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Unverified Commit 4753be7c authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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Query Processor Store [ci drivers]

parent 72734754
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 275 additions and 159 deletions
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[metabase.driver.generic-sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[annotate :as annotate]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[date :as du]
......@@ -468,24 +469,25 @@
(defn apply-source-table
"Copy of the Generic SQL implementation of `apply-source-table` that prepends the current dataset ID to the table
[honeysql-form {{table-name :name} :source-table}]
{:pre [(seq table-name)]}
(h/from honeysql-form (map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name})))
[honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(h/from honeysql-form (map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name}))))
(defn- apply-join-tables
"Copy of the Generic SQL implementation of `apply-join-tables`, but prepends the current dataset ID to join-alias."
[honeysql-form {join-tables :join-tables, {source-table-name :name} :source-table}]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [table-name pk-field source-field join-alias]} & more] join-tables]
(let [honeysql-form
(h/merge-left-join honeysql-form
[(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias})]
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name source-table-name, :field-name (:field-name source-field)})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias, :field-name (:field-name pk-field)})])]
(if (seq more)
(recur honeysql-form more)
[honeysql-form {join-tables :join-tables, source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{source-table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [table-name pk-field source-field join-alias]} & more] join-tables]
(let [honeysql-form
(h/merge-left-join honeysql-form
[(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias})]
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name source-table-name, :field-name (:field-name source-field)})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias, :field-name (:field-name pk-field)})])]
(if (seq more)
(recur honeysql-form more)
(defn- apply-order-by [driver honeysql-form {subclauses :order-by}]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [field direction]} & more] subclauses]
......@@ -515,10 +517,11 @@
* Incldues `table-name` in the resulting map (do not remember why we are doing so, perhaps it is needed to run the
[{{{:keys [dataset-id]} :details, :as database} :database
{{table-name :name} :source-table} :query
{source-table-id :source-table} :query
:as outer-query}]
{:pre [(map? database) (seq dataset-id) (seq table-name)]}
(let [aliased-query (pre-alias-aggregations outer-query)]
{:pre [(map? database) (seq dataset-id)]}
(let [aliased-query (pre-alias-aggregations outer-query)
{table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(binding [sqlqp/*query* aliased-query]
{:query (->> aliased-query
(sqlqp/build-honeysql-form bq-driver)
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[metabase.driver.druid.js :as js]
[annotate :as annotate]
[store :as]
[interface :as i]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[ :as du])
......@@ -102,10 +103,9 @@
;;; ### handle-source-table
(defn- handle-source-table [_ {{source-table-name :name} :source-table} query-context]
{:pre [(or (string? source-table-name)
(keyword? source-table-name))]}
(assoc-in query-context [:query :dataSource] source-table-name))
(defn- handle-source-table [_ {source-table-id :source-table} query-context]
(let [{source-table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(assoc-in query-context [:query :dataSource] source-table-name)))
;;; ### handle-aggregation
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.driver.generic-sql :as sql]
[metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[annotate :as annotate]
[interface :as i]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[date :as du]
......@@ -283,7 +285,8 @@
"Returns a seq of honeysql join clauses, joining to `table-or-query-expr`. `jt-or-jq` can be either a `JoinTable` or
a `JoinQuery`"
[table-or-query-expr {:keys [table-name pk-field source-field schema join-alias] :as jt-or-jq}]
(let [{{source-table-name :name, source-schema :schema} :source-table} *query*]
(let [source-table-id (mbql.u/query->source-table-id *query*)
{source-table-name :name, source-schema :schema} ( source-table-id)]
[[table-or-query-expr (keyword join-alias)]
[:= (hx/qualify-and-escape-dots source-schema source-table-name (:field-name source-field))
(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots join-alias (:field-name pk-field))]]))
......@@ -331,9 +334,9 @@
(defn apply-source-table
"Apply `source-table` clause to `honeysql-form`. Default implementation of `apply-source-table` for SQL drivers.
Override as needed."
