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Commit 37873844 authored by Tom Robinson's avatar Tom Robinson Committed by Cam Saul
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Fix public questions with required parameters (#10794)

parent 8aced591
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with 190 additions and 35 deletions
......@@ -42,9 +42,10 @@ export default class LoadingAndErrorWrapper extends Component {
// NOTE Atte Keinänen 5/10/17 Dashboard API endpoint returns the error as JSON with `message` field
( && ( ? : ||
error.statusText ||
error.message ||
if (!errorMessage || typeof errorMessage === "object") {
if (!errorMessage || typeof errorMessage !== "string") {
errorMessage = t`An error occurred`;
return errorMessage;
......@@ -41,4 +41,5 @@ export type DatasetData = {
export type Dataset = {
data: DatasetData,
json_query: DatasetQuery,
error?: string,
......@@ -184,18 +184,26 @@ export default class PublicQuestion extends Component {
const parameters = card && getParametersWithExtras(card);
return (
name={card &&}
description={card && card.description}
parameters={card && getParametersWithExtras(card)}
<LoadingAndErrorWrapper loading={!result} noWrapper>
error={typeof result === "string" ? result : null}
{() => (
error={result && result.error}
rawSeries={[{ card: card, data: result && }]}
className="full flex-full z1"
onUpdateVisualizationSettings={settings =>
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[async :as qp.async]
[error-type :as qp.error-type]
[util :as qputil]]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.constraints :as constraints]
......@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@
(defn- as-format-response
"Return a response containing the `results` of a query in the specified format."
{:style/indent 1, :arglists '([export-format results])}
[export-format {{:keys [rows cols]} :data, :keys [status], :as response}]
[export-format {{:keys [rows cols]} :data, :keys [status error], error-type :error_type, :as response}]
(api/let-404 [export-conf (ex/export-formats export-format)]
(if (= status :completed)
;; successful query, send file
......@@ -114,8 +115,10 @@
"Content-Disposition" (format "attachment; filename=\"query_result_%s.%s\""
(du/date->iso-8601) (:ext export-conf))}}
;; failed query, send error message
{:status 500
:body (:error response)})))
{:status (if (qp.error-type/server-error? error-type)
:body error})))
(s/defn as-format-async
"Write the results of an async query to API `respond` or `raise` functions in `export-format`. `in-chan` should be a
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
(defn- validate-param-sets
"Validate that sets of params passed as part of the JWT token and by the user (as query params, i.e. as part of the
URL) are valid for the OBJECT-EMBEDDING-PARAMS. TOKEN-PARAMS and USER-PARAMS should be sets of all valid param keys
specified in the JWT or by the user, respectively."
URL) are valid for the `object-embedding-params`. `token-params` and `user-params` should be sets of all valid param
keys specified in the JWT or by the user, respectively."
[object-embedding-params token-params user-params]
;; TODO - maybe make this log/debug once embedding is wrapped up
(log/debug "Validating params for embedded object:\n"
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
(s/defn ^:private remove-locked-and-disabled-params
"Remove the `:parameters` for DASHBOARD-OR-CARD that listed as `disabled` or `locked` in the `embedding-params`
"Remove the `:parameters` for `dashboard-or-card` that listed as `disabled` or `locked` in the `embedding-params`
whitelist, or not present in the whitelist. This is done so the frontend doesn't display widgets for params the user
can't set."
[dashboard-or-card, embedding-params :- su/EmbeddingParams]
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
:default (:default tag)}))
(defn- add-implicit-card-parameters
"Add template tag parameter information to CARD's `:parameters`."
"Add template tag parameter information to `card`'s `:parameters`."
(update card :parameters concat (template-tag-parameters card)))
......@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
;;; ---------------------------- Card Fns used by both /api/embed and /api/preview_embed -----------------------------
(defn card-for-unsigned-token
"Return the info needed for embedding about Card specified in TOKEN.
Additional CONSTRAINTS can be passed to the `public-card` function that fetches the Card."
"Return the info needed for embedding about Card specified in `token`. Additional `constraints` can be passed to the
`public-card` function that fetches the Card."
{:style/indent 1}
[unsigned-token & {:keys [embedding-params constraints]}]
(let [card-id (eu/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])
......@@ -332,7 +332,6 @@
(dashboard-for-unsigned-token unsigned, :constraints {:enable_embedding true})))
(defn- card-for-signed-token-async
"Fetch the results of running a Card belonging to a Dashboard using a JSON Web Token signed with the
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
[dimension :refer [Dimension]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[params :as params]]
[metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.constraints :as constraints]
[embed :as embed]
......@@ -42,14 +43,14 @@
;;; -------------------------------------------------- Public Cards --------------------------------------------------
(defn- remove-card-non-public-columns
"Remove everyting from public CARD that shouldn't be visible to the general public."
