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Commit 690b3ec4 authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #5260 from metabase/more-backports-from-nested-queries-branch

More improvements backported from nested-queries
parents cd43de3f a3f6cab5
No related merge requests found
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
[permissions :as perms]
[revision :as revision]]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions :as qp-perms]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
[db :as db]
[models :as models]]))
......@@ -43,36 +44,58 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Permissions Checking ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- permissions-path-set:mbql [{database-id :database, :as query}]
{:pre [(integer? database-id) (map? (:query query))]}
(try (let [{{:keys [source-table join-tables]} :query} (qp/expand query)]
(set (for [table (cons source-table join-tables)]
(perms/object-path database-id
(:schema table)
(or (:id table) (:table-id table))))))
(defn- native-permissions-path
"Return the `:read` (for running) or `:write` (for saving) native permissions path for DATABASE-OR-ID."
[read-or-write database-or-id]
((case read-or-write
:read perms/native-read-path
:write perms/native-readwrite-path) (u/get-id database-or-id)))
(defn- query->source-and-join-tables
"Return a sequence of all Tables (as TableInstance maps) referenced by QUERY."
[{:keys [source-table join-tables native], :as query}]
;; if we come across a native query just put a placeholder (`::native`) there so we know we need to add native permissions to the complete set below.
native [::native]
;; for root MBQL queries just return source-table + join-tables
:else (cons source-table join-tables)))
(defn- tables->permissions-path-set
"Given a sequence of TABLES referenced by a query, return a set of required permissions."
[read-or-write database-or-id tables]
(set (for [table tables]
(if (= ::native table)
;; Any `::native` placeholders from above mean we need READ-OR-WRITE native permissions for this DATABASE
(native-permissions-path read-or-write database-or-id)
;; anything else (i.e., a normal table) just gets normal table permissions
(perms/object-path (u/get-id database-or-id)
(:schema table)
(or (:id table) (:table-id table)))))))
(defn- mbql-permissions-path-set
"Return the set of required permissions needed to run QUERY."
[read-or-write query]
{:pre [(map? query) (map? (:query query))]}
(try (let [{:keys [query database]} (qp/expand query)]
(tables->permissions-path-set read-or-write database (query->source-and-join-tables query)))
;; if for some reason we can't expand the Card (i.e. it's an invalid legacy card)
;; just return a set of permissions that means no one will ever get to see it
(catch Throwable e
(log/warn "Error getting permissions for card:" (.getMessage e) "\n" (u/pprint-to-str (u/filtered-stacktrace e)))
#{"/db/0/"}))) ; DB 0 will never exist
(defn- permissions-path-set:native [read-or-write {database-id :database}]
#{((case read-or-write
:read perms/native-read-path
:write perms/native-readwrite-path) database-id)})
#{"/db/0/"}))) ; DB 0 will never exist
;; it takes a lot of DB calls and function calls to expand/resolve a query, and since they're pure functions we can save ourselves some a lot of DB calls
;; by caching the results. Cache the permissions reqquired to run a given query dictionary for up to 6 hours
(defn- query-perms-set* [{query-type :type, :as query} read-or-write]
(defn- query-perms-set* [{query-type :type, database :database, :as query} read-or-write]
(= query {}) #{}
(= (keyword query-type) :native) (permissions-path-set:native read-or-write query)
(= (keyword query-type) :query) (permissions-path-set:mbql query)
(= (keyword query-type) :native) #{(native-permissions-path read-or-write database)}
(= (keyword query-type) :query) (mbql-permissions-path-set read-or-write query)
:else (throw (Exception. (str "Invalid query type: " query-type)))))
(def ^{:arglists '([query read-or-write])} query-perms-set
"Return a set of required permissions for *running* QUERY (if READ-OR-WRITE is `:read`) or *saving* it (if READ-OR-WRITE is `:write`)."
(memoize/ttl query-perms-set* :ttl/threshold (* 6 60 60 1000)))
(memoize/ttl query-perms-set* :ttl/threshold (* 6 60 60 1000))) ; memoize for 6 hours
(defn- perms-objects-set
......@@ -111,17 +134,21 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ Lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- populate-query-fields [card]
(let [{query :query, database-id :database, query-type :type} (:dataset_query card)
table-id (or (:source_table query) ; legacy (MBQL '95)
(:source-table query))
defaults {:database_id database-id
:table_id table-id
:query_type (keyword query-type)}]
(if query-type
(merge defaults card)
(defn- query->database-and-table-ids
"Return a map with `:database-id` and source `:table-id` that should be saved for a Card."
