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Unverified Commit 5872cd61 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Display metric name instead of underlying aggregation name in QP results (#10251)

* Display metric name instead of underlying aggregation name in QP results
[ci drivers]
Resolves #1851

* Test fixes :wrench:
parent 8b50c76d
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(ns metabase.models.common)
;; TODO - why is this here? Doesn't seem like the right place for it
(def timezones
"The different timezones supported by Metabase.
Presented as options for the `report-timezone` Setting in the admin panel."
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
:out (comp encryption/maybe-decrypt u/jdbc-clob->str))
(defn decompress
"Decompress `compressed-bytes`."
(if (instance? Blob compressed-bytes)
(recur (.getBytes ^Blob compressed-bytes 0 (.length ^Blob compressed-bytes)))
......@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
[metric :refer [Metric]]
[segment :refer [Segment]]]
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as i]
[metabase.util :as u]
[puppetlabs.i18n.core :refer [tru]]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[puppetlabs.i18n.core :refer [trs tru]]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | SEGMENTS |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -51,34 +50,67 @@
;; metrics won't be in a native query but they could be in source-query or aggregation clause
(mbql.u/match query [:metric (_ :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))]))
(defn- metric-clauses->id->definition [metric-clauses]
(db/select-id->field :definition Metric, :id [:in (set (map second metric-clauses))]))
(defn- add-metrics-filters [query metric-id->definition]
(let [filters (filter identity (map :filter (vals metric-id->definition)))]
(def ^:private MetricInfo
{:id su/IntGreaterThanZero
:name su/NonBlankString
:definition {:aggregation [(s/one mbql.s/Aggregation "aggregation clause")]
(s/optional-key :filter) (s/maybe mbql.s/Filter)
s/Keyword s/Any}})
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([metric-info])} metric-info-validation-errors (s/checker MetricInfo))
(s/defn ^:private metric-clauses->id->info :- {su/IntGreaterThanZero MetricInfo}
[metric-clauses :- [mbql.s/metric]]
(when (seq metric-clauses)
(u/key-by :id (for [metric (db/select [Metric :id :name :definition] :id [:in (set (map second metric-clauses))])
:let [errors (u/prog1 (metric-info-validation-errors metric)
(when <>
(log/warn (trs "Invalid metric: {0} reason: {1}" metric <>))))]
:when (not errors)]
(defn- add-metrics-filters [query metric-id->info]
(let [filters (for [{{filter-clause :filter} :definition} (vals metric-id->info)
:when filter-clause]
(reduce mbql.u/add-filter-clause query filters)))
(defn- replace-metrics-aggregations [query metric-id->definition]
(mbql.u/replace-in query [:query]
[:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))]
(or (first (:aggregation (metric-id->definition metric-id)))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str (tru "Metric {0} does not exist, or is invalid." metric-id)))))))
(s/defn ^:private metric-info->ag-clause :- mbql.s/Aggregation
"Return an appropriate aggregation clause from `metric-info`."
[{{[aggregation] :aggregation} :definition, metric-name :name} :- MetricInfo
{:keys [wrap-in-named?]} :- {:wrap-in-named? s/Bool}]
;; try to give the resulting aggregation the name of the Metric it came from, unless it's already `:named` in
;; which case keep that name
(if (or (not wrap-in-named?) (mbql.u/is-clause? :named aggregation))
[:named aggregation metric-name]))
(defn- replace-metrics-aggregations [query metric-id->info]
(let [metric (fn [metric-id]
(or (get metric-id->info metric-id)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str (tru "Metric {0} does not exist, or is invalid." metric-id))))))]
(mbql.u/replace-in query [:query]
[:named [:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))] metric-name]
[:named (metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:wrap-in-named? false}) metric-name]
[:metric (metric-id :guard (complement mbql.u/ga-id?))]
(metric-info->ag-clause (metric metric-id) {:wrap-in-named? true}))))
(defn- add-metrics-clauses
"Add appropriate `filter` and `aggregation` clauses for a sequence of Metrics.
