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Unverified Commit 5ad50f50 authored by Braden Shepherdson's avatar Braden Shepherdson Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Serdes v2 for Cards (#23803)

parent 45b53722
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......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(def exported-models
"The list of models which are exported by serialization. Used for production code and by tests."
......@@ -2,12 +2,20 @@
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.test-util :as ts]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.extract :as extract]
[metabase.models :refer [Collection User]]
[metabase.models :refer [Card Collection Database Table User]]
[metabase.models.serialization.base :as serdes.base]))
(defn- select-one [model-name where]
(first (into [] (serdes.base/raw-reducible-query model-name {:where where}))))
(defn- by-model [model-name extraction]
(->> extraction
(into [])
(map (comp last :serdes/meta))
(filter #(= model-name (:model %)))
(map :id)
(deftest fundamentals-test
(ts/with-temp-dpc [Collection [{coll-id :id
......@@ -52,20 +60,72 @@
(is (= "mark@direstrai.ts" (:personal_owner_id ser)))))
(testing "overall extraction returns the expected set"
(letfn [(collections [extraction] (->> extraction
(into [])
(map (comp last :serdes/meta))
(filter #(= "Collection" (:model %)))
(map :id)
(testing "no user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid}
(collections (extract/extract-metabase nil)))))
(testing "no user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid}
(by-model "Collection" (extract/extract-metabase nil)))))
(testing "valid user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid pc-eid}
(by-model "Collection" (extract/extract-metabase {:user mark-id})))))
(testing "invalid user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid}
(by-model "Collection" (extract/extract-metabase {:user 218921})))))))))
(testing "valid user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid pc-eid}
(collections (extract/extract-metabase {:user mark-id})))))
(deftest dashboard-and-cards-test
(ts/with-temp-dpc [Collection [{coll-id :id
coll-eid :entity_id
coll-slug :slug} {:name "Some Collection"}]
User [{mark-id :id} {:first_name "Mark"
:last_name "Knopfler"
:email "mark@direstrai.ts"}]
Database [{db-id :id} {:name "My Database"}]
Table [{no-schema-id :id} {:name "Schemaless Table" :db_id db-id}]
Table [{schema-id :id} {:name "Schema'd Table"
:db_id db-id
:schema "PUBLIC"}]
Card [{c1-id :id
c1-eid :entity_id} {:name "Some Question"
:database_id db-id
:table_id no-schema-id
:collection_id coll-id
:creator_id mark-id
:dataset_query "{\"json\": \"string values\"}"}]
Card [{c2-id :id
c2-eid :entity_id} {:name "Second Question"
:database_id db-id
:table_id schema-id
:collection_id coll-id
:creator_id mark-id}]]
(testing "table and database are extracted as [db schema table] triples"
(let [ser (serdes.base/extract-one "Card" {} (select-one "Card" [:= :id c1-id]))]
(is (= {:serdes/meta [{:model "Card" :id c1-eid}]
:table ["My Database" nil "Schemaless Table"]
:creator_id "mark@direstrai.ts"
:collection_id coll-eid
:dataset_query "{\"json\": \"string values\"}"} ; Undecoded, still a string.
(select-keys ser [:serdes/meta :table :creator_id :collection_id :dataset_query])))
(is (not (contains? ser :id)))
(testing "cards depend on their Table and Collection"
(is (= #{[{:model "Database" :id "My Database"}
{:model "Table" :id "Schemaless Table"}]
[{:model "Collection" :id coll-eid}]}
(set (serdes.base/serdes-dependencies ser))))))
(let [ser (serdes.base/extract-one "Card" {} (select-one "Card" [:= :id c2-id]))]
(is (= {:serdes/meta [{:model "Card" :id c2-eid}]
:table ["My Database" "PUBLIC" "Schema'd Table"]
:creator_id "mark@direstrai.ts"
:collection_id coll-eid
:dataset_query "{}"} ; Undecoded, still a string.
