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(ns metabase.driver.query-processor.annotate
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:require [clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
(clojure.core.logic [arithmetic :as ar]
(:require (clojure.core.logic [arithmetic :as ar]
[fd :as fd])
[ :refer [macrolet]]
[clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
(clojure [set :as set]
[string :as s])
[ :as log]
[ :refer [macrolet]]
[metabase.db :refer [sel]]
[metabase.driver.query-processor.interface :as i]
(metabase.models [field :refer [Field], :as field]
......@@ -40,11 +41,12 @@
;; Walk the expanded query and collect the fields found therein. Associate some additional info to each that we'll pass to core.logic so it knows
;; how to order the results
;; TODO - Why do we need this again?
(defn- field-qualify-name [field]
(assoc field :field-name (keyword (apply str (->> (rest (i/qualified-name-components field))
(interpose "."))))))
(defn collect-fields
(defn- collect-fields
"Return a sequence of all the `Fields` inside THIS, recursing as needed for collections.
For maps, add or `conj` to property `:path`, recording the keypath used to reach each `Field.`
......@@ -52,12 +54,13 @@
(collect-fields [{:name \"id\", ...}]) -> [{:name \"id\", ...}]
(collect-fields {:a {:name \"id\", ...}) -> [{:name \"id\", :path [:a], ...}]"
{:post [(every? (partial instance? metabase.driver.query_processor.interface.Field) %)]}
(condp instance? this
;; For a DateTimeField we'll flatten it back into regular Field but include the :unit info for the frontend.
;; Recurse so it is otherwise handled normally
(let [{:keys [field unit]} this]
(recur (assoc field :unit unit)))
(collect-fields (assoc field :unit unit)))
(if-let [parent (:parent this)]
......@@ -82,147 +85,188 @@
(defn- flatten-fields
"Flatten a group of fields, keeping those which are more important when duplicates exist."
{:pre [(every? identity fields)]}
(distinct (sort-by (fn [{[k] :path}] ; more important versions of fields are the ones we'll actually see in results,
(cond ; this is important so we don't use return the wrong version of a Field (e.g. with the wrong unit)
(= k :breakout) 0 ; so look at each field's :path. For now, it's enough just to look at the first element.
(= k :fields) 1 ; (lower number = higher importance, because `sort` is ascending)
:else 2))
(vec (distinct (sort-by (fn [{[k] :path}] ; more important versions of fields are the ones we'll actually see in results,
(cond ; this is important so we don't use return the wrong version of a Field (e.g. with the wrong unit)
(= k :breakout) 0 ; so look at each field's :path. For now, it's enough just to look at the first element.
(= k :fields) 1 ; (lower number = higher importance, because `sort` is ascending)
:else 2))
(defn- flatten-collect-fields
"Collect fields from COLL, and remove duplicates."
(for [field (flatten-fields (collect-fields coll))]
(dissoc (field-qualify-name field)
:parent :parent-id :table-name :path))) ; remove keys we don't need anymore
(defn- flatten-collect-ids-domain [form]
(apply fd/domain (sort (map :field-id (flatten-collect-fields form)))))
(vec (for [field (flatten-fields (collect-fields coll))]
(dissoc (field-qualify-name field)
:parent :parent-id :table-name :path)))) ; remove keys we don't need anymore
;;; # ---------------------------------------- COLUMN RESOLUTION & ORDERING (CORE.LOGIC) ----------------------------------------
;; Use core.logic to determine the appropriate ordering / result Fields
(defn- field-name° [field field-name]
(featurec field {:field-name field-name}))
(defn- make-field-in° [items]
(if-not (seq items)
(constantly fail)
(let [ids-domain (flatten-collect-ids-domain items)]
(fn [field]
(fresh [id]
(featurec field {:field-id id})
(fd/in id ids-domain))))))
(defn- breakout-field° [{:keys [breakout]}]
(defn- field-name°
"A relation such that FIELD's name is FIELD-NAME."
