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Unverified Commit 73ae4a34 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Cleanup metabase.api.field-test (#11986)

* Cleanup metabase.api.field-test [ci druid]

* Lint fix :shirt:
[ci druid]
parent bfe94724
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......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[expectations :refer :all]
[query-processor-test :as qp.test]
[test :as mt]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.api.field :as field-api]
[metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
......@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (str "field/" field-id) {:special_type :type/UNIXTimestampSeconds})
(db/select-one-field :special_type Field, :id field-id)))
(defn- field->field-values
"Fetch the `FieldValues` object that corresponds to a given `Field`."
[table-kw field-kw]
......@@ -193,31 +192,41 @@
(def ^:private list-field {:name "Field Test", :base_type :type/Integer, :has_field_values "list"})
;; Human readable values are optional
[{:values [[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]], :field_id true}
{:status "success"}
{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}]
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} list-field]
FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 5 10), :field_id field-id}]]
(mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
[((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
{:values (map vector (range 1 5))})
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))])))
(deftest update-field-values-no-human-readable-values-test
(testing "Human readable values are optional"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} list-field]
FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 5 10), :field_id field-id}]]
(testing "fetch initial values"
(is (= {:values [[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]], :field_id true}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))))))
(testing "update values"
(is (= {:status "success"}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
{:values (map vector (range 1 5))})))))
(testing "fetch updated values"
(is (= {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)))))))))
;; Existing field values can be updated (with their human readable values)
[{:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}
{:status "success"}
{:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]], :field_id true}]
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} list-field]
FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 1 5), :field_id field-id}]]
(mapv tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps
[((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
{:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]]})
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))])))
(deftest update-field-values-with-human-readable-values-test
(testing "Existing field values can be updated (with their human readable values)"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} list-field]
FieldValues [{field-value-id :id} {:values (range 1 5), :field_id field-id}]]
(testing "fetch initial values"
(is (= {:values [[1] [2] [3] [4]], :field_id true}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id))))))
(testing "update values"
(is (= {:status "success"}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)
{:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]]})))))
(testing "fetch updated values"
(is (= {:values [[1 "$"] [2 "$$"] [3 "$$$"] [4 "$$$$"]], :field_id true}
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d/values" field-id)))))))))
(deftest create-field-values-when-not-present-test
(testing "Field values should be created when not present"
......@@ -287,58 +296,59 @@
:or {expected-status-code 200}}]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :post expected-status-code (format "field/%d/dimension" field-id) map-to-post))
;; test that we can do basic field update work, including unsetting some fields such as special-type
{:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
{:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "different dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
(deftest create-update-dimension-test
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test"}]]
(let [before-creation (dimension-for-field field-id)
_ (create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "some dimension name", :type "internal"})
new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id)
_ (create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "different dimension name", :type "internal"})
updated-dim (dimension-for-field field-id)]
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps updated-dim)
(= (:id new-dim) (:id updated-dim))])))
;; Check that trying to get values for a 'virtual' field just returns a blank values map
{:values []}
((test-users/user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%s/values" (codec/url-encode "field-literal,created_at,type/Datetime"))))
;; test that we can do basic field update work, including unsetting some fields such as special-type
{:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true}]
(testing "no dimension should exist for a new Field"
(is (= []
(dimension-for-field field-id))))
(testing "Create a dimension"
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "some dimension name", :type "internal"})
(let [new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id)]
(is (= {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)))
(testing "Update a Dimension"
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "different dimension name", :type "internal"})
(let [updated-dim (dimension-for-field field-id)]
(is (= {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "different dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps updated-dim)))
(testing "attempting to create a dimension when one already exists should update the existing"
(is (= (u/get-id new-dim)
(u/get-id updated-dim))))))))))
(deftest virtual-field-values-test
(testing "Check that trying to get values for a 'virtual' field just returns a blank values map"
(is (= {:values []}
((test-users/user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "field/%s/values" (codec/url-encode "field-literal,created_at,type/Datetime")))))))
(deftest create-dimension-with-human-readable-field-id-test
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
(let [before-creation (dimension-for-field field-id-1)
_ (create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "some dimension name", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id-1)]
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)])))
(testing "before creation"
(is (= []
(dimension-for-field field-id-1))))
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "some dimension name", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
(testing "after creation"
(is (= {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (dimension-for-field field-id-1)))))))
;; External remappings require a human readable field id
......@@ -355,179 +365,173 @@
((test-users/user->client :rasta) :post 403 (format "field/%d/dimension" field-id)
{:name "some dimension name", :type "external"})))
;; Ensure we can delete a dimension
[{:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test"}]]
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "some dimension name", :type "internal"})
(let [new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id)]
(deftest delete-dimension-test
(testing "Ensure we can delete a dimension"
(tt/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test"}]
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id {:name "some dimension name", :type "internal"})
(testing "before deletion"
(is (= {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :internal
:name "some dimension name"
:human_readable_field_id false
:field_id true}
(mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (dimension-for-field field-id)))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :delete 204 (format "field/%d/dimension" field-id))
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(dimension-for-field field-id)])))
;; Non-admin users can't delete a dimension
"You don't have permissions to do that."
