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Unverified Commit 70246b7f authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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Add identifier-type to hx/identifier :information_source:

[ci drivers]
parent fe4f8787
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 225 additions and 266 deletions
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
[string :as str]]
[core :as hsql]
[format :as hformat]
[helpers :as h]]
[config :as config]
......@@ -22,9 +21,7 @@
[schema :as mbql.s]
[util :as mbql.u]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :as table]]
[metabase.models.table :as table]
[store :as]
[util :as qputil]]
......@@ -41,9 +38,9 @@
[ Bigquery Bigquery$Builder BigqueryScopes]
[ QueryRequest QueryResponse Table TableCell TableFieldSchema TableList
TableList$Tables TableReference TableRow TableSchema]
[java.util Collections Date]))
[java.util Collections Date]
(driver/register! :bigquery, :parent #{:google :sql})
......@@ -55,7 +52,10 @@
(and (string? s)
(re-matches #"^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*){1,128}$" s))))
(defn- dataset-name-for-current-query
(def ^:private BigQueryIdentifierString
(s/pred valid-bigquery-identifier? "Valid BigQuery identifier"))
(s/defn ^:private dataset-name-for-current-query :- BigQueryIdentifierString
"Fetch the dataset name for the database associated with this query, needed because BigQuery requires you to qualify
identifiers with it. This is primarily called automatically for the `to-sql` implementation of the
`BigQueryIdentifier` record type; see its definition for more details.
......@@ -63,8 +63,9 @@
This looks for the value inside the SQL QP's `*query*` dynamic var; since this won't be bound for non-MBQL queries,
you will want to avoid this function for SQL queries."
{:pre [(map? sql.qp/*query*)], :post [(valid-bigquery-identifier? %)]}
(:dataset-id sql.qp/*query*))
(or (some-> sql.qp/*query* :dataset-id)
(when (
(some-> ( :details :dataset-id))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -147,13 +148,15 @@
"NUMERIC" :type/Decimal
(defn- table-schema->metabase-field-info [^TableSchema schema]
(s/defn ^:private table-schema->metabase-field-info
[schema :- TableSchema]
(for [^TableFieldSchema field (.getFields schema)]
{:name (.getName field)
:database-type (.getType field)
:base-type (bigquery-type->base-type (.getType field))}))
(defmethod driver/describe-table :bigquery [_ database {table-name :name}]
(defmethod driver/describe-table :bigquery
[_ database {table-name :name}]
{:schema nil
:name table-name
:fields (set (table-schema->metabase-field-info (.getSchema (get-table database table-name))))})
......@@ -305,40 +308,39 @@
;;; | Query Processor |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; This record type used for BigQuery table and field identifiers, since BigQuery has some stupid rules about how to
;; quote them (tables are like `dataset.table` and fields are like `dataset.table`.`field`)
;; This implements HoneySql's ToSql protocol, so we can just output this directly in most of our QP code below
;; TODO - this is totally unnecessary now, we can just override `->honeysql` for `Field` and `Table` instead. FIXME!
(defrecord ^:private BigQueryIdentifier [dataset-name ; optional; will use (dataset-name-for-current-query) otherwise
(to-sql [{:keys [dataset-name table-name field-name], :as bq-id}]
;; Check to make sure the identifiers are valid and don't contain any sorts of escape characters since we are
;; constructing raw SQL here, and would like to avoid potential SQL injection vectors (even though this is not
;; direct user input, but instead would require someone to go in and purposely corrupt their Table names/Field names
;; to do so)
(when dataset-name
(assert (valid-bigquery-identifier? dataset-name)
(tru "Invalid BigQuery identifier: ''{0}''" dataset-name)))
(assert (valid-bigquery-identifier? table-name)
(tru "Invalid BigQuery identifier: ''{0}''" table-name))
(when (seq field-name)
(assert (valid-bigquery-identifier? field-name)
(tru "Invalid BigQuery identifier: ''{0}''" field-name)))
;; BigQuery identifiers should look like `dataset.table` or `dataset.table`.`field` (SAD!)
(let [dataset-name (or dataset-name (dataset-name-for-current-query))]
(if alias?