[field field-name]
(all (trace-lvars "field-name°" field field-name)
(featurec field {:field-name field-name})))
(defn- make-field-in°
"Create a relation such that FIELD has an ID matching one of the Field IDs found in FORM."
(let [fields (collect-fields form)]
(if-not (seq fields)
(constantly fail)
(let [ids-domain (apply fd/domain (sort (distinct (map :field-id fields))))]
(fn [field]
(all (trace-lvars "make-field-in°" field ids-domain)
(fresh [id]
(featurec field {:field-id id})
(fd/in id ids-domain))))))))
(defn- breakout-field°
"Create a relation such that a FIELD is present in the `:breakout` clause."
[{:keys [breakout]}]
(make-field-in° breakout))
(defn- explicit-fields-field° [{:keys [fields-is-implicit fields], :as query}]
(if fields-is-implicit (constantly fail)
(make-field-in° fields)))
(defn- explicit-fields-field°
"Create a relation such that a FIELD is present in an explicitly specified `:fields` clause."
[{:keys [fields-is-implicit fields], :as query}]
(if fields-is-implicit
(constantly fail)
(make-field-in° fields)))
(defn- aggregate-field° [{{ag-type :aggregation-type, ag-field :field} :aggregation}]
(defn- aggregate-field°
"Create a relation such that a FIELD is an aggregate field like `:count` or `:sum`."
[{{ag-type :aggregation-type, ag-field :field} :aggregation}]
(if-not (contains? #{:avg :count :distinct :stddev :sum} ag-type)
(constantly fail)
(let [ag-field (if (contains? #{:count :distinct} ag-type)
{:base-type :IntegerField
:field-name :count
{:base-type :IntegerField
:field-name :count
:field-display-name "count"
:special-type :number}
:special-type :number}
(-> ag-field
(select-keys [:base-type :special-type])
(assoc :field-name (if (= ag-type :distinct) :count
(assoc :field-display-name (if (= ag-type :distinct) "count"
(assoc :field-name (if (= ag-type :distinct) :count
:field-display-name (if (= ag-type :distinct) "count"
(name ag-type)))))]
(fn [out]
(trace-lvars "*" out)
(== out ag-field)))))
(defn- unknown-field° [field-name out]
(all (trace-lvars "aggregate-field°" out)
(== out ag-field))))))
(defn- unknown-field°
"Relation for handling otherwise unknown Fields. If we can't determine why we're seeing a given Field
(i.e., all other relations like `breakout-field°` and `aggregate-field°` fail), this one will succeed
as a last resort and bind some fallback properties of the Field, such as giving it a `:base-type` of
`:UnknownField`. If this relation succeeds, it generally indicates a bug in the query processor."
[field-name out]
(== out {:base-type :UnknownField
:special-type nil
:field-name field-name
(== out {:base-type :UnknownField
:special-type nil
:field-name field-name
:field-display-name field-name})
(defn- field° [query]
(let [ag-field° (aggregate-field° query)
normal-field° (let [field-name->field (let [fields (flatten-collect-fields query)]
(zipmap (map :field-name fields) fields))]
(fn [field-name out]
(if-let [field (field-name->field field-name)]
(== out field)
(defn- field°
"Create a relation such that a FIELD is a normal `Field` referenced somewhere in QUERY, or an aggregate
Field such as a `:count`."
(let [ag-field° (aggregate-field° query)
fields (flatten-collect-fields query)
field-name->field (zipmap (map :field-name fields) fields)
normal-field° (fn [field-name out]
(all (trace-lvars "normal-field°" field-name out)
(if-let [field (field-name->field field-name)]
(== out field)
(fn [field-name field]
((normal-field° field-name field))
((ag-field° field))))))
(all (trace-lvars "field°" field-name field)
((normal-field° field-name field))
((ag-field° field)))))))
(def ^:const ^:private field-groups
"Relative importance of each clause as a source of Fields for the purposes of ordering our results.
e.g. if a Field comes from a `:breakout` clause, we should return that column first in the results."