"Remove everyting from public `card` that shouldn't be visible to the general public."
(u/select-nested-keys card [:id :name :description :display :visualization_settings
[:dataset_query :type [:native :template-tags]]])))
(defn public-card
"Return a public Card matching key-value CONDITIONS, removing all columns that should not be visible to the general
"Return a public Card matching key-value `conditions`, removing all columns that should not be visible to the general
public. Throws a 404 if the Card doesn't exist."
[& conditions]
(-> (api/check-404 (apply db/select-one [Card :id :dataset_query :description :display :name :visualization_settings]
......@@ -66,13 +67,24 @@
(card-with-uuid uuid))
(defn- transform-results [results]
(if (= (:status results) :failed)
;; if the query failed instead of returning anything about the query just return a generic error message
(ex-info "An error occurred while running the query." {:status-code 400})
[[:data :cols :rows :rows_truncated :insights] [:json_query :parameters] :error :status])))
(defmulti ^:private transform-results
{:arglists '([results])}
(defmethod transform-results :default
[[:data :cols :rows :rows_truncated :insights] [:json_query :parameters] :status]))
(defmethod transform-results :failed
[{:keys [error], error-type :error_type, :as results}]
;; if the query failed instead, unless the error type is specified and is EXPLICITLY allowed to be shown for embeds,
;; instead of returning anything about the query just return a generic error message
(select-keys results [:status :error :error_type])
(when-not (qp.error-type/show-in-embeds? error-type)
{:error (tru "An error occurred while running the query.")})))
(defn run-query-for-card-with-id-async
"Run the query belonging to Card with `card-id` with `parameters` and other query options (e.g. `:constraints`).
......@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]))
(def ^:private +generic-exceptions
"Wrap ROUTES so any Exception thrown is just returned as a generic 400, to prevent details from leaking in public
"Wrap `routes` so any Exception thrown is just returned as a generic 400, to prevent details from leaking in public
(def ^:private +message-only-exceptions
"Wrap ROUTES so any Exception thrown is just returned as a 400 with only the message from the original
"Wrap `routes` so any Exception thrown is just returned as a 400 with only the message from the original
Exception (i.e., remove the original stacktrace), to prevent details from leaking in public endpoints."
(def ^:private +apikey
"Wrap ROUTES so they may only be accessed with proper apikey credentials."
"Wrap `routes` so they may only be accessed with a correct API key header."
(def ^:private +auth
"Wrap ROUTES so they may only be accessed with proper authentiaction credentials."
"Wrap `routes` so they may only be accessed with proper authentication credentials."
(defroutes ^{:doc "Ring routes for API endpoints."} routes
(ns metabase.query-processor.error-type
"A hierarchy of all QP error types. Ideally all QP exceptions should be `ex-data` maps with an `:type` key whose value
is one of the types here. If you see an Exception in QP code that doesn't return an `:type`, add it!")
(def ^:private hierarchy
(-> (make-hierarchy)
;; errors deriving from `:client-error` are the equivalent of HTTP 4xx client status codes
(derive :client-error :error)
(derive :invalid-query :client-error)
;; errors deriving from `:unexpected-server-error` are the equivalent of HTTP 5xx status codes
(derive :unexpected-server-error :error)
(derive :unexpected-qp-error :unexpected-server-error)
(derive :unexpected-db-error :unexpected-server-error)))
(defn known-error-types
"Set of all known QP error types."
(descendants hierarchy :error))
(defn known-error-type?
"Is `error-type` a known QP error type (i.e., one defined with `deferror` above)?"
(isa? hierarchy error-type :error))
(defn show-in-embeds?
"Should errors of this type be shown to users of Metabase in embedded Cards or Dashboards? Normally, we return a
generic 'Query Failed' error message for embedded queries, so as not to leak information. Some errors (like missing
parameter errors), however, should be shown even in these situations."
(isa? hierarchy error-type :show-in-embeds?))
(defmacro ^:private deferror
{:style/indent 1}
[error-name docstring & {:keys [parent show-in-embeds?]}]
{:pre [(some? parent)]}
(def ~error-name ~docstring ~(keyword error-name))
(alter-var-root #'hierarchy derive ~(keyword error-name) ~(keyword parent))
~(when show-in-embeds?
`(alter-var-root #'hierarchy derive ~(keyword error-name) :show-in-embeds?))))
;;;; ### Client Errors
(deferror client
"Generic ancestor type for all errors with the query map itself. Equivalent of a HTTP 4xx status code."
:parent :error)
(defn client-error?
"Is `error-type` a client error type, the equivalent of an HTTP 4xx status code?"
(isa? hierarchy error-type :client))
(deferror missing-required-permissions
"The current user does not have required permissions to run the current query."
:parent client)
(deferror invalid-query
"Generic ancestor type for errors with the query map itself."
:parent client)
(deferror missing-required-parameter
"The query is parameterized, and a required parameter was not supplied."
