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Unverified Commit 34e22f90 authored by Cal Herries's avatar Cal Herries Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Move away from deprecated slack upload endpoints (#41974)

parent 1cead3a8
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......@@ -318,27 +318,84 @@
channel-id' (get name->id channel-id channel-id)]
(defn- poll
"Returns `(thunk)` if the result satisfies the `done?` predicate within the timeout and nil otherwise."
[{:keys [thunk done? timeout-ms interval-ms]}]
(let [start-time (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(loop []
(let [response (thunk)]
(if (done? response)
(let [current-time (System/currentTimeMillis)
elapsed-time (- current-time start-time)]
(if (>= elapsed-time timeout-ms)
nil ; timeout reached
(Thread/sleep interval-ms)
(defn complete!
"Completes the file upload to a Slack channel by calling the `files.completeUploadExternal` endpoint, and polls the
same endpoint until the file is uploaded to the channel. Returns the URL of the uploaded file."
[& {:keys [channel-id file-id filename]}]
(let [complete! (fn []
(POST "files.completeUploadExternal"
{:query-params {:files (json/generate-string [{:id file-id, :title filename}])
:channel_id channel-id}}))
complete-response (try
(catch Throwable e
;; If file upload fails with a "not_in_channel" error, we join the channel and try again.
;; This is expected to happen the first time a Slack subscription is sent.
(if (= "not_in_channel" (:error-code (ex-data e)))
(do (join-channel! channel-id)
(throw (ex-info (ex-message e)
(assoc (ex-data e) :channel-id channel-id, :filename filename))))))
;; Step 4: Poll the endpoint to confirm the file is uploaded to the channel
uploaded-to-channel? (fn [response]
(boolean (some-> response :files first :shares not-empty)))
_ (when-not (or
(uploaded-to-channel? complete-response)
(poll {:thunk complete!
:done? uploaded-to-channel?
;; Cal 2024-04-30: this typically takes 1-2 seconds to succeed.
;; If it takes more than 10 seconds, something else is wrong and we should abort.
:timeout-ms 3000
:interval-ms 500}))
(throw (ex-info "Timed out waiting to confirm the file was uploaded to a Slack channel."
{:channel-id channel-id, :filename filename})))]
(get-in complete-response [:files 0 :url_private])))
(defn- get-upload-url! [filename file]
(POST "files.getUploadURLExternal" {:query-params {:filename filename
:length (count file)}}))
(defn- upload-file-to-url! [upload-url file]
(let [response (http/post upload-url {:multipart [{:name "file", :content file}]})]
(if (= (:status response) 200)
(throw (ex-info "Failed to upload file to Slack:" (select-keys response [:status :body]))))))
(mu/defn upload-file!
"Calls Slack API `files.upload` endpoint and returns the URL of the uploaded file."
"Calls Slack API `files.getUploadURLExternal` and `files.completeUploadExternal` endpoints to upload a file and returns
the URL of the uploaded file."
[file :- NonEmptyByteArray
filename :- ms/NonBlankString
channel-id :- ms/NonBlankString]
{:pre [(slack-configured?)]}
(let [request {:multipart [{:name "file", :content file}
{:name "filename", :content filename}
{:name "channels", :content channel-id}]}
response (try
(POST "files.upload" request)
(catch Throwable e
;; If file upload fails with a "not_in_channel" error, we join the channel and try again.
;; This is expected to happen the first time a Slack subscription is sent.
(if (= "not_in_channel" (:error-code (ex-data e)))
(do (-> channel-id
(maybe-lookup-id (slack-cached-channels-and-usernames))
(POST "files.upload" request))
(throw e))))]
(u/prog1 (get-in response [:file :url_private])
;; TODO: we could make uploading files a lot faster by uploading the files in parallel.
;; Steps 1 and 2 can be done for all files in parallel, and step 3 can be done once at the end.
(let [;; Step 1: Get the upload URL using files.getUploadURLExternal
{:keys [upload_url file_id]} (get-upload-url! filename file)
;; Step 2: Upload the file to the obtained upload URL
_ (upload-file-to-url! upload_url file)
;; Step 3: Complete the upload using files.completeUploadExternal
file-url (complete! {:channel-id (maybe-lookup-id channel-id (slack-cached-channels-and-usernames))
:file-id file_id
:filename filename})]
(u/prog1 file-url
(log/debug "Uploaded image" <>))))
(mu/defn post-chat-message!
