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Commit 63907d0d authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
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write some testz

parent 830e299d
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......@@ -87,15 +87,18 @@
(field-values-lazy-seq [_ field]
(field-values-lazy-seq [_ {:keys [qualified-name-components table], :as field}]
{:pre [(map? field)
(delay? (:table field))]}
(delay? qualified-name-components)
(delay? table)]}
(let [table @(:table field)]
(map (keyword (:name field))
(with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer conn @(:db table)]
(mq/with-collection conn (:name table)
(mq/fields [(:name field)])))))))
(assert *mongo-connection*
"You must have an open Mongo connection in order to get lazy results with field-values-lazy-seq.")
(let [table @table
name-components (rest @qualified-name-components)]
(map #(get-in % (map keyword name-components))
(mq/with-collection *mongo-connection* (:name table)
(mq/fields [(apply str (interpose "." name-components))]))))))
(active-nested-field-name->type [this field]
......@@ -120,44 +123,3 @@
(def driver
"Concrete instance of the MongoDB driver."
;; ---------------------------------------- EXPLORATORY SUBFIELD STUFF ----------------------------------------
(require '[ :as data]
'[ :as datasets]
'[ :as defs]
'[metabase.test.util.mql :refer [Q]]
'[metabase.db :refer [sel]]
'(metabase.models [table :refer [Table]]
[field :refer [Field]]))
(defn x []
(Q run with db geographical-tips
with dataset mongo
ag rows
tbl tips
filter = "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"
lim 10))
(defn x2 []
(Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
aggregate rows of tips
filter = source...service "yelp"
limit 10))
(defn y []
(datasets/with-dataset :mongo
(data/with-temp-db [db (data/dataset-loader) defs/geographical-tips]
(->> (sel :many :fields [Field :id :name :parent_id] :table_id (sel :one :id Table :db_id (:id db)))
;; 4. API
;; 4A. API Tweaks as Needed
;; 5. Cleanup + Tests
;; 5A. Cleanup / Dox
;; 5B. Tests
;; 5C. $ notation doesn't handle nested Fields (yet) (or id ? )
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
`[{:count (mc/count ^DBApiLayer *mongo-connection* ~*collection-name*
(merge ~*constraints*
{(field->name field) {$exists true}}))}]))
{~(field->name field) {$exists true}}))}]))
(defn- aggregation:avg [field]
(aggregate {$group {"_id" nil
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
(def ^:dynamic *mongo-connection*
(def ^:dynamic ^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer *mongo-connection*
"Connection to a Mongo database.
Bound by top-level `with-mongo-connection` so it may be reused within its body."
......@@ -278,6 +278,8 @@
(filter (complement (partial contains? (set (concat breakout-kws non-breakout-kws))))))]
;; Now combine the breakout [#1] + aggregate [#2] + "non-breakout" [#3 & #4] column name keywords into a single sequence
(when-not *disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "Using this ordering: breakout: %s, ag: %s, other: %s" (vec breakout-kws) (vec ag-kws) (vec non-breakout-kws))))
(concat breakout-kws ag-kws non-breakout-kws)))
(defn- add-fields-extra-info
......@@ -355,10 +357,14 @@
results (if-not uncastify-fn results
(for [row results]
(m/map-keys uncastify-fn row)))
_ (when-not *disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug (u/format-color 'magenta "\nDriver QP returned results with keys: %s." (vec (keys (first results))))))
join-table-ids (set (map :table-id join-tables))
fields (sel :many :fields [Field :id :table_id :name :description :base_type :special_type],
:table_id source-table-id, :active true)
:table_id source-table-id, :active true, :parent_id nil)
ordered-col-kws (order-cols query results fields)]
(assert (= (count (keys (first results))) (count ordered-col-kws))
(format "Order-cols returned an invalid number of keys. Expected: %d, got: %d" (count (keys (first results))) (count ordered-col-kws)))
{:rows (for [row results]
(mapv row ordered-col-kws)) ; might as well return each row and col info as vecs because we're not worried about making
:columns (mapv name ordered-col-kws) ; making them lazy, and results are easier to play with in the REPL / paste into unit tests
......@@ -405,13 +411,6 @@
(reset! called? true)
(qp query))))
(defn- post-log-results [qp]
(fn [query]
(let [results (qp query)]
(when-not *disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug "\nRESULTS:\n" (u/pprint-to-str 'cyan results)))
(defn- process-structured [{:keys [driver], :as query}]
(let [driver-process-query (partial i/process-query driver)]
((<<- wrap-catch-exceptions
......@@ -424,7 +423,6 @@
driver-process-query) query)))
......@@ -108,28 +108,29 @@
(parent-id->fields (:id field)))))]
(map resolve-children (parent-id->fields nil)))))
(defn- qualified-name
"Return a name like `table.field` for FIELD. If FIELD is a nested field, recursively return a name
like `table.parent.field`."
(defn- qualified-name-components
"Return the pieces that represent a path to FIELD, of the form `[table-name parent-fields-name* field-name]`."