[_ honeysql-form {{table-name :name, schema :schema} :source-table}]
{:pre [(seq table-name)]}
(h/from honeysql-form (hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name)))
[_ honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} ( source-table-id)]
(h/from honeysql-form (hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name))))
(declare apply-clauses)
......@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as edn]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[ :as du])
(:import [ GaData GaData$ColumnHeaders]
......@@ -58,9 +60,9 @@
;;; ### source-table
(defn- handle-source-table [{{source-table-name :name} :source-table}]
{:pre [((some-fn keyword? string?) source-table-name)]}
{:ids (str "ga:" source-table-name)})
(defn- handle-source-table [{source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{source-table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
{:ids (str "ga:" source-table-name)}))
;;; ### breakout
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
[metabase.driver.mongo.util :refer [*mongo-connection*]]
[annotate :as annotate]
[interface :as i]]
[interface :as i]
[store :as]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[ :as du]
......@@ -19,8 +20,7 @@
[operators :refer :all]])
(:import java.sql.Timestamp
[java.util Date TimeZone]
[metabase.query_processor.interface AgFieldRef DateTimeField DateTimeValue Field FieldLiteral
RelativeDateTimeValue Value]
[metabase.query_processor.interface AgFieldRef DateTimeField DateTimeValue Field FieldLiteral RelativeDateTimeValue Value]
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
;; TODO - We already have a *query* dynamic var in metabase.query-processor.interface. Do we need this one too?
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *query* nil)
(defn- log-monger-form [form]
......@@ -505,16 +506,16 @@
(defn mbql->native
"Process and run an MBQL query."
[{database :database, {{source-table-name :name} :source-table} :query, :as query}]
{:pre [(map? database)
(string? source-table-name)]}
(binding [*query* query]
(let [{proj :projections, generated-pipeline :query} (generate-aggregation-pipeline (:query query))]
(log-monger-form generated-pipeline)
{:projections proj
:query generated-pipeline
:collection source-table-name
:mbql? true})))
[{database :database, {source-table-id :source-table} :query, :as query}]
{:pre [(map? database)]}
(let [{source-table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(binding [*query* query]
(let [{proj :projections, generated-pipeline :query} (generate-aggregation-pipeline (:query query))]
(log-monger-form generated-pipeline)
{:projections proj
:query generated-pipeline
:collection source-table-name
:mbql? true}))))
(defn execute-query
"Process and run a native MongoDB query."
......@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
[hive-like :as hive-like]]
[metabase.driver.generic-sql.query-processor :as sqlqp]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[i18n :refer [trs tru]]])
......@@ -63,15 +65,16 @@
:else field)))
(defn- apply-join-tables
[honeysql-form {join-tables :join-tables, {source-table-name :name, source-schema :schema} :source-table}]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [table-name pk-field source-field schema join-alias]} & more] join-tables]
(let [honeysql-form (h/merge-left-join honeysql-form
[(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name) (keyword join-alias)]
[:= (hx/qualify-and-escape-dots source-table-alias (:field-name source-field))
(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots join-alias (:field-name pk-field))])]
(if (seq more)
(recur honeysql-form more)
[honeysql-form {join-tables :join-tables, source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{source-table-name :name, source-schema :schema} ( source-table-id)]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [table-name pk-field source-field schema join-alias]} & more] join-tables]
(let [honeysql-form (h/merge-left-join honeysql-form
[(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name) (keyword join-alias)]
[:= (hx/qualify-and-escape-dots source-table-alias (:field-name source-field))
(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots join-alias (:field-name pk-field))])]
(if (seq more)
(recur honeysql-form more)
(defn- apply-page-using-row-number-for-offset
"Apply `page` clause to HONEYSQL-FROM, using row_number() for drivers that do not support offsets"
......@@ -91,9 +94,9 @@
(h/limit items))))))
(defn- apply-source-table
[honeysql-form {{table-name :name, schema :schema} :source-table}]
{:pre [table-name]}
(h/from honeysql-form [(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name) source-table-alias]))
[honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} ( source-table-id)]
(h/from honeysql-form [(hx/qualify-and-escape-dots schema table-name) source-table-alias])))
;;; ------------------------------------------- Other Driver Method Impls --------------------------------------------
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[events :as events]
[query-processor :as qp]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[activity :as activity :refer [Activity]]
[card :refer [Card]]
......@@ -41,20 +42,12 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------ EVENT PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------
(defn- inner-query->source-table-id
"Recurse through INNER-QUERY source-queries as needed until we can return the ID of this query's source-table."