(let [database (qputil/get-normalized outer-query :database)
source-table (qputil/get-in-normalized outer-query [:query :source-table])]
(when source-table
{:database-id (u/get-id database), :table-id (u/get-id source-table)})))
(defn- populate-query-fields [{{query-type :type, :as outer-query} :dataset_query, :as card}]
(merge (when query-type
(let [{:keys [database-id table-id]} (query->database-and-table-ids outer-query)]
{:database_id database-id
:table_id table-id
:query_type (keyword query-type)}))
(defn- pre-insert [{:keys [dataset_query], :as card}]
;; TODO - make sure if `collection_id` is specified that we have write permissions for tha tcollection
(ns metabase.models.user
(:require [cemerick.friend.credentials :as creds]
[clojure.string :as s]
[ :as log]
[public-settings :as public-settings]
[util :as u]]
......@@ -42,12 +43,12 @@
(u/prog1 user
;; add the newly created user to the magic perms groups
(binding [perm-membership/*allow-changing-all-users-group-members* true]
#_(log/info (format "Adding user %d to All Users permissions group..." user-id))
(log/info (format "Adding user %d to All Users permissions group..." user-id))
(db/insert! PermissionsGroupMembership
:user_id user-id
:group_id (:id (group/all-users))))
(when superuser?
#_(log/info (format "Adding user %d to Admin permissions group..." user-id))
(log/info (format "Adding user %d to Admin permissions group..." user-id))
(db/insert! PermissionsGroupMembership
:user_id user-id
:group_id (:id (group/admin))))))
......@@ -61,34 +61,55 @@
;; PRE-PROCESSING fns are applied from bottom to top, and POST-PROCESSING from top to bottom;
;; the easiest way to wrap your head around this is picturing a the query as a ball being thrown in the air
;; (up through the preprocessing fns, back down through the post-processing ones)
(defn- qp-pipeline
"Construct a new Query Processor pipeline with F as the final 'piviotal' function. e.g.:
All PRE-PROCESSING (query) --> F --> All POST-PROCESSING (result)
Or another way of looking at it is
(post-process (f (pre-process query)))
Normally F is something that runs the query, like the `execute-query` function above, but this can be swapped out when we want to do things like
process a query without actually running it."
;; ▼▼▼ POST-PROCESSING ▼▼▼ happens from TOP-TO-BOTTOM, e.g. the results of `f` are (eventually) passed to `limit`
(-> f
mbql-to-native/mbql->native ; ▲▲▲ NATIVE-ONLY POINT ▲▲▲ Query converted from MBQL to native here; all functions *above* will only see the native query
expand-resolve/expand-resolve ; ▲▲▲ QUERY EXPANSION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will see EXPANDED query during PRE-PROCESSING
row-count-and-status/add-row-count-and-status ; ▼▼▼ RESULTS WRAPPING POINT ▼▼▼ All functions *below* will see results WRAPPED in `:data` during POST-PROCESSING
driver-specific/process-query-in-context ; (drivers can inject custom middleware if they implement IDriver's `process-query-in-context`)
resolve-driver/resolve-driver ; ▲▲▲ DRIVER RESOLUTION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will have access to the driver during PRE- *and* POST-PROCESSING
;; ▲▲▲ PRE-PROCESSING ▲▲▲ happens from BOTTOM-TO-TOP, e.g. the results of `expand-macros` are (eventually) passed to `expand-resolve`
(defn query->native
"Return the native form for QUERY (e.g. for a MBQL query on Postgres this would return a map containing the compiled SQL form)."
{:style/indent 0}
(-> ((qp-pipeline identity) query)
(get-in [:data :native_form])))
(defn process-query
"A pipeline of various QP functions (including middleware) that are used to process MB queries."
