Run the query associated with a Card, and return its results as a file in the specified format. Note that this
expects the parameters as serialized JSON in the 'parameters' parameter.
Run the query associated with a Card, and return its results as a file in the specified format.
`parameters` should be passed as query parameter encoded as a serialized JSON string (this is because this endpoint
is normally used to power 'Download Results' buttons that use HTML `form` actions).
##### PARAMS:
@@ -483,6 +474,8 @@ Update a `Card`.
***`visualization_settings`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a map.
***`dataset`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a boolean.
***`description`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a string.
***`archived`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a boolean.
@@ -491,8 +484,6 @@ Update a `Card`.
***`result_metadata`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be an array of valid results column metadata maps.
***`metadata_checksum`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a non-blank string.
***`enable_embedding`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a boolean.
***`collection_id`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be an integer greater than zero.
@@ -567,7 +558,7 @@ Fetch a specific Collection's items with the following options:
***`models`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must satisfy one of the following requirements: 1) value must be an array. Each value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`. 2) value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`.
***`models`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must satisfy one of the following requirements: 1) value must be an array. Each value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `dataset`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`. 2) value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `dataset`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`.
***`archived`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a valid boolean string ('true' or 'false').
@@ -613,7 +604,7 @@ Fetch objects that the current user should see at their root level. As mentioned
##### PARAMS:
***`models`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must satisfy one of the following requirements: 1) value must be an array. Each value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`. 2) value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`.
***`models`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must satisfy one of the following requirements: 1) value must be an array. Each value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `dataset`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`. 2) value must be one of: `card`, `collection`, `dashboard`, `dataset`, `no_models`, `pulse`, `snippet`.
***`archived`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a valid boolean string ('true' or 'false').
@@ -630,16 +621,26 @@ Fetch objects that the current user should see at their root level. As mentioned
Similar to `GET /`, but returns Collections in a tree structure, e.g.
[{:name "A"
:below #{:card :dataset}
:children [{:name "B"}
{:name "C"
:here #{:dataset :card}
:below #{:dataset :card}
:children [{:name "D"
:here #{:dataset}
:children [{:name "E"}]}
{:name "F"
:here #{:card}
:children [{:name "G"}]}]}]}
{:name "H"}].
{:name "H"}]
The here and below keys indicate the types of items at this particular level of the tree (here) and in its
subtree (below).
##### PARAMS:
***`exclude-archived`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a valid boolean string ('true' or 'false').
***`namespace`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a non-blank string.
### `POST /api/collection/`
@@ -715,6 +716,9 @@ You must be a superuser to do this.
@@ -2997,10 +3062,20 @@ Return various "admin checklist" steps and whether they've been completed. You m
You must be a superuser to do this.
### `GET /api/setup/user_defaults`
Returns object containing default user details for initial setup, if configured,
and if the provided token value matches the token in the configuration value.
##### PARAMS:
* **`token`**
### `POST /api/setup/`
Special endpoint for creating the first user during setup. This endpoint both creates the user AND logs them in and
returns a session ID.
returns a session ID. This endpoint also can also be used to add a database, create and invite a second admin, and/or
set specific settings from the setup flow.
##### PARAMS:
@@ -3010,6 +3085,8 @@ Special endpoint for creating the first user during setup. This endpoint both cr
* **`allow_tracking`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must satisfy one of the following requirements: 1) value must be a boolean. 2) value must be a valid boolean string ('true' or 'false').
* **`invited_last_name`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a non-blank string.
* **`site_locale`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, String must be a valid two-letter ISO language or language-country code e.g. en or en_US.
* **`email`** value must be a valid email address.
@@ -3024,6 +3101,10 @@ Special endpoint for creating the first user during setup. This endpoint both cr
* **`name`**
* **`invited_email`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a valid email address.
* **`invited_first_name`** value may be nil, or if non-nil, value must be a non-blank string.
* **`is_full_sync`**
* **`site_name`** value must be a non-blank string.
@@ -3055,8 +3136,15 @@ Validate that we can connect to a database given a set of details.