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]]
((test-users/user->client :rasta) :delete 403 (format "field/%d/dimension" field-id))))
;; When an FK field gets it's special_type removed, we should clear the external dimension
[{:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "fk-remove-dimension"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true}
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"
:special_type :type/FK}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
;; create the Dimension
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "fk-remove-dimension", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
;; not remove the special type (!) TODO
(let [new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id-1)
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-1) {:special_type nil})
dim-after-update (dimension-for-field field-id-1)]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps dim-after-update)])))
(testing "after deletion"
(is (= []
(dimension-for-field field-id)))))))
(deftest delete-dimension-permissions-test
(testing "Non-admin users can't delete a dimension"
(tt/with-temp Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
((test-users/user->client :rasta) :delete 403 (format "field/%d/dimension" field-id)))))))
(deftest clear-exetrnal-dimension-when-fk-special-type-is-removed-test
(testing "When an FK field gets it's special_type removed, we should clear the external dimension"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"
:special_type :type/FK}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "fk-remove-dimension", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
(testing "before update"
(is (= {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "fk-remove-dimension"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (dimension-for-field field-id-1)))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-1) {:special_type nil})
(testing "after update"
(is (= []
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (dimension-for-field field-id-1))))))))
;; The dimension should stay as long as the FK didn't change
(repeat 2 {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "fk-remove-dimension"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true})
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"
:special_type :type/FK}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
;; create the Dimension
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "fk-remove-dimension", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
;; now change something unrelated: description
(let [new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id-1)
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-1)
{:description "something diffrent"})
dim-after-update (dimension-for-field field-id-1)]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps dim-after-update)])))
;; When removing the FK special type, the fk_target_field_id should be cleared as well
[{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type nil
:fk_target_field_id false}]
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(let [before-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:special_type nil})
after-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps before-change)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps after-change)])))
;; Checking update of the fk_target_field_id
[{:name "Field Test 3"
:display_name "Field Test 3"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
{:name "Field Test 3"
:display_name "Field Test 3"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]
Field [{field-id-3 :id} {:name "Field Test 3"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(let [before-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-3))
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-3) {:fk_target_field_id field-id-2})
after-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-3))]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps before-change)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps after-change)
(not= (:fk_target_field_id before-change)
(:fk_target_field_id after-change))])))
;; Checking update of the fk_target_field_id along with an FK change
[{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type nil
:fk_target_field_id false}
{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}]
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
(let [before-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1})
after-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps before-change)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps after-change)])))
;; Checking update of the fk_target_field_id and FK remain unchanged on updates of other fields
[{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
{:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description "foo"
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}]
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(let [before-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:description "foo"})
after-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps before-change)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps after-change)])))
(repeat 2 {:id true
:created_at true
:updated_at true
:type :external
:name "fk-remove-dimension"
:human_readable_field_id true
:field_id true})
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"
:special_type :type/FK}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
;; create the Dimension
(create-dimension-via-API! field-id-1
{:name "fk-remove-dimension", :type "external" :human_readable_field_id field-id-2})
;; now change something unrelated: description
(let [new-dim (dimension-for-field field-id-1)
_ ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-1)
