@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ If this is a bug report, help us diagnose your issue by checking the appropriate
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Safari
- [ ] Internet Explorer / Edge
- [ ] Other: ________
- [ ] Other: ____________________
* My computer's OS is:
- [ ] OS X
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] Linux
- [ ] Other: ________
- [ ] Other: ____________________
* I'm running Metabase:
- [ ] Locally from the JAR
- [ ] Locally with the Mac App
- [ ] On AWS (via Docker)
- [ ] On Heroku
- [ ] Other: ________
- [ ] Other: ____________________
**Internally*, Metabase is using this database: (This is the database Metabase stores internal information like accounts and dashboards in, *not* one you're running queries against. If you haven't done anything special to configure this, Metabase defaults to using H2 when running locally; if you're running Metabase on AWS or Heroku using the provided scripts/instructions, you're most likely using Postgres.):
- [ ] H2
- [ ] Postgres
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ If this is a bug report, help us diagnose your issue by checking the appropriate
- [ ] SQL Server
- [ ] Crate
- [ ] Oracle
- [ ] Other: ________
- [ ] Other: ____________________
* I'm using Metabase version:
- [ ] 0.18.0
- [ ] 0.18.1
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ If this is a bug report, help us diagnose your issue by checking the appropriate