{:breakout 0
:aggregation 1
:explicit-fields 2
:other 3})
(defn- field-group° [query]
(defn- field-group°
"Create a relation such that OUT is the corresponding value of `field-groups` for FIELD."
(let [breakout° (breakout-field° query)
agg° (aggregate-field° query)
xfields° (explicit-fields-field° query)]
(fn [field out]
((breakout° field) (== out (field-groups :breakout)))
((agg° field) (== out (field-groups :aggregation)))
((xfields° field) (== out (field-groups :explicit-fields)))
(s# (== out (field-groups :other)))))))
(defn- field-position° [field out]
(featurec field {:position out}))
(all (trace-lvars "field-group°" field out)
((breakout° field) (== out (field-groups :breakout)))
((agg° field) (== out (field-groups :aggregation)))
((xfields° field) (== out (field-groups :explicit-fields)))
(s# (== out (field-groups :other))))))))
(defn- field-position°
"A relation such that FIELD's `:position` is OUT. `:position` is the index of the FIELD in its
source clause, e.g. 2 if it was the third Field in the `:fields` clause where we found it."
[field out]
(all (trace-lvars "field-position°" field out)
(featurec field {:position out})))
(def ^:const ^:private special-type-groups
"Relative importance of different Field `:special-types` for the purposes of ordering.
i.e. a Field with special type `:id` should be sorted ahead of all other Fields in the results."
{:id 0
:name 1
:other 2})
(defn- special-type-group° [field out]
(defn- special-type-group°
"A relation such that OUT is the corresponding value of `special-type-groupds` for FIELD."
[field out]
((featurec field {:special-type :id}) (== out (special-type-groups :id)))
((featurec field {:special-type :name}) (== out (special-type-groups :name)))
(s# (== out (special-type-groups :other)))))
(defn- field-name< [query]
(defn- field-name<
"Create a relation such that the name of Field F1 comes alphabetically before the name of Field F2."
(fn [f1 f2]
(fresh [name-1 name-2]
(trace-lvars "field-name<" f1 f2)
(field-name° f1 name-1)
(field-name° f2 name-2)
(matches-seq-order° name-1 name-2 (:result-keys query)))))
(defn- clause-position< [query]
(defn- clause-position<
"Create a relation such that Field F1 comes before Field F2 in the clause where they were defined."
(let [group° (field-group° query)
breakout-fields (flatten-collect-fields (:breakout query))
fields-fields (flatten-collect-fields (:fields query))]
(fn [f1 f2]
((group° f1 (field-groups :breakout)) (matches-seq-order° f1 f2 breakout-fields))
((group° f1 (field-groups :explicit-fields)) (matches-seq-order° f1 f2 fields-fields))))))
(defn- fields-sorted° [query]
(all (trace-lvars "clause-position<" f1 f2)
((group° f1 (field-groups :breakout)) (matches-seq-order° f1 f2 breakout-fields))
((group° f1 (field-groups :explicit-fields)) (matches-seq-order° f1 f2 fields-fields)))))))
(defn- fields-sorted°
"Create a relation such that Field F1 should be sorted ahead of Field F2 according to the rules
listed at the top of this page."
