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Unverified Commit 61828f4e authored by Jeff Evans's avatar Jeff Evans Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Add linter for metabase-plugin.yaml files (#19240)

Add new deps for finding close misspellings of map keys (spell-spec) and printing more readable spec errors (expound)

Adding spec definitions for driver YAML format

Add call to driver YAML validation from verify.clj

Fixing a couple issues in existing drivers found by the validation
parent d5b7bff1
No related merge requests found
......@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@
com.github.seancorfield/depstar {:mvn/version "2.1.278"}
cheshire/cheshire {:mvn/version "5.8.1"}
commons-codec/commons-codec {:mvn/version "1.14"}
expound/expound {:mvn/version "0.7.0"} ; better output of spec validation errors
hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version "1.0.5"}
io.forward/yaml {:mvn/version "1.0.9"} ; Don't upgrade yet, new version doesn't support Java 8 (see
io.github.clojure/ {:git/tag "v0.1.6", :git/sha "5636e61"}
org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {:mvn/version "0.12.985"}
org.flatland/ordered {:mvn/version "1.5.9"} ; used by io.forward/yaml -- need the newer version
com.bhauman/spell-spec {:mvn/version "0.1.1"} ; used to find misspellings in YAML files
stencil/stencil {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}
;; local source
metabase/metabase-core {:local/root "../.."}
(ns build-drivers.lint-manifest-file
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[spell-spec.alpha :as spell]))
(s/def ::init-step (spell/keys :req-un [::step]))
(defmulti init-step-type :step)
(s/def ::namespace string?)
(defmethod init-step-type "load-namespace" [_]
(spell/keys :req-un [::namespace]))
(s/def ::class string?)
(defmethod init-step-type "register-jdbc-driver" [_]
(spell/keys :req-un [::class]))
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::version string?)
(s/def ::description string?)
(s/def ::info (spell/keys :req-un [::name ::version ::description]))
(def ^:private property-types #{"string" "textFile" "boolean" "secret" "info"})
(s/def ::display-name string?)
(s/def ::default any?)
(s/def ::lazy-load boolean?)
(s/def ::abstract boolean?)
(s/def ::parent (s/or :single-parent string? :multiple-parent (s/coll-of string?)))
(s/def ::required boolean?)
(s/def ::placeholder string?)
(s/def ::type #(contains? property-types %))
(s/def ::visible-if (s/map-of keyword? any?))
(s/def ::connection-property-map (spell/keys :opt-un [::display-name ::default ::required ::placeholder ::type
(s/def ::raw-property-name-ref string?)
(s/def ::merge (s/cat :property-name ::raw-property-name-ref
:merge-map ::connection-property-map))
(s/def ::merge-map (spell/keys :req-un [::merge]))
(s/def ::connection-property (s/or :merge-with ::merge-map
:property-name ::raw-property-name-ref
:property-map (s/merge (spell/keys :req-un [::name]) ::connection-property-map)))
(s/def ::connection-properties (s/coll-of ::connection-property))
(s/def ::connection-properties-include-tunnel-config boolean?)
(s/def ::single-driver (s/keys :req-un [::name ::lazy-load]
:opt-un [::parent ::display-name ::abstract ::connection-properties
(s/def ::driver (s/or :single-driver ::single-driver :multiple-drivers (s/coll-of ::single-driver)))
(s/def ::init (s/coll-of (s/multi-spec init-step-type #(get % :step))))
(s/def ::plugin-manifest
(spell/keys :req-un [::info ::driver] :opt-un [::init]))
(ns build-drivers.verify
(:require [build-drivers.common :as c]
[build-drivers.lint-manifest-file :as lint-manifest-file]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[colorize.core :as colorize]
[metabuild-common.core :as u])
[expound.alpha :as expound]
[ :as io]
[metabuild-common.core :as u]
[yaml.core :as yaml])
(:import [ ZipEntry ZipFile]))
(defn- jar-contains-file? [^String jar-path ^String filename]
(defn- get-jar-entry [^String jar-path ^String filename]
(with-open [zip-file (ZipFile. jar-path)]
(fn [^ZipEntry zip-entry]
(= (str zip-entry) filename))
(enumeration-seq (.entries zip-file)))))
(fn [^ZipEntry zip-entry]
(= (str zip-entry) filename))
(enumeration-seq (.entries zip-file))))))
(defn- jar-contains-file? [^String jar-path ^String filename]
(some? (get-jar-entry jar-path filename)))
(defn- verify-has-init-class [driver]
(let [jar-filename (c/driver-jar-destination-path driver)
......@@ -32,8 +42,19 @@
(defn- verify-has-plugin-manifest [driver]
(let [jar-filename (c/driver-jar-destination-path driver)]
(u/step (format "Check %s contains metabase-plugin.yaml" jar-filename)
(if (jar-contains-file? jar-filename "metabase-plugin.yaml")
(u/announce "Plugin manifest found.")
(if-let [manifest-entry (get-jar-entry jar-filename "metabase-plugin.yaml")]
(with-open [zip-file (ZipFile. jar-filename)]
(let [entry-is (.getInputStream zip-file manifest-entry)
yaml-str (slurp entry-is)
yml (yaml/parse-string yaml-str)]
(u/announce "Plugin manifest found; validating it")
(if-not (s/valid? ::lint-manifest-file/plugin-manifest yml)
;; print a readable explanation of the spec error
(expound/expound ::lint-manifest-file/plugin-manifest yml)
(throw (ex-info "Driver verification failed: plugin manifest was invalid; see full explanation above"
{:invalid-driver driver})))
(u/announce "Plugin manifest passed spec validation"))))
(throw (ex-info "Driver verification failed: plugin manifest missing" {}))))))
(defn verify-driver
......@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ driver:
- name: use-srv
type: boolean
default: false
- merge:
- ssl
- ssl
- name: ssl-cert
type: string
display-name: Server SSL certificate chain
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ driver:
- default: 1521
- name: sid
display-name: Oracle system ID (SID)
placehoder: Usually something like ORCL or XE. Optional if using service name
placeholder: Usually something like ORCL or XE. Optional if using service name
- name: service-name
display-name: Oracle service name
placeholder: Optional TNS alias
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ driver:
- default: 1521
- name: sid
display-name: Oracle system ID (SID)
placehoder: Usually something like ORCL or XE. Optional if using service name
placeholder: Usually something like ORCL or XE. Optional if using service name
- name: service-name
display-name: Oracle service name
placeholder: Optional TNS alias
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