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Commit 48f95a0e authored by Simon Belak's avatar Simon Belak
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Support Druid

parent 8f1eb1e2
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......@@ -145,13 +145,218 @@
(assoc-in updated-query [:query :dataSource] source-table-name)))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- handle-aggregation -----------------------------------------------
(declare filter:not filter:nil?)
;;; ---------------------- handle-filter. See ----------------------
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([clause])} field?
(partial mbql.u/is-clause? #{:field-id :datetime-field}))
(defn- filter:and
{:type :and
:fields filters})
(defn- filter:not
{:pre [filtr]}
(if (= (:type filtr) :not) ; it looks like "two nots don't make an identity" with druid
(:field filtr)
{:type :not, :field filtr}))
(defn- filter:=
[field value]
{:type :selector
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:value (->rvalue value)})
(defn- filter:nil?
(if (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} clause-or-field)
(filter:and (for [arg (rest clause-or-field)
:when (field? arg)]
(filter:nil? arg)))
(filter:= clause-or-field (case (dimension-or-metric? clause-or-field)
:dimension nil
:metric 0))))
(metabase.query-processor/process-query {:database 6
:table_id 11
:type :query
:query {:source-table 11
:aggregation [:share [:> [:field-id 65] 2]]}})
(defn- filter:like
"Build a `like` filter clause, which is almost just like a SQL `LIKE` clause."
[field pattern case-sensitive?]
{:type :like
:dimension (->rvalue field)
;; tell Druid to use backslash as an escape character
:escape "\\"
;; if this is a case-insensitive search we'll lower-case the search pattern and add an extraction function to
;; lower-case the dimension values we're matching against
:pattern (cond-> pattern
(not case-sensitive?) str/lower-case)
:extractionFn (when-not case-sensitive?
{:type :lower})})
(defn- escape-like-filter-pattern
"Escape `%`, `_`, and backslash symbols that aren't meant to have special meaning in `like` filters
patterns. Backslashes wouldn't normally have a special meaning, but we specify backslash as our escape character in
the `filter:like` function above, so they need to be escaped as well."
(str/replace s #"([%_\\])" "\\\\$1"))
(defn- filter:bound
"Numeric `bound` filter, for finding values of `field` that are less than some value-or-field, greater than some value-or-field, or
both. Defaults to being `inclusive` (e.g. `<=` instead of `<`) but specify option `inclusive?` to change this."
[field & {:keys [lower upper inclusive?]
:or {inclusive? true}}]
{:type :bound
:ordering :numeric
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:lower (num (->rvalue lower))
:upper (num (->rvalue upper))
:lowerStrict (not inclusive?)
:upperStrict (not inclusive?)})
(defn- filter-fields-are-dimensions? [fields]
#(and %1 %2)
(for [field fields]
(not= (dimension-or-metric? field) :metric)
(u/format-color 'red
(tru "WARNING: Filtering only works on dimensions! ''{0}'' is a metric. Ignoring filter."
(->rvalue field))))))))
(defmulti ^:private parse-filter
{:arglists '([filter-clause])}
;; dispatch function first checks to make sure this is a valid filter clause, then dispatches off of the clause name
;; if it is.
(fn [[clause-name & args, :as filter-clause]]
(let [fields (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? #{:field-id :datetime-field}) args)]
(when (and
;; make sure all Field args are dimensions
(filter-fields-are-dimensions? fields)
;; and make sure none of the Fields are datetime Fields
;; We'll handle :timestamp separately. It needs to go in :intervals instead
(not-any? (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :datetime-field) fields))
(defmethod parse-filter nil [_] nil)
(defmethod parse-filter :between [[_ field min-val max-val]]
(filter:bound field, :lower min-val, :upper max-val))
(defmethod parse-filter :contains [[_ field string-or-field options]]
{:type :search
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:query {:type :contains
:value (->rvalue string-or-field)
:caseSensitive (get options :case-sensitive true)}})
(defmethod parse-filter :starts-with [[_ field string-or-field options]]
(filter:like field
(str (escape-like-filter-pattern (->rvalue string-or-field)) \%)
(get options :case-sensitive true)))
(defmethod parse-filter :ends-with [[_ field string-or-field options]]
(filter:like field
(str \% (escape-like-filter-pattern (->rvalue string-or-field)))
(get options :case-sensitive true)))
(defmethod parse-filter := [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:= field value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :!= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:not (filter:= field value-or-field)))
(defmethod parse-filter :< [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :upper value-or-field, :inclusive? false))
(defmethod parse-filter :> [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :lower value-or-field, :inclusive? false))
(defmethod parse-filter :<= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :upper value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :>= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :lower value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :and [[_ & args]]
{:type :and, :fields (filterv identity (map parse-filter args))})
(defmethod parse-filter :or [[_ & args]]
{:type :or, :fields (filterv identity (map parse-filter args))})
(defmethod parse-filter :not [[_ subclause]]
(when-let [subclause (parse-filter subclause)]
(filter:not subclause)))
(defn- make-intervals
"Make a value for the `:intervals` in a Druid query.
