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Unverified Commit 6becc1a7 authored by Thomas Schmidt's avatar Thomas Schmidt Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Add new generic analytics event and bring types to trackSchemaEvent (#46972)

parent 3f8317ad
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 804 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/task/truncate_audit_table.clj @noahmo
enterprise/backend/src/metabase_enterprise/internal_user.clj @noahmoss
src/metabase/**/*permissions* @noahmoss
src/metabase/integrations @noahmoss
snowplow/* @metabase/data
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ describeWithSnowplow(
// Snowplow
event: "csv_upload_clicked",
source: "left_nav",
triggered_from: "left_nav",
event: testFile.valid ? "csv_upload_successful" : "csv_upload_failed",
type AccountEventSchema = {
event: string;
version?: string | null;
link?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends AccountEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof AccountEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type NewUserCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_user_created";
export type NewInstanceCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_instance_created";
export type AccountEvent = NewUserCreatedEvent | NewInstanceCreatedEvent;
type ActionEventSchema = {
event: string;
type: string;
action_id: number;
num_parameters?: number | null;
context?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends ActionEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof ActionEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
type ActionType = "http" | "query" | "implicit";
export type ActionCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "action_created";
type: ActionType;
action_id: number;
export type ActionUpdatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "action_updated";
type: ActionType;
action_id: number;
export type ActionDeletedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "action_deleted";
type: ActionType;
action_id: number;
export type ActionExecutedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "action_executed";
type: ActionType;
action_id: number;
export type ActionEvent =
| ActionCreatedEvent
| ActionUpdatedEvent
| ActionDeletedEvent
| ActionExecutedEvent;
type BrowseDataEventSchema = {
event: string;
model_id?: number | null;
table_id?: number | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends BrowseDataEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof BrowseDataEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type BrowseDataModelClickedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "browse_data_model_clicked";
model_id: number;
export type BrowseDataTableClickedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "browse_data_table_clicked";
table_id: number;
export type BrowseDataEvent =
| BrowseDataModelClickedEvent
| BrowseDataTableClickedEvent;
type CleanupEventSchema = {
event: string;
collection_id?: number | null;
total_stale_items_found?: number | null;
cutoff_date?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends CleanupEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof CleanupEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type StaleItemsReadEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "stale_items_read";
collection_id: number | null;
total_stale_items_found: number;
cutoff_date: string;
export type CleanupEvent = StaleItemsReadEvent;
type CsvUploadEventSchema = {
event: string;
model_id?: number | null;
upload_seconds?: number | null;
size_mb: number | null;
num_columns: number | null;
num_rows: number | null;
generated_columns: number | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends CsvUploadEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof CsvUploadEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type CsvUploadSuccessfulEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "csv_upload_successful";
model_id: number;
size_mb: number;
num_columns: number;
num_rows: number;
generated_columns: number;
upload_seconds: number;
export type CsvUploadFailedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "csv_upload_failed";
size_mb: number;
num_columns: number;
num_rows: number;
generated_columns: number;
export type CsvAppendSuccessfulEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "csv_append_successful";
size_mb: number;
num_columns: number;
num_rows: number;
generated_columns: number;
upload_seconds: number;
export type CsvAppendFailedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "csv_append_failed";
size_mb: number;
num_columns: number;
num_rows: number;
generated_columns: number;
export type CsvUploadEvent =
| CsvUploadSuccessfulEvent
| CsvUploadFailedEvent
| CsvAppendSuccessfulEvent
| CsvAppendFailedEvent;
type DashboardEventSchema = {
event: string;
dashboard_id: number;
question_id?: number | null;
num_tabs?: number | null;
total_num_tabs?: number | null;
duration_milliseconds?: number | null;
section_layout?: string | null;
full_width?: boolean | null;
dashboard_accessed_via?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends DashboardEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof DashboardEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type DashboardCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardSavedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_saved";
dashboard_id: number;
duration_milliseconds: number;
export type QuestionAddedToDashboardEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "question_added_to_dashboard";
dashboard_id: number;
question_id: number;
export type AutoApplyFiltersDisabledEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "auto_apply_filters_disabled";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardTabCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_tab_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardTabDeletedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_tab_deleted";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardTabDuplicatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_tab_duplicated";
dashboard_id: number;
export type NewTextCardCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_text_card_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type NewHeadingCardCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_heading_card_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type NewLinkCardCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_link_card_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type NewActionCardCreatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_action_card_created";
dashboard_id: number;
export type CardSetToHideWhenNoResultsEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "card_set_to_hide_when_no_results";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardPdfExportedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_pdf_exported";
dashboard_id: number;
| "internal"
| "public-link"
| "static-embed"
| "interactive-iframe-embed"
| "sdk-embed";
export type CardMovedToTabEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "card_moved_to_tab";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardCardDuplicatedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_card_duplicated";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardCardReplacedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_card_replaced";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardSectionAddedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_section_added";
dashboard_id: number;
section_layout: string;
export type DashboardWidthToggledEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_width_toggled";
dashboard_id: number;
full_width: boolean;
export type DashboardFilterRequiredEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "dashboard_filter_required";
dashboard_id: number;
export type DashboardEvent =
| DashboardCreatedEvent
| DashboardSavedEvent
| QuestionAddedToDashboardEvent
| AutoApplyFiltersDisabledEvent
| DashboardTabCreatedEvent
| DashboardTabDeletedEvent
| DashboardTabDuplicatedEvent
| NewTextCardCreatedEvent
| NewHeadingCardCreatedEvent
| NewLinkCardCreatedEvent
| NewActionCardCreatedEvent
| CardSetToHideWhenNoResultsEvent
| DashboardPdfExportedEvent
| CardMovedToTabEvent
| DashboardCardDuplicatedEvent
| DashboardCardReplacedEvent
| DashboardSectionAddedEvent
| DashboardWidthToggledEvent
| DashboardFilterRequiredEvent;
type DatabaseEventSchema = {
event: string;
database?: string | null;
database_id?: number | null;
error_type?: string | null;
source?: string | null;
dbms_version?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends DatabaseEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof DatabaseEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type DatabaseConnectionSuccessfulEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "database_connection_successful";
database: string;
database_id: number;
source: "setup" | "admin";
dbms_version: string;
export type DatabaseConnectionFailedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "database_connection_failed";
database: string;
database_id: number;
error_type: string;
source: "setup" | "admin";
dbms_version: string;
export type DatabaseEvent =
| DatabaseConnectionSuccessfulEvent
| DatabaseConnectionFailedEvent;
type DownloadsEventSchema = {
event: string;
resource_type?: string | null;
accessed_via?: string | null;
export_type?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends DownloadsEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof DownloadsEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type DownloadResultsClickedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "download_results_clicked";
resource_type: "question" | "dashcard" | "ad-hoc-question";
| "internal"
| "public-link"
| "static-embed"
| "interactive-iframe-embed"
| "sdk-embed";
export_type: "csv" | "xlsx" | "json" | "png";
export type DownloadsEvent = DownloadResultsClickedEvent;
type EmbedFlowParams = {
locked?: number;
enabled?: number;
disabled?: number;
type EmbedFlowAppearance = {
background?: boolean;
titled?: boolean;
bordered?: boolean;
theme?: string;
font?: string;
downloads?: boolean | null;
hide_download_button?: boolean | null;
type EmbedFlowEventSchema = {
event: string;
artifact: string;
new_embed?: boolean | null;
params?: EmbedFlowParams | null;
first_published_at?: string | null;
language?: string | null;
location?: string | null;
code?: string | null;
appearance?: EmbedFlowAppearance | null;
format?: string | null;
source?: string | null;
time_since_creation?: number | null;
time_since_initial_publication?: number | null;
is_example_dashboard?: boolean | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends EmbedFlowEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof EmbedFlowEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
type EmbedFlowArtifact = "dashboard" | "question";
export type StaticEmbedDiscardedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "static_embed_discarded";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
export type StaticEmbedPublishedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "static_embed_published";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
