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Unverified Commit 34954c8d authored by Tim Macdonald's avatar Tim Macdonald Committed by GitHub
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[ParseSQL] Support queries with {[variable}}s and {{field filter}}s in them (#41193)

* Support parsing {{variable}}s and such in queries

[Fixes #39954]

[Fixes #39953]
parent eb8109de
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -306,6 +306,7 @@
metabase.models.timeline timeline
metabase.models.timeline-event timeline-event
metabase.native-query-analyzer query-analyzer
metabase.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution nqa.sub
metabase.plugins.initialize plugins.init
metabase.public-settings public-settings
metabase.public-settings.premium-features premium-features
......@@ -9,11 +9,10 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[macaw.core :as mac]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution :as nqa.sub]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[toucan2.core :as t2])
[net.sf.jsqlparser JSQLParserException]))
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(def ^:dynamic *parse-queries-in-test?*
"Normally, a native card's query is parsed on every create/update. For most tests, this is an unnecessary
......@@ -80,19 +79,21 @@
(seq table-wildcards) (active-fields-from-tables table-wildcards))))
(defn- field-ids-for-card
"Returns a `{:direct #{...} :indirect #{...}}` map with field IDs that (may) be referenced in the given cards's query. Errs on the side of optimism:
i.e., it may return fields that are *not* in the query, and is unlikely to fail to return fields that are in the
"Returns a `{:direct #{...} :indirect #{...}}` map with field IDs that (may) be referenced in the given cards's
query. Errs on the side of optimism: i.e., it may return fields that are *not* in the query, and is unlikely to fail
to return fields that are in the query.
Direct references are columns that are named in the query; indirect ones are from wildcards. If a field could be both direct and indirect, it will *only* show up in the `:direct` set."
Direct references are columns that are named in the query; indirect ones are from wildcards. If a field could be
both direct and indirect, it will *only* show up in the `:direct` set."
(let [{native-query :native
db-id :database} (:dataset_query card)
parsed-query (mac/query->components (mac/parsed-query (:query native-query)))
direct-ids (direct-field-ids-for-query parsed-query db-id)
indirect-ids (set/difference
(indirect-field-ids-for-query parsed-query db-id)
(let [query (:dataset_query card)
db-id (:database query)
sql-string (:query (nqa.sub/replace-tags query))
parsed-query (mac/query->components (mac/parsed-query sql-string))
direct-ids (direct-field-ids-for-query parsed-query db-id)
indirect-ids (set/difference
(indirect-field-ids-for-query parsed-query db-id)
{:direct direct-ids
:indirect indirect-ids}))
......@@ -122,5 +123,5 @@
(t2/with-transaction [_conn]
(t2/delete! :model/QueryField :card_id card-id)
(t2/insert! :model/QueryField query-field-records)))
(catch JSQLParserException e
(log/error e "Error parsing native query")))))
(catch Exception e
(log/error e "Error parsing native query")))))
(ns metabase.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution
"Replace {{variable}}s and {{field filters}} in SQL queries with parse-able equivalents."
[metabase.query-processor.compile :as qp.compile]))
(def default-values
"Map of default values for each type"
{;; Normal variables
:date "2024-01-09"
:number "1"
:text "sample text"
;; Potentially deprecated
:boolean "true"
:id "1"
:category "sample category"
:date/single "2024-01-09"
;; Card ref: doesn't matter
:card nil
;; Field filters
:date/range "2023-01-09~2024-01-09"
:date/month-year "2024-01"
:date/quarter-year "Q1-2024"
:date/relative "past1years"
:date/all-options "2024-01"
:number/!= ["1"]
:number/<= ["1"]
:number/= ["1"]
:number/>= ["1"]
:number/between ["1" "2"]
:string/!= ["sample text"]
:string/= ["sample text"]
:string/contains ["sample text"]
:string/does-not-contain ["sample text"]
:string/ends-with ["sample text"]
:string/starts-with ["sample text"]
;; Potentially deprecated
:location/city ["Moon Twp"]
:location/state ["PA"]
:location/zip_code ["15108"]
:location/country ["USA"]})
(defn- type->value
(default-values t))
(defn- tag-default
[{:keys [default type widget-type] :as tag}]
(assoc tag :default
(or default
(if (= type :dimension)
(type->value widget-type)
(type->value type)))))
(defn replace-tags
"Given a native dataset_query, return a `{:query \"<SQL string>\"}` where the SQL no longer has Metabase-specific
template tags."