(add-metrics-clauses {:query {}} [[:metric 10]])
;; -> {:query {:aggregation [[:count]], :filter [:= [:field-id 10] 20]}}"
[query metric-id->definition]
[query metric-id->info]
(-> query
(add-metrics-filters metric-id->definition)
(replace-metrics-aggregations metric-id->definition)))
(add-metrics-filters metric-id->info)
(replace-metrics-aggregations metric-id->info)))
(s/defn ^:private expand-metrics :- mbql.s/Query
[query :- mbql.s/Query]
(if-let [metrics (metrics query)]
(add-metrics-clauses query (metric-clauses->id->definition metrics))
(add-metrics-clauses query (metric-clauses->id->info metrics))
......@@ -97,10 +129,7 @@
[{query-type :type, :as query}]
(if-not (= query-type :query)
(u/prog1 (expand-metrics-and-segments query)
(when (and (not i/*disable-qp-logging*)
(not= <> query))
(log/debug (u/format-color 'cyan "\n\nMACRO/SUBSTITUTED: %s\n%s" (u/emoji "😻") (u/pprint-to-str <>)))))))
(expand-metrics-and-segments query)))
(defn expand-macros
"Middleware that looks for `:metric` and `:segment` macros in an unexpanded MBQL query and substitute the macros for
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
:actual-message (when-let [in-a (first (data/diff a e))]
(format "\nin actual, not expected:\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'red in-a)))
:raw [str-e str-a]
:result ["\nexpected:\n"
:result [(format "\nexpected: %s\n" (class e))
(u/pprint-to-str 'green e)
(format "\nwas: %s\n" (class a))
(u/pprint-to-str 'red a)]})
(defmethod expectations/compare-expr :expectations/maps [e a str-e str-a]
......@@ -325,7 +325,8 @@
(tt/with-temp Card [card (card-with-date-field-filter)]
;; make sure the URL doesn't include /api/ at the beginning like it normally would
(binding [http/*url-prefix* (str/replace http/*url-prefix* #"/api/$" "/")]
(http/client :get 200 (str "embed/question/" (card-token card) ".csv?date=Q1-2014"))))))
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url http/*url-prefix*]
(http/client :get 200 (str "embed/question/" (card-token card) ".csv?date=Q1-2014")))))))
;;; ---------------------------------------- GET /api/embed/dashboard/:token -----------------------------------------
......@@ -220,16 +220,11 @@
(tt/with-temp Card [{uuid :public_uuid} (card-with-date-field-filter)]
;; make sure the URL doesn't include /api/ at the beginning like it normally would
(binding [http/*url-prefix* (str/replace http/*url-prefix* #"/api/$" "/")]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url http/*url-prefix*]
(http/client :get 200 (str "public/question/" uuid ".csv")
:parameters (json/encode [{:type :date/quarter-year
:target [:dimension [:template-tag :date]]
:value "Q1-2014"}]))
;; this test is failing a lot recently with ConnectExceptions. This is here to debug it
(catch e
(println "Connection to " http/*url-prefix* "public/question/" uuid ".csv refused.")
