
(let [change-set (mock-change-set
[{:customChange {:class bad-value}}])
ex-info (validate-ex-info change-set)
specific (->> ex-info
(some (fn [problem]
(when (= (:val problem) bad-value)
(is (not= :ok ex-info))
(is (= (take-last 2 (:via specific))
[:change.strict/customChange :custom-change/class]))))))
(ns metabase.db.custom-migrations
(:require [metabase.util.log :as log]
[toucan2.connection :as t2.conn])
(:import [liquibase.change.custom CustomTaskChange CustomTaskRollback]
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defmacro def-reversible-migration
"Define a reversible custom migration. Both the forward and reverse migrations are defined using the same structure,
similar to the bodies of multi-arity Clojure functions.
The first thing in each migration body must be a one-element vector containing a binding to use for the database
object provided by Liquibase, so that migrations have access to it if needed. This should typically not be used
directly, however, because is also set automatically as the current connection for Toucan 2.
(def-reversible-migration ExampleMigrationName
[name [[db-binding-1] & migration-body] [[db-binding-2] reverse-migration-body]]
`(defrecord ~name []
(execute [_# database#]
(binding [toucan2.connection/*current-connectable* (.getWrappedConnection (.getConnection database#))]
(let [~db-binding-1 database#]
(getConfirmationMessage [_#]
(str "Custom migration: " ~name))
(setUp [_#])
(validate [_# _database#]
(setFileOpener [_# _resourceAccessor#])
(rollback [_# database#]
(binding [toucan2.connection/*current-connectable* (.getWrappedConnection (.getConnection database#))]
(let [~db-binding-2 database#]
(defn no-op
"No-op logging rollback function"
(log/info "No rollback for: " n))
(defmacro defmigration
"Define a custom migration."
[name migration-body]
`(def-reversible-migration ~name ~migration-body ([~'_] (no-op ~(str name)))))
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
[honey.sql :as sql]
[metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection]
metabase.db.custom-migrations ;; load our custom migrations
[metabase.db.jdbc-protocols :as mdb.jdbc-protocols]
[metabase.db.liquibase :as liquibase]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
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