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Unverified Commit 69f49f05 authored by Bryan Maass's avatar Bryan Maass Committed by GitHub
Browse files

malli describe fixes (#27602)

* updates + updates tests

- use titles for everything
- repeat "sounds" right
- biding time to remerge upstream

* Update src/metabase/util/malli/describe.clj

* pluralize times ouhgt to be private

* keep error messages in tests in sync :neutral_face:

* linter newline
parent c218a9e2
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -29,6 +29,20 @@
max (str " with length >= " max)
:else "")))
(defn- pluralize-times [n]
(when n
(if (= 1 n) "time" "times")))
(defn- repeat-suffix [schema]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-> schema mc/properties)
min-timez (pluralize-times min)
max-timez (pluralize-times max)]
(and min max) (str " at least " min " " min-timez ", up to " max " " max-timez)
min (str " at least " min " " min-timez)
max (str " at most " max " " max-timez)
:else "")))
(defn- min-max-suffix-number [schema]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-> schema mc/properties)]
......@@ -116,36 +130,36 @@
(defmethod accept 'set? [_ schema children _] (str "set" (titled schema) (length-suffix schema) (of-clause children)))
(defmethod accept :set [_ schema children _] (str "set" (titled schema) (length-suffix schema) (of-clause children)))
(defmethod accept 'string? [_ schema _ _] (str "string" (length-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :string [_ schema _ _] (str "string" (length-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'string? [_ schema _ _] (str "string" (titled schema) (length-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :string [_ schema _ _] (str "string" (titled schema) (length-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'number? [_ schema _ _] (str "number" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :number [_ schema _ _] (str "number" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'number? [_ schema _ _] (str "number" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :number [_ schema _ _] (str "number" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'pos-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer greater than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :pos-int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer greater than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'pos-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer greater than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :pos-int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer greater than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'neg-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer less than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :neg-int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer less than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'neg-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer less than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :neg-int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer less than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'nat-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "natural integer" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :nat-int [_ schema _ _] (str "natural integer" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'nat-int? [_ schema _ _] (str "natural integer" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :nat-int [_ schema _ _] (str "natural integer" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'float? [_ schema _ _] (str "float" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :float [_ schema _ _] (str "float" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'float? [_ schema _ _] (str "float" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :float [_ schema _ _] (str "float" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'pos? [_ schema _ _] (str "number greater than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :pos [_ schema _ _] (str "number greater than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'pos? [_ schema _ _] (str "number greater than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :pos [_ schema _ _] (str "number greater than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'neg? [_ schema _ _] (str "number less than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :neg [_ schema _ _] (str "number less than 0" (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'neg? [_ schema _ _] (str "number less than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept :neg [_ schema _ _] (str "number less than 0" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'integer? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept 'int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept :int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept 'integer? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept 'int? [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept :int [_ schema _ _] (str "integer" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept 'double? [_ schema _ _] (str "double" (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept :double [_ schema _ _] (str "double" (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept 'double? [_ schema _ _] (str "double" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept :double [_ schema _ _] (str "double" (titled schema) (min-max-suffix-number schema)))
