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Unverified Commit 354842b0 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Add Database-local Setting for enabling Actions for a specific Database (#22571)

parent 305a91d5
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(ns metabase.actions
"Code related to the new writeback Actions."
(:require [metabase.models.setting :as setting]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]))
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(setting/defsetting experimental-enable-actions
(i18n/deferred-tru "Whether to enable using the new experimental Actions features globally. (Actions must also be enabled for each Database.)")
:default false
:type :boolean
:visibility :public)
(setting/defsetting database-enable-actions
(i18n/deferred-tru "Whether to enable using the new experimental Actions for a specific Database.")
:default false
:type :boolean
:visibility :public
:database-local :only)
;; TODO -- should these be ASYNC!!!!
(defmulti table-action!
"Multimethod for doing an action on a Table as a whole, e.g. inserting a new row."
{:arglists '([action {:keys [table-id], :as arg-map}])}
(fn [action _arg-map]
(keyword action)))
(defmethod table-action! :default
[action _arg-map]
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Unknown Table action {0}." (pr-str (some-> action name)))
{:status-code 404})))
(defmethod table-action! :insert
[_action {:keys [table-id values]}]
{:pre [(map? values)]}
;; placeholder until we really implement it.
{:insert-into (db/select-one-field :name Table :id table-id)
:values values})
(defmulti row-action!
"Multimethod for doing an action against a specific row as a whole, e.g. updating or deleting that row."
{:arglists '([action {:keys [table-id pk], :as arg-map}])}
(fn [action _arg-map]
(keyword action)))
(defmethod row-action! :default
[action _arg-map]
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Unknown row action {0}." (pr-str (some-> action name)))
{:status-code 404})))
(defn- pk-where-clause [pk]
{:pre [(map? pk)]}
(let [clauses (for [[k v] pk]
[:= (keyword k) v])]
(if (= (count clauses) 1)
(first clauses)
(into [:and] clauses))))
(defmethod row-action! :delete
[_action {:keys [table-id pk]}]
;; placeholder until we really implement it.
{:delete-from (db/select-one-field :name Table :id table-id)
:where (pk-where-clause pk)})
(defmethod row-action! :update
[_action {:keys [table-id pk values]}]
;; placeholder until we really implement it.
{:update (db/select-one-field :name Table :id table-id)
:set values
:where (pk-where-clause pk)})
(ns metabase.api.actions
"`/api/actions/` endpoints."
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET]]
[metabase.actions :as actions]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]))
[compojure.core :as compojure :refer [POST]]
[metabase.actions :as actions]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(api/defendpoint GET "/dummy"
"Dummy API endpoint to test feature flagging with the [[metabase.actions/experimental-enable-actions]] feature flag.
We can remove this and test other endpoints once we have other endpoints."
{:dummy true})
(defn- do-action-for-table [table-id thunk]
{:pre [(integer? table-id)]}
(let [database-id (api/check-404 (db/select-one-field :db_id Table :id table-id))
db-settings (db/select-one-field :settings Database :id database-id)]
(binding [setting/*database-local-values* db-settings]
;; make sure Actions are enabled for this Database
(when-not (actions/database-enable-actions)
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Actions are not enabled for Database {0}." database-id)
{:status-code 400})))
;; TODO -- need to check permissions once the perms code is in place.
(api/defendpoint POST "/table/:action"
"Generic API endpoint for doing an action against a specific Table."
[action :as {{:keys [table-id], :as body} :body}]
{table-id su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(fn []
(actions/table-action! (keyword action) (assoc body :table-id table-id)))))
(api/defendpoint POST "/row/:action"
"Generic API endpoint for doing an action against a specific row."
[action :as {{:keys [table-id pk], :as body} :body}]
{table-id su/IntGreaterThanZero
pk su/Map}
(fn []
(actions/row-action! (keyword action) (assoc body :table-id table-id)))))
(defn- +check-actions-enabled
"Ring middleware that checks that the [[metabase.actions/experimental-enable-actions]] feature flag is enabled, and
......@@ -907,6 +907,11 @@
The ability of this Setting to be /Database-local/. Valid values are `:only`, `:allowed`, and `:never`. Default:
`:never`. See docstring for [[metabase.models.setting]] for more information.
###### `:user-local`
Whether this Setting is /User-local/. Valid values are `:only`, `:allowed`, and `:never`. Default: `:never`. See
docstring for [[metabase.models.setting]] for more info.