(format "`%s`" table-name)
(format "`%s.%s`" dataset-name table-name))
(when (seq field-name)
(format ".`%s`" field-name))))))
(defn- honeysql-form->sql ^String [honeysql-form]
{:pre [(map? honeysql-form)]}
(defn- should-qualify-identifier?
"Should we qualify an Identifier with the dataset name?
Table & Field identifiers (usually) need to be qualified with the current dataset name; this needs to be part of the
table e.g.
`table`.`field` -> `dataset.table`.`field`"
[{:keys [identifier-type components]}]
;; If we're currently using a Table alias, don't qualify the alias with the dataset name
;; otherwise always qualify Table identifiers
(= identifier-type :table)
;; Only qualify Field identifiers that are qualified by a Table. (e.g. don't qualify stuff inside `CREATE TABLE`
;; DDL statements)
(and (= identifier-type :field)
(>= (count components) 2))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery Identifier]
[_ identifier]
(cond-> identifier
(should-qualify-identifier? identifier)
(update :components (fn [[table & more]]
(cons (str (dataset-name-for-current-query) \. table)
(s/defn ^:private honeysql-form->sql :- s/Str
[honeysql-form :- su/Map]
(let [[sql & args] (sql.qp/honeysql-form->sql+args :bigquery honeysql-form)]
(when (seq args)
(throw (Exception. (str (tru "BigQuery statements can''t be parameterized!")))))
......@@ -389,27 +391,13 @@
(sql.qp/date driver unit)
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [Object :datetime-field]
[driver [_ field unit]]
(sql.qp/date driver unit (sql.qp/->honeysql driver field)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery (class Field)]
[driver field]
(let [{table-name :name, :as table} ( (:table_id field))
field-identifier (map->BigQueryIdentifier
{:table-name table-name
:field-name (:name field)
:alias? (:alias? table)})]
(sql.qp/cast-unix-timestamp-field-if-needed driver field field-identifier)))
(defmethod sql.qp/field->identifier :bigquery [_ {table-id :table_id, :as field}]
(defmethod sql.qp/field->identifier :bigquery [_ {table-id :table_id, field-name :name, :as field}]
;; TODO - Making a DB call for each field to fetch its Table is inefficient and makes me cry, but this method is
;; currently only used for SQL params so it's not a huge deal at this point
;; TODO - we should make sure these are in the QP store somewhere and then could at least batch the calls
(let [table-name (db/select-one-field :name table/Table :id (u/get-id table-id))
details (:details (]
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:dataset-name (:dataset-id details), :table-name table-name, :field-name (:name field)})))
(let [table-name (db/select-one-field :name table/Table :id (u/get-id table-id))]
(hx/identifier :field table-name field-name)))
(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:bigquery :breakout]
[driver _ honeysql-form {breakout-field-clauses :breakout, fields-field-clauses :fields}]
......@@ -424,32 +412,6 @@
((partial apply h/merge-select) (for [field-clause breakout-field-clauses
:when (not (contains? (set fields-field-clauses) field-clause))]
(sql.qp/as driver field-clause)))))
;; Copy of the SQL implementation, but prepends the current dataset ID to the table name.
(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:bigquery :source-table] [_ _ honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(h/from honeysql-form (map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name}))))
;; Copy of the SQL implementation, but prepends the current dataset ID to join-alias.
