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Unverified Commit 47b7ac9e authored by dpsutton's avatar dpsutton Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Return non-zero output from BE i18n on error (#23373)

Want to return non-zero on unrecognized forms so that CI can indicate
when forms are added that cannot be parsed.

And example of a completely valid form of `trs` that we cannot identify
with this code is

;; from driver/util.clj
(-> "Cycle detected resolving dependent visible-if properties for driver {0}: {1}"

    (trs driver cyclic-props)
    (ex-info {:type               qp.error-type/driver
              :driver             driver
              :cyclic-visible-ifs cyclic-props})

The string literal is threaded into the `trs` macro, so it validates
correctly but we cannot identify the literal in tooling while making the
pot file.

Now output of bin/i18n/update-translation-template would be the

❯ ./update-translation-template
[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs.pprint.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs.core.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
~/projects/work/metabase/bin/i18n ~/projects/work/metabase
Warning: environ value /Users/dan/.sdkman/candidates/java/current for key :java-home has been overwritten with /Users/dan/.sdkman/candidates/java/17.0.1-zulu/zulu-17.jdk/Contents/Home
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Created pot file at  ../../locales/metabase-backend.pot
Found 1396 forms for translations
Grouped into 1313 distinct pot entries
Found 1 forms that could not be analyzed
{:file "metabase/driver/util.clj", :line 362, :original (trs driver cyclic-props), :message nil}

❯ echo $?

and we have an exit code of 1 so that
will fail in CI.
parent 28621d21
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(ns i18n.enumerate
"Enumerate and create pot file from the backend worktree of metabase."
"Enumerate and create pot file from the backend worktree of metabase. Look through all of our source paths for calls
to `trs`, `deferred-trs`, etc. to find strings we need in our pot file (po template). Use grasp to find forms by the
`::translate` spec. These forms come back with metadata indicating file and line/column. We look at the form to pick
out either the string literal or a call to `str` concatenating several string literals. Main function will write the
pot file and exit with 0 if all forms could be analyzed else returns 1."
[ :as io]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
......@@ -30,10 +34,12 @@
(def overrides
"Location of i18n forms that grasp can not find."
(into []
(map (fn [override]
(update override :file (partial str u/project-root-directory))))
;; doesn't find the usage in fingerprinters, which is a macro emitting a defmethod
;; doesn't find the usage in fingerprinters, which is a macro emitting a defmethod. The quoting changes the
;; shape of the seq so the spec doesn't match it
[{:file "/src/metabase/sync/analyze/fingerprint/fingerprinters.clj"
:message "Error generating fingerprint for {0}"}]))
......@@ -60,27 +66,32 @@
(defn- form->string-for-translation
"Function that turns a form into the translation string. Handles string literals and calls to `str` on string
literals. Returns nil if unable to recognize translation string.
(form->string-for-translation (tru \"Foo {0}\")) -> \"Foo {0}\"
(form->string-for-translation (tru (str \"Foo {0} \" \"Bar\")) -> \"Foo {0} Bar\""
(let [i18n-spot (second form)]
(if (string? i18n-spot)
(apply str (rest i18n-spot)))))
(cond (string? i18n-spot)
(and (seqable? i18n-spot) (every? string? (rest i18n-spot)))
(apply str (rest i18n-spot)))))
(defn- analyze-translations
"Takes roots to grasp returning a map of :file, :line, :original (the original form), and :message. If identifying the
message failed message will be nil and this should be filtered out of further processing."
(map (fn [result]
(let [{:keys [line _col uri]} (meta result)]
{:file (strip-roots uri)
:line line
:message (form->string-for-translation result)}))
{:file (strip-roots uri)
:line line
:original result
:message (form->string-for-translation result)}))
(g/grasp roots ::translate)))
(defn- group-results-by-filename
"Want all filenames collapsed into a list for each form"
(defn- group-results-by-string
"Each string can be in the pot file once and only once (a string can only have a single translation). Want all
filenames collapsed into a list for each message."
(->> results
(concat overrides)
......@@ -91,6 +102,7 @@
{:message string :files (map #(select-keys % [:file :line]) originals)}))))
(defn- usage->Message
"Return a `Message` instance suitable for adding to a `Catalog`"
^Message [{:keys [message files]}]
(let [msg (Message.)]
(.setMsgid msg message)
......@@ -130,32 +142,48 @@
(defn- create-pot-file!
"String sources and an output filename. Writes the pot file of translation strings found in sources and returns a map
of number of valid usages, number of distinct translation strings, and the bad forms that could not be identified."
[sources filename]
(let [analyzed-usages (group-results-by-filename (analyze-translations sources))]
(when-let [not-strings (seq (remove (comp string? :message) analyzed-usages))]
(println "Bad analysis: ")
(run! (comp println pr-str) not-strings))
(let [analyzed (analyze-translations sources)
valid? (comp string? :message)
bad-forms (remove valid? analyzed)
good-forms (filter valid? analyzed)
grouped (group-results-by-string good-forms)]
(with-open [writer (io/writer filename)]
(let [po-writer (PoWriter.)
catalog (processed->catalog (filter (comp string? :message) analyzed-usages))]
catalog (processed->catalog grouped)]
(.write po-writer catalog writer)))
(println "Created pot file at " filename)))
(println "Created pot file at " filename)
{:valid-usages (count good-forms)
:entry-count (count grouped)
:bad-forms bad-forms}))
(defn -main
"Entrypoint for creating a backend pot file."
"Entrypoint for creating a backend pot file. Exits with 0 if all forms were processed correctly, exits with 1 if one
or more forms were found that it could not process."
[& [filename]]
(when (str/blank? filename)
(println "Please provide a filename argument. Eg: ")
(println " clj -M -m i18n.enumerate \"$POT_BACKEND_NAME\"")
(println " clj -M -m i18n.enumerate metabase.pot")
(System/exit 1))
(create-pot-file! roots filename))
(let [{:keys [valid-usages entry-count bad-forms]} (create-pot-file! roots filename)]
(println (format "Found %d forms for translations" valid-usages))
(println (format "Grouped into %d distinct pot entries" entry-count))
(when (seq bad-forms)
(println (format "Found %d forms that could not be analyzed" (count bad-forms)))
(run! (comp println pr-str) bad-forms)
(System/exit 1))
(System/exit 0)))
(create-pot-file! (str u/project-root-directory "/src/metabase/driver/util.clj")
(take 4 (analyze-translations roots))
(def single-file (str u/project-root-directory "/src/metabase/driver.clj"))
(preprocess-results (analyze-translations single-file))
(def single-file (str u/project-root-directory "/src/metabase/util.clj"))
(create-pot-file! single-file "pot.pot")
(map (juxt meta identity)
(g/grasp single-file ::translate))
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