;; Return results in 2012 or 2015
(make-intervals 2012 2013 2015 2016) -> [\"2012/2013\" \"2015/2016\"]"
[interval-min interval-max & more]
(vec (concat [(str (or (->rvalue interval-min) -5000) "/" (or (->rvalue interval-max) 5000))]
(when (seq more)
(apply make-intervals more)))))
(defn- parse-filter-subclause:intervals [[filter-type field value maybe-max-value]]
(when (mbql.u/is-clause? :datetime-field field)
(case filter-type
;; BETWEEN "2015-12-09", "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-09/2015-12-12"], because BETWEEN is inclusive
:between (make-intervals value (mbql.u/add-datetime-units maybe-max-value 1))
;; = "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-11/2015-12-12"]
:= (make-intervals value (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1))
;; != "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-11", "2015-12-12/5000"]
:!= (make-intervals nil value, (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1) nil)
;; > "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-12/5000"]
:> (make-intervals (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1) nil)
;; >= "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-11/5000"]
:>= (make-intervals value nil)
;; < "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-11"]
:< (make-intervals nil value)
;; <= "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-12"]
:<= (make-intervals nil (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1)))))
(defn- parse-filter-clause:intervals [[compound-type & subclauses, :as clause]]
(if-not (#{:and :or :not} compound-type)
(parse-filter-subclause:intervals clause)
(let [subclauses (filterv identity (mapcat parse-filter-clause:intervals subclauses))]
(when (seq subclauses)
(case compound-type
;; A date can't be in more than one interval, so ANDing them together doesn't really make sense. In this
;; situation, just ignore all intervals after the first
:and (do (when (> (count subclauses) 1)
(u/format-color 'red
(tru "WARNING: A date can't belong to multiple discrete intervals, so ANDing them together doesn't make sense.")
(tru "Ignoring these intervals: {0}" (rest subclauses))) )))
[(first subclauses)])
;; Ok to specify multiple intervals for OR
:or subclauses
;; We should never get to this point since the all non-string negations should get automatically rewritten
;; by the query expander.
:not (log/warn (u/format-color 'red (tru "WARNING: Don't know how to negate: {0}" clause))))))))
(defn- handle-filter [_ {filter-clause :filter} updated-query]
(if-not filter-clause
(let [filter (parse-filter filter-clause)
intervals (parse-filter-clause:intervals filter-clause)]
(cond-> updated-query
(seq filter) (assoc-in [:query :filter] filter)
(seq intervals) (assoc-in [:query :intervals] intervals)))))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- handle-aggregation -----------------------------------------------
(defn- expression->field-names [[_ & args]]
{:post [(every? (some-fn keyword? string?) %)]}
(flatten (for [arg args
......@@ -272,6 +477,10 @@
([field output-name] (ag:filtered (filter:not (filter:nil? field))
(ag:count output-name))))
(defn- ag:countWhere
([pred output-name] (ag:filtered (parse-filter pred)
(ag:count output-name))))
(defn- create-aggregation-clause [output-name ag-type ag-field]
(let [output-name-kwd (keyword output-name)]
(match [ag-type ag-field]
......@@ -293,6 +502,18 @@
:fn :/
:fields [{:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName sum-name}
{:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName count-name}]}]}])
[:share _] (let [total-count-name (name (gensym "___total_count_"))
true-count-name (name (gensym "___true_count_"))]
[[(keyword total-count-name) (keyword true-count-name) (or output-name-kwd :share)]
{:aggregations [(ag:count total-count-name)
(ag:countWhere ag-field true-count-name)]
:postAggregations [{:type :arithmetic
:name (or output-name :share)
:fn :/
:fields [{:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName true-count-name}
{:type :fieldAccess, :fieldName total-count-name}]}]}])
[:distinct _] [[(or output-name-kwd :distinct___count)]
{:aggregations [(ag:distinct ag-field (or output-name :distinct___count))]}]
[:sum _] [[(or output-name-kwd :sum)] {:aggregations [(ag:doubleSum ag-field (or (name output-name) :sum))]}]
......@@ -550,204 +771,6 @@
(assoc-in [:query :dimensions] (mapv ->dimension-rvalue breakout-fields))))
;;; ---------------------- handle-filter. See ----------------------
(defn- filter:and [filters]
{:type :and
:fields filters})
(defn- filter:not [filtr]
{:pre [filtr]}
(if (= (:type filtr) :not) ; it looks like "two nots don't make an identity" with druid
(:field filtr)
{:type :not, :field filtr}))
(defn- filter:= [field value]
{:type :selector
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:value (->rvalue value)})
(defn- filter:nil? [clause-or-field]
(if (mbql.u/is-clause? #{:+ :- :/ :*} clause-or-field)
(filter:and (for [arg (rest clause-or-field)
:when (field? arg)]
(filter:nil? arg)))
(filter:= clause-or-field (case (dimension-or-metric? clause-or-field)
:dimension nil
:metric 0))))
(defn- filter:like
"Build a `like` filter clause, which is almost just like a SQL `LIKE` clause."
