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Unverified Commit 3fdf8e0d authored by Howon Lee's avatar Howon Lee Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Static viz waterfall, including backend bits (#18915)

Static viz waterfall needs BE bits. Here are the BE bits. Color and total summation coming...
parent 064ccff8
No related merge requests found
......@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ function timeseries_bar(data, labels, settings) {
function timeseries_waterfall(data, labels, settings) {
return StaticViz.RenderChart("timeseries/waterfall", {
data: toJSArray(data),
labels: toJSMap(labels),
accessors: date_accessors,
settings: JSON.parse(settings),
function categorical_bar(data, labels, settings) {
return StaticViz.RenderChart("categorical/bar", {
data: toJSArray(data),
......@@ -72,3 +81,12 @@ function categorical_donut(rows, colors) {
accessors: dimension_accessors,
function categorical_waterfall(data, labels, settings) {
return StaticViz.RenderChart("categorical/waterfall", {
data: toJSArray(data),
labels: toJSMap(labels),
accessors: positional_accessors,
settings: JSON.parse(settings),
......@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@
(#{:pin_map :state :country} display-type)
(chart-type nil "display-type is %s" display-type)
(#{:waterfall} display-type)
(chart-type display-type "display-type is %s" display-type)
(= @col-sample-count @row-sample-count 1)
(chart-type :scalar "result has one row and one column")
......@@ -493,6 +493,35 @@
:font-size :16px})}
(second labels)]]]]}))
(s/defmethod render :waterfall :- common/RenderedPulseCard
[_ render-type timezone-id card {:keys [rows cols viz-settings] :as data}]
(let [[x-axis-rowfn
y-axis-rowfn] (common/graphing-column-row-fns card data)
[x-col y-col] ((juxt x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn) cols)
rows (map (juxt x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn)
(common/non-nil-rows x-axis-rowfn y-axis-rowfn rows))
last-rows (reverse (take-last 2 rows))
values (for [row last-rows]
(some-> row y-axis-rowfn common/format-number))
labels (x-and-y-axis-label-info x-col y-col viz-settings)
render-fn (if (isa? (-> cols x-axis-rowfn :effective_type) :type/Temporal)
image-bundle (image-bundle/make-image-bundle
(render-fn rows
(->js-viz x-col y-col viz-settings)))]
(when image-bundle
(image-bundle/image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
[:img {:style (style/style {:display :block :width :100%})
:src (:image-src image-bundle)}]]}))
(s/defmethod render :empty :- common/RenderedPulseCard
[_ render-type _ _ _]
(let [image-bundle (image-bundle/no-results-image-bundle render-type)]
......@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@
(json/generate-string settings)))]
(svg-string->bytes svg-string)))
(defn timelineseries-waterfall
"Clojure entrypoint to render a timeseries waterfall chart. Rows should be tuples of [datetime numeric-value]. Labels is
a map of {:left \"left-label\" :botton \"bottom-label\". Returns a byte array of a png file."
[rows labels settings]
(let [svg-string (.asString (js/execute-fn-name @context "timeseries_waterfall" rows
(map (fn [[k v]] [(name k) v]) labels)
(json/generate-string settings)))]
(svg-string->bytes svg-string)))
(defn timelineseries-bar
"Clojure entrypoint to render a timeseries bar char. Rows should be tuples of [datetime numeric-value]. Labels is a
map of {:left \"left-label\" :botton \"bottom-label\"}. Returns a byte array of a png file."
......@@ -127,6 +136,15 @@
(json/generate-string settings)))]
(svg-string->bytes svg-string)))
(defn categorical-waterfall
"Clojure entrypoint to render a categorical waterfall chart. Rows should be tuples of [stringable numeric-value]. Labels is
a map of {:left \"left-label\" :botton \"bottom-label\". Returns a byte array of a png file."
[rows labels settings]
(let [svg-string (.asString (js/execute-fn-name @context "categorical_waterfall" rows
(map (fn [[k v]] [(name k) v]) labels)
(json/generate-string settings)))]
(svg-string->bytes svg-string)))
(defn categorical-bar
"Clojure entrypoint to render a categorical bar chart. Rows should be tuples of [stringable numeric-value]. Labels is
a map of {:left \"left-label\" :botton \"bottom-label\". Returns a byte array of a png file."
......@@ -412,6 +412,28 @@
(render-bar-graph {:cols default-columns
:rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [nil 20] [1.25 nil]]})))))
(defn- render-waterfall [results]
(body/render :waterfall :inline pacific-tz render.tu/test-card results))
(deftest render-waterfall-test
(testing "Render a waterfall graph with non-nil values for the x and y axis"
(is (has-inline-image?
(render-waterfall {:cols default-columns
:rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [2.50 20] [1.25 30]]}))))
(testing "Check to make sure we allow nil values for the y-axis"
(is (has-inline-image?
(render-waterfall {:cols default-columns
:rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [2.50 20] [1.25 nil]]}))))
(testing "Check to make sure we allow nil values for the y-axis"
(is (has-inline-image?
(render-waterfall {:cols default-columns
:rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [2.50 20] [nil 30]]}))))
(testing "Check to make sure we allow nil values for both x and y on different rows"
(is (has-inline-image?
(render-waterfall {:cols default-columns
:rows [[10.0 1] [5.0 10] [nil 20] [1.25 nil]]})))))
;; Test rendering a sparkline
;; Sparklines are a binary image either in-line or as an attachment, so there's not much introspection that we can do
......@@ -140,6 +140,21 @@
(is (= true (s/valid? spec text-nodes))
(deftest timelineseries-waterfall-test
(let [rows [[#t "2020" 2]
[#t "2021" 3]]
labels {:left "count" :bottom "year"}
settings (json/generate-string {:y {:prefix "prefix"
:decimals 4}})]
(testing "It returns bytes"
(let [svg-bytes (js-svg/timelineseries-waterfall rows labels settings)]
(is (bytes? svg-bytes))))
(let [svg-string (.asString (js/execute-fn-name @context "timeseries_waterfall" rows labels settings))
svg-hiccup (-> svg-string parse-svg document-tag-hiccup)]
(testing "it returns a valid svg string (no html in it)"
(validate-svg-string :timelineseries-waterfall svg-string)))))
(deftest categorical-donut-test
(let [rows [["apples" 2]
["bananas" 3]]
......@@ -149,3 +164,14 @@
(is (bytes? svg-bytes))))
(let [svg-string (.asString ^Value (js/execute-fn-name @context "categorical_donut" rows (seq colors)))]
(validate-svg-string :categorical/donut svg-string))))
(deftest categorical-waterfall-test
(let [rows [["apples" 2]
["bananas" 3]]
labels {:left "bob" :right "dobbs"}
settings (json/generate-string {})]
(testing "It returns bytes"
(let [svg-bytes (js-svg/categorical-waterfall rows labels {})]
(is (bytes? svg-bytes))))
(let [svg-string (.asString ^Value (js/execute-fn-name @context "categorical_waterfall" rows labels settings))]
(validate-svg-string :categorical/waterfall svg-string))))
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