:parent invalid-query
:show-in-embeds? true)
;;;; ### Server-Side Errors
(deferror server
"Generic ancestor type for all unexpected server-side errors. Equivalent of a HTTP 5xx status code."
:parent :error)
(defn server-error?
"Is `error-type` a server error type, the equivalent of an HTTP 5xx status code?"
(isa? hierarchy error-type :server))
;;;; #### QP Errors
(deferror qp
"Generic ancestor type for all unexpected errors (e.g., uncaught Exceptions) in QP code."
:parent server)
;;;; #### Data Warehouse (DB) Errors
(deferror db
"Generic ancestor type for all unexpected errors returned or thrown by a data warehouse when running a query."
:parent server)
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions
"Middleware for catching exceptions thrown by the query processor and returning them in a friendlier format."
(:require [metabase.query-processor.interface :as qp.i]
(:require [metabase.query-processor
[error-type :as qp.error-type]
[interface :as qp.i]]
[metabase.util :as u]
(:import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
......@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@
(when-let [error-msg (and (= error-type :schema.core/error)
(explain-schema-validation-error error))]
{:error error-msg})
(when (qp.error-type/known-error-type? error-type)
{:error_type error-type})
{:ex-data (dissoc data :schema)})))
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
:value \"2015-01-01~2016-09-01\"}}}"
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
[metabase.query-processor.error-type :as qp.error-type]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface :as i]
[i18n :as ui18n :refer [tru]]
......@@ -18,8 +19,7 @@
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import java.text.NumberFormat
[metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface CommaSeparatedNumbers FieldFilter
[metabase.query_processor.middleware.parameters.native.interface CommaSeparatedNumbers FieldFilter MultipleValues]))
(def ^:private ParamType
(s/enum :number
......@@ -68,13 +68,17 @@
;;; FieldFilter Params (Field Filters) (e.g. WHERE {{x}})
(defn- missing-required-param-exception [param-display-name]
(ex-info (tru "You''ll need to pick a value for ''{0}'' before this query can run." param-display-name)
{:type qp.error-type/missing-required-parameter}))
(s/defn ^:private default-value-for-field-filter
"Return the default value for a FieldFilter (`:type` = `:dimension`) param defined by the map `tag`, if one is set."
[tag :- TagParam]
(when (and (:required tag) (not (:default tag)))
(throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." (:display-name tag)))))
(throw (missing-required-param-exception (:display-name tag))))
(when-let [default (:default tag)]
{:type (:widget-type tag :dimension) ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set
{:type (:widget-type tag :dimension) ; widget-type is the actual type of the default value if set
:target [:dimension [:template-tag (:name tag)]]
:value default}))
......@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@
[{:keys [default display-name required]} :- TagParam]
(or default
(when required
(throw (Exception. (tru "''{0}'' is a required param." display-name))))))
(throw (missing-required-param-exception display-name)))))
;;; Parsing Values
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
:cols []}}
;; include stacktrace and preprocessed/native stages of the query if available in the response which should
;; make debugging queries a bit easier
(-> (select-keys result [:stacktrace :preprocessed :native])
(-> (select-keys result [:stacktrace :preprocessed :native :error_type])
(m/dissoc-in [:preprocessed :info]))))
......@@ -428,7 +428,8 @@
;; but if the card has an invalid query we should just get a generic "query failed" exception (rather than leaking
;; query info)
"An error occurred while running the query."
{:status "failed"
:error "An error occurred while running the query."}
(with-temp-dashcard [dashcard {:dash {:enable_embedding true}
......@@ -191,6 +191,41 @@
:parameters (json/encode [{:name "Venue ID", :slug "venue_id", :type "id", :value 2}]))
[:json_query :parameters]))))
;; Cards with required params
(defn- do-with-required-param-card [f]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [enable-public-sharing true]
(with-temp-public-card [{uuid :public_uuid}
{:database (data/id)
:type :native
:native {:query "SELECT count(*) FROM venues v WHERE price = {{price}}"
:template-tags {"price" {:name "price"
:display-name "Price"
:type :number
:required true}}}}}]
(f uuid))))
;; should be able to run a Card with a required param
(fn [uuid]
(http/client :get 200 (str "public/card/" uuid "/query")
:parameters (json/encode [{:type "category"
:target [:variable [:template-tag "price"]]
:value 1}]))))))
;; if you're missing a required param, the error message should get passed thru, rather than the normal generic 'Query
;; Failed' message that we show for most embedding errors
{:status "failed"
:error "You'll need to pick a value for 'Price' before this query can run."
:error_type "missing-required-parameter"}
(fn [uuid]
(http/client :get 200 (str "public/card/" uuid "/query")))))
;; make sure CSV (etc.) downloads take editable params into account (#6407)
(defn- card-with-date-field-filter []
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