[{:keys [source-table source-query]}]
(or (when source-table
(u/get-id source-table))
(when source-query
(recur source-query))))
(defn- process-card-activity! [topic object]
(let [details-fn #(select-keys % [:name :description])
query (u/ignore-exceptions (qp/expand (:dataset_query object)))
database-id (when-let [database (:database query)]
(u/get-id database))
table-id (inner-query->source-table-id (:query query))]
table-id (mbql.u/query->source-table-id query)]
:topic topic
:object object
......@@ -140,3 +140,25 @@
(if-not new-clause
(update-in outer-query [:query :filter] combine-filter-clauses new-clause)))
(defn query->source-table-id
"Return the source Table ID associated with `query`, if applicable; handles nested queries as well."
{:argslists '([outer-query])}
[{{source-table-id :source-table, source-query :source-query} :query, query-type :type, :as query}]
;; for native queries, there's no source table to resolve
(not= query-type :query)
;; for MBQL queries with a *native* source query, it's the same story
(and (nil? source-table-id) source-query (:native source-query))
;; for MBQL queries with an MBQL source query, recurse on the source query and try again
(and (nil? source-table-id) source-query)
(recur (assoc query :query source-query))
;; otherwise resolve the source Table
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
(:require [ :as log]
[interface :as i]
[permissions :as perms]]
[permissions :as perms]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
[metabase.util :as u]
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
;; tables->permissions-path-set source-card-read-perms
(defn- query->source-and-join-tables
"Return a sequence of all Tables (as TableInstance maps) referenced by QUERY."
"Return a sequence of all Tables (as TableInstance maps, or IDs) referenced by `query`."
[{:keys [source-table join-tables source-query native], :as query}]
;; if we come across a native query just put a placeholder (`::native`) there so we know we need to add native
......@@ -46,14 +47,24 @@
(s/defn ^:private tables->permissions-path-set :- #{perms/ObjectPath}
"Given a sequence of `tables` referenced by a query, return a set of required permissions."
[database-or-id tables]
(set (for [table tables]
(if (= ::native table)
;; Any `::native` placeholders from above mean we need native ad-hoc query permissions for this DATABASE
(perms/adhoc-native-query-path database-or-id)
;; anything else (i.e., a normal table) just gets normal table permissions
(perms/object-path (u/get-id database-or-id)
(:schema table)
(or (:id table) (:table-id table)))))))
(let [table-ids (filter integer? tables)
table-id->schema (when (seq table-ids)
(db/select-id->field :schema Table :id [:in table-ids]))]
(set (for [table tables]
;; Any `::native` placeholders from above mean we need native ad-hoc query permissions for this DATABASE
(= ::native table)
(perms/adhoc-native-query-path database-or-id)
;; If Table is an ID then fetch its schema from the DB and require normal table perms
(integer? table)
(perms/object-path (u/get-id database-or-id) (table-id->schema table) table)
;; for a TableInstance require normal table perms
(perms/object-path (u/get-id database-or-id)
(:schema table)
(or (:id table) (:table-id table))))))))
(s/defn ^:private source-card-read-perms :- #{perms/ObjectPath}
"Calculate the permissions needed to run an ad-hoc query that uses a Card with `source-card-id` as its source
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
[resolve-driver :as resolve-driver]
[results-metadata :as results-metadata]
[source-table :as source-table]
[store :as store]
[validate :as validate]]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
......@@ -94,7 +95,6 @@
mbql-to-native/mbql->native ; ▲▲▲ NATIVE-ONLY POINT ▲▲▲ Query converted from MBQL to native here; all functions *above* will only see the native query
......@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
expand/expand-middleware ; ▲▲▲ QUERY EXPANSION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will see EXPANDED query during PRE-PROCESSING
row-count-and-status/add-row-count-and-status ; ▼▼▼ RESULTS WRAPPING POINT ▼▼▼ All functions *below* will see results WRAPPED in `:data` during POST-PROCESSING
......@@ -114,7 +114,9 @@
resolve-driver/resolve-driver ; ▲▲▲ DRIVER RESOLUTION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will have access to the driver during PRE- *and* POST-PROCESSING
;; TODO - bind *query* here ?
......@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
Not neccesarily bound when using various functions like `fk->` in the REPL."
;;; ------------------------------------------------------ ETC -------------------------------------------------------
(defn ^:deprecated driver-supports?
"Does the currently bound `*driver*` support FEATURE?
(This returns `nil` if `*driver*` is unbound. `*driver*` is always bound when running queries the normal way,
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[interface :as i]
[sort :as sort]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.resolve :as resolve]
......@@ -26,16 +27,17 @@
(defn- fields-for-source-table
"Return the all fields for SOURCE-TABLE, for use as an implicit `:fields` clause."