(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:bigquery :join-tables]
[_ _ honeysql-form {join-tables :join-tables, source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{source-table-name :name} ( source-table-id)]
(loop [honeysql-form honeysql-form, [{:keys [table-id pk-field-id fk-field-id join-alias]} & more] join-tables]
(let [{table-name :name} ( table-id)
source-field ( fk-field-id)
pk-field ( pk-field-id)
(h/merge-left-join honeysql-form
[(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name table-name})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias, :alias? true})]
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name source-table-name, :field-name (:name source-field)})
(map->BigQueryIdentifier {:table-name join-alias, :field-name (:name pk-field), :alias? true})])]
(if (seq more)
(recur honeysql-form more)
(defn- ag-ref->alias [[_ index]]
(let [{{aggregations :aggregation} :query} sql.qp/*query*
[ag-type :as ag] (nth aggregations index)]
(ns metabase.driver.bigquery-test
(:require [clj-time.core :as time]
[expectations :refer :all]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[driver :as driver]
......@@ -171,16 +171,6 @@
:breakout [[:fk-> (data/id :venues :category_id) (data/id :categories :name)]]}})]
(get-in results [:data :native_form :query] results)))))
;; Make sure the BigQueryIdentifier class works as expected
["SELECT `dataset.table`.`field`"]
(hsql/format {:select [(#'bigquery/map->BigQueryIdentifier
{:dataset-name "dataset", :table-name "table", :field-name "field"})]}))
["SELECT `dataset.table`"]
(hsql/format {:select [(#'bigquery/map->BigQueryIdentifier {:dataset-name "dataset", :table-name "table"})]}))
(defn- native-timestamp-query [db-or-db-id timestamp-str timezone-str]
(-> (qp/process-query
{:database (u/get-id db-or-db-id)
......@@ -196,12 +196,11 @@
;; otherwise we *should* be dealing with an Identifier. If so, take the last component of the Identifier and use
;; that as the alias. Because Identifiers can be nested, check if the last part is an `Identifier` and recurse
;; if needed.
;; that as the alias.
;; TODO - could this be done using `->honeysql` instead?
;; TODO - could this be done using `->honeysql` or `field->alias` instead?
(instance? Identifier col)
[col (hx/identifier (last (:components col)))]
[col (hx/identifier :field-alias (last (:components col)))]
......@@ -72,31 +72,31 @@
;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should use the last component of an identifier as the alias if it does not already have
;; one
[[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier "D")]
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "G")]]
[[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D")
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "G")]]))
[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should append numeric suffixes to duplicate aliases
[[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier "D")]
[(hx/identifier "E" "D") (hx/identifier "D_2")]
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "G")]]
[[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
[(hx/identifier :field "E" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]
[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D")
(hx/identifier "E" "D")
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "G")]]))
[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "G")]]))
;; `deduplicate-identifiers` should handle aliases that are already suffixed gracefully
[[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier "D")]
[(hx/identifier "E" "D") (hx/identifier "D_2")]
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "D_3")]]
[[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D")]
[(hx/identifier :field "E" "D") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_3")]]
[(hx/identifier "A" "B" "C" "D")
(hx/identifier "E" "D")
[(hx/identifier "F") (hx/identifier "D_2")]]))
[(hx/identifier :field "A" "B" "C" "D")
(hx/identifier :field "E" "D")
[(hx/identifier :field "F") (hx/identifier :field-alias "D_2")]]))
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
(s/defmethod driver/can-connect? :presto
[driver {:keys [catalog] :as details} :- PrestoConnectionDetails]
(let [{[[v]] :rows} (execute-presto-query! details
(format "SHOW SCHEMAS FROM %s LIKE 'information_schema'" (sql.u/quote-name driver catalog)))]
(format "SHOW SCHEMAS FROM %s LIKE 'information_schema'" (sql.u/quote-name driver :database catalog)))]
(= v "information_schema")))
(defmethod driver/date-interval :presto
......@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
(s/defn ^:private database->all-schemas :- #{su/NonBlankString}
"Return a set of all schema names in this `database`."
