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Commit 4652a8b1 authored by Simon Belak's avatar Simon Belak
Browse files

Add remaining comparison combinations

parent a85a5b5b
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(ns metabase.api.automagic-dashboards
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET]]
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET POST]]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[core :as magic]
......@@ -23,15 +23,51 @@
(magic/automagic-analysis (Metric id)))
(api/defendpoint GET "/compare/dashboard/:dashboard-id/segments/:left-id/:right-id"
"Return an automagic comparison dashboard based on dashboard with ID
`dashboard-id`, comparing segments with IDs `left-id` and `right-id`."
[dashboard-id left-id right-id]
(-> (Dashboard dashboard-id)
(def ^:private valid-comparison-pair?
#{["segment" "segment"]
["segment" "table"]
["segment" "adhoc"]
["table" "segment"]
["table" "adhoc"]
["adhoc" "table"]
["adhoc" "segment"]
["adhoc" "adhoc"]})
^{:private true
:doc "Turn `x` into segment-like."
:arglists '([x])}
->segment (comp keyword :type))
(defmethod ->segment :table
{:name "entire dataset"})
(defmethod ->segment :segment
[{:keys [id]}]
(-> id
(hydrate [:ordered_cards [:card :in_public_dashboard] :series])
(magic.comparison/comparison-dashboard (Segment left-id) (Segment right-id))))
(update :name (partial str "segment "))))
(defmethod ->segment :adhoc
[{:keys [filter name]}]
{:definition {:filter filter}
:name (or name "adhoc segment")})
(api/defendpoint POST "/compare"
"Return an automagic comparison dashboard based on given dashboard."
[:as {{:keys [dashboard left right]} :body}]
(api/check-404 (valid-comparison-pair? (map :type [left right])))
(magic.comparison/comparison-dashboard (if (number? dashboard)
(-> (Dashboard dashboard)
(hydrate [:ordered_cards
[:card :in_public_dashboard]
(->segment left)
(->segment right)))
;; ----------------------------------------- for testing convinience ----------------
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(defn- dashboard->cards
(->> dashboard
(map (fn [{:keys [sizeY card col row]}]
(assoc card
:height sizeY
......@@ -16,20 +16,25 @@
[segment card]
(update-in card [:dataset_query :query :filter]
(fn [filter-clause]
(cond->> (-> segment :definition :filter)
(not-empty filter-clause) (vector :and filter-clause)))))
(let [segment-definition (-> segment :definition :filter)]
(empty? segment-definition) filter-clause
(empty? filter-clause) segment-definition
:else [:and filter-clause
(defn- clone-card
(-> card
(dissoc :height :position :id)
(select-keys [:dataset_query :description :display :name :result_metadata
(assoc :creator_id api/*current-user-id*
:collection_id (-> populate/automagic-collection deref :id))))
(defn- place-row
[dashboard row height left right]
[(if (-> left :display (#{:bar :line}))
(update dashboard :orderd_cards conj {:col 0
(if (-> left :display (#{:bar :line}))
(update dashboard :ordered_cards conj {:col 0
:row row
:sizeX populate/grid-width
:sizeY height
......@@ -37,23 +42,22 @@
:series [right]
:visualization_settings {}
:id (gensym)})
(let [width (/ populate/grid-width 2)]
(-> dashboard
(update :ordered_cards conj {:col 0
:row row
:sizeX width
:sizeY height
:card left
:visualization_settings {}
:id (gensym)})
(update :ordered_cards conj {:col width
:row row
:sizeX width
:sizeY height
:card right
:visualization_settings {}
:id (gensym)}))))
(+ row height)])
(let [width (/ populate/grid-width 2)]
(-> dashboard
(update :ordered_cards conj {:col 0
:row row
:sizeX width
:sizeY height
:card left
:visualization_settings {}
:id (gensym)})
(update :ordered_cards conj {:col width
:row row
:sizeX width
:sizeY height
:card right
:visualization_settings {}
:id (gensym)})))))
(def ^:private ^Long title-height 2)
......@@ -74,26 +78,28 @@
(defn comparison-dashboard
"Create a comparison dashboard based on dashboard `dashboard` comparing subsets of
the dataset defined by filter expressions `left` and `right`."
the dataset defined by segments `left` and `right`."
[dashboard left right]
(let [dashboard {:name (format "Comparison of %s and %s"
(:name left)
(:name right))
:description (format "Automatically generated comparison dashboard comparing segments %s and %s"
(:name left)
(:name right))
:creator_id api/*current-user-id*
:parameters []}]
(->> dashboard
(mapcat unroll-multiseries)
(map (juxt (partial inject-segment left)
(partial inject-segment right)))
(reduce (fn [[dashboard row] [left right]]
(place-row dashboard row (:height left)
(clone-card left)
(clone-card right)))
[(-> dashboard
(add-col-title (:name left) 0)
(add-col-title (:name right) (/ populate/grid-width 2)))
(->> dashboard
(mapcat unroll-multiseries)
(map (juxt (partial inject-segment left)
(partial inject-segment right)))
(reduce (fn [[dashboard row] [left right]]
(let [height (:height left)]
[(place-row dashboard row height
(clone-card left)
(clone-card right))
(+ row height)]))
[(-> {:name (format "Comparison of %s and %s"
(:name left)
(:name right))
:description (format "Automatically generated comparison dashboard comparing %s and %s"
(:name left)
(:name right))
:creator_id api/*current-user-id*
:parameters []}
(add-col-title (:name left) 0)
(add-col-title (:name right) (/ populate/grid-width 2)))
......@@ -234,12 +234,15 @@
(let [dashcards (:ordered_cards dashboard)
dashboard (db/insert! Dashboard (dissoc dashboard :ordered_cards))]
(doseq [dashcard dashcards]
(let [card (db/insert! 'Card (:card dashcard))
(let [card (some->> dashcard :card (db/insert! 'Card))
series (some->> dashcard :series (map (partial db/insert! 'Card)))
dashcard (-> dashcard
(dissoc :card :id)
(update :parameter_mappings
(partial map #(assoc % :card_id (:id card)))))]
(events/publish-event! :card-create card)
(hydrate card :creator :dashboard_count :labels :can_write :collection)
(partial map #(assoc % :card_id (:id card))))
(assoc :series series))]
(doseq [card (concat series (some-> card vector))]
(events/publish-event! :card-create card)
(hydrate card :creator :dashboard_count :labels :can_write :collection))
(add-dashcard! dashboard card dashcard)))
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