[{{source-table-id :id, :as source-table} :source-table, :as inner-query}]
;; Sort the implicit FIELDS so the SQL (or other native query) that gets generated (mostly) approximates the 'magic' sorting
;; we do on the results. This is done so when the outer query we generate is a `SELECT *` the order doesn't change
(for [field (sort/sort-fields inner-query (fetch-fields-for-souce-table-id source-table-id))
:let [field (-> field
(resolve/resolve-table {[nil source-table-id] source-table}))]]
(if (qputil/datetime-field? field)
(i/map->DateTimeField {:field field, :unit :default})
[{source-table-id :source-table, :as inner-query}]
(let [{source-table-id :id, :as source-table} ( source-table-id)]
;; Sort the implicit FIELDS so the SQL (or other native query) that gets generated (mostly) approximates the 'magic' sorting
;; we do on the results. This is done so when the outer query we generate is a `SELECT *` the order doesn't change
(for [field (sort/sort-fields inner-query (fetch-fields-for-souce-table-id source-table-id))
:let [field (-> field
(resolve/resolve-table {[nil source-table-id] source-table}))]]
(if (qputil/datetime-field? field)
(i/map->DateTimeField {:field field, :unit :default})
(defn- should-add-implicit-fields? [{:keys [fields breakout source-table], aggregations :aggregation}]
(and source-table ; if query is using another query as its source then there will be no table to add nested fields for
......@@ -2,36 +2,10 @@
"Middleware for logging a query before it is processed.
(Various other middleware functions log the query as well in different stages.)"
(:require [ :as log]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[medley.core :as m]
[interface :as i]
[util :as qputil]]
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as i]
[metabase.util :as u]))
(defn- log-expanded-query* [query]
(u/prog1 query
(when (and (qputil/mbql-query? query)
(not i/*disable-qp-logging*))
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "\nPREPROCESSED/EXPANDED: %s\n%s"
(u/emoji "😻")
;; Remove empty kv pairs because otherwise expanded query is HUGE
(fn [f]
(if-not (map? f) f
(m/filter-vals (complement nil?) (into {} f))))
;; obscure DB details when logging. Just log the name of driver because we don't care about its properties
(-> query
(assoc-in [:database :details] (u/emoji "😋 ")) ; :yum:
(update :driver name)))))))))
(defn log-expanded-query
"Middleware for logging a query after it is expanded, but before it is processed."
(comp qp log-expanded-query*))
(defn- log-initial-query* [query]
(u/prog1 query
(when-not i/*disable-qp-logging*
......@@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[interface :as i]
[util :as qputil]]))
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as i]))
(defn- query->native-form
"Return a `:native` query form for QUERY, converting it from MBQL if needed."
(u/prog1 (if-not (qputil/mbql-query? query)
[{query-type :type, :as query}]
(u/prog1 (if-not (= :query query-type)
(:native query)
(driver/mbql->native (:driver query) query))
(when-not i/*disable-qp-logging*
......@@ -22,9 +20,9 @@
"Middleware that handles conversion of MBQL queries to native (by calling driver QP methods) so the queries
can be executed. For queries that are already native, this function is effectively a no-op."