[{:keys [table parent], :as field}]
{:pre [(delay? table)]}
(str (if parent
(qualified-name @parent)
(:name @table))
"." (:name field)))
(conj (if parent
(qualified-name-components @parent)
[(:name @table)])
(:name field)))
(defmethod post-select Field [_ {:keys [table_id] :as field}]
(u/assoc* field
:table (delay (sel :one 'metabase.models.table/Table :id table_id))
:db (delay @(:db @(:table <>)))
:target (delay (field->fk-field field))
:can_read (delay @(:can_read @(:table <>)))
:can_write (delay @(:can_write @(:table <>)))
:human_readable_name (when (name :field)
(delay (common/name->human-readable-name (:name field))))
:parent (when (:parent_id field)
(delay (sel :one Field :id (:parent_id field))))
:qualified-name (delay (qualified-name <>))))
:table (delay (sel :one 'metabase.models.table/Table :id table_id))
:db (delay @(:db @(:table <>)))
:target (delay (field->fk-field field))
:can_read (delay @(:can_read @(:table <>)))
:can_write (delay @(:can_write @(:table <>)))
:human_readable_name (when (name :field)
(delay (common/name->human-readable-name (:name field))))
:parent (when (:parent_id field)
(delay (sel :one Field :id (:parent_id field))))
:children (delay (sel :many Field :parent_id (:id field)))
:qualified-name-components (delay (qualified-name-components <>))
:qualified-name (delay (apply str (interpose "." @(:qualified-name-components <>))))))
(defmethod pre-insert Field [_ field]
(let [defaults {:active true
......@@ -975,6 +975,77 @@
;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; Nested Field in FILTER
;; Get the first 10 tips where == "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"
[[8 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[67 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[80 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[83 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[295 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[342 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[417 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[426 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
[470 "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]]
(Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
return :data :rows (map (fn [[id _ _ {venue-name :name}]] [id venue-name]))
aggregate rows of tips
filter = "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"
order _id
lim 10))
;;; Nested Field in ORDER
;; Let's get all the tips Kyle posted on Twitter sorted by
[[446 "Cam's Mexican Gastro Pub"
{:mentions ["@cams_mexican_gastro_pub"], :tags ["#mexican" "#gastro" "#pub"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}]
[230 "Haight European Grill"
{:mentions ["@haight_european_grill"], :tags ["#european" "#grill"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}]
[319 "Haight Soul Food Pop-Up Food Stand"
{:mentions ["@haight_soul_food_pop_up_food_stand"], :tags ["#soul" "#food" "#pop-up" "#food" "#stand"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}]
[224 "Pacific Heights Free-Range Eatery"
{:mentions ["@pacific_heights_free_range_eatery"], :tags ["#free-range" "#eatery"], :service "twitter", :username "kyle"}]]
(Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
return :data :rows (map (fn [[id source _ {venue-name :name}]] [id venue-name source]))
aggregate rows of tips
filter and = source...service "twitter"
= source...username "kyle"
;; Nested Field in AGGREGATION
(Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
return :data :rows
aggregate distinct of tips))
;;; Nested Field in BREAKOUT
;; TODO - id/$ don't handle nested Fields ?
;;; Nested Field in FIELDS
;; Return the first 10 tips with just
[[1 {:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café"}]
[2 {:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery"}]
[3 {:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House"}]
[4 {:name "Oakland European Liquor Store"}]
[5 {:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant"}]
[6 {:name "Marina Modern Sushi"}]
[7 {:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill"}]
[8 {:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"}]
[9 {:name "Mission Homestyle Churros"}]
[10 {:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store"}]]
(Q run against geographical-tips using mongo
return :data :rows
aggregate rows of tips
order _id
lim 10))
;;; Nested-Nested Fields
(defn y []
(datasets/with-dataset :mongo
(with-temp-db [_ (dataset-loader) defs/geographical-tips]
......@@ -178,19 +178,26 @@
([temp-db table-name]
{:pre [(map? temp-db)
(string? table-name)]
:post [(map? %)]}
:post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find table '%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name
(vec (keys @(:table-name->table temp-db))))))]}
(@(:table-name->table temp-db) table-name))
([temp-db table-name field-name]
{:pre [(string? field-name)]
:post [(map? %)]}
:post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find field '%s.%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name field-name
(vec (keys @(:field-name->field (-temp-get temp-db table-name)))))))]}
(@(:field-name->field (-temp-get temp-db table-name)) field-name))
([temp-db table-name parent-field-name & nested-field-names]
{:pre [(every? string? nested-field-names)]
:post [(map? %)]}
:post [(or (map? %) (assert nil (format "Couldn't find nested field '%s.%s.%s'.\nValid choices are: %s" table-name parent-field-name
(apply str (interpose "." nested-field-names))
(vec (map :name @(:children (apply -temp-get temp-db table-name parent-field-name (butlast nested-field-names))))))))]}
(binding [*sel-disable-logging* true]
(sel :one Field, :name (last nested-field-names), :parent_id (:id (apply -temp-get temp-db table-name parent-field-name (butlast nested-field-names)))))))
(let [parent (apply -temp-get temp-db table-name parent-field-name (butlast nested-field-names))
children @(:children parent)
child-name->child (zipmap (map :name children) children)]
(child-name->child (last nested-field-names))))))
(defn- walk-expand-&
"Walk BODY looking for symbols like `&table` or `&table.field` and expand them to appropriate `-temp-get` forms.
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
(defmacro Q:return [q & args]
`(-> ~q ~@args))
`(->> ~q ~@args))
(defmacro Q:expand-outer [token form]
(macroexpand-all `(symbol-macrolet [~'against Q:against
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