[driver {{:keys [catalog schema] :as details} :details :as database}]
(let [sql (str "SHOW SCHEMAS FROM " (sql.u/quote-name driver catalog))
(let [sql (str "SHOW SCHEMAS FROM " (sql.u/quote-name driver :database catalog))
{:keys [rows]} (execute-presto-query! details sql)]
(set (map first rows))))
(defn- describe-schema [driver {{:keys [catalog] :as details} :details} {:keys [schema]}]
(let [sql (str "SHOW TABLES FROM " (sql.u/quote-name driver catalog schema))
(let [sql (str "SHOW TABLES FROM " (sql.u/quote-name driver :schema catalog schema))
{:keys [rows]} (execute-presto-query! details sql)
tables (map first rows)]
(set (for [table-name tables]
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(defmethod driver/describe-table :presto
[driver {{:keys [catalog] :as details} :details} {schema :schema, table-name :name}]
(let [sql (str "DESCRIBE " (sql.u/quote-name driver catalog schema table-name))
(let [sql (str "DESCRIBE " (sql.u/quote-name driver :table catalog schema table-name))
{:keys [rows]} (execute-presto-query! details sql)]
{:schema schema
:name table-name
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
(sql.tx/qualify-and-quote driver database-name table-name)
(str/join \, dummy-values)
(str/join \, (for [column columns]
(sql.u/quote-name driver (tx/format-name driver column)))))))
(sql.u/quote-name driver :field (tx/format-name driver column)))))))
(defmethod sql.tx/drop-table-if-exists-sql :presto [driver {:keys [database-name]} {:keys [table-name]}]
(str "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " (sql.tx/qualify-and-quote driver database-name table-name)))
......@@ -19,9 +19,7 @@
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[ :as]
[date :as du]
......@@ -30,6 +28,7 @@
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import java.sql.Time
(driver/register! :snowflake, :parent :sql-jdbc)
......@@ -140,18 +139,40 @@
(or (-> ( db-name)
(throw (Exception. "Missing DB name"))))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake (class Field)]
[driver field]
(let [table ( (:table_id field))
db-name (when-not (:alias? table)
field-identifier (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier db-name (:schema table) (:name table) (:name field)))]
(sql.qp/cast-unix-timestamp-field-if-needed driver field field-identifier)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake (class Table)]
[driver table]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} table]
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier (query-db-name) schema table-name))))
;; unless we're currently using a table alias, we need to prepend Table and Field identifiers with the DB name for the
;; query
(defn- should-qualify-identifier?
"Should we qualify an Identifier with the dataset name?
Table & Field identifiers (usually) need to be qualified with the current database name; this needs to be part of the
table e.g.
\"table\".\"field\" -> \"database\".\"table\".\"field\""
[{:keys [identifier-type components]}]
;; If we're currently using a Table alias, don't qualify the alias with the dataset name
;; already qualified
(= (first components) (query-db-name))
;; otherwise always qualify Table identifiers
(= identifier-type :table)
;; Only qualify Field identifiers that are qualified by a Table. (e.g. don't qualify stuff inside `CREATE TABLE`
;; DDL statements)
(and (= identifier-type :field)
(>= (count components) 2))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake Identifier]
[_ {:keys [identifier-type], :as identifier}]
(cond-> identifier
(should-qualify-identifier? identifier)
(update :components (partial cons (query-db-name)))))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :time]
[driver [_ value unit]]
......@@ -34,14 +34,11 @@
"Default alias for all source tables. (Not for source queries; those still use the default SQL QP alias of `source`.)"
;; use `source-table-alias` for the source Table, e.g. `t1.field` instead of the normal `schema.table.field`
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:sparksql (class Field)]
[driver field]
(let [table ( (:table_id field))
table-name (if (:alias? table)
(:name table)
field-identifier (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier table-name (:name field)))]
(sql.qp/cast-unix-timestamp-field-if-needed driver field field-identifier)))
(binding [sql.qp/*table-alias* (or sql.qp/*table-alias* source-table-alias)]
((get-method sql.qp/->honeysql [:hive-like (class Field)]) driver field)))
(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:sparksql :page] [_ _ honeysql-form {{:keys [items page]} :page}]
(let [offset (* (dec page) items)]
......@@ -61,8 +58,8 @@
(defmethod sql.qp/apply-top-level-clause [:sparksql :source-table]
[driver _ honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} ( source-table-id)]
(h/from honeysql-form [(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier schema table-name))
(h/from honeysql-form [(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table schema table-name))
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table-alias source-table-alias))])))
;;; ------------------------------------------- Other Driver Method Impls --------------------------------------------