{:style/indent 0}
;; ▼▼▼ POST-PROCESSING ▼▼▼ happens from TOP-TO-BOTTOM, e.g. the results of `run-query` are (eventually) passed to `limit`
((-> execute-query
mbql-to-native/mbql->native ; ▲▲▲ NATIVE-ONLY POINT ▲▲▲ Query converted from MBQL to native here; all functions *above* will only see the native query
expand-resolve/expand-resolve ; ▲▲▲ QUERY EXPANSION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will see EXPANDED query during PRE-PROCESSING
row-count-and-status/add-row-count-and-status ; ▼▼▼ RESULTS WRAPPING POINT ▼▼▼ All functions *below* will see results WRAPPED in `:data` during POST-PROCESSING
driver-specific/process-query-in-context ; (drivers can inject custom middleware if they implement IDriver's `process-query-in-context`)
resolve-driver/resolve-driver ; ▲▲▲ DRIVER RESOLUTION POINT ▲▲▲ All functions *above* will have access to the driver during PRE- *and* POST-PROCESSING
;; ▲▲▲ PRE-PROCESSING ▲▲▲ happens from BOTTOM-TO-TOP, e.g. the results of `expand-macros` are (eventually) passed to `expand-resolve`
((qp-pipeline execute-query) query))
(def ^{:arglists '([query])} expand
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,83 +26,84 @@
;; `:card-create` event
(tt/expect-with-temp [Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]]
{:topic :card-create
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "card"
:model_id (:id card)
:database_id nil
:table_id nil
:details {:name "My Cool Card", :description nil}}
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-create, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :model_id :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-create"
:model_id (:id card))))
(tt/with-temp Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-create, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-create"
:model_id (:id card)))))
;; `:card-update` event
(tt/expect-with-temp [Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]]
{:topic :card-update
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "card"
:model_id (:id card)
:database_id nil
:table_id nil
:details {:name "My Cool Card", :description nil}}
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-update, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :model_id :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-update"
:model_id (:id card))))
(tt/with-temp Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-update, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-update"
:model_id (:id card)))))
;; `:card-delete` event
(tt/expect-with-temp [Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]]
{:topic :card-delete
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "card"
:model_id (:id card)
:database_id nil
:table_id nil
:details {:name "My Cool Card", :description nil}}
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-delete, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :model_id :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-delete"
:model_id (:id card))))
(tt/with-temp Card [card {:name "My Cool Card"}]
(process-activity-event! {:topic :card-delete, :item card})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "card-delete"
:model_id (:id card)))))
;; `:dashboard-create` event
(tt/expect-with-temp [Dashboard [dashboard {:name "My Cool Dashboard"}]]
{:topic :dashboard-create
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "dashboard"
:model_id (:id dashboard)
:database_id nil
:table_id nil
:details {:name "My Cool Dashboard", :description nil}}
(process-activity-event! {:topic :dashboard-create, :item dashboard})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :model_id :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "dashboard-create"
:model_id (:id dashboard))))
(tt/with-temp Dashboard [dashboard {:name "My Cool Dashboard"}]
(process-activity-event! {:topic :dashboard-create, :item dashboard})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "dashboard-create"
:model_id (:id dashboard)))))
;; `:dashboard-delete` event
(tt/expect-with-temp [Dashboard [dashboard {:name "My Cool Dashboard"}]]
{:topic :dashboard-delete
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "dashboard"
:model_id (:id dashboard)
:database_id nil
:table_id nil
:details {:name "My Cool Dashboard", :description nil}}
(process-activity-event! {:topic :dashboard-delete, :item dashboard})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :model_id :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "dashboard-delete"
:model_id (:id dashboard))))
(tt/with-temp Dashboard [dashboard {:name "My Cool Dashboard"}]
(process-activity-event! {:topic :dashboard-delete, :item dashboard})
(db/select-one [Activity :topic :user_id :model :database_id :table_id :details]
:topic "dashboard-delete"
:model_id (:id dashboard)))))
;; `:dashboard-add-cards` event
(ns metabase.query-processor-test.middleware.limit-test
(ns metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit-test
"Tests for the `:limit` clause and `:max-results` constraints."
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
[metabase.query-processor.interface :as i]
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
(for [[i row] (m/indexed rows)]
(assoc (zipmap field-names (for [v row]
(u/prog1 (if (instance? java.util.Date v)
(DateTime. v) ; convert to Google version of DateTime, otherwise it doesn't work (!)
(DateTime. ^java.util.Date v) ; convert to Google version of DateTime, otherwise it doesn't work (!)
(assert (not (nil? <>)))))) ; make sure v is non-nil
:id (inc i)))))
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