After you've installed the prerequisites and have a local copy of the repo
you'll need to install the following:
lein deps
lein npm
# install clojure dependencies
$ lein deps
# install frontend dependencies from npm
$ npm install
## Frontend overview
To start working, you'll need to build the frontend JS and CSS
We use these technologies for our FE build process to allow us to use modules, es6 syntax,
and css variables.
- webpack
- babel
- cssnext
Build the application JS and CSS with
## NPM scripts & frontend build process
lein webpack
Frontend tasks are managed by NPM. All available tasks can be found in package.json under "scripts".
When developing the frontend client, you'll want to watch for changes,
To build the frontend client without watching for changes, you can use:
so run webpack with the '-w' flag.
./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js -w
$ npm run build
If you're working on the frontend directly, you'll most likely want to reload changes on save, and in the case of React components, do so while maintaining state. To start a build with hot reloading, use:
$ npm run build-hot
Note that changes to CSS variables will only be picked up when webpack is restarted.
Note that at this time if you change CSS variables, those changes will only be picked up when a build is restarted.
## Usage
## Usage
@@ -40,7 +62,7 @@ Then run the HTTP server with
@@ -40,7 +62,7 @@ Then run the HTTP server with
lein ring server
lein ring server
## Unit Tests / Linting
## Clojure Unit Tests / Linting
Check that the project can compile successfully with
Check that the project can compile successfully with