(if-let [name->tag (seq (get-in query [:native :template-tags]))]
(qp.compile/compile (assoc-in query [:native :template-tags] (update-vals name->tag tag-default)))
(:native query)))
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
(trigger-parse! card-id "SELECT TAX, TOTAL FROM orders"))
([card-id query]
(t2/update! :model/Card card-id {:dataset_query (mt/native-query {:query query})})))
(if (string? query)
(t2/update! :model/Card card-id {:dataset_query (mt/native-query {:query query})})
(t2/update! :model/Card card-id {:dataset_query query}))))
;;;; Actual tests
......@@ -68,9 +70,22 @@
(is (= #{tax-qf total-qf}
(query-fields-for-card card-id))))
(testing "Removing columns from the query removes the Queryfields"
(testing "Removing columns from the query removes the QueryFields"
(trigger-parse! card-id "SELECT tax, not_total FROM orders")
(is (= #{tax-qf}
(query-fields-for-card card-id))))
(testing "Columns referenced via field filters are still found"
(trigger-parse! card-id
(mt/native-query {:query "SELECT tax FROM orders WHERE {{adequate_total}}"
:template-tags {"adequate_total"
{:type :dimension
:name "adequate_total"
:display-name "Total is big enough"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total)
{:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/>=}}}))
(is (= #{tax-qf total-qf}
(query-fields-for-card card-id)))))))
(deftest bogus-queries-test
(ns ^:parallel metabase.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution-test
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.lib.native :as lib-native]
[metabase.lib.schema.parameter :as lib.schema.parameter]
[metabase.native-query-analyzer.parameter-substitution :as nqa.sub]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as t2.with-temp]))
(def ^:private ->sql (comp :query nqa.sub/replace-tags))
(def ^:private tag-definitions
{ ;; Normal variables
"source" {:type :text
:display-name "Source"
:name "source"}
"favorite_nbr" {:type :number
:display-name "Fav"
:name "favorite_nbr"}
"created" {:type :date
:display-name "Genesis"
:name "created"}
;; Field Filters: Dates
"created_range" {:type :dimension,
:name "created_range"
:display-name "Created At :)"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :created_at) {:base-type :type/Date}]
:widget-type :date/range}
"created_my" {:type :dimension,
:name "created_my"
:display-name "Created At :)"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :created_at) {:base-type :type/Date}]
:widget-type :date/month-year}
"created_qy" {:type :dimension,
:name "created_qy"
:display-name "Created At :)"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :created_at) {:base-type :type/Date}]
:widget-type :date/quarter-year}
"created_rel" {:type :dimension,
:name "created_rel"
:display-name "Created At :)"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :created_at) {:base-type :type/Date}]
:widget-type :date/relative}
"date_ao" {:type :dimension,
:name "date_ao"
:display-name "Date: All Options"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :created_at) {:base-type :type/Date}]
:widget-type :date/all-options}
;; Field Filters: Numbers
"num_not_eq" {:type :dimension,
:name "num_not_eq"
:display-name "!="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/!=}
"num_lte" {:type :dimension,
:name "num_lte"
:display-name "<="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/<=}
"num_eq" {:type :dimension,
:name "num_eq"
:display-name "="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/=}
"num_gte" {:type :dimension,
:name "num_gte"
:display-name ">="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/>=}
"num_between" {:type :dimension,
:name "num_between"
:display-name "Betwixt"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :orders :total) {:base-type :type/Number}]
:widget-type :number/between}
;; Field Filters: Strings
"str_not_eq" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_not_eq"
:display-name "String !="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/!=}
"str_eq" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_eq"
:display-name "String ="
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/=}
"str_contains" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_contains"
:display-name "String Contains"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/contains}
"str_dnc" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_dnc"
:display-name "String Does Not Contain"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/does-not-contain}
"str_ends" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_ends"
:display-name "String Ends With"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/ends-with}
"str_starts" {:type :dimension,
:name "str_starts"
:display-name "String Starts With"
:dimension [:field (mt/id :people :name) {:base-type :type/Text}]
:widget-type :string/starts-with}}))
(defn- tags
[& ts]
(select-keys @tag-definitions ts))
(deftest basic-variables-test
(testing "text variable"
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE source = ?"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "source")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE source = {{source}}"})))))
(testing "number variable"
