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Commit 368a44b3 authored by Allen Gilliland's avatar Allen Gilliland
Browse files

use Quartzite for scheduling and running background tasks to give us some more options.

parent 77324876
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......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
[cheshire "5.5.0"] ; fast JSON encoding (used by Ring JSON middleware)
[clj-http-lite "0.2.1"] ; HTTP client; lightweight version of clj-http that uses HttpURLConnection instead of Apache
[clj-time "0.10.0"] ; library for dealing with date/time
[clojurewerkz/quartzite "2.0.0"] ; scheduling library
[colorize "0.1.1" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]] ; string output with ANSI color codes (for logging)
[com.cemerick/friend "0.2.1"] ; auth library
[com.draines/postal "1.11.3"] ; SMTP library
......@@ -58,7 +59,8 @@
:javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6"]
;; :jar-exclusions [#"\.java"] Circle CI doesn't like regexes because it's using the EDN reader and is retarded
:ring {:handler metabase.core/app
:init metabase.core/init}
:init metabase.core/init
:destroy metabase.core/destroy}
:eastwood {:exclude-namespaces [:test-paths]
:add-linters [:unused-private-vars]
:exclude-linters [:constant-test ; korma macros generate some forms with if statements that are always logically true or false
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(metabase [config :as config]
[db :as db]
[driver :as driver]
[events :as events]
[routes :as routes]
[setup :as setup]
[task :as task])
......@@ -25,8 +26,7 @@
[format :refer :all])
(metabase.models [setting :refer [defsetting]]
[database :refer [Database]]
[user :refer [User]])
[ :as events]))
[user :refer [User]])))
;; ## CONFIG
......@@ -85,11 +85,19 @@
(defn destroy
"General application shutdown function which should be called once at application shuddown."
(log/info "Metabase Shutting Down ...")
(log/info "Metabase Shutdown COMPLETE"))
(defn init
"General application initialization function which should be run once at application startup."
(log/info "Metabase Initializing ... ")
;; First of all, lets register a shutdown hook that will tidy things up for us on app exit
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. destroy))
(log/debug "Using Config:\n" (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint config/config-all)))
;; Bootstrap the event system
......@@ -106,6 +114,7 @@
(events/publish-event :install {}))
;; Now start the task runner
(log/info "Metabase Initialization COMPLETE")
;; -*- comment-column: 60; -*-
(ns metabase.task
"Function hooks; background task runner and related hooks.
Namespaces under `metabase.task.*` will be automatically loaded when the background task runner is started."
"Background task scheduling via Quartzite. Individual tasks are defined in `metabase.task.*`"
[ :as log]
[ :as ns-find]
[metabase.util :as u])
(:import java.util.Calendar))
[clojurewerkz.quartzite.scheduler :as qs]))
;; # HOOKS
;; [Just like in Emacs Lisp]( (well, almost) <3
;; Define a hook with `defhook`, add functions to it with `add-hook!`, and run those functions later with `run-hook`:
;; (defhook hourly-tasks-hook \"Tasks to run hourly\") ; define a new hook.
;; (add-hook! #'hourly-tasks-hook my-fn-to-run-hourly) ; add a function to the hook
;; (run-hook #'hourly-tasks-hook :parallel) ; run the functions associated with a hook
;; See the docstrs of these functions below for further discussion.
;; ### Robert Hooke
;; Yes, I known [`robert-hooke`]( exists.
;; This library is actually bascially an implementation of Emacs Lisp [`advice`](,
;; not `add-hook`. Which is what we want here. Also, the implementation below is only like ~20 LOC so no need to pull in a 3rd-party library IMO.
;; ### Differences from Emacs Lisp
;; (defun add-hook (hook function &optional append local)
;; ...)
;; (add-hook 'my-wacky-hook #'some-fun t t)
;; 1. In Elisp, calling `add-hook` with an undefined hook will just create the hook for you. We're not allowing that here so we can do
;; some safety checking.
