Handle email password obfuscation (#23925)
The frontend receives obfuscated values for settings marked sensitive: ```clojure (defsetting email-smtp-password (deferred-tru "SMTP password.") :sensitive? true) ``` and over the wire: ```javascript { "key": "email-smtp-password", "value": "**********ig", "is_env_setting": false, "env_name": "MB_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD", "description": "SMTP password.", "default": null }, ``` So the frontend form never has a valid password in it. When you edit email settings, we check if those are valid, and if so, commit the settings. But with the wrong password email settings are almost always wrong. You have to re-type the email password just to change other settings, like the friendly name, reply-to email address, etc. So we recognize that we've received the obfuscated value, swap in the real value for the email connection test, and then obfuscate the password in the response. If we do not receive an obfuscated value, just leave it alone and return the value anyways (they typed it in, so seems safe to send it back). Note that there is a function in models.setting called `obfuscated-value?` that checks strings against a regex of `#"^\*{10}.{2}$"`. This is used to never set settings to an obfuscated value. But its a bit less sensitive than our purposes need. We have a real value and an obfuscated value so we can check if the obfuscated value is based on the real value. (obfuscate-value "password") -> "**********rd" . Whereas we might recognize "**********AA" as the obfuscated value if we reused that helper function. NOTE this could be weird if anyone's password changes from "password" to "**********rd" but the chances of that happening are miniscule. Had thought to have the FE not send a value at all if it is unchanged but this had some far-reaching implications that we don't want to tackle so close to the release. There's an associated issue for LDAP settings that is largely the same as this: https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/16708 But it is not clear to me if these are the only two places or if there could be others. Until that research is done we can just accept this patch as is and come up with a systematic approach in the future. But it does seem only three settings are sensitive: ```clojure setting=> (->> (vals @registered-settings) (filter :sensitive?) (map :name)) (:saml-keystore-password :email-smtp-password :ldap-password) ``` The direct setting apis won't write setting values which appear as obfuscated, but we have other endpoints that take collections of settings as a unit (for instance, the endpoint /api/email that takes all of the email settings here to test if they work together).
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