......@@ -112,7 +109,7 @@
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database))]
(let [results (jdbc/query {:connection conn} [(format
"describe %s"
(sql.u/quote-name driver
(sql.u/quote-name driver :table
(dash-to-underscore schema)
(dash-to-underscore table-name)))])]
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
(defmethod sql.tx/create-table-sql :sparksql
[driver {:keys [database-name], :as dbdef} {:keys [table-name field-definitions]}]
(let [quote-name #(sql.u/quote-name driver (tx/format-name driver %))
(let [quote-name #(sql.u/quote-name driver :field (tx/format-name driver %))
pk-field-name (quote-name (sql.tx/pk-field-name driver))]
(format "CREATE TABLE %s (%s, %s %s)"
(sql.tx/qualify-and-quote driver database-name table-name)
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.annotate :as annotate]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[i18n :refer [tru]]]
[i18n :refer [tru]]
[schema :as su]]
[schema.core :as s])
(:import honeysql.format.ToSql
......@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@
(let [{schema :schema, table-name :name} ( table-id)]
[schema table-name]))
identifier (->honeysql driver (apply hx/identifier (concat qualifiers [field-name])))]
identifier (->honeysql driver (apply hx/identifier :field (concat qualifiers [field-name])))]
(cast-unix-timestamp-field-if-needed driver field identifier)))
(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :field-id]
......@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :field-literal]
[driver [_ field-name]]
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier *table-alias* field-name)))
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field *table-alias* field-name)))
(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql :joined-field]
[driver [_ alias field]]
......@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@
expression-name expression-name
field (field->alias driver field)
(string? id-or-name) id-or-name)]
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier alias)))))
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :field-alias alias)))))
(defn as
"Generate HoneySQL for an `AS` form (e.g. `<form> AS <field>`) using the name information of a `field-clause`. The
......@@ -354,6 +355,7 @@
[(->honeysql driver ag)
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier
(driver/format-custom-field-name driver (annotate/aggregation-name ag))))])]
(if-not (seq more)
......@@ -450,17 +452,20 @@
[driver table-or-query-expr {:keys [join-alias fk-field-id pk-field-id]}]
(let [source-field ( fk-field-id)
pk-field ( pk-field-id)]
[[table-or-query-expr (keyword join-alias)]
[[table-or-query-expr (->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table-alias join-alias))]
(->honeysql driver source-field)
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier join-alias (:name pk-field)))]]))
(binding [*table-alias* join-alias]
(->honeysql driver pk-field))]]))
(s/defn ^:private join-info->honeysql
[driver , {:keys [query table-id], :as info} :- mbql.s/JoinInfo]
(if query
(make-honeysql-join-clauses driver (build-honeysql-form driver query) info)
(let [table ( table-id)]
(make-honeysql-join-clauses driver (->honeysql driver table) info))))
(let [table ( table-id)
table-identifier (binding [*table-alias* nil]
(->honeysql driver table))]
(make-honeysql-join-clauses driver table-identifier info))))
(defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :join-tables]
[driver _ honeysql-form {:keys [join-tables]}]
......@@ -496,7 +501,7 @@
(defmethod ->honeysql [:sql (class Table)]
[driver table]
(let [{table-name :name, schema :schema} table]
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier schema table-name))))
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table schema table-name))))
(defmethod apply-top-level-clause [:sql :source-table]
[driver _ honeysql-form {source-table-id :source-table}]
......@@ -556,20 +561,14 @@
(hsql/raw (str "(" (str/replace native #";+\s*$" "") ")")) ; strip off any trailing slashes
(binding [*nested-query-level* (inc *nested-query-level*)]
(apply-clauses driver {} source-query)))
(->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table-alias source-query-alias))]]))
(defn- apply-clauses-with-aliased-source-query-table
"For queries that have a source query that is a normal MBQL query with a source table, temporarily swap the name of
that table to the `source` alias and handle other clauses. This is done so `field-id` references and the like
referring to Fields belonging to the Table in the source query work normally."
[driver honeysql-form {:keys [source-query], :as inner-query}]
(when-let [source-table-id (:source-table source-query)]
(! (assoc ( source-table-id)
:schema nil
:name (name source-query-alias)
;; some drivers like Snowflake need to know this so they don't include Database name
:alias? true)))
(binding [*table-alias* source-query-alias]
(apply-top-level-clauses driver honeysql-form (dissoc inner-query :source-query))))
......@@ -586,10 +585,9 @@
(apply-top-level-clauses driver honeysql-form inner-query)))
(defn build-honeysql-form
(s/defn build-honeysql-form
"Build the HoneySQL form we will compile to SQL and execute."