(fn [query]
(fn [{query-type :type, :as query}]
(let [native-form (query->native-form query)
native-query (if-not (qputil/mbql-query? query)
native-query (if-not (= query-type :query)
(assoc query :native native-form))
results (qp native-query)]
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[ :as du]
[database :refer [Database]]
[field :as field]
......@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@
[table :refer [Table]]]
[interface :as i]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
[ :as du]
[schema.core :as s]
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
[db :as db]
[hydrate :refer [hydrate]]])
(:import java.util.TimeZone
[metabase.query_processor.interface DateTimeField DateTimeValue ExpressionRef Field FieldLiteral FieldPlaceholder
RelativeDatetime RelativeDateTimeValue TimeField TimeValue Value ValuePlaceholder]))
[metabase.query_processor.interface DateTimeField DateTimeValue ExpressionRef Field FieldLiteral
FieldPlaceholder RelativeDatetime RelativeDateTimeValue TimeField TimeValue Value ValuePlaceholder]))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- UTIL FNS ----------------------------------------------------
......@@ -406,31 +406,32 @@
(if (:native source-query)
(let [ ;; Resolve the nested query as if it were a top level query
{nested-q :query :as nested-qd} (resolve-tables (assoc expanded-query-dict :query source-query))
nested-source-table (get-in nested-qd [:query :source-table])
{nested-inner :query, :as nested-outer} (resolve-tables (assoc expanded-query-dict :query source-query))
nested-source-table-id (:source-table nested-inner)
;; Build a list of join tables found from the newly resolved nested query
nested-joined-tables (fk-field-ids->joined-tables (:id nested-source-table)
(:fk-field-ids nested-qd))
nested-joined-tables (fk-field-ids->joined-tables nested-source-table-id
(:fk-field-ids nested-outer))
;; Create the map of fk to table info from the resolved nested query
fk-id+table-id->table (create-fk-id+table-id->table nested-source-table nested-joined-tables)
fk-id+table-id->table (create-fk-id+table-id->table (some-> nested-source-table-id
;; Resolve the top level (original) breakout fields with the join information from the resolved nested query
resolved-breakout (for [breakout (get-in expanded-query-dict [:query :breakout])]
(resolve-table breakout fk-id+table-id->table))]
resolved-breakout (for [breakout (get-in expanded-query-dict [:query :breakout])]
(resolve-table breakout fk-id+table-id->table))]
(assoc-in expanded-query-dict [:query :source-query]
(if (and (contains? nested-q :fields)
(if (and (contains? nested-inner :fields)
(seq resolved-breakout))
(update nested-q :fields append-new-fields resolved-breakout)
(update nested-inner :fields append-new-fields resolved-breakout)
(defn- resolve-tables
"Resolve the `Tables` in an EXPANDED-QUERY-DICT."
[{:keys [fk-field-ids], {{source-table-id :id :as source-table} :source-table} :query, :as expanded-query-dict}]
[{:keys [fk-field-ids], {source-table-id :source-table} :query, :as expanded-query-dict}]
(if-not source-table-id
;; if we have a `source-query`, recurse and resolve tables in that
(resolve-tables-in-nested-query expanded-query-dict)
;; otherwise we can resolve tables in the (current) top-level
(let [joined-tables (fk-field-ids->joined-tables source-table-id fk-field-ids)
fk-id+table-id->table (create-fk-id+table-id->table source-table joined-tables)]
fk-id+table-id->table (create-fk-id+table-id->table ( source-table-id) joined-tables)]
(as-> expanded-query-dict <>
(assoc-in <> [:query :join-tables] joined-tables)
(walk/postwalk #(resolve-table % fk-id+table-id->table) <>)))))
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.source-table
(:require [metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
(:require [metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[ :as]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(defn- resolve-source-table
[{{source-table-id :source-table} :query, query-type :type, :as expanded-query-dict}]
(not= query-type :query)
(nil? source-table-id)
(update-in expanded-query-dict [:query :source-query] (fn [source-query]
(if (:native source-query)
(:query (resolve-source-table (assoc expanded-query-dict
:query source-query))))))
(defn- resolve-source-table [query]
(when-let [source-table-id (mbql.u/query->source-table-id query)]
(let [source-table (or (db/select-one [Table :schema :name :id], :id source-table-id)
(throw (Exception. (format "Query expansion failed: could not find source table %d."
(assoc-in expanded-query-dict [:query :source-table] source-table))))
(throw (Exception. (str (trs "Cannot run query: could not find source table {0}." source-table-id)))))]
(! source-table)))
(defn resolve-source-table-middleware
"Middleware that will take the source-table (an integer) and hydrate that source table from the the database and
"The store middleware is responsible for initializing a fresh QP Store, which caches resolved objects for the duration
of a query execution. See `` for more details."
(:require [ :as]))
(defn initialize-store
"Initialize the QP Store (resolved objects cache) for this query execution."
(fn [query]
(qp query))))
"The Query Processor Store caches resolved Tables and Fields for the duration of a query execution. Certain middleware
handles resolving things like the query's source Table and any Fields that are referenced in a query, and saves the
referenced objects in the store; other middleware and driver-specific query processor implementations use functions
in the store to fetch those objects as needed.
For example, a driver might be converting a Field ID clause (e.g. `[:field-id 10]`) to its native query language. It
can fetch the underlying Metabase FieldInstance by calling `field`:
( 10) ;; get Field 10
Of course, it would be entirely possible to call `(Field 10)` every time you needed information about that Field,
but fetching all Fields in a single pass and storing them for reuse is dramatically more efficient than fetching
those Fields potentially dozens of times in a single query execution."