(let [group° (field-group° query)
name< (field-name< query)
clause-pos< (clause-position< query)]
(fn [f1 f2]
(macrolet [(<-or-== [f & ==-clauses] `(conda
((fresh [v#]
(~f ~'f1 v#)
(~f ~'f2 v#)) ~@==-clauses)
((fresh [v1# v2#]
(~f ~'f1 v1#)
(~f ~'f2 v2#)
(ar/< v1# v2#)) ~'s#)))]
(macrolet [(<-or-== [f & ==-clauses] `(all (trace-lvars "fields-sorted°" ~'f1 ~'f2)
((fresh [v#]
(~f ~'f1 v#)
(~f ~'f2 v#)) ~@==-clauses)
((fresh [v1# v2#]
(~f ~'f1 v1#)
(~f ~'f2 v2#)
(ar/< v1# v2#)) ~'s#))))]
(<-or-== group°
(<-or-== field-position°
......@@ -230,7 +274,10 @@
(name< f1 f2)))
((clause-pos< f1 f2)))))))))
(defn- resolve+order-cols [{:keys [result-keys], :as query}]
(defn- resolve+order-cols
"Use `core.logic` to determine the source of the RESULT-KEYS returned by running a QUERY,
and sort them according to the rules at the top of this page."
[{:keys [result-keys], :as query}]
(when (seq result-keys)
(first (let [fields (vec (lvars (count result-keys)))
known-field° (field° query)]
......@@ -247,11 +294,13 @@
;; Format the results in the way the front-end expects.
(defn- format-col [col]
(defn- format-col
"Rename keys, provide default values, etc. for FIELD so it is in the format expected by the frontend."
(merge {:description nil
:id nil
:table_id nil}
(-> col
(-> field
(set/rename-keys {:base-type :base_type
:field-id :id
:field-name :name
......@@ -291,16 +340,31 @@
:extra_info (if-not dest-field {}
{:target_table_id (:table_id dest-field)})))))))
(defn post-annotate [qp]
(defn post-annotate
"QP middleware that runs directly after the the query is ran. This stage:
1. Sorts the results according to the rules at the top of this page
2. Resolves the Fields returned in the results and adds information like `:columns` and `:cols`
expected by the frontend."
(fn [query]
(let [results (qp query)
cols (->> (assoc (:query query) :result-keys (vec (sort (keys (first results)))))
(map format-col)
columns (map :name cols)]
{:cols (vec (for [col cols]
(update col :name name)))
:columns (mapv name columns)
:rows (for [row results]
(mapv row columns))})))
(let [results (qp query)
cols (->> (assoc (:query query) :result-keys (vec (sort (keys (first results)))))
(map format-col)
columns (map :name cols)]
{:cols (vec (for [col cols]
(update col :name name)))
:columns (mapv name columns)
:rows (for [row results]
(mapv row columns))}))))
(u/ns-wrap-try-catch! :exclude 'x 'z 'post-annotate)
(require '[metabase.test.util.q :refer [Q]])
(defn x []
(Q aggregate rows of categories use postgres
page 1 items 5
order id+))
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[ :as log]
[colorize.core :as color]
[medley.core :as m]
[clj-time.coerce :as coerce]
[clj-time.format :as time]
[clj-time.coerce :as coerce])
[colorize.core :as color]
[medley.core :as m])
(:import ( Socket
......@@ -237,10 +237,13 @@
(defn format-color
"Like `format`, but uses a function in `colorize.core` to colorize the output.
COLOR-SYMB should be a symbol like `green`.
COLOR-SYMB should be a quoted symbol like `green`, `red`, `yellow`, `blue`,
`cyan`, `magenta`, etc. See the entire list of avaliable colors
(format-color 'red \"Fatal error: %s\" error-message)"
[color-symb format-string & args]
{:pre [(symbol? color-symb)]}
((ns-resolve 'colorize.core color-symb) (apply format format-string args)))
(defn pprint-to-str
......@@ -270,28 +273,73 @@
(->> (map str (.getStackTrace e))
(filterv (partial re-find #"metabase"))))))
(defmacro try-apply
"Call F with PARAMS inside a try-catch block and log exceptions caught."
[f & params]
(~f ~@params)
(catch java.sql.SQLException e#
(log/error (color/red ~(format "Caught exception in %s: " f)
(with-out-str (jdbc/print-sql-exception-chain e#))
(pprint-to-str (filtered-stacktrace e#)))))
(catch Throwable e#
(log/error (color/red ~(format "Caught exception in %s: " f)
(or (.getMessage e#) e#)
(pprint-to-str (filtered-stacktrace e#)))))))
(defn wrap-try-catch
"Returns a new function that wraps F in a `try-catch`. When an exception is caught, it is logged
with `log/error` and returns `nil`."