[driverr {inner-query :query}]
{:pre [(map? inner-query)]}
[driverr, {inner-query :query} :- su/Map]
(u/prog1 (apply-clauses driverr {} inner-query)
(when-not i/*disable-qp-logging*
(log/debug (tru "HoneySQL Form:") (u/emoji "🍯") "\n" (u/pprint-to-str 'cyan <>)))))
......@@ -599,11 +597,10 @@
;;; | MBQL -> Native |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn honeysql-form->sql+args
"Convert HONEYSQL-FORM to a vector of SQL string and params, like you'd pass to JDBC."
(s/defn honeysql-form->sql+args
"Convert `honeysql-form` to a vector of SQL string and params, like you'd pass to JDBC."
{:style/indent 1}
[driver honeysql-form]
{:pre [(map? honeysql-form)]}
[driver, honeysql-form :- su/Map]
(let [[sql & args] (try (binding [hformat/*subquery?* false]
(hsql/format honeysql-form
:quoting (quote-style driver)
......@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
"Utility functions for writing SQL drivers."
(:require [honeysql.core :as hsql]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]))
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[schema.core :as s]))
(defn quote-name
(s/defn quote-name
"Quote unqualified string or keyword identifier(s) by passing them to `hx/identifier`, then calling HoneySQL `format`
on the resulting `Identifier`. Uses the `sql.qp/quote-style` of the current driver. You can implement `->honeysql`
for `Identifier` if you need custom behavior here.
......@@ -14,9 +15,9 @@
You should only use this function for places where you are not using HoneySQL, such as queries written directly in
SQL. For HoneySQL forms, `Identifier` is converted to SQL automatically when it is compiled."
{:style/indent 1}
[driver & identifiers]
{:style/indent 2}
[driver :- s/Keyword, identifier-type :- hx/IdentifierType, & components]
(hsql/format (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (apply hx/identifier identifiers))
(hsql/format (sql.qp/->honeysql driver (apply hx/identifier identifier-type components))
:quoting (sql.qp/quote-style driver)
:allow-dashed-names? true)))
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(jdbc/query (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)
(sql.qp/honeysql-form->sql+args driver honeysql-form)))
([driver database table honeysql-form]
(query driver database (merge {:from [(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier (:schema table) (:name table)))]}
(query driver database (merge {:from [(sql.qp/->honeysql driver (hx/identifier :table (:schema table) (:name table)))]}
......@@ -340,29 +340,6 @@
(class x)))
(s/defn fk-clause->join-info :- (s/maybe mbql.s/JoinInfo)
"Return the matching info about the JOINed for the 'destination' Field in an `fk->` clause, for the current level of
nesting (`0` meaning this `fk->` clause was found in the top-level query; `1` meaning it was found in the first
`source-query`, and so forth.)
(fk-clause->join-info query [:fk-> [:field-id 1] [:field-id 2]] 0)
;; -> \"orders__via__order_id\""
[query :- mbql.s/Query, nested-query-level :- su/NonNegativeInt, [_ source-field-clause :as fk-clause] :- mbql.s/fk->]
;; if we're dealing with something that's not at the top-level go ahead and recurse a level until we get to the
;; query we want to work with
(if (pos? nested-query-level)
(recur {:query (or (get-in query [:query :source-query])
(throw (Exception. (str (tru "Bad nested-query-level: query does not have a source query")))))}
(dec nested-query-level)
;; ok, when we've reached the right level of nesting, look in `:join-tables` to find the appropriate info
(let [source-field-id (field-clause->id-or-literal source-field-clause)]
(some (fn [{:keys [fk-field-id], :as info}]
(when (= fk-field-id source-field-id)
(-> query :query :join-tables)))))
(s/defn expression-with-name :- mbql.s/FieldOrExpressionDef
"Return the `Expression` referenced by a given `expression-name`."
[query :- mbql.s/Query, expression-name :- su/NonBlankString]
......@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
(catch Throwable e
(when throw-exceptions?
