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Unverified Commit 65c881fe authored by Chris Truter's avatar Chris Truter Committed by GitHub
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Fix update hook and add select hook (#38751)

parent 4c8a205b
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......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
(defn values
"Return the `FieldValues` associated with this `field`."
[{:keys [id]}]
(t2/select [FieldValues :field_id :values], :field_id id))
(t2/select [FieldValues :field_id :values], :field_id id :type :full))
(mu/defn nested-field-names->field-id :- [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]
"Recusively find the field id for a nested field name, return nil if not found.
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
There is also more written about how these are used for remapping in the docstrings
for [[metabase.models.params.chain-filter]] and [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-dimension-projections]]."
[clojure.string :as str]
[java-time.api :as t]
[malli.core :as mc]
[medley.core :as m]
......@@ -104,26 +105,33 @@
{:human-readable-values human-readable-values
:status-code 400}))))
(defn- assert-valid-field-values-type
(defn- assert-valid-type-hash-combo
"Ensure that type is present, valid, and that a hash_key is provided iff this is an advanced field type."
[{:keys [type hash_key] :as _field-values}]
(when type
(when-not (contains? field-values-types type)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid field-values type.")
{:type type
:stauts-code 400})))
(when (and (= type :full)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Full FieldValues shouldn't have hash_key.")
{:type type
:hash_key hash_key
:status-code 400})))
(when (and (advanced-field-values-types type)
(empty? hash_key))
(throw (ex-info (tru "Advanced FieldValues requires a hash_key.")
{:type type
:status-code 400})))))
(when-not (contains? field-values-types type)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid field-values type.")
{:type type
:status-code 400})))
(when (and (= type :full) hash_key)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Full FieldValues shouldn't have hash_key.")
{:type type
:hash_key hash_key
:status-code 400})))
(when (and (advanced-field-values-types type) (str/blank? hash_key))
(throw (ex-info (tru "Advanced FieldValues require a hash_key.")
{:type type
:status-code 400}))))
(defn- assert-no-identity-changes [id changes]
(when (some #(contains? changes %) [:field_id :type :hash_key])
(throw (ex-info (tru "Can't update field_id, type, or hash_key for a FieldValues.")
{:id id
:field_id (:field_id changes)
:type (:type changes)
:hash_key (:hash_key changes)
:status-code 400}))))
(defn clear-advanced-field-values-for-field!
"Remove all advanced FieldValues for a `field-or-id`."
......@@ -138,29 +146,50 @@
(t2/define-before-insert :model/FieldValues
[{:keys [field_id] :as field-values}]
(u/prog1 (merge {:type :full}
(u/prog1 (update field-values :type #(keyword (or % :full)))
(assert-valid-human-readable-values field-values)
(assert-valid-field-values-type field-values)
;; if inserting a new full fieldvalues, make sure all the advanced field-values of this field is deleted
(when (= (:type <>) :full)
(assert-valid-type-hash-combo <>)
;; if inserting a new full fieldvalues, make sure all the advanced field-values of this field are deleted
(when (= :full (:type <>))
(clear-advanced-field-values-for-field! field_id))))
(t2/define-before-update :model/FieldValues
(let [{:keys [type values hash_key]} (t2/changes field-values)]
(u/prog1 field-values
(let [changes (t2/changes field-values)]
(u/prog1 (update field-values :type #(keyword (or % :full)))
(assert-no-identity-changes (:id field-values) changes)
(assert-valid-human-readable-values field-values)
(when (or type hash_key)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Can't update type or hash_key for a FieldValues.")
{:type type
:hash_key hash_key
:status-code 400})))
;; if we're updating the values of a Full FieldValues, delete all Advanced FieldValues of this field
(when (and values
(= (:type field-values) :full))
(when (and (contains? changes :values) (= :full (:type <>)))
(clear-advanced-field-values-for-field! (:field_id field-values))))))
(defn- assert-coherent-query [{:keys [type hash_key] :as field-values}]
(nil? type)
(when (some? hash_key)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid query - cannot specify a hash_key without specifying the type"
{:field-values field-values})))
(= :full (keyword type))
(when (some? hash_key)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid query - :full FieldValues cannot have a hash_key"
{:field-values field-values})))
(and (contains? field-values :hash_key) (nil? hash_key))
(throw (ex-info "Invalid query - Advanced FieldValues can only specify a non-empty hash_key"
{:field-values field-values}))))
(defn- add-mismatched-hash-filter [{:keys [type] :as field-values}]
(= :full (keyword type)) (assoc field-values :hash_key nil)
(some? type) (update field-values :hash_key #(or % [:not= nil]))
:else field-values))
(t2/define-before-select :model/FieldValues
[{:keys [kv-args] :as query}]
(assert-coherent-query kv-args)
(update query :kv-args add-mismatched-hash-filter))
(t2/define-after-select :model/FieldValues
(cond-> field-values
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
[metabase.util :as u]
[next.jdbc :as next.jdbc]
[toucan2.core :as t2]
[ :as t2.with-temp]))
[ :as t2.with-temp])
(:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)))
(deftest ^:parallel field-should-have-field-values?-test
(doseq [[group input->expected] {"Text and Category Fields"
......@@ -276,29 +277,66 @@
;;; | Life Cycle |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(deftest insert-field-values-type-test
(testing "fieldvalues type=:full shouldn't have hash_key"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Full FieldValues shouldnt have hash_key"
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [FieldValues _ {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :full
:hash_key "random-hash"}]))))
(testing "Advanced fieldvalues requires a hash_key"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Advanced FieldValues requires a hash_key"
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [FieldValues _ {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox}])))))
(deftest insert-field-values-hook-test
(testing "The model hooks prevent us inserting invalid type / hash_key combination"
(let [field-id (mt/id :venues :id)]
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Full FieldValues shouldnt have hash_key"
(t2/insert! :model/FieldValues :field_id field-id :hash_key "12345")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Full FieldValues shouldnt have hash_key"
(t2/insert! :model/FieldValues :field_id field-id :type :full :hash_key "12345")))
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Advanced FieldValues require a hash_key"
(t2/insert! :model/FieldValues :field_id field-id :type :sandbox)))
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Advanced FieldValues require a hash_key"
(t2/insert! :model/FieldValues :field_id field-id :type :sandbox :hash_key " ")))
;; Clean up in case there were any failed assertions, and we ended up inserting values
(t2/delete! :model/FieldValues :field_id field-id))))))
(deftest update-field-values-hook-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [FieldValues {full-id :id} {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :full}
FieldValues {sandbox-id :id} {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox
:hash_key "random-hash"}]
(testing "The model hooks prevent us changing the intrinsic identity of a field values"
(doseq [[id update-map] [[sandbox-id {:field_id 1}]
[sandbox-id {:type :full}]
[sandbox-id {:type nil}]
;; this one should be ok, but toucan doesn't give the hook enough info to know better
[full-id {:type nil}]
[full-id {:type :sandbox}]
[sandbox-id {:hash_key "another-hash"}]
[sandbox-id {:hash_key nil}]
[full-id {:hash_key "random-hash"}]
;; not even if it keeps type / hash consistency
[sandbox-id {:type :full, :hash_key nil}]
[full-id {:type :sandbox, :hash_key "random-hash"}]]]
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Cant update field_id, type, or hash_key for a FieldValues."
