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Unverified Commit 5e32fb96 authored by Robert Roland's avatar Robert Roland Committed by GitHub
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Convert ID Integer columns to strings (#13107)

* Convert ID Integer columns to strings

Converts any ID (PK or FK) column that's derived from a :type/Integer to
a string in query middleware (at the end of query processing.)

JavaScript treats all numbers as floats, with a 52 bit mantissa. Any
integer larger than 52 bits ends up looking like a strange floating
point number.

This will allow the UI to properly display a number n where n > 2^52 or
n < -2^52

Resolves #5816

[ci all]

* code review feedback

* skip the reduce phase if there are no columns to update

* handle joins properly

joins have two :field-id values in them. handle them appropriately

* update cloverage build

* update tools.namespace for newer cloverage

* handle all query types more gracefully

Only in cases where we have an explicit :field-id do we try to do the
coercions to strings. It's important to not filter the :fields clause in
such a way that anything is left out - if they were, the keep-indexed
call would modify the wrong values in the result.
parent 2bf8e817
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......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
[org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.1.4"] ; combinatorics functions
[org.clojure/math.numeric-tower "0.0.4"] ; math functions like `ceil`
[org.clojure/tools.logging "1.1.0"] ; logging framework
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.11"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "1.0.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.10"] ; function tracing
[amalloy/ring-buffer "1.2.2"
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure
......@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@
{:dependencies [[cloverage "1.2.0" :exclusions [riddley]]]
:plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.2.0"]]
{:dependencies [[camsaul/cloverage "" :exclusions [riddley]]]
:plugins [[camsaul/lein-cloverage ""]]
:source-paths ^:replace ["src" "backend/mbql/src"]
:test-paths ^:replace ["test" "backend/mbql/test"]
:cloverage {:fail-threshold 69
......@@ -611,8 +611,9 @@
(qp/process-query-and-save-execution! query info context)))}}]
{:pre [(u/maybe? sequential? parameters)]}
(let [card (api/read-check (Card card-id))
query (assoc (query-for-card card parameters constraints middleware)
:async? true)
query (-> (assoc (query-for-card card parameters constraints middleware)
:async? true)
(assoc-in [:middleware :js-int-to-string?] true))
info {:executed-by api/*current-user-id*
:context context
:card-id card-id
......@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
info {:executed-by api/*current-user-id*
:context :ad-hoc
:card-id source-card-id
:nested? (boolean source-card-id)}]
:nested? (boolean source-card-id)}
query (update query :middleware assoc :js-int-to-string? true)]
(qp.streaming/streaming-response [context :api]
(qp/process-query-and-save-with-max-results-constraints! query info context))))
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
[expand-macros :as expand-macros]
[fetch-source-query :as fetch-source-query]
[format-rows :as format-rows]
[large-int-id :as large-int-id]
[limit :as limit]
[mbql-to-native :as mbql-to-native]
[normalize-query :as normalize]
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.large-int-id
"Middleware for handling conversion of IDs to strings for proper display of large numbers"
(:require [ :as log]
[metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]))
(defn- result-int->string
[field-indexes rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result row]
(rf result (reduce #(update-in %1 [%2] str) row field-indexes)))))
(defn convert-id-to-string
"Converts any ID (:type/PK and :type/FK) in a result to a string to handle a number > 2^51
or < -2^51, the JavaScript float mantissa. This will allow proper display of large numbers,
like IDs from services like social media. All ID numbers are converted to avoid the performance
penalty of a comparison based on size."
(fn [{{:keys [js-int-to-string?] :or {js-int-to-string? false}} :middleware, :as query} rff context]
;; currently, this excludes `:field-literal` values like aggregations.
;; for a query like below, *no* conversion will occur
;; (mt/mbql-query venues
;; {:source-query {:source-table $$venues
;; :aggregation [[:aggregation-options
;; [:avg $id]
;; {:name "some_generated_name", :display-name "My Cool Ag"}]]
