@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Notification **recipients** can see whatever the notification **creator** can se
From [Account settings](../people-and-groups/account-settings.md), all accounts can:
- Create [alerts](../questions/sharing/alerts.md) and [dashboard subscriptions](../dashboards/subscriptions.md#setting-up-a-dashboard-subscription).
- Add new recipients to alerts and subscriptions that they own.
- Add new recipients to dashboard subscriptions that they own. Non-admins can only add themselves to alerts.
- Unsubscribe from any alert or subscription.
When a notification creator adds new recipients to an alert or subscription, Metabase will display data to the recipients using the **creator's**[data permissions](../permissions/data.md) and [collection permissions](../permissions/collections.md).
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ Admins get special privileges with alerts.
### Everyone
- Everyone can edit alerts that they've set up (but not alerts set up by other people).
- Everyone can add any Metabase user account, email address, or even a Slack channel as a recipient of an alert that they created (but not alerts created by others).
- Everyone can view and unsubscribe from all alerts they receive by clicking on the **gear** icon in the upper right and navigating to **Account settings** > **Notifications**.
## Avoid changing the name of the alerted channel in Slack