(println (.getMessage e))
(throw e)))))))
:value "Q1-2014"}])))))))
;; make sure we include all the relevant fields like `:insights`
(defn- card-with-trendline []
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand-macros-test
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
(:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
[query-processor :as qp]
[query-processor-test :refer :all]
[query-processor-test :as qp.test]
[util :as u]]
[database :refer [Database]]
[metric :refer [Metric]]
[segment :refer [Segment]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand-macros :as expand-macros :refer :all]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand-macros :as expand-macros]
[ :as data]
[ :as datasets]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
......@@ -52,30 +52,10 @@
[:> [:field-id 4] 1]]]
:breakout [[:field-id 17]]}))))
;; Does expansion work if :and isn't capitalized? (MBQL is case-insensitive!) (#5706, #5530)
{:filter [:and
[:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
[:is-null [:field-id 7]]]
:breakout [[:field-id 17]]})
(tt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Segment [{segment-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id
:definition {:filter [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]}}]
Segment [{segment-2-id :id} {:table_id table-id
:definition {:filter [:is-null [:field-id 7]]}}]]
{:filter [:and
[:segment segment-1-id]
[:segment segment-2-id]]
:breakout [[:field-id 17]]}))))
;; just a metric (w/out nested segments)
{:aggregation [[:count]]
{:aggregation [[:named [:count] "Toucans in the rainforest"]]
:filter [:and
[:> [:field-id 4] 1]
[:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]]
......@@ -83,7 +63,8 @@
:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]})
(tt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:name "Toucans in the rainforest"
:table_id table-id
:definition {:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]]}}]]
......@@ -97,13 +78,14 @@
{:source-table 1000
:aggregation [[:count]]
:aggregation [[:named [:count] "ABC Fields"]]
:filter [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
:breakout [[:field-id 17]]
:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]})
(tt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:name "ABC Fields"
:table_id table-id
:definition {:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter [:and [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]]}}]]
......@@ -116,13 +98,14 @@
;; metric w/ no filter definition
{:aggregation [[:count]]
{:aggregation [[:named [:count] "My Metric"]]
:filter [:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
:breakout [[:field-id 17]]
:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]})
(tt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:name "My Metric"
:table_id table-id
:definition {:aggregation [[:count]]}}]]
......@@ -135,7 +118,7 @@
{:source-table 1000
:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id 18]]]
:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 18]] "My Metric"]]
:filter [:and
[:> [:field-id 4] 1]
[:is-null [:field-id 7]]
......@@ -149,7 +132,8 @@
:definition {:filter [:and [:between [:field-id 9] 0 25]]}}]
Segment [{segment-2-id :id} {:table_id table-id
:definition {:filter [:and [:is-null [:field-id 7]]]}}]
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id
Metric [{metric-1-id :id} {:name "My Metric"
:table_id table-id
:definition {:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id 18]]]
:filter [:and
[:= [:field-id 5] "abc"]
......@@ -165,20 +149,21 @@
:order-by [[:asc [:field-id 1]]]}))))
;; Check that a metric w/ multiple aggregation syntax (nested vector) still works correctly
(datasets/expect-with-drivers (non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
(datasets/expect-with-drivers (qp.test/non-timeseries-drivers-with-feature :expression-aggregations)
[[2 118]
[3 39]
[4 24]]
(tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:table_id (data/id :venues)
:definition {:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]]
:filter [:> [:field-id (data/id :venues :price)] 1]}}]
(format-rows-by [int int]
(rows (qp/process-query
{:database (data/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:aggregation [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
:breakout [[:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]}})))))
(qp.test/format-rows-by [int int]
{:database (data/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:aggregation [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
:breakout [[:field-id (data/id :venues :price)]]}})))))
;; make sure that we don't try to expand GA "metrics" (#6104)
......@@ -208,11 +193,21 @@
;; make sure we can name a :metric (ick)
{:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "My Cool Metric"]]
{:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "Named Metric"]]
:breakout [[:field-id 10]]})
(tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:sum [:field-id 20]]]}}]
(mbql-query {:aggregation [[:named [:metric (u/get-id metric)] "My Cool Metric"]]
(mbql-query {:aggregation [[:named [:metric (u/get-id metric)] "Named Metric"]]
:breakout [[:field-id 10]]}))))
;; a Metric whose :aggregation is already named should not get wrapped in a `:named` clause
{:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "My Cool Aggregation"]]
:breakout [[:field-id 10]]})
(tt/with-temp Metric [metric {:definition {:aggregation [[:named [:sum [:field-id 20]] "My Cool Aggregation"]]}}]
(mbql-query {:aggregation [[:metric (u/get-id metric)]]
:breakout [[:field-id 10]]}))))
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