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
(clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;;; ------------------------------------------------- PULSE SENDING --------------------------------------------------
(defn- is-card-empty?
......@@ -174,56 +174,68 @@
(testing "upload-file!"
(let [image-bytes (.getBytes "fake-picture")
filename "wow.gif"
channel-id "C13372B6X"]
(http-fake/with-fake-routes {#"^\.upload.*"
(fn [_] (mock-200-response (slurp "./test_resources/slack_upload_file_response.json")))}
channel-id "C13372B6X"
upload-url ""
fake-upload-routes {#"^\.getUploadURLExternal.*"
(fn [_] (mock-200-response {:ok true
:upload_url upload-url
(fn [_] (mock-200-response "OK"))
(fn [_] (mock-200-response (slurp "./test_resources/slack_upload_file_response.json")))}]
(http-fake/with-fake-routes fake-upload-routes
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [slack-token "test-token"
slack-app-token nil]
(is (= ""
(is (= ""
(slack/upload-file! image-bytes filename channel-id)))))
;; Slack app token requires joining the `metabase_files` channel before uploading a file
(http-fake/with-fake-routes {#"^\.upload.*"
(fn [_] (mock-200-response (slurp "./test_resources/slack_upload_file_response.json")))
(fn [_] (mock-200-response (slurp "./test_resources/slack_conversations_join_response.json")))}
(assoc fake-upload-routes
(fn [_] (mock-200-response (slurp "./test_resources/slack_conversations_join_response.json"))))
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [slack-token nil
slack-app-token "test-token"]
(is (= ""
(slack/upload-file! image-bytes filename channel-id)))))))
(testing (str "upload-file! will attempt to join channels by internal slack id"
" but we can continue to use the channel name for posting")
(let [filename "wow.gif"
channel-id "metabase_files"
slack-id "CQXPZKNQ3RK"
joined? (atom false)
channel-info [{:display-name "#random",
:name "random",
:type "channel"}
{:display-name "#general",
:name "general",
:id "C4Q6LXLRA46",
:type "channel"}
{:display-name "#metabase_files",
:name channel-id,
;; must look up "metabase_files" and find the id below
:id slack-id,
:type "channel"}]]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [slack/slack-app-token "slack-configured?"
{:channels channel-info}]
(with-redefs [slack/POST (fn [endpoint payload]
(case endpoint
(if @joined?
{:file {:url_private filename}}
(throw (ex-info "Not in that channel"
{:error-code "not_in_channel"})))
(reset! joined? (= (-> payload :form-params :channel)
(slack/upload-file! (.getBytes "fake-picture") filename channel-id)
(is @joined? (str "Did not attempt to join with slack-id " slack-id)))))))
(is (= ""
(slack/upload-file! image-bytes filename channel-id))))
(testing (str "upload-file! will attempt to join channels by internal slack id"
" but we can continue to use the channel name for posting")
(let [filename "wow.gif"
channel-id "metabase_files"
slack-id "CQXPZKNQ3RK"
joined? (atom false)
channel-info [{:display-name "#random",
:name "random",
:type "channel"}
{:display-name "#general",
:name "general",
:id "C4Q6LXLRA46",
:type "channel"}
{:display-name "#metabase_files",
:name channel-id,
;; must look up "metabase_files" and find the id below
:id slack-id,
:type "channel"}]
post (var-get #'slack/POST)]
(with-redefs [slack/POST (fn [endpoint payload]
(case endpoint
(if @joined?
(json/parse-string (slurp "./test_resources/slack_upload_file_response.json") keyword)
(throw (ex-info "Not in that channel"
{:error-code "not_in_channel"})))
(reset! joined? (= (-> payload :form-params :channel)
(post endpoint payload)))]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [slack/slack-app-token "slack-configured?"
{:channels channel-info}]
(slack/upload-file! (.getBytes "fake-picture") filename channel-id)
(is @joined? (str "Did not attempt to join with slack-id " slack-id))))))))))
(deftest maybe-lookup-id-test
(let [f (var-get #'slack/maybe-lookup-id)]
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"file_access": "visible"
\ No newline at end of file
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