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Unverified Commit 45ed2c6f authored by Oleksandr Yakushev's avatar Oleksandr Yakushev Committed by GitHub
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perf: Optimize some query processor functions (#47658)

* perf: [metabase.util.performance] Faster mapv for small collections

* perf: Optimize some query processor functions
parent 6c11dc6e
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......@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
[metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
[metabase.lib.util.match :as lib.util.match]
[ :as]))
[ :as]
[metabase.util.performance :as perf]))
(defn- ->string [x]
(when x
(str x)))
(defn- result-int->string
[field-indexes rf]
[field-mask rf]
((map (fn [row]
(reduce #(update (vec %1) %2 ->string) row field-indexes)))
(perf/mapv #(if %2 (->string %1) %1) row field-mask)))
(defn- should-convert-to-string? [field]
......@@ -21,22 +22,25 @@
(or (isa? (:base-type field) :type/Integer)
(isa? (:base-type field) :type/Number))))
(defn- field-indexes [fields]
(fn [idx val]
;; TODO -- we could probably fix the rest of #5816 by adding support for
;; `:field` w/ name and removing the PK/FK requirements -- might break
;; the FE client tho.
(when-let [field (lib.util.match/match-one val
[:field (field-id :guard integer?) _]
;; TODO -- can't we use the QP store here? Seems like
;; we should be able to, but it doesn't work (not
;; initialized)
(lib.metadata.protocols/field ( field-id))]
(when (should-convert-to-string? field)
(defn- field-index-mask
"Return a mask of booleans for each field. If the mask for the field is true, it should be converted to string."
(let [mask
(fn [val]
;; TODO -- we could probably fix the rest of #5816 by adding support for
;; `:field` w/ name and removing the PK/FK requirements -- might break
;; the FE client tho.
(when-let [field (lib.util.match/match-one val
[:field (field-id :guard integer?) _]
;; TODO -- can't we use the QP store here? Seems like
;; we should be able to, but it doesn't work (not
;; initialized)
(lib.metadata.protocols/field ( field-id))]
(should-convert-to-string? field)))
(when (some true? mask)
(defn convert-id-to-string
"Converts any ID (:type/PK and :type/FK) in a result to a string to handle a number > 2^51
......@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
;; so, short of turning all `:type/Integer` derived values into strings, this is the best approximation of a fix
;; that can be accomplished.
(let [rff' (when js-int-to-string?
(when-let [field-indexes (field-indexes (:fields (:query query)))]
(when-let [mask (field-index-mask (:fields (:query query)))]
(fn [metadata]
(result-int->string field-indexes (rff metadata)))))]
(result-int->string mask (rff metadata)))))]
(or rff' rff)))
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[metabase.query-processor.pipeline :as qp.pipeline]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]
[metabase.util.performance :as perf]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
......@@ -90,24 +91,24 @@
[primary-rf :- ifn?
additional-rfs :- [:sequential ifn?]
combine :- ifn?]
(let [additional-accs (volatile! (mapv (fn [rf] (rf))
(let [additional-accs (volatile! (perf/mapv (fn [rf] (rf))
(fn combine-additional-reducing-fns-rf*
([] (primary-rf))
(let [additional-results (map (fn [rf acc]
(rf (unreduced acc)))
(let [additional-results (perf/mapv (fn [rf acc]
(rf (unreduced acc)))
(apply combine acc additional-results)))
([acc x]
(vswap! additional-accs (fn [accs]
(mapv (fn [rf acc]
(if (reduced? acc)
(rf acc x)))
(perf/mapv (fn [rf acc]
(if (reduced? acc)
(rf acc x)))
(primary-rf acc x)))))
(ns metabase.util.performance
"Functions and utilities for faster processing."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce mapv]))
(:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce mapv])
(:import (clojure.lang LazilyPersistentVector RT)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
......@@ -59,16 +60,61 @@
(recur res)))
;; Special case for mapv. If the iterated collection has size <=32, it is more efficient to use object array as
;; accumulator instead of transients, and then build a vector from it.
(definterface ISmallTransient
(conj [x])
(persistent []))
(deftype SmallTransientImpl [^objects arr, ^:unsynchronized-mutable ^long cnt]
(conj [this x]
(RT/aset arr (unchecked-int cnt) x)
(set! cnt (unchecked-inc cnt))
(persistent [_]
(LazilyPersistentVector/createOwning arr)))
(defn- small-transient [n]
(SmallTransientImpl. (object-array n) 0))
(defn- small-conj!
{:inline (fn [st x] `(.conj ~(with-meta st {:tag `ISmallTransient}) ~x))}
[^ISmallTransient st x]
(.conj st x))
(defn- small-persistent! [^ISmallTransient st]
(.persistent st))
(defn- smallest-count
(^long [c1 c2] (min (count c1) (count c2)))
(^long [c1 c2 c3] (min (min (count c1) (count c2)) (count c3)))
(^long [c1 c2 c3 c4] (min (min (count c1) (count c2)) (min (count c3) (count c4)))))
(defn mapv
"Like `clojure.core/mapv`, but iterates multiple collections more effectively and uses Java iterators under the hood."
"Like `clojure.core/mapv`, but iterates multiple collections more efficiently and uses Java iterators under the hood."
([f coll1]
(persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2)) (transient []) coll1)))
(let [n (count coll1)]
(cond (= n 0) []
(<= n 32) (small-persistent! (reduce #(small-conj! %1 (f %2)) (small-transient n) coll1))
:else (persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2)) (transient []) coll1)))))
([f coll1 coll2]
(persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3)) (transient []) coll1 coll2)))
(let [n (smallest-count coll1 coll2)]
(cond (= n 0) []
(<= n 32) (small-persistent! (reduce #(small-conj! %1 (f %2 %3)) (small-transient n) coll1 coll2))
:else (persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3)) (transient []) coll1 coll2)))))
([f coll1 coll2 coll3]
(persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4)) (transient []) coll1 coll2 coll3)))
(let [n (smallest-count coll1 coll2 coll3)]
(cond (= n 0) []
(<= n 32) (small-persistent! (reduce #(small-conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4)) (small-transient n) coll1 coll2 coll3))
:else (persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4)) (transient []) coll1 coll2 coll3)))))
([f coll1 coll2 coll3 coll4]
(persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4 %5)) (transient []) coll1 coll2 coll3 coll4))))
(let [n (smallest-count coll1 coll2 coll3 coll4)]
(cond (= n 0) []
(<= n 32) (small-persistent! (reduce #(small-conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4 %5)) (small-transient n) coll1 coll2 coll3 coll4))
:else (persistent! (reduce #(conj! %1 (f %2 %3 %4 %5)) (transient []) coll1 coll2 coll3 coll4))))))
(defn juxt*
"Like `clojure.core/juxt`, but accepts a list of functions instead of varargs. Uses more efficient mapping."
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