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Unverified Commit 3396f756 authored by Chris Truter's avatar Chris Truter Committed by GitHub
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Parallelize tests with thread-safe version of with-redefs (#38620)

Gotta go fast and gotta stay safe.

We have 413 calls to with-redefs, so I'm not going to try get 'em all yet.
parent 28be3c58
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......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
;; Definitely thread safe
;; TODO: most of these symbols shouldn't be here, we should go through them and
;; find the functions/macros that use them and make sure their names end with !
;; best way to do this is try remove each of these and rely on kondo output to find places where it's used
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
[metabase.test.redefs :as test.redefs]
[metabase.test.util :as tu]
[metabase.test.util.async :as tu.async]
[metabase.test.util.dynamic-redefs :as tu.dr]
[metabase.test.util.i18n :as i18n.tu]
[metabase.test.util.log :as tu.log]
[metabase.test.util.misc :as tu.misc]
......@@ -314,3 +315,11 @@
(alter-meta! #'with-temp update :doc str "\n\n Note: by default, this will execute its body inside a transaction, making
it thread safe. If it is wrapped in a call to [[metabase.test/test-helpers-set-global-values!]], it will affect the
global state of the application database.")
;; Cursive does not understand p/import-macro, so we just proxy this manually
(defmacro with-dynamic-redefs
"A thread-safe version of with-redefs. It only support functions, and adds a fair amount of overhead.
It works by replacing each original definition with a proxy the first time it is redefined.
This proxy uses a dynamic mapping to check whether the function is currently redefined."
[bindings & body]
`(tu.dr/with-dynamic-redefs ~bindings ~@body))
(ns metabase.test.util.dynamic-redefs
(:require [medley.core :as m])
(:import (clojure.lang Var)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:dynamic *local-redefs*
"A thread-local mapping from vars to their most recently bound definition."
(defn- get-local-definition
"Get the version of this function that is in scope. It is the unpatched version if there is no override."
(get *local-redefs* a-var
(get (meta a-var) ::original)))
(defn- var->proxy
"Build a proxy function to intercept the given var. The proxy checks the current scope for what to call."
(fn [& args]
(let [current-f (get-local-definition a-var)]
(apply current-f args))))
(defn patch-vars!
"Rebind the given vars with proxies that wrap the original functions."
(let [unpatched-vars (remove #(::patched? (meta %)) vars)]
(doseq [^Var a-var unpatched-vars]
(locking a-var
(when-not (::patched? (meta a-var))
(let [old-val (.getRawRoot a-var)
patch-meta #(assoc % ::original old-val ::patched? true)]
(.bindRoot a-var (with-meta (var->proxy a-var)
(patch-meta (meta (get *local-redefs* a-var)))))
(alter-meta! a-var patch-meta)))))))
(defn- sym->var [sym] `(var ~sym))
(defn- bindings->var->definition
"Given a with-redefs style binding, return a mapping from each corresponding var to its given replacement."
(m/map-keys sym->var (into {} (partition-all 2) binding)))
(defmacro with-dynamic-redefs
"A thread-safe version of with-redefs. It only supports functions, and adds a fair amount of overhead.
It works by replacing each original definition with a proxy the first time it is redefined.
This proxy uses a dynamic mapping to check whether the function is currently redefined."
[bindings & body]
(let [var->definition (bindings->var->definition bindings)]
(patch-vars! ~(vec (keys var->definition)))
(binding [*local-redefs* (merge *local-redefs* ~var->definition)]
......@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as data]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
[toucan2.core :as t2])
(:import (java.util.concurrent CountDownLatch TimeUnit)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(deftest with-temp-vals-in-db-test
(testing "let's make sure this acutally works right!"
......@@ -42,3 +45,44 @@
(is (= ["A" "B" "C"]
(defn- clump [x y] (str x y))
(deftest ^:parallel with-dynamic-redefs-test
(testing "Three threads can independently redefine a regular var"
(let [n-threads 3
latch (CountDownLatch. (inc n-threads))
take-latch #(do
(.countDown latch)
(when-not (.await latch 100 TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)
(throw (ex-info "Timeout waiting on all threads to pull their latch" {:latch latch}))))]
(testing "The original definition"
(is (= "original" (clump "o" "riginal"))))
(testing "A thread that minds its own business"
(is (= "123" (clump 12 3)))
(is (= "321" (clump 3 21)))))
(testing "A thread that redefines it in reverse"
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [clump #(str %2 %1)]
(is (= "ok" (clump "k" "o")))
(is (= "ko" (clump "o" "k"))))))
(testing "A thread that redefines it twice"
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [clump #(str %2 %2)]
(is (= "zz" (clump "a" "z")))
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [clump (fn [x _] (str x x))]
(is (= "aa" (clump "a" "z")))
(is (= "mm" (clump "m" "l"))))
(is (= "bb" (clump "a" "b"))))))
(testing "The original definition survives"
(is (= "original" (clump "orig" "inal")))))))
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[malli.core :as mc]
[malli.experimental :as mx]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]
[metabase.util.malli.defn :as mu.defn]
[metabase.util.malli.fn :as mu.fn]))
......@@ -161,16 +162,16 @@
(is (= 'Integer
(-> #'add-ints meta :arglists first meta :tag))))
(deftest defn-forms-are-not-emitted-for-skippable-ns-in-prod-test
(deftest ^:parallel defn-forms-are-not-emitted-for-skippable-ns-in-prod-test
(testing "omission in macroexpansion"
(testing "returns a simple fn*"
(with-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
(let [expansion (macroexpand `(mu/defn ~'f :- :int [] "foo"))]
(is (= '(def f
"Inputs: []\n Return: :int" (clojure.core/fn [] "foo"))
(testing "returns an instrumented fn"
(with-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly true)]
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly true)]
(let [expansion (macroexpand `(mu/defn ~'f :- :int [] "foo"))]
(is (= '(def f
"Inputs: []\n Return: :int"
......@@ -252,14 +252,14 @@
(.resetMeta {:instrument/always true}))]
(is (true? (mu.fn/instrument-ns? n)))))))))
(deftest instrumentation-can-be-omitted
(deftest ^:parallel instrumentation-can-be-omitted
(testing "omission in macroexpansion"
(testing "returns a simple fn*"
(with-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
(let [expansion (macroexpand `(mu.fn/fn :- :int [] "foo"))]
(is (= expansion '(fn* ([] "foo")))))))
(testing "returns an instrumented fn"
(with-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly true)]
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly true)]
(let [expansion (macroexpand `(mu.fn/fn :- :int [] "foo"))]
(is (= (take 2 expansion)
'(let* [&f (clojure.core/fn [] "foo")]
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
(catch Exception e
(is (=? {:type ::mu.fn/invalid-output} (ex-data e)))))))
(testing "when instrument-ns? returns false, unvalidated form is emitted"
(with-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
(mt/with-dynamic-redefs [mu.fn/instrument-ns? (constantly false)]
;; we have to use eval here because `mu.fn/fn` is expanded at _read_ time and we want to change the
;; expansion via [[mu.fn/instrument-ns?]]. So that's why we call eval here. Could definitely use some
;; macroexpansion tests as well.
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