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]))
;;; ---------------------------------------------- Setting up the Store ----------------------------------------------
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *store*
"Dynamic var used as the QP store for a given query execution."
(atom nil))
(defn do-with-store
"Execute `f` with a freshly-bound `*store*`."
(binding [*store* (atom {})]
(defmacro with-store
"Execute `body` with a freshly-bound QP `*store*`. The `store` middleware takes care of setting up a fresh store for
each query execution; you should have no need to use this macro yourself outside of that namespace."
{:style/indent 0}
[& body]
`(do-with-store (fn [] ~@body)))
(def ^:private TableInstanceWithRequiredStoreKeys
"Schema for Tables stored in the QP store (must be a `TableInstance` with at least the `:id`, `:schema`, and `:name`
(class Table)
{:id su/IntGreaterThanZero ; TODO - what's the point of storing ID if it's already the key?
:schema (s/maybe s/Str)
:name su/NonBlankString
s/Any s/Any}))
;;; ------------------------------------------ Saving objects in the Store -------------------------------------------
(s/defn store-table!
"Store a `table` in the QP Store for the duration of the current query execution. Throws an Exception if Table is
invalid or doesn't have all required keys."
[table :- TableInstanceWithRequiredStoreKeys]
(swap! *store* assoc-in [:tables (u/get-id table)] table))
(s/defn store-field!
"Store a `field` in the QP Store for the duration of the current query execution. Throws an Exception if Field is
invalid or doesn't have all required keys."
[field :- (class Field)]
(swap! *store* assoc-in [:fields (u/get-id field)] field))
(s/defn store-field-literal!
"Like `store-field!`, but designed for storing Fields referred to by `:field-literal` clauses, i.e. by name instead of
by ID."
[field-literal :- su/NonBlankString, field :- (class Field)]
(swap! *store* assoc-in [:field-literals field-literal] field))
;;; ---------------------------------------- Fetching objects from the Store -----------------------------------------
(s/defn table :- TableInstanceWithRequiredStoreKeys
"Fetch Table with `table-id` from the QP Store. Throws an Exception if valid item is not returned."
[table-id :- su/IntGreaterThanZero]
(get-in @*store* [:tables table-id]))
(s/defn field :- (class Field)
"Fetch Field with `field-id` from the QP Store. Throws an Exception if valid item is not returned."
[field-id :- su/IntGreaterThanZero]
(get-in @*store* [:fields field-id]))
(s/defn field-liteal :- (class Field)
"Fetch Field named by `field-literal` from the QP Store. Throws an Exception if valid item is not returned."
[field-literal :- su/NonBlankString]
(get-in @*store* [:field-literals field-literal]))
......@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
[database :refer [Database]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as qpi]
[interface :as qpi]
[store :as]]
[ :as users]
[metabase.util :as u]
[ :as du]
......@@ -70,7 +72,10 @@
:mbql? true})
(defn- mbql->native [query]
(qp/mbql->native (update query :query (partial merge {:source-table {:name "0123456"}}))))
(binding [*store* (atom {:tables {1 #metabase.models.table.TableInstance{:name "0123456"
:schema nil
:id 1}}})]
(qp/mbql->native (update query :query (partial merge {:source-table 1})))))
;; just check that a basic almost-empty MBQL query can be compiled
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
;; `fetch-source-query`)
{:source-query {:source-table {:schema "PUBLIC", :name "VENUES", :id (data/id :venues)}
{:source-query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:join-tables nil}})
(tt/with-temp Card [card {:dataset_query {:database (data/id)
:type :query
......@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
(let [date-field-literal {:field-name "date", :base-type :type/Date, :binning-strategy nil, :binning-param nil, :fingerprint nil}]
{:source-query {:source-table {:schema "PUBLIC" :name "CHECKINS" :id (data/id :checkins)}, :join-tables nil}
{:source-query {:source-table (data/id :checkins)
:join-tables nil}
:filter {:filter-type :between,
:field date-field-literal
:min-val {:value (tcoerce/to-timestamp (du/str->date-time "2015-01-01"))
......@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
{:limit 25
:source-query {:limit 50
:source-query {:source-table {:schema "PUBLIC", :name "VENUES", :id (data/id :venues)}
:source-query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:limit 100
:join-tables nil}}})
(tt/with-temp* [Card [card-1 {:dataset_query {:database (data/id)
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