[field pattern case-sensitive?]
{:type :like
:dimension (->rvalue field)
;; tell Druid to use backslash as an escape character
:escape "\\"
;; if this is a case-insensitive search we'll lower-case the search pattern and add an extraction function to
;; lower-case the dimension values we're matching against
:pattern (cond-> pattern
(not case-sensitive?) str/lower-case)
:extractionFn (when-not case-sensitive?
{:type :lower})})
(defn- escape-like-filter-pattern
"Escape `%`, `_`, and backslash symbols that aren't meant to have special meaning in `like` filters
patterns. Backslashes wouldn't normally have a special meaning, but we specify backslash as our escape character in
the `filter:like` function above, so they need to be escaped as well."
(str/replace s #"([%_\\])" "\\\\$1"))
(defn- filter:bound
"Numeric `bound` filter, for finding values of `field` that are less than some value-or-field, greater than some value-or-field, or
both. Defaults to being `inclusive` (e.g. `<=` instead of `<`) but specify option `inclusive?` to change this."
[field & {:keys [lower upper inclusive?]
:or {inclusive? true}}]
{:type :bound
:ordering :numeric
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:lower (num (->rvalue lower))
:upper (num (->rvalue upper))
:lowerStrict (not inclusive?)
:upperStrict (not inclusive?)})
(defn- filter-fields-are-dimensions? [fields]
#(and %1 %2)
(for [field fields]
(not= (dimension-or-metric? field) :metric)
(u/format-color 'red
(tru "WARNING: Filtering only works on dimensions! ''{0}'' is a metric. Ignoring filter."
(->rvalue field))))))))
(defmulti ^:private parse-filter
{:arglists '([filter-clause])}
;; dispatch function first checks to make sure this is a valid filter clause, then dispatches off of the clause name
;; if it is.
(fn [[clause-name & args, :as filter-clause]]
(let [fields (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? #{:field-id :datetime-field}) args)]
(when (and
;; make sure all Field args are dimensions
(filter-fields-are-dimensions? fields)
;; and make sure none of the Fields are datetime Fields
;; We'll handle :timestamp separately. It needs to go in :intervals instead
(not-any? (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :datetime-field) fields))
(defmethod parse-filter nil [_] nil)
(defmethod parse-filter :between [[_ field min-val max-val]]
(filter:bound field, :lower min-val, :upper max-val))
(defmethod parse-filter :contains [[_ field string-or-field options]]
{:type :search
:dimension (->rvalue field)
:query {:type :contains
:value (->rvalue string-or-field)
:caseSensitive (get options :case-sensitive true)}})
(defmethod parse-filter :starts-with [[_ field string-or-field options]]
(filter:like field
(str (escape-like-filter-pattern (->rvalue string-or-field)) \%)
(get options :case-sensitive true)))
(defmethod parse-filter :ends-with [[_ field string-or-field options]]
(filter:like field
(str \% (escape-like-filter-pattern (->rvalue string-or-field)))
(get options :case-sensitive true)))
(defmethod parse-filter := [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:= field value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :!= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:not (filter:= field value-or-field)))
(defmethod parse-filter :< [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :upper value-or-field, :inclusive? false))
(defmethod parse-filter :> [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :lower value-or-field, :inclusive? false))
(defmethod parse-filter :<= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :upper value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :>= [[_ field value-or-field]]
(filter:bound field, :lower value-or-field))
(defmethod parse-filter :and [[_ & args]]
{:type :and, :fields (filterv identity (map parse-filter args))})
(defmethod parse-filter :or [[_ & args]]
{:type :or, :fields (filterv identity (map parse-filter args))})
(defmethod parse-filter :not [[_ subclause]]
(when-let [subclause (parse-filter subclause)]
(filter:not subclause)))
(defn- make-intervals
"Make a value for the `:intervals` in a Druid query.