(t2/update! :model/FieldValues id update-map)))))
(testing "The model hooks permits mention of the existing values"
(doseq [[id update-map] [[full-id {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)}]
[sandbox-id {:type :sandbox}]
[full-id {:type :full}]
[sandbox-id {:hash_key "random-hash"}]
[full-id {:hash_key nil}]
[full-id {:type :full, :hash_key nil}]
[sandbox-id {:type :sandbox, :hash_key "random-hash"}]]]
(is (some? (t2/update! :model/FieldValues id update-map)))))))
(deftest insert-full-field-values-should-remove-all-cached-field-values
(mt/with-temp [FieldValues sandbox-fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox
:hash_key "random-hash"}]
(t2/insert! FieldValues {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :full})
(is (not (t2/exists? FieldValues :id (:id sandbox-fv))))))
(doseq [explicitly-full? [false true]]
(mt/with-temp [FieldValues sandbox-fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox
:hash_key "random-hash"}]
(t2/insert! FieldValues (cond-> {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)} explicitly-full? (assoc :type :full)))
(is (not (t2/exists? FieldValues :id (:id sandbox-fv)))))))
(deftest update-full-field-values-should-remove-all-cached-field-values
(mt/with-temp [FieldValues fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
......@@ -309,20 +347,14 @@
(t2/update! FieldValues (:id fv) {:values [1 2 3]})
(is (not (t2/exists? FieldValues :id (:id sandbox-fv))))))
(deftest cant-update-type-or-has-of-a-field-values-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [FieldValues fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox
:hash_key "random-hash"}]
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Cant update type or hash_key for a FieldValues."
(t2/update! FieldValues (:id fv) {:type :full})))
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Cant update type or hash_key for a FieldValues."
(t2/update! FieldValues (:id fv) {:hash_key "new-hash"})))))
(deftest update-full-field-without-values-should-remove-not-all-cached-field-values
(mt/with-temp [FieldValues fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :full}
FieldValues sandbox-fv {:field_id (mt/id :venues :id)
:type :sandbox
:hash_key "random-hash"}]
(t2/update! FieldValues (:id fv) {:updated_at (t/zoned-date-time)})
(is (t2/exists? FieldValues :id (:id sandbox-fv)))))
(deftest identity-hash-test
(testing "Field hashes are composed of the name and the table's identity-hash"
......@@ -333,3 +365,35 @@
(is (= "6f5bb4ba"
(serdes/raw-hash [(serdes/identity-hash field)])
(serdes/identity-hash fv))))))
(deftest select-coherence-test
(testing "We cannot perform queries with invalid mixes of type and hash_key, which would return nothing"
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1)
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1 :type :full)
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Invalid query - :full FieldValues cannot have a hash_key"
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1 :type :full :hash_key "12345")))
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1 :type :sandbox)
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1 :type :sandbox :hash_key "12345")
(is (thrown-with-msg? ExceptionInfo
#"Invalid query - Advanced FieldValues can only specify a non-empty hash_key"
(t2/select :model/FieldValues :field_id 1 :type :sandbox :hash_key nil)))))
(deftest select-safety-filter-test
(testing "We do not modify queries that omit type"
;; We could push down a WHERE clause to filter mismatched rows, but for performance reasons we do not.
(is (= {} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {})))
;; Is there really a use-case for reading all these values?
;; Perhaps we should require a type/hash combo - we would need to be careful it doesn't break any existing queries.
(is (= {:field_id 1} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {:field_id 1}))))
;; There's an argument to be made that we should only query on these "identity" fields if the field-id is present,
;; but perhaps there are use cases that I haven't considered.
(testing "Queries that fully specify the identity are not mangled"
(is (= {:type :full, :hash_key nil} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {:type :full, :hash_key nil})))
(is (= {:type :sandbox, :hash_key "random-hash"} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {:type :sandbox, :hash_key "random-hash"}))))
(testing "Ambiguous queries are upgraded to ensure invalid rows are filtered"
(is (= {:type :full, :hash_key nil} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {:type :full})))
(is (= {:type :sandbox, :hash_key [:not= nil]} (#'field-values/add-mismatched-hash-filter {:type :sandbox})))))
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