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE favorite_number = 1" ; Numbers are put right in, no `?`
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "favorite_nbr")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE favorite_number = {{favorite_nbr}}"})))))
(testing "date variable"
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE created_at = ?"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "created")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE created_at = {{created}}"}))))))
(deftest many-variables-test
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE source = ? AND favorite_number = 1 AND created_at = ?"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "source" "favorite_nbr" "created")
:query (str "SELECT * FROM people WHERE source = {{source}} AND "
"favorite_number = {{favorite_nbr}} AND created_at = "
(deftest optional-test
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE source = ? AND favorite_number = 1 AND created_at = ?"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "source" "favorite_nbr" "created")
:query (str "SELECT * FROM people WHERE [[ source = {{source}} AND ]]"
"favorite_number = {{favorite_nbr}} [[ AND created_at = "
"{{created}} ]]")})))))
(deftest field-filter-date-test
(doseq [date-filter ["created_range" "created_my" "created_qy" "created_rel" "date_ao"]]
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags date-filter)
:query (format "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{%s}}" date-filter)}))))))
(deftest field-filter-number-test
;; :number/!=
(is (= "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE ((\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"TOTAL\" <> 1) OR (\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"TOTAL\" IS NULL))"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "num_not_eq")
:query "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE {{num_not_eq}}"}))))
;; :number/<=
(is (= "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"TOTAL\" <= 1)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "num_lte")
:query "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE {{num_lte}}"}))))
;; :number/=
(is (= "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"TOTAL\" = 1)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "num_eq")
:query "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE {{num_eq}}"}))))
;; :number/>=
(is (= "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"ORDERS\".\"TOTAL\" >= 1)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "num_gte")
:query "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE {{num_gte}}"}))))
;; :number/between
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "num_between")
:query "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE {{num_between}}"})))))
(deftest field-filter-string-test
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE ((\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" <> ?) OR (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" IS NULL))"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_not_eq")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_not_eq}}"}))))
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" = ?)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_eq")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_eq}}"}))))
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" LIKE ?)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_contains")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_contains}}"}))))
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE (NOT (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" LIKE ?) OR (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" IS NULL))"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_dnc")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_dnc}}"}))))
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" LIKE ?)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_ends")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_ends}}"}))))
(is (= "SELECT * FROM people WHERE (\"PUBLIC\".\"PEOPLE\".\"NAME\" LIKE ?)"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags (tags "str_starts")
:query "SELECT * FROM people WHERE {{str_starts}}"})))))
(deftest card-ref-test
[:model/Card {card-id :id} {:type :model
:dataset_query (mt/native-query {:query "select * from checkins"})}]
(let [q (format "SELECT * FROM {{#%s}} LIMIT 3" card-id)
tt (lib-native/extract-template-tags q)]
(is (= "SELECT * FROM (select * from checkins) LIMIT 3"
(->sql (mt/native-query {:template-tags tt
:query q})))))))
(deftest default-values
(let [blocklist #{;; there's a type check on :template-tags blocking these
;; no longer in use
expected (set/difference (into #{} (keys lib.schema.parameter/types))
tag->type (fn [{:keys [type widget-type]}] (if (= type :dimension) widget-type type))]
(is (set/subset? expected (into #{} (keys nqa.sub/default-values)))
"Ensure that you have a default value for all types defined in lib.schema.parameter/types")
(is (set/subset? expected (into #{} (map tag->type (vals @tag-definitions))))
"Ensure that you have a test for each type defined in lib.schema.parameter/types")))
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