(defmethod accept :merge [_ schema _ options] ((::describe options) (mc/deref schema) options))
(defmethod accept :union [_ schema _ options] ((::describe options) (mc/deref schema) options))
......@@ -192,11 +206,24 @@
(defmethod accept :function [_ _ _children _] "function")
(defmethod accept :fn [_ _ _ _] "function")
(defn- tagged [children]
(map (fn [[tag _ c]] (str c " (tag: " tag ")" )) children))
(defmethod accept :or [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " children))
(defmethod accept :orn [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " (map (fn [[tag _ c]] (str c " (tag: " tag ")" )) children)))
(defmethod accept :orn [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " (tagged children)))
(defmethod accept :cat [_ _ children _] (str/join ", " children))
(defmethod accept :catn [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " (map (fn [[tag _ c]] (str c " (tag: " tag ")" )) children)))
(defmethod accept :catn [_ _ children _] (str/join ", and " (tagged children)))
(defmethod accept :alt [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " children))
(defmethod accept :altn [_ _ children _] (str/join ", or " (tagged children)))
(defmethod accept :+ [_ _ children _] (str "one or more " (str/join ", " children)))
(defmethod accept :* [_ _ children _] (str "zero or more " (str/join ", " children)))
(defmethod accept :? [_ _ children _] (str "zero or one " (str/join ", " children)))
(defmethod accept :repeat [_ schema children _]
(str "repeat " (diamond (first children)) (repeat-suffix schema)))
(defmethod accept 'boolean? [_ _ _ _] "boolean")
(defmethod accept :boolean [_ _ _ _] "boolean")
......@@ -209,10 +236,11 @@
additional-properties (:closed (mc/properties schema))
kv-description (str/join ", " (map (fn [[k _ s]] (str k (when (contains? optional k) " (optional)") " -> " (diamond s))) children))]
(cond-> (str "map ")
(cond-> (str "map " (titled schema))
(seq kv-description) (str "where {" kv-description "} ")
additional-properties (str "with no other keys ")))))
(defmethod accept ::mc/val [_ _ children _] (first children))
(defmethod accept 'map? [n schema children o] (-map n schema children o))
(defmethod accept :map [n schema children o] (-map n schema children o))
......@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@
:lonlat [0.0 0.0]}}))))
(is (= {:errors
{:address "map where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>}>}"},
:specific-errors {:address {:id ["missing required key"],
{:address "map (titled: ‘Address’) where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>}>}"},
:specific-errors {:address {:id ["missing required key"],
:tags ["missing required key"],
:address ["missing required key"]}}}
(:body (post! "/post/test-address" {:x "1"}))))
(is (= {:errors
{:address "map where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>}>}"},
{:address "map (titled: ‘Address’) where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>}>}"},
:specific-errors {:address
{:id ["should be a string"]
:tags ["invalid type"]
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
:lonlat [0.0 0.0]}}))))
(is (= {:errors
{:address "map where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>} with no other keys>} with no other keys"},
{:address "map (titled: ‘Address’) where {:id -> <string>, :tags -> <vector of string>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :city -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :lonlat -> <vector with exactly 2 items of type: double, double>} with no other keys>} with no other keys"},
:specific-errors {:address
{:address ["missing required key"],
:a ["disallowed key"],
(ns metabase.util.malli.describe-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[metabase.util.malli.describe :as umd]))
(deftest descriptor-test
(is (= "vector" (umd/describe vector?)))
(is (= "vector of integer" (umd/describe [:vector :int])))
(is (= "string with length <= 5" (umd/describe [:string {:min 5}])))
(is (= "string with length >= 5" (umd/describe [:string {:max 5}])))
(is (= "string with length between 3 and 5 inclusive" (umd/describe [:string {:min 3 :max 5}])))
(is (= "map" (umd/describe map?)))
(is (= "map where {:x -> <integer>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:x int?]])))
(is (= "map where {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])))
(is (= "map where {:x -> <integer>} with no other keys"
(umd/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x int?]])))
(is (= "map where {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>} with no other keys"
(umd/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])))
(is (= "function that takes input: [integer] and returns integer"
(umd/describe [:=> [:cat int?] int?])))
(is (= "map where {:j-code -> <keyword, and has length 4>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:j-code [:and
[:fn {:description "has length 4"} #(= 4 (count (name %)))]]]])))
(is (= (umd/describe [:map-of {:title "dict"} :int :string])
"map (titled: ‘dict’) from <integer> to <string>"))
(is (= (umd/describe [:vector [:sequential [:set :int]]])
"vector of sequence of set of integer"))
(is (= "one of <:dog = map where {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by the type of animal"
(umd/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type