(select-keys ser [:serdes/meta :table :creator_id :collection_id :dataset_query])))
(is (not (contains? ser :id)))
(testing "invalid user specified"
(is (= #{coll-eid child-eid}
(collections (extract/extract-metabase {:user 218921}))))))))))
(testing "cards depend on their Table and Collection"
(is (= #{[{:model "Database" :id "My Database"}
{:model "Schema" :id "PUBLIC"}
{:model "Table" :id "Schema'd Table"}]
[{:model "Collection" :id coll-eid}]}
(set (serdes.base/serdes-dependencies ser))))))))))
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[metabase.test.generate :as test-gen]
[ :as]
[reifyhealth.specmonstah.core :as rs]
[toucan.db :as db]
[yaml.core :as yaml]))
(defn- dir->file-set [dir]
......@@ -95,6 +96,9 @@
(assoc :serdes/meta (mapv #(dissoc % :label) abs-path)))
(ingest/ingest-one ingestable abs-path))))))))
(defn- random-key [prefix n]
(keyword (str prefix (rand-int n))))
(deftest e2e-storage-ingestion-test
(ts/with-random-dump-dir [dump-dir "serdesv2-"]
......@@ -104,7 +108,14 @@
[10 {:refs {:db_id db}}]))
:field (into [] (for [n (range 100)
:let [table (keyword (str "t" n))]]
[10 {:refs {:table_id table}}]))})
[10 {:refs {:table_id table}}]))
:core-user [[10]]
:card [[100 {:refs (let [db (rand-int 10)
t (rand-int 10)]
{:database_id (keyword (str "db" db))
:table_id (keyword (str "t" (+ t (* 10 db))))
:collection_id (random-key "coll" 100)
:creator_id (random-key "u" 10)})}]]})
(let [extraction (into [] (extract/extract-metabase {}))
entities (reduce (fn [m entity]
(update m (-> entity :serdes/meta last :model)
......@@ -162,6 +173,20 @@
(update :updated_at
(yaml/from-file (io/file dump-dir "Database" db "Table" table "Field" (str name ".yaml")))))))
(testing "for cards"
(is (= 100 (count (dir->file-set (io/file dump-dir "Card")))))
(doseq [{[db-name schema table] :table
:keys [collection_id creator_id entity_id]
:as card} (get entities "Card")
:let [filename (str entity_id ".yaml")
db (db/select-one 'Database :name db-name)
table (db/select-one 'Table :db_id (:id db) :name table :schema schema)]]
(is (= (-> card
(dissoc :serdes/meta)
(update :created_at
(update :updated_at
(yaml/from-file (io/file dump-dir "Card" filename))))))
(testing "for settings"
(is (= (into {} (for [{:keys [key value]} (get entities "Setting")]
[key value]))
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.query :as query]
[metabase.models.revision :as revision]
[metabase.models.serialization.base :as serdes.base]
[metabase.models.serialization.hash :as serdes.hash]
[metabase.moderation :as moderation]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
......@@ -325,3 +326,57 @@
{:identity-hash-fields (constantly [:name (serdes.hash/hydrated-hash :collection)])})
;;; ------------------------------------------------- Serialization --------------------------------------------------
(defmethod serdes.base/extract-query "Card" [_ {:keys [user]}]
{:select [:card.*]
:from [[:report_card :card]]
:left-join [[:collection :coll] [:= :card.collection_id]]
:where (if user
[:or [:= :coll.personal_owner_id user] [:is :coll.personal_owner_id nil]]
[:is :coll.personal_owner_id nil])}))
(defmethod serdes.base/extract-one "Card"
[_ _ {:keys [table_id database_id collection_id creator_id] :as card}]
;; Cards have :table_id, :database_id, :collection_id, :creator_id that need conversion.
;; :table_id and :database_id are extracted as just :table [database_name schema table_name].
;; :collection_id is extracted as its entity_id or identity-hash.
;; :creator_id as the user's email
(let [db-name (db/select-one-field :name 'Database :id database_id)
{:keys [schema name]} (db/select-one 'Table :id table_id)
coll (db/select-one 'Collection :id collection_id)
{collection-eid :id} (serdes.base/infer-self-path "Collection" coll)
email (db/select-one-field :email 'User :id creator_id)]
(-> (serdes.base/extract-one-basics "Card" card)
(dissoc :table_id :database_id)
(assoc :table [db-name schema name]
:collection_id collection-eid
:creator_id email))))
(defmethod serdes.base/load-xform "Card"
[{[db-name schema table-name] :table
email :creator_id
collection-eid :collection_id
:as card}]
(let [db-id (db/select-one-id 'Database :name db-name)
table-id (db/select-one-id 'Table :database_id db-id :schema schema :name table-name)
coll-id (serdes.base/lookup-by-id 'Collection collection-eid)
user-id (db/select-one-id 'User :email email)]
(-> card
(dissoc :table)
(assoc :database_id db-id
:table_id table-id
:collection_id coll-id
:creator_id user-id))))
(defmethod serdes.base/serdes-dependencies "Card"
[{[db-name schema table-name] :table
:keys [collection_id]}]
;; The Table implicitly depends on the Database.
[(filterv some? [{:model "Database" :id db-name}
(when schema {:model "Schema" :id schema})
{:model "Table" :id table-name}])
[{:model "Collection" :id collection_id}]])
......@@ -194,6 +194,14 @@
(eduction (map (partial extract-one model opts))
(extract-query model opts)))
(defn- model-name->table
"The model name is not necessarily the table name. This pulls the table name from the Toucan model."
(-> model-name
(defn raw-reducible-query
"Helper for calling Toucan's raw [[db/reducible-query]]. With just the model name, fetches everything. You can filter
with a HoneySQL map like `{:where [:= :archived true]}`.
......@@ -202,19 +210,11 @@
(raw-reducible-query model-name nil))
([model-name honeysql-form]
(db/reducible-query (merge {:select [:*] :from [(symbol model-name)]}
(db/reducible-query (merge {:select [:*] :from [(model-name->table model-name)]}
(defn- model-name->table
"The model name is not necessarily the table name. This pulls the table name from the Toucan model."
(-> model-name
(defmethod extract-query :default [model-name _]
(raw-reducible-query (model-name->table model-name)))
(raw-reducible-query model-name))
(defn extract-one-basics
"A helper for writing [[extract-one]] implementations. It takes care of the basics:
......@@ -187,8 +187,10 @@
:card {:prefix :c
:spec ::card
:insert! {:model Card}
:relations {:creator_id [:core-user :id]
:database_id [:database :id]}}
:relations {:creator_id [:core-user :id]
:database_id [:database :id]
:table_id [:table :id]
:collection_id [:collection :id]}}
:dashboard {:prefix :d
:spec ::dashboard
:insert! {:model Dashboard}
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