(throw e))
(log/warn (tru "Error calculating permissions for query: {0}" (.getMessage e))
(u/pprint-to-str (u/filtered-stacktrace e)))
(log/error (tru "Error calculating permissions for query: {0}" (.getMessage e))
(u/pprint-to-str (u/filtered-stacktrace e)))
#{"/db/0/"}))) ; DB 0 will never exist
(s/defn ^:private perms-set* :- #{perms/ObjectPath}
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
(assoc-in [:query :source-query :native] (unprepare/unprepare driver/*driver* (cons new-query new-params)))))))
(defn- expand-parameters
"Expand parameters in the OUTER-QUERY, and if the query is using a native source query, expand params in that as well."
"Expand parameters in the `outer-query`, and if the query is using a native source query, expand params in that as
(cond-> (expand-parameters* outer-query)
(get-in outer-query [:query :source-query :native]) expand-params-in-native-source-query))
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
;; :value "\2015-01-01~2016-09-01"\}}}
(s/defn ^:private param-with-target
"Return the param in PARAMS with a matching TARGET. TARGET is something like:
"Return the param in `params` with a matching `target`. `target` is something like:
[:dimension [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for Dimensions (Field Filters)
[:variable [:template-tag <param-name>]] ; for other types of params"
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
(s/defn ^:private value-for-tag :- ParamValue
"Given a map TAG (a value in the `:template-tags` dictionary) return the corresponding value from the PARAMS
"Given a map TAG (a value in the `:template-tags` dictionary) return the corresponding value from the `params`
sequence. The VALUE is something that can be compiled to SQL via `->replacement-snippet-info`."
[tag :- TagParam, params :- (s/maybe [DimensionValue])]
(parse-value-for-type (:type tag) (or (param-value-for-tag tag params)
......@@ -356,25 +356,26 @@
:else (dimension-value->equals-clause-sql value)))
(s/defn ^:private honeysql->replacement-snippet-info :- ParamSnippetInfo
"Convert X to a replacement snippet info map by passing it to HoneySQL's `format` function."
"Convert `x` to a replacement snippet info map by passing it to HoneySQL's `format` function."
(let [[snippet & args] (hsql/format x, :quoting (sql.qp/quote-style driver/*driver*), :allow-dashed-names? true)]
{:replacement-snippet snippet
:prepared-statement-args args}))
(s/defn ^:private field->identifier :- su/NonBlankString
"Return an approprate snippet to represent this FIELD in SQL given its param type.
"Return an approprate snippet to represent this `field` in SQL given its param type.
For non-date Fields, this is just a quoted identifier; for dates, the SQL includes appropriately bucketing based on
the `param-type`."
[field param-type]
(-> (honeysql->replacement-snippet-info (let [identifier (sql.qp/field->identifier driver/*driver* field)]
(if (date-params/date-type? param-type)
(sql.qp/date driver/*driver* :day identifier)
(let [identifier (sql.qp/->honeysql driver/*driver* (sql.qp/field->identifier driver/*driver* field))]
(if (date-params/date-type? param-type)
(sql.qp/date driver/*driver* :day identifier)
(s/defn ^:private combine-replacement-snippet-maps :- ParamSnippetInfo
"Combine multiple REPLACEMENT-SNIPPET-MAPS into a single map using a SQL `AND` clause."
"Combine multiple `replacement-snippet-maps` into a single map using a SQL `AND` clause."
[replacement-snippet-maps :- [ParamSnippetInfo]]
{:replacement-snippet (str \( (str/join " AND " (map :replacement-snippet replacement-snippet-maps)) \))
:prepared-statement-args (reduce concat (map :prepared-statement-args replacement-snippet-maps))})
......@@ -575,10 +576,10 @@
[{:keys [driver database] :as query}]
(or driver
(driver.u/database->driver database)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Could not resolve driver"))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str (tru "Could not resolve driver."))))))
(defn expand
"Expand parameters inside a *SQL* QUERY."
"Expand parameters inside a *SQL* `query`."
(binding [driver/*driver* (ensure-driver query)]
(if (driver/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters)
......@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
"Dynamic var used as the QP store for a given query execution."
(delay (throw (Exception. (str (tru "Error: Query Processor store is not initialized."))))))
(defn initialized?
"Is the QP store currently initialized?"
(not (delay? *store*)))
(defn do-with-new-store
"Execute `f` with a freshly-bound `*store*`."