params: EmbedFlowParams;
new_embed: boolean;
time_since_creation: number;
time_since_initial_publication: number | null;
is_example_dashboard: boolean;
export type StaticEmbedUnpublishedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "static_embed_unpublished";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
time_since_creation: number;
time_since_initial_publication: number | null;
export type StaticEmbedCodeCopiedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "static_embed_code_copied";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
language: string;
location: "code_overview" | "code_params" | "code_appearance";
code: "backend" | "view";
appearance: EmbedFlowAppearance;
export type PublicLinkCopiedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "public_link_copied";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
format: "csv" | "xlsx" | "json" | "html" | null;
export type PublicEmbedCodeCopiedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "public_embed_code_copied";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
source: "public-embed" | "public-share";
export type PublicLinkRemovedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "public_link_removed";
artifact: EmbedFlowArtifact;
source: "public-embed" | "public-share";
export type EmbedFlowEvent =
| StaticEmbedDiscardedEvent
| StaticEmbedPublishedEvent
| StaticEmbedUnpublishedEvent
| StaticEmbedCodeCopiedEvent
| PublicLinkCopiedEvent
| PublicEmbedCodeCopiedEvent
| PublicLinkRemovedEvent;
type EmbedShareEventSchema = {
event: string;
authorized_origins_set?: boolean | null;
number_embedded_questions?: number | null;
number_embedded_dashboards?: number | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends EmbedShareEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof EmbedShareEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type EmbeddingEnabledEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "embedding_enabled";
authorized_origins_set: boolean;
number_embedded_questions: number;
number_embedded_dashboards: number;
export type EmbeddingDisabledEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "embedding_disabled";
authorized_origins_set: boolean;
number_embedded_questions: number;
number_embedded_dashboards: number;
export type EmbedShareEvent = EmbeddingEnabledEvent | EmbeddingDisabledEvent;
type EmbeddingHomepageEventSchema = {
event: string;
dismiss_reason?: string | null;
initial_tab?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends EmbeddingHomepageEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof EmbeddingHomepageEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type EmbeddingHomepageDismissedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "embedding_homepage_dismissed";
| "dismissed-done"
| "dismissed-run-into-issues"
| "dismissed-not-interested-now";
export type EmbeddingHomepageQuickstartClickEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "embedding_homepage_quickstart_click";
initial_tab: "static" | "interactive";
export type EmbeddingHomepageExampleDashboardClickEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "embedding_homepage_example_dashboard_click";
initial_tab: "static" | "interactive";
export type EmbeddingHomepageEvent =
| EmbeddingHomepageDismissedEvent
| EmbeddingHomepageQuickstartClickEvent
| EmbeddingHomepageExampleDashboardClickEvent;
type SimpleEventSchema = {
event: string;
target_id?: number | null;
triggered_from?: string | null;
duration_ms?: number | null;
result?: string | null;
event_detail?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends SimpleEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof SimpleEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type CsvUploadClickedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "csv_upload_clicked";
triggered_from: "left_nav";
export type SimpleEvent = CsvUploadClickedEvent;
export * from "./account";
export * from "./action";
export * from "./browse_data";
export * from "./cleanup";
export * from "./csv-upload";
export * from "./dashboard";
export * from "./database";
export * from "./downloads";
export * from "./embed-flow";
export * from "./embed-share";
export * from "./embedding-homepage";
export * from "./event";
export * from "./invite";
export * from "./metabot";
export * from "./model";
export * from "./question";
export * from "./serialization";
export * from "./schema";
export * from "./search";
export * from "./settings";
export * from "./setup";
export * from "./timeline";
export * from "./upsell";
type InviteEventSchema = {
event: string;
invited_user_id: number;
source?: string | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends InviteEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof InviteEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type InviteSentEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "invite_sent";
invited_user_id: number;
source: "setup" | "admin";
export type InviteEvent = InviteSentEvent;
type MetabotEventSchema = {
event: string;
entity_type?: string | null;
feedback_type?: string | null;
result_type?: string | null;
prompt_template_versions?: string[] | null;
visualization_type?: string | null;
is_rerun?: boolean | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends MetabotEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof MetabotEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type MetabotQueryRunEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "metabot_query_run";
entity_type: "database" | "model" | null;
result_type: "success" | "failure" | "bad-sql";
