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Unverified Commit 6ee4e0dd authored by Pawit Pornkitprasan's avatar Pawit Pornkitprasan Committed by GitHub
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Use SameSite=None for EMBEDDED_SESSION and DEVICE cookies (#18824)

* Use SameSite=None for EMBEDDED_SESSION and DEVICE cookies

 - EMBEDDED_SESSION previously did not specify SameSite attribute
   and assumed that the browser would default to SameSite=None, but
   recent browsers default to SameSite=Lax which does not work
   with cross-domain full-app embedding.
 - DEVICE was previously set to SameSite=Lax causing devices to not
   be remembered during login with cross-domain full-app embedding
   resulting in superfluous "We've Noticed a New Metabase Login"
   emails. Setting it to SameSite=None is safe because the cookie is
   not used to authenticate a user.

* Only print SameSite warning if not over https
parent 9b5aa4bc
No related merge requests found
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
cookie is deleted, it's fine; the user will just get an email saying they logged in from a new device next time
they log in."
(:require [java-time :as t]
[metabase.server.request.util :as request.u]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[ring.util.response :as resp]
[schema.core :as s])
......@@ -11,16 +12,23 @@
(def ^:private browser-id-cookie-name "metabase.DEVICE")
;; This cookie doesn't need to be secure, because it's only used for notification purposes
(def ^:private cookie-options
{:http-only true
:path "/"
:same-site :lax
;; Set the cookie to expire 20 years from now. That should be sufficient
:expires (t/format :rfc-1123-date-time (t/plus (t/zoned-date-time) (t/years 20)))})
;; This cookie doesn't need to be secure, because it's only used for notification purposes and cannot be used for
;; CSRF as it is not a session cookie.
;; However, we do need to make sure it's persisted/sent as much as possible to prevent superfluous login notification
;; emails when used with full-app embedding, which means setting SameSite=None when possible (over HTTPS) and
;; SameSite=Lax otherwise. (See #18553)
(defn- cookie-options
(merge {:http-only true
:path "/"
;; Set the cookie to expire 20 years from now. That should be sufficient
:expires (t/format :rfc-1123-date-time (t/plus (t/zoned-date-time) (t/years 20)))}
(if (request.u/https? request)
{:same-site :none, :secure true}
{:same-site :lax})))
(s/defn ^:private add-browser-id-cookie [response browser-id :- su/NonBlankString]
(resp/set-cookie response browser-id-cookie-name browser-id cookie-options))
(s/defn ^:private add-browser-id-cookie [request response browser-id :- su/NonBlankString]
(resp/set-cookie response browser-id-cookie-name browser-id (cookie-options request)))
(defn ensure-browser-id-cookie
"Set a permanent browser identifier cookie if one is not already set."
......@@ -32,5 +40,5 @@
(assoc request :browser-id browser-id)
(fn [response]
(respond (add-browser-id-cookie response browser-id)))
(respond (add-browser-id-cookie request response browser-id)))
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
(s/defmethod set-session-cookie :normal
[request response {session-uuid :id} :- {:id (s/cond-pre UUID u/uuid-regex), s/Keyword s/Any}]
(let [response (wrap-body-if-needed response)
is-https? (request.u/https? request)
cookie-options (merge
{:same-site config/mb-session-cookie-samesite
:http-only true
......@@ -89,14 +90,13 @@
{:max-age (* 60 (config/config-int :max-session-age))})
;; If the authentication request request was made over HTTPS (hopefully always except for
;; local dev instances) add `Secure` attribute so the cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
(when (request.u/https? request)
{:secure true})
(when (= config/mb-session-cookie-samesite :none)
(str (deferred-trs "Session cookie's SameSite is configured to \"None\", but site is")
(deferred-trs "served over an insecure connection. Some browsers will reject ")
(deferred-trs "cookies under these conditions. ")
(deferred-trs "")))))]
(when is-https?
{:secure true}))]
(when (and (= config/mb-session-cookie-samesite :none) (not is-https?))
(str (deferred-trs "Session cookie's SameSite is configured to \"None\", but site is served over an insecure connection. Some browsers will reject cookies under these conditions.")
" "
(resp/set-cookie response metabase-session-cookie (str session-uuid) cookie-options)))
(s/defmethod set-session-cookie :full-app-embed
......@@ -107,7 +107,12 @@
{:http-only true
:path "/"}
(when (request.u/https? request)
{:secure true}))]
;; SameSite=None is required for cross-domain full-app embedding. This is safe because
;; security is provided via anti-CSRF token. Note that most browsers will only accept
;; SameSite=None with secure cookies, thus we are setting it only over HTTPS to prevent
;; the cookie from being rejected in case of same-domain embedding.
{:same-site :none
:secure true}))]
(-> response
(resp/set-cookie metabase-embedded-session-cookie (str session-uuid) cookie-options)
(assoc-in [:headers anti-csrf-token-header] anti-csrf-token))))
(ns metabase.server.middleware.browser-cookie-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.server.middleware.browser-cookie :as mw.browser-cookie]
[ring.mock.request :as mock]
[ring.util.response :as response])
(:import java.util.UUID))
(defn- handler [request]
;; Return ID in the body so we can verify
(fn [request respond _] (respond (response/response (str (:browser-id request))))))
(fn [e] (throw e))))
(def ^:private browser-id-cookie-name @#'mw.browser-cookie/browser-id-cookie-name)
(def ^:private test-uuid #uuid "092797dd-a82a-4748-b393-697d7bb9ab65")
(deftest existing-cookie
(testing "do not set DEVICE cookie if one is already present"
(let [request (-> (mock/request :get "https://localhost/foo")
(assoc :cookies {browser-id-cookie-name {:value test-uuid}}))
response (handler request)]
(is (= (str test-uuid) (:body response)))
(is (nil? (:cookies response))))))
(deftest no-existing-cookie
(testing "set DEVICE cookie with SameSite=Lax if served over HTTP"
(let [request (-> (mock/request :get "http://localhost/foo"))
response (handler request)
browser-id (:body response)]
(is (some? (UUID/fromString browser-id)))
(is (= {:value browser-id
:http-only true
:path "/"
:same-site :lax}
(-> (get-in response [:cookies browser-id-cookie-name])
(dissoc :expires))))))
(testing "set DEVICE cookie with SameSite=None if served over HTTPS"
(let [request (-> (mock/request :get "https://localhost/foo"))
response (handler request)
browser-id (:body response)]
(is (some? (UUID/fromString browser-id)))
(is (= {:value browser-id
:http-only true
:path "/"
:same-site :none
:secure true}
(-> (get-in response [:cookies browser-id-cookie-name])
(dissoc :expires)))))))
......@@ -134,7 +134,20 @@
:http-only true
:path "/"}}
:headers {anti-csrf-token-header test-anti-csrf-token}}
(mw.session/set-session-cookie {} {} test-full-app-embed-session)))))
(mw.session/set-session-cookie {} {} test-full-app-embed-session))))
(testing "test that we can set a full-app-embedding session cookie with SameSite=None over HTTPS"
(is (= {:body {}
:status 200
:cookies {embedded-session-cookie
{:value "092797dd-a82a-4748-b393-697d7bb9ab65"
:http-only true
:path "/"
:same-site :none
:secure true}}
:headers {anti-csrf-token-header test-anti-csrf-token}}
(mw.session/set-session-cookie {:headers {"x-forwarded-protocol" "https"}}
;;; ---------------------------------------- TEST wrap-session-id middleware -----------------------------------------
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