;; Return results in 2012 or 2015
(make-intervals 2012 2013 2015 2016) -> [\"2012/2013\" \"2015/2016\"]"
[interval-min interval-max & more]
(vec (concat [(str (or (->rvalue interval-min) -5000) "/" (or (->rvalue interval-max) 5000))]
(when (seq more)
(apply make-intervals more)))))
(defn- parse-filter-subclause:intervals [[filter-type field value maybe-max-value]]
(when (mbql.u/is-clause? :datetime-field field)
(case filter-type
;; BETWEEN "2015-12-09", "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-09/2015-12-12"], because BETWEEN is inclusive
:between (make-intervals value (mbql.u/add-datetime-units maybe-max-value 1))
;; = "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-11/2015-12-12"]
:= (make-intervals value (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1))
;; != "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-11", "2015-12-12/5000"]
:!= (make-intervals nil value, (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1) nil)
;; > "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-12/5000"]
:> (make-intervals (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1) nil)
;; >= "2015-12-11" -> ["2015-12-11/5000"]
:>= (make-intervals value nil)
;; < "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-11"]
:< (make-intervals nil value)
;; <= "2015-12-11" -> ["-5000/2015-12-12"]
:<= (make-intervals nil (mbql.u/add-datetime-units value 1)))))
(defn- parse-filter-clause:intervals [[compound-type & subclauses, :as clause]]
(if-not (#{:and :or :not} compound-type)
(parse-filter-subclause:intervals clause)
(let [subclauses (filterv identity (mapcat parse-filter-clause:intervals subclauses))]
(when (seq subclauses)
(case compound-type
;; A date can't be in more than one interval, so ANDing them together doesn't really make sense. In this
;; situation, just ignore all intervals after the first
:and (do (when (> (count subclauses) 1)
(u/format-color 'red
(tru "WARNING: A date can't belong to multiple discrete intervals, so ANDing them together doesn't make sense.")
(tru "Ignoring these intervals: {0}" (rest subclauses))) )))
[(first subclauses)])
;; Ok to specify multiple intervals for OR
:or subclauses
;; We should never get to this point since the all non-string negations should get automatically rewritten
;; by the query expander.
:not (log/warn (u/format-color 'red (tru "WARNING: Don't know how to negate: {0}" clause))))))))
(defn- handle-filter [_ {filter-clause :filter} updated-query]
(if-not filter-clause
(let [filter (parse-filter filter-clause)
intervals (parse-filter-clause:intervals filter-clause)]
(cond-> updated-query
(seq filter) (assoc-in [:query :filter] filter)
(seq intervals) (assoc-in [:query :intervals] intervals)))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------ handle-order-by -------------------------------------------------
(defmulti ^:private handle-order-by
......@@ -194,6 +194,12 @@
{:aggregation [[:avg [:* $id $venue_price]]]
:breakout [$venue_price]}))
;; share
(expect-with-driver :druid
{:aggregation [[:share [:< $venue_price 4]]]}))
;; post-aggregation math w/ 2 args: count + sum
(expect-with-driver :druid
[["1" 442.0]
......@@ -395,18 +395,18 @@
(case aggregation-type
:count {$sum 1})
(case aggregation-type
:named (recur arg)
:avg {$avg (->rvalue arg)}
:count {$sum {$cond {:if (->rvalue arg)
:then 1
:else 0}}}
:distinct {$addToSet (->rvalue arg)}
:sum {$sum (->rvalue arg)}
:min {$min (->rvalue arg)}
:max {$max (->rvalue arg)}
:count-if {$sum {$cond {:if (parse-cond arg)
:then 1
:else 0}}})))
:named (recur arg)
:avg {$avg (->rvalue arg)}
:count {$sum {$cond {:if (->rvalue arg)
:then 1
:else 0}}}
:distinct {$addToSet (->rvalue arg)}
:sum {$sum (->rvalue arg)}
:min {$min (->rvalue arg)}
:max {$max (->rvalue arg)}
:count-where {$sum {$cond {:if (parse-cond arg)
:then 1
:else 0}}})))
(defn- unwrap-named-ag [[ag-type arg :as ag]]
(if (= ag-type :named)
......@@ -433,14 +433,14 @@
(defmethod expand-aggregation :share
[[_ pred :as ag]]
(let [count-if-name (name (gensym "count-if"))
(let [count-where-name (name (gensym "count-where"))
count-name (name (gensym "count-"))
pred (if (= (first pred) :share)
(second pred)
[[[count-if-name (aggregation->rvalue [:count-if pred])]
[[[count-where-name (aggregation->rvalue [:count-where pred])]
[count-name (aggregation->rvalue [:count])]]
[[(annotate/aggregation-name ag) {$divide [(str "$" count-if-name) (str "$" count-name)]}]]]))
[[(annotate/aggregation-name ag) {$divide [(str "$" count-where-name) (str "$" count-name)]}]]]))
(defmethod expand-aggregation :default
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