###### `:deprecated`
If this setting is deprecated, this should contain a string of the Metabase version in which the setting was
(ns metabase.api.actions-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.api.actions :as api.actions]
[metabase.test :as mt]))
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.api.actions :as api.actions]
[metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
[metabase.test :as mt]))
(comment api.actions/keep-me)
;; TODO -- once we add a new endpoint rework these tests to test those and remove the dummy endpoint.
(deftest global-feature-flag-test
(testing "Enable or disable endpoints based on the `experimental-enable-actions` feature flag"
(testing "Should return a 400 if feature flag is disabled"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [experimental-enable-actions false]
(is (= "Actions are not enabled."
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 400 "actions/dummy")))))
(testing "Should work if feature flag is enabled"
(defn mock-requests []
[{:action "actions/table/insert"
:request-body {:table-id (mt/id :venues)
:values {:name "Toucannery"}}
:expected {:insert-into "VENUES"
:values {:name "Toucannery"}}}
{:action "actions/row/update"
:request-body {:table-id (mt/id :venues)
:pk {:id 1, :name "Red Medicine"}
:values {:name "Toucannery"}}
:expected {:update "VENUES"
:set {:name "Toucannery"}
:where ["and"
["=" "id" 1]
["=" "name" "Red Medicine"]]}}
{:action "actions/row/delete"
:request-body {:table-id (mt/id :venues)
:pk {:id 1}}
:expected {:delete-from "VENUES"
:where ["=" "id" 1]}}])
(defn- row-action? [action]
(str/starts-with? action "actions/row"))
(deftest happy-path-test
(testing "Make sure it's possible to use known actions end-to-end if preconditions are satisfied"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [experimental-enable-actions true]
(is (= {:dummy true}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "actions/dummy")))))))
(mt/with-temp-vals-in-db Database (mt/id) {:settings {:database-enable-actions true}}
(doseq [{:keys [action request-body expected]} (mock-requests)]
(testing action
(is (= expected
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 200 action request-body))))))))))
(deftest feature-flags-test
(testing "Disable endpoints unless both global and Database feature flags are enabled"
(doseq [{:keys [action request-body]} (mock-requests)
enable-global-feature-flag? [true false]
enable-database-feature-flag? [true false]]
(testing action
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [experimental-enable-actions enable-global-feature-flag?]
(mt/with-temp-vals-in-db Database (mt/id) {:settings {:database-enable-actions enable-database-feature-flag?}}
(not enable-global-feature-flag?)
(testing "Should return a 400 if global feature flag is disabled"
(is (= "Actions are not enabled."
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 400 action request-body))))
(not enable-database-feature-flag?)
(testing "Should return a 400 if Database feature flag is disabled."
(is (re= #"^Actions are not enabled for Database [\d,]+\.$"
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 400 action request-body)))))))))))
(deftest validation-test
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [experimental-enable-actions true]
(mt/with-temp-vals-in-db Database (mt/id) {:settings {:database-enable-actions true}}
(doseq [{:keys [action]} (mock-requests)]
(testing action
(testing "Require `:table-id`"
(is (= {:errors {:table-id "value must be an integer greater than zero."}}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 400 action))))
(when (row-action? action)
(testing "Require `:pk` for row actions"
(is (= {:errors {:pk "value must be a map."}}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 400 action {:table-id (mt/id :venues)})))
(testing "`:pk` must be a map"
(is (= {:errors {:pk "value must be a map."}}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 400 action {:table-id (mt/id :venues), :pk 1})))))))))))
(deftest four-oh-four-test
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [experimental-enable-actions true]
(mt/with-temp-vals-in-db Database (mt/id) {:settings {:database-enable-actions true}}
(doseq [{:keys [action]} (mock-requests)]
(testing action
(testing "404 for unknown Table"
(is (= "Not found."
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 404 action {:table-id Integer/MAX_VALUE, :pk {:id 1}}))))))
(testing "404 for unknown Table action"
(is (= "Unknown Table action \"fake\"."
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 404 "actions/table/fake" {:table-id (mt/id :venues), :pk {:id 1}}))))
(testing "404 for unknown row action"
(is (= "Unknown row action \"fake\"."
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 404 "actions/row/fake" {:table-id (mt/id :venues), :pk {:id 1}})))))))
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