:dispatch-description "the type of animal"}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]])))
(is (= "one of <:dog = map where {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by :type"
(umd/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]])))
(is (= "Order which is: <Country is map where {:name -> <enum of :FI, :PO>, :neighbors (optional) -> <vector of \"Country\">} with no other keys, Burger is map where {:name -> <string>, :description (optional) -> <string>, :origin -> <nullable Country>, :price -> <integer greater than 0>}, OrderLine is map where {:burger -> <Burger>, :amount -> <integer>} with no other keys, Order is map where {:lines -> <vector of OrderLine>, :delivery -> <map where {:delivered -> <boolean>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :country -> <Country>}>} with no other keys>} with no other keys>"
(umd/describe [:schema
{"Country" [:map
{:closed true}
[:name [:enum :FI :PO]]
{:optional true}
[:vector [:ref "Country"]]]],
"Burger" [:map
[:name string?]
[:description {:optional true} string?]
[:origin [:maybe "Country"]]
[:price pos-int?]],
"OrderLine" [:map
{:closed true}
[:burger "Burger"]
[:amount int?]],
"Order" [:map
{:closed true}
[:lines [:vector "OrderLine"]]
(testing "vector"
(is (= "vector" (umd/describe vector?)))
(is (= "vector of integer" (umd/describe [:vector :int]))))
(testing "string"
(is (= "string with length <= 5" (umd/describe [:string {:min 5}])))
(is (= "string with length >= 5" (umd/describe [:string {:max 5}])))
(is (= "string with length between 3 and 5 inclusive" (umd/describe [:string {:min 3 :max 5}]))))
(testing "function"
(is (= "function that takes input: [integer] and returns integer"
(umd/describe [:=> [:cat int?] int?]))))
(testing "map"
(is (= "map" (umd/describe map?)))
(is (= "map where {:x -> <integer>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:x int?]])))
(is (= "map where {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])))
(is (= "map where {:x -> <integer>} with no other keys"
(umd/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x int?]])))
(is (= "map where {:x (optional) -> <integer>, :y -> <boolean>} with no other keys"
(umd/describe [:map {:closed true} [:x {:optional true} int?] [:y :boolean]])))
(is (= "map where {:j-code -> <keyword, and has length 4>}"
(umd/describe [:map [:j-code [:and
[:fn {:description "has length 4"} #(= 4 (count (name %)))]]]])))
(is (= "map (titled: ‘dict’) from <integer> to <string>"
(umd/describe [:map-of {:title "dict"} :int :string]))))
(testing "compound schemas"
(is (= "vector of sequence of set of integer"
(umd/describe [:vector [:sequential [:set :int]]]))))
(testing "multi"
(is (= "one of <:dog = map where {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by the type of animal"
(umd/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type
:dispatch-description "the type of animal"}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]])))
(is (= "one of <:dog = map where {:x -> <integer>} | :cat = anything> dispatched by :type"
(umd/describe [:multi {:dispatch :type}
[:dog [:map [:x :int]]]
[:cat :any]]))))
(testing "schema registry"
(is (= "Order which is: <Country is map where {:name -> <enum of :FI, :PO>, :neighbors (optional) -> <vector of \"Country\">} with no other keys, Burger is map where {:name -> <string>, :description (optional) -> <string>, :origin -> <nullable Country>, :price -> <integer greater than 0>}, OrderLine is map where {:burger -> <Burger>, :amount -> <integer>} with no other keys, Order is map where {:lines -> <vector of OrderLine>, :delivery -> <map where {:delivered -> <boolean>, :address -> <map where {:street -> <string>, :zip -> <integer>, :country -> <Country>}>} with no other keys>} with no other keys>"
(umd/describe [:schema
{:closed true}
[:name [:enum :FI :PO]]
{:optional true}
[:vector [:ref "Country"]]]],
"Burger" [:map
[:name string?]
[:description {:optional true} string?]
[:origin [:maybe "Country"]]
[:price pos-int?]],
"OrderLine" [:map
{:closed true}
[:burger "Burger"]
[:amount int?]],
"Order" [:map
{:closed true}
[:delivered boolean?]
[:lines [:vector "OrderLine"]]
[:street string?]
[:zip int?]
[:country "Country"]]]]]]}}
(is (= "ConsCell <nullable vector with exactly 2 items of type: integer, \"ConsCell\">"
(umd/describe [:schema
{:registry {"ConsCell" [:maybe [:tuple :int [:ref "ConsCell"]]]}}
(is (= "integer greater than or equal to 0"
(umd/describe [:int {:min 0}])))
(is (= "integer less than or equal to 1"
(umd/describe [:int {:max 1}])))
(is (= "integer between 0 and 1 inclusive"
(umd/describe [:int {:min 0 :max 1}]))))
{:closed true}
[:delivered boolean?]
[:street string?]
[:zip int?]
[:country "Country"]]]]]]}}
(is (= "ConsCell <nullable vector with exactly 2 items of type: integer, \"ConsCell\">"
(umd/describe [:schema
{:registry {"ConsCell" [:maybe [:tuple :int [:ref "ConsCell"]]]}}
(testing "int"
(is (= "integer greater than or equal to 0"
(umd/describe [:int {:min 0}])))
(is (= "integer less than or equal to 1"
(umd/describe [:int {:max 1}])))
(is (= "integer between 0 and 1 inclusive"
(umd/describe [:int {:min 0 :max 1}]))))
(testing "repeat"
(is (= "repeat <integer> at least 1 time"
(umd/describe [:repeat {:min 1} int?])))
(is (= "repeat <integer> at most 7 times"
(umd/describe [:repeat {:max 7} int?])))
(is (= "repeat <integer> at least 1 time, up to 7 times"
(umd/describe [:repeat {:min 1 :max 7} int?])))))
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