......@@ -41,36 +46,6 @@
[& body]
`(do-with-new-store (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn do-with-pushed-store
"Execute bind a *copy* of the current store and execute `f`."
(binding [*store* (atom @*store*)]
(defmacro with-pushed-store
"Bind a temporary copy of the current store (presumably so you can make temporary changes) for the duration of `body`.
All changes to this 'pushed' copy will be discarded after the duration of `body`.
This is used to make it easily to write downstream clause-handling functions in driver QP implementations without
needing to code them in a way where they are explicitly aware of the context in which they are called. For example,
we use this to temporarily give Tables a different `:name` in the SQL QP when we need to use an alias for them in
`fk->` forms.
Pushing stores is cumulative: nesting a `with-pushed-store` form inside another will make a copy of the copy.
;; store is now a temporary copy of original
(store-table! (assoc (table table-id) :name \"Temporary New Name\"))
;; store is now a temporary copy of the copy
(:name (table table-id)) ; -> \"Temporary New Name\"
(:name (table table-id)) ; -> \"Original Name\""
{:style/indent 0}
[& body]
`(do-with-pushed-store (fn [] ~@body)))
(def database-columns-to-fetch
"Columns you should fetch for the Database referenced by the query before stashing in the store."
......@@ -691,3 +691,17 @@
{:style/indent 0}
[& body]
`(do-with-us-locale (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn xor
"Exclusive or. Hopefully this is self-explanatory ;)"
[x y & more]
(loop [[x y & more] (into [x y] more)]
(and x y)
(seq more)
(recur (cons (or x y) more))
(or x y))))
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
[config :as config]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.util.pretty :refer [PrettyPrintable]])
[metabase.util.pretty :refer [PrettyPrintable]]
[schema.core :as s])
(:import honeysql.format.ToSql
......@@ -54,34 +55,57 @@
(to-sql [x] (hformat/to-sql (double x))))
(defrecord Identifier [components]
(def IdentifierType
"Schema for valid Identifier types."
;; Suppose we have a query like:
;; SELECT my_field f FROM my_table t
;; then:
:table ; is `my_table`
:table-alias ; is `t`
:field ; is `my_field`
:field-alias)) ; is `f`
(defrecord Identifier [identifier-type components]
:load-ns true
(to-sql [_]
(binding [hformat/*allow-dashed-names?* true]
(for [component components
:when (some? component)]
(for [component components]
(hformat/quote-identifier component, :split false)))))
(pretty [_]
(cons 'identifier components)))
(defn identifier
"Define an identifer with `components`. Prefer this to using keywords for identifiers, as those do not properly handle
identifiers with slashes in them."
[& components]
(Identifier. (for [component components
component (if (instance? Identifier component)
(:components component)
(cons 'identifier (cons identifier-type components))))
;; don't use `->Identifier` or `map->Identifier`. Use the `identifier` function instead, which cleans up its input
(when-not config/is-prod?
(alter-meta! #'->Identifier assoc :private true)
(alter-meta! #'map->Identifier assoc :private true))
(s/defn identifier :- Identifier
"Define an identifer of type with `components`. Prefer this to using keywords for identifiers, as those do not
properly handle identifiers with slashes in them.
`identifier-type` represents the type of identifier in question, which is important context for some drivers, such
as BigQuery (which needs to qualify Tables identifiers with their dataset name.)
This function automatically unnests any Identifiers passed as arguments, removes nils, and converts all args to
[identifier-type :- IdentifierType, & components]
(for [component components
component (if (instance? Identifier component)
(:components component)
:when (some? component)]
(u/keyword->qualified-name component))))
;; Single-quoted string literal
(defrecord Literal [literal]
......@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
;;; ------------------------------------------------ enforce-timeout -------------------------------------------------
(def ^:private test-timeout-ms (* 60 1000))
(def ^:private test-timeout-ms (* 5 60 1000))
(defn- enforce-timeout
"If any test takes longer that 60 seconds to run print a message and stop running tests. (This usually happens when
"If any test takes longer that 5 minutes to run print a message and stop running tests. (This usually happens when
something is fundamentally broken, and we don't want to continue running thousands of tests that can hang for a
minute each.)"
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