You'll probably also want an Apple Developer ID Application Certificate in your computer's keychain. You'll need to generate a Certificate Signing Request from Keychain Access, and have Sameer go to [the Apple Developer Site]( and generate one for you, then load the file on your computer.
You'll need the `Apple Developer ID Application Certificate` in your computer's keychain.
You'll need to generate a Certificate Signing Request from Keychain Access, and have Sameer go to [the Apple Developer Site](
and generate one for you, then load the file on your computer.
Finally, you may need to open the project a single time in Xcode to make sure the appropriate "build schemes" are generated (these are not checked into CI).
Run `open OSX/Metabase.xcodeproj` to open the project, which will automatically generate the appropriate schemes. This only needs to be done once.
After that, you are good to go:
# Bundle entire app, and upload to s3
## Debugging ./bin/osx-release
* You can run individual steps of the release script by passing in the appropriate step subroutines. e.g. `./bin/osx-release create_dmg upload`.
The entire sequence of different steps can be found at the bottom of `./bin/osx-release`.
* Generating the DMG seems to be somewhat finicky, so if it fails with a message like "Device busy" trying the step again a few times usually resolves the issue.
You can continue the build process from the DMG creation step by running `./bin/osx-release create_dmg upload`.