prompt_template_versions: string[] | null;
visualization_type: string | null;
is_rerun: boolean;
export type MetabotFeedbackReceivedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "metabot_feedback_received";
entity_type: "database" | "model" | null;
| "great"
| "wrong_data"
| "incorrect_result"
| "invalid_sql"
| null;
prompt_template_versions: string[] | null;
export type MetabotEvent = MetabotQueryRunEvent | MetabotFeedbackReceivedEvent;
type ModelEventSchema = {
event: string;
model_id: number;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends ModelEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof ModelEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type IndexModelEntitiesEnabledEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "index_model_entities_enabled";
model_id: number;
export type ModelEvent = IndexModelEntitiesEnabledEvent;
type QuestionEventSchema = {
event: string;
question_id: number;
type?: string | null;
method?: string | null;
visualization_type?: string | null;
database_id?: number | null;
custom_expressions_used?: string[] | null;
type ValidateEvent<
T extends QuestionEventSchema &
Record<Exclude<keyof T, keyof QuestionEventSchema>, never>,
> = T;
export type NewQuestionSavedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "new_question_saved";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
type: "simple_question" | "custom_question" | "native_question";
method: "from_scratch" | "existing_question";
visualization_type: string;
export type TurnIntoModelClickedEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "turn_into_model_clicked";
question_id: number;
export type NotebookNativePreviewShownEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "notebook_native_preview_shown";
question_id: number;
export type NotebookNativePreviewHiddenEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "notebook_native_preview_hidden";
question_id: number;
export type ColumnCombineViaShortcutEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_combine_via_shortcut";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnCombineViaColumnHeaderEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_combine_via_column_header";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnCombineViaPlusModalEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_combine_via_plus_modal";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnCompareViaShortcutEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_compare_via_shortcut";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnCompareViaColumnHeaderEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_compare_via_column_header";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnCompareViaPlusModalEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_compare_via_plus_modal";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnExtractViaShortcutEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_extract_via_shortcut";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnExtractViaColumnHeaderEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_extract_via_column_header";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type ColumnExtractViaPlusModalEvent = ValidateEvent<{
event: "column_extract_via_plus_modal";
question_id: number;
database_id: number | null;
custom_expressions_used: string[];
export type QuestionEvent =
| NewQuestionSavedEvent
| TurnIntoModelClickedEvent
| NotebookNativePreviewShownEvent
| NotebookNativePreviewHiddenEvent
| ColumnCombineViaShortcutEvent
| ColumnCombineViaColumnHeaderEvent
| ColumnCombineViaPlusModalEvent
| ColumnCompareViaShortcutEvent
| ColumnCompareViaColumnHeaderEvent
| ColumnCompareViaPlusModalEvent
| ColumnExtractViaShortcutEvent
| ColumnExtractViaColumnHeaderEvent
| ColumnExtractViaPlusModalEvent;
import type { AccountEvent } from "./account";
import type { ActionEvent } from "./action";
import type { BrowseDataEvent } from "./browse_data";
import type { CleanupEvent } from "./cleanup";
import type { CsvUploadEvent } from "./csv-upload";
import type { DashboardEvent } from "./dashboard";
import type { DatabaseEvent } from "./database";
import type { DownloadsEvent } from "./downloads";
import type { EmbedFlowEvent } from "./embed-flow";
import type { EmbedShareEvent } from "./embed-share";
import type { EmbeddingHomepageEvent } from "./embedding-homepage";
import type { SimpleEvent } from "./event";
import type { InviteEvent } from "./invite";
import type { MetabotEvent } from "./metabot";
import type { ModelEvent } from "./model";
import type { QuestionEvent } from "./question";
import type { SearchEvent } from "./search";
import type { SerializationEvent } from "./serialization";
import type { SettingsEvent } from "./settings";
import type { SetupEvent } from "./setup";
import type { TimelineEvent } from "./timeline";
import type { UpsellEvent } from "./upsell";
export type SchemaEventMap = {
account: AccountEvent;
action: ActionEvent;
browse_data: BrowseDataEvent;
cleanup: CleanupEvent;
csvupload: CsvUploadEvent;
dashboard: DashboardEvent;
database: DatabaseEvent;
downloads: DownloadsEvent;
embed_flow: EmbedFlowEvent;
embed_share: EmbedShareEvent;
embedding_homepage: EmbeddingHomepageEvent;
event: SimpleEvent;
invite: InviteEvent;
metabot: MetabotEvent;
model: ModelEvent;
question: QuestionEvent;
search: SearchEvent;
serialization: SerializationEvent;
settings: SettingsEvent;
setup: SetupEvent;
timeline: TimelineEvent;
upsell: UpsellEvent;
export type SchemaType = keyof SchemaEventMap;
export type SchemaEvent = SchemaEventMap[SchemaType];
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