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Unverified Commit 510a46db authored by Ariya Hidayat's avatar Ariya Hidayat Committed by GitHub
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Remove website update from the release script (#25647)

parent eddda24f
No related branches found
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......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
[heroku :as heroku]
[set-build-options :as set-build-options]
[uberjar :as uberjar]
[update-website :as update-website]
[version-info :as version-info]]
[release.common.slack :as slack]))
......@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
:publish-draft-release draft-release/create-draft-release!
:update-heroku-buildpack heroku/update-heroku-buildpack!
:publish-elastic-beanstalk-artifacts eb/publish-elastic-beanstalk-artifacts!
:update-docs update-website/update-website!
:update-version-info version-info/update-version-info!))
(defn- do-steps! [steps]
(ns release.update-website
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabuild-common.core :as u]
[net.cgrand.tagsoup :as tagsoup]
[release.common :as c]))
(def ^:private website-git-repo
(def ^:private website-branch "master")
(def ^:private dir "/tmp/")
(defn- update-website!* []
(let [tag (str \v (c/version))]
(u/delete-file! dir)
(u/step (format "Checkout website git repo %s to %s" website-git-repo dir)
(u/sh "git" "clone" (format "" website-git-repo) dir)
(u/sh {:dir dir} "git" "checkout" website-branch))
(u/step "Install npm dependencies"
(u/sh {:dir dir} "npm" "ci"))
(u/step "Fetch release branch docs"
(u/sh {:dir dir} "./script/docs" tag "--latest"))
(u/step "Fetch master docs"
(u/sh {:dir dir} "./script/docs" "master" "--set-version" "master"))
(u/step "Commit updated docs"
(u/sh {:dir dir} "git" "add" ".")
(u/sh* {:dir dir} "git" "commit" "-m" tag))
(u/step "delete old tags"
(u/sh* {:dir dir} "git" "push" "--delete" "origin" tag)
(u/sh* {:dir dir} "git" "tag" "--delete" "origin" tag))
(u/step "tag it"
(u/sh {:dir dir} "git" "tag" "-a" tag "-m" tag)
(u/sh {:dir dir} "git" "push" "--follow-tags" "-u" "origin" website-branch))))
(defn- parse-html-from-url [url]
(let [{:keys [status ^String body]} (http/get url)]
(assert (= status 200))
(assert (string? body))
(with-open [is ( (.getBytes body "UTF-8"))]
(second (tagsoup/parser is)))))
(defn- find-node [node pred]
(if (pred node)
(fn [child]
(find-node child pred))
(when (map? node)
(:content node)))))
(defn- check-docs-version []
(u/step "Check docs version on website"
(let [doc (parse-html-from-url "")
node (find-node doc #(and (map? %)
(let [{:keys [tag], {:keys [href]} :attrs} %]
(and (= tag :a)
(= href (format "/docs/v%s/" (c/version)))))))]
(when-not node
(throw (ex-info (format "No link to /docs/v%s/ found" (c/version)) {})))
(u/announce "Found link to /docs/v%s/" (c/version))
(u/step "Make sure link text contains '(Latest)'"
(let [content (find-node node (fn [child]
(when (string? child)
(str/includes? child "(Latest)"))))]
(assert content)
(u/announce "Found content %s" (pr-str content)))))))
(defn- check-jar-version []
(u/step "Check JAR version on website"
(let [doc (parse-html-from-url "")
node (find-node doc #(and (map? %)
(let [{:keys [tag], {:keys [href]} :attrs} %]
(and (= tag :a)
(= href (c/artifact-download-url "metabase.jar"))))))]
(when-not node
(throw (ex-info (format "No link to %s found" (c/artifact-download-url "metabase.jar"))
(defn- validate-website []
(u/step "Validate website updates"
(u/announce "NOTE: skipped for now, since it takes up to 10 minutes for changes to propagate.")
;; TODO -- maybe just hard-reset the git repo to master and make sure the source files are in the correct place.
(defn update-website! []
(u/step "Update with latest docs"
(u/announce "Pre-release version -- not updating Metabase docs")
(= (c/edition) :ee)
(u/announce "EE build -- not updating Metabase docs")
(not (c/latest-version?))
(u/announce "Not the latest version -- not updating Metabase docs")
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