(fn [& args]
(apply f args)
(catch java.sql.SQLException e
(log/error (color/red "Caught exception:\n"
(with-out-str (jdbc/print-sql-exception-chain e)) "\n"
(pprint-to-str (filtered-stacktrace e)))))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error (color/red "Caught exception: " (or (.getMessage e) e) "\n"
(pprint-to-str (filtered-stacktrace e))))))))
(defn try-apply
"Like `apply`, but wraps F inside a `try-catch` block and logs exceptions caught."
[^clojure.lang.IFn f & args]
(apply (wrap-try-catch f) args))
(defn wrap-try-catch!
"Re-intern FN-SYMB as a new fn that wraps the original with a `try-catch`. Intended for debugging.
(defn z [] (throw (Exception. \"!\")))
(z) ; -> exception
(wrap-try-catch! 'z)
(z) ; -> nil; exception logged with log/error"
{:pre [(symbol? fn-symb)
(fn? @(resolve fn-symb))]}
(let [varr (resolve fn-symb)
{nmspc :ns, symb :name} (meta varr)]
(println (format "wrap-try-catch! %s/%s" nmspc symb))
(intern nmspc symb (wrap-try-catch @varr))))
(defn ns-wrap-try-catch!
"Re-intern all functions in NAMESPACE as ones that wrap the originals with a `try-catch`.
Defaults to the current namespace. You may optionally exclude a set of symbols using the kwarg `:exclude`.
(ns-wrap-try-catch! 'metabase.driver)
(ns-wrap-try-catch! 'metabase.driver :exclude 'query-complete)
Intended for debugging."
{:arglists '([namespace? :exclude & excluded-symbs])}
[& args]
(let [[nmspc args] (optional #(try-apply the-ns [%]) args *ns*)
excluded (when (= (first args) :exclude)
(set (rest args)))]
(doseq [[symb varr] (ns-interns nmspc)]
(when (fn? @varr)
(when-not (contains? excluded symb)
(wrap-try-catch! (symbol (str (ns-name nmspc) \/ symb))))))))
(defn deref-with-timeout
"Call `deref` on a FUTURE and throw an exception if it takes more than TIMEOUT-MS."
[futur timeout-ms]
(let [result (deref futur timeout-ms ::timeout)]
(when (= result ::timeout)
(throw (Exception. (format "Timed out after %d milliseconds." timeout-ms))))
(defmacro with-timeout
"Run BODY in a `future` and throw an exception if it fails to complete after TIMEOUT-MS."
[timeout-ms & body]
`(let [future# (future ~@body)
result# (deref future# ~timeout-ms :timeout)]
(when (= result# :timeout)
(throw (Exception. (format "Timed out after %d milliseconds." ~timeout-ms))))
`(deref-with-timeout (future ~@body) ~timeout-ms))
(defmacro cond-as->
"Anaphoric version of `cond->`. Binds EXPR to NAME through a series
......@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
[v1 v2 l]
;; This is just an optimization for cases where L isn't a logic var; it's much faster <3
((nonlvaro l) ((fn -ordered° [[item & more]]
((== v1 item) s#)
((== v2 item) fail)
((when (seq more) s#) (-ordered° more))))
(s# (conda
((firsto l v1))
((firsto l v2) fail)
((fresh [more]
(resto l more)
(matches-seq-order° v1 v2 more)))))))
((nonlvaro l) ((fn -ordered° [[item & more]]
((== v1 item) s#)
((== v2 item) fail)
((when (seq more) s#) (-ordered° more))))
(s# (conda
((firsto l v1))
((firsto l v2) fail)
((fresh [more]
(resto l more)
(matches-seq-order° v1 v2 more)))))))
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