;; 2. You can't define a `buffer-local` hook because there's no such thing in Clojure
;; 3. Excution order of *hook functions* here are indeterminate since they're stored in a set
;; 4. We can run our *hook functions* in parallel <3
(defmacro defhook
"Define a new hook.
(defhook hourly-tasks-hook \"Tasks to run hourly\")
A hook is simply an atom storing a set of functions that you can run at any time with `run-hook`."
[hook-name & [docstr?]]
{:arglists '([hook-name docstr?])}
`(defonce ~(vary-meta hook-name assoc
:doc docstr?
:type ::hook)
(atom #{})))
;; TODO Should we require that F be a var so as to avoid duplicate lambdas being added ?
(defn add-hook!
"Add function F to HOOK (hereafter, known as one of HOOK's *hook functions*).
Calling `(run-hook #'hook)` at a later time will call this function.
(add-hook! #'hourly-tasks-hook my-fn-to-run-hourly)
Note that you are expected to pass the var literal of HOOK; this is so we can check its metadata.
Hooks are tagged with `:type -> :metabase.task/hook` which is checked as a precondition so you
don't accidentally use this function the wrong way."
[hook f]
{:pre [(var? hook)
(= (:type (meta hook)) ::hook)
(fn? f)]}
(swap! (var-get hook) conj f))
;; TODO - remove-hook! function
(defn run-hook
"Run the *hook functions* associated with HOOK sequentially (by default) or in parallel if `:parallel` is
passed as the first arg. All subsequent args will be passed directly to the *hook functions* themselves.
(run-hook #'hourly-tasks-hook :parallel)
Like `add-hook!`, you are expected to pass the var literal of HOOK so we can do some safety checks for you."
{:arglists '([hook parallel? & args])}
[hook & args]
{:pre [(var? hook)
(= (:type (meta hook)) ::hook)]}
(let [[parallel args] (u/optional (partial = :parallel) args)
map-fn (if parallel pmap map)]
(map-fn #(try (apply % args)
(catch Throwable e
(log/error (format "Caught exception when running %s function %s with args %s : %s"
(:name (meta hook)) % args e))))
@(var-get hook)))))
;; The task runner is a set of hooks like `hourly-tasks-hook` that get called at certain intervals on a background thread.
;; Just add functions to these hooks with `add-hook!` and they'll be ran at the appropriate time.
(defhook hourly-tasks-hook
"Tasks to run hourly.
Functions will be passed a single function: the current hour (according to the system calendar) in 24-hour time.
(defn some-task [hour]
do-something ...)
(add-hook! #'hourly-tasks-hook some-task) ; some-task will be called on a background thread every hour")
(defhook nightly-tasks-hook
"Tasks to run nightly at midnight (according to the system calendar).
Functions will be passed no arguments.")
(defn- hour
"Current hour (0 - 23) according to the system calendar."
(.get (Calendar/getInstance) Calendar/HOUR))
(defn- minute
"Current minute (0 - 59) according to the system calendar."
(.get (Calendar/getInstance) Calendar/MINUTE))
(defn- minutes-until-next-hour
"Number of minutes (1 - 60) until the top of the *next* hour."
(- 60 (minute)))
(defn- hourly-task-delay
"Number of milliseconds to wait before running hourly tasks the next time around.
This is the number of milliseconds until the top of the next hour; e.g., if the test runner is started
with `(start-task-runner!)` at 8:23 PM, this function will return the number of milliseconds until 9:00 PM,
which will be first time we'd want to run the `hourly-task-hook` functions.
(This is provided here so the unit tests can replace this fn so we can test the scheduling mechanism.)"
(* 1000 60 (minutes-until-next-hour)))
(defn- run-hourly-tasks
"Sleep until the top of the next hour, then run the `hourly-tasks-hook` in parallel."
;; Sleep first, that way we're not trying to run a ton of tasks as soon as Metabase spins up
(Thread/sleep (hourly-task-delay))
(log/info "Running hourly tasks...")