;; :breakout [$price]}})
;; when you run in this fashion, you lose the ability to determine if it's an ID - you get a `:fields` value
;; like: `:fields [[:field-literal "PRICE" :type/Integer] [:field-literal "some_generated_name" :type/BigInteger]]`
;; so, short of turning all `:type/Integer` derived values into strings, this is the best approximation
;; of a fix that can be accomplished.
(let [field-indexes (keep-indexed
(fn [idx val]
(let [field-id (mbql.u/field-clause->id-or-literal val)]
(when-let [field (when (number? field-id)
(Field field-id))]
(when (and (or (isa? (:special_type field) :type/PK)
(isa? (:special_type field) :type/FK))
(isa? (:base_type field) :type/Integer))
(log/spy :error (:fields (:query query))))]
(qp query (if (and js-int-to-string? (seq field-indexes))
#(result-int->string field-indexes (rff %))
......@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
(defn- most-recent-query-execution [] (db/select-one QueryExecution {:order-by [[:id :desc]]}))
(def ^:private query-defaults
{:middleware {:add-default-userland-constraints? true}})
{:middleware {:add-default-userland-constraints? true
:js-int-to-string? true}})
(deftest basic-query-test
(testing "POST /api/dataset"
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.large-int-id-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[query-processor :as qp]
[test :as mt]]))
(deftest convert-ids
(let [query (mt/mbql-query users
{:order-by [[:asc $id]]
:limit 5})]
(testing "PKs become strings when middleware enabled"
(is (= [["1" "Plato Yeshua" "2014-04-01T08:30:00Z"]
["2" "Felipinho Asklepios" "2014-12-05T15:15:00Z"]
["3" "Kaneonuskatew Eiran" "2014-11-06T16:15:00Z"]
["4" "Simcha Yan" "2014-01-01T08:30:00Z"]
["5" "Quentin Sören" "2014-10-03T17:30:00Z"]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true}))))))
(testing "PKs are left alone when middleware disabled (default)"
(is (= [[1 "Plato Yeshua" "2014-04-01T08:30:00Z"]
[2 "Felipinho Asklepios" "2014-12-05T15:15:00Z"]
[3 "Kaneonuskatew Eiran" "2014-11-06T16:15:00Z"]
[4 "Simcha Yan" "2014-01-01T08:30:00Z"]
[5 "Quentin Sören" "2014-10-03T17:30:00Z"]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {})))))))
(let [query (mt/mbql-query users
{:fields [$name]
:order-by [[:asc $name]]
:limit 5})]
(testing "handle when there are no ID columns in the query but the middleware is enabled"
(is (= [["Broen Olujimi"]
["Conchúr Tihomir"]
["Dwight Gresham"]
["Felipinho Asklepios"]
["Frans Hevel"]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true})))))))
(let [query (mt/mbql-query venues
{:order-by [[:asc $id]]
:limit 5})]
(testing "FKs become strings when middleware enabled"
(is (= [["1" "Red Medicine" "4" 10.0646 -165.374 3]
["2" "Stout Burgers & Beers" "11" 34.0996 -118.329 2]
["3" "The Apple Pan" "11" 34.0406 -118.428 2]
["4" "Wurstküche" "29" 33.9997 -118.465 2]
["5" "Brite Spot Family Restaurant" "20" 34.0778 -118.261 2]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true}))))))
(testing "FKs are left alone when middleware disabled (default)"
(is (= [[1 "Red Medicine" 4 10.0646 -165.374 3]
[2 "Stout Burgers & Beers" 11 34.0996 -118.329 2]
[3 "The Apple Pan" 11 34.0406 -118.428 2]
[4 "Wurstküche" 29 33.9997 -118.465 2]
[5 "Brite Spot Family Restaurant" 20 34.0778 -118.261 2]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {})))))))
(let [query (mt/mbql-query checkins
{:fields [$id $user_id-> $user_id-> $venue_id-> $venue_id->]
:order-by [[:asc $id]]
:limit 5})]
(testing "joins work correctly"
(is (= [["1" "5" "Quentin Sören" "12" "The Misfit Restaurant + Bar"]
["2" "1" "Plato Yeshua" "31" "Bludso's BBQ"]
["3" "8" "Szymon Theutrich" "56" "Philippe the Original"]
["4" "5" "Quentin Sören" "4" "Wurstküche"]
["5" "3" "Kaneonuskatew Eiran" "49" "Hotel Biron"]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true})))))))
(let [query (mt/mbql-query venues
{:source-query {:source-table $$venues
:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
[:avg $id]
{:name "some_generated_name", :display-name "My Cool Ag"}]]
:breakout [$price]}})]
;; see comment in `metabase.query-processor.middleware.large-int-id/convert-id-to-string`
;; for why this value does not change
(testing "aggregations are not converted to strings with middleware enabled"
(is (= [[1 55]
[2 48]
[3 47]
[4 62]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true}))))) )
(testing "aggregation does not convert to strings with middleware disabled (default)"
(is (= [[1 55]
[2 48]
[3 47]
[4 62]]
(qp/process-query (assoc query :middleware {}))))))))
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