(run-hook #'hourly-tasks-hook :parallel (hour))
(defn- run-nightly-tasks
"Run the `nightly-tasks-hook` (in parallel).
This is acutally just a *hook function* added to the `hourly-tasks-hook`;
it just checks whether the system hour is `0`, and, if so, runs the `nightly-tasks-hook`."
(when (= hour 0)
(log/info "Running nightly tasks...")
(run-hook #'nightly-tasks-hook :parallel)))
(add-hook! #'hourly-tasks-hook run-nightly-tasks)
(defonce ^:private quartz-scheduler
(atom nil))
(defn- find-and-load-tasks
"Search JARs + files in the classpath for Clojure namespaces that start with `metabase.task.`, then `require` them so tasks will be loaded as needed."
"Search Classpath for namespaces that start with `metabase.tasks.`, then `require` them so initialization can happen."
(->> (ns-find/find-namespaces (
(filter (fn [ns-symb]
(re-find #"^metabase\.task\." (name ns-symb))))
(map (fn [task-ns]
(log/info "Loading tasks from namespace" task-ns "...")
(require task-ns)))
(map (fn [events-ns]
(log/info "\tloading tasks namespace: " events-ns)
(require events-ns)))
(defonce ^:private task-runner
(atom nil))
(defn start-task-runner!
"Start a background thread that will run tasks on the `hourly-tasks-hook` and `nightly-tasks-hook` every hour / every night, respectively.
This also loads all namespaces under `metabase.task.*`, so tasks can defined in them without needing to load them elsewhere."
(defn start-scheduler!
"Start our Quartzite scheduler which allows jobs to be submitted and triggers to begin executing."
(when-not @task-runner
(log/info "Starting task runner...")
(reset! task-runner (future (run-hourly-tasks)))))
(when-not @quartz-scheduler
(log/debug "Starting Quartz Scheduler")
;; keep a reference to our scheduler
(reset! quartz-scheduler (-> (qs/initialize) qs/start))
;; look for job/trigger definitions
(defn stop-task-runner!
"Stop the task runner."
(defn stop-scheduler!
"Stop our Quartzite scheduler and shutdown any running executions."
(when @task-runner
(log/info "Stopping task runner...")
(future-cancel @task-runner)
(reset! task-runner nil)))
(log/debug "Stopping Quartz Scheduler")
;; tell quartz to stop everything
(qs/shutdown @quartz-scheduler)
;; reset our scheduler reference
(reset! quartz-scheduler nil))
(defn schedule-task!
"Add a given job and trigger to our scheduler."
[job trigger]
(when @quartz-scheduler
(qs/schedule @quartz-scheduler job trigger)))
(ns metabase.task.sync-databases
(:require [ :as log]
[ :as jobs]
[clojurewerkz.quartzite.triggers :as triggers]
[clojurewerkz.quartzite.schedule.cron :as cron]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db :as db]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
[metabase.task :as task]))
(def sync-databases-job-key "metabase.task.sync-databases.job")
(def sync-databases-trigger-key "metabase.task.sync-databases.trigger")
(defonce ^:private sync-databases-job (atom nil))
(defonce ^:private sync-databases-trigger (atom nil))
;; simple job which looks up all databases and runs a sync on them
;; TODO - skip the sample dataset?
(jobs/defjob SyncDatabases
(for [database (db/sel :many Database)]
(future (driver/sync-database! database)))))
;; this is what actually adds our task to the scheduler
(when (config/is-prod?)
(log/info "Submitting sync-database task to scheduler")
;; build our job
(reset! sync-databases-job (jobs/build
(jobs/of-type SyncDatabases)
(jobs/with-identity (jobs/key sync-databases-job-key))))
;; build our trigger
(reset! sync-databases-trigger (triggers/build
(triggers/with-identity (triggers/key sync-databases-trigger-key))
;; run at midnight daily
(cron/schedule (cron/cron-schedule "0 0 0 * * ? *")))))
;; submit ourselves to the scheduler
(task/schedule-task! @sync-databases-job @sync-databases-trigger))
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