{:description "something diffrent"})
dim-after-update (dimension-for-field field-id-1)]
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps dim-after-update)])))
(deftest remove-fk-special-type-test
(testing "When removing the FK special type, the fk_target_field_id should be cleared as well"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(testing "before change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:special_type nil})
(testing "after change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type nil
:fk_target_field_id false}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2)))))))))
(deftest update-fk-target-field-id-test
(testing "Checking update of the fk_target_field_id"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]
Field [{field-id-3 :id} {:name "Field Test 3"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(let [before-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-3))]
(testing "before change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 3"
:display_name "Field Test 3"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps before-change))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-3) {:fk_target_field_id field-id-2})
(testing "after change"
(let [after-change (simple-field-details (Field field-id-3))]
(is (= {:name "Field Test 3"
:display_name "Field Test 3"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps after-change)))
(is (not= (:fk_target_field_id before-change)
(:fk_target_field_id after-change)))))))))
(deftest update-fk-target-field-id-with-fk-test
(testing "Checking update of the fk_target_field_id along with an FK change"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"}]]
(testing "before change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type nil
:fk_target_field_id false}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1})
(testing "after change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2)))))))))
(deftest fk-target-field-id-shouldnt-change-test
(testing "fk_target_field_id and FK should remain unchanged on updates of other fields"
(tt/with-temp* [Field [{field-id-1 :id} {:name "Field Test 1"}]
Field [{field-id-2 :id} {:name "Field Test 2"
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id field-id-1}]]
(testing "before change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description nil
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2))))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id-2) {:description "foo"})
(testing "after change"
(is (= {:name "Field Test 2"
:display_name "Field Test 2"
:description "foo"
:visibility_type :normal
:special_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id true}
(mt/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (simple-field-details (Field field-id-2)))))))))
;; Changing a remapped field's type to something that can't be remapped will clear the dimension
......@@ -564,43 +568,39 @@
[(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps new-dim)
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (dimension-for-field field-id))])))
;; Can we update Field.settings, and fetch it?
{:field_is_cool true}
(tt/with-temp Field [field {:name "Crissy Field"}]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" (u/get-id field)) {:settings {:field_is_cool true}})
(-> ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d" (u/get-id field)))
;; make sure `search-values` works on with our various drivers
[[1 "Red Medicine"]]
(qp.test/format-rows-by [int str]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :venues :id))
(Field (data/id :venues :name))
[["139" "Red Medicine"]
["375" "Red Medicine"]
["72" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :checkins :id))
(Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
;; make sure it also works if you use the same Field twice
[["Red Medicine" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :venues :name))
(Field (data/id :venues :name))
;; disabled for now because for some reason Druid itself is failing to run this query with an “Invalid type marker
;; byte 0x3c” error message. The query itself is fine so I suspect this might be an issue with Druid itself. Either
;; way, I can find very little information about it online. Try reenabling this test next time we upgrade Druid.
[["Red Medicine" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
(Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
(deftest update-field-settings-test
(testing "Can we update Field.settings, and fetch it?"
(tt/with-temp Field [field {:name "Crissy Field"}]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" (u/get-id field)) {:settings {:field_is_cool true}})
(is (= {:field_is_cool true}
(-> ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "field/%d" (u/get-id field)))
(deftest search-values-test
(testing "make sure `search-values` works on with our various drivers"
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
(is (= [[1 "Red Medicine"]]
(mt/format-rows-by [int str]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :venues :id))
(Field (data/id :venues :name))
(is (= [["139" "Red Medicine"]
["375" "Red Medicine"]
["72" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :checkins :id))
(Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
(deftest search-values-with-field-same-as-search-field-test
(testing "make sure it also works if you use the same Field twice"
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
(is (= [["Red Medicine" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :venues :name))
(Field (data/id :venues :name))
(is (= [["Red Medicine" "Red Medicine"]]
(field-api/search-values (Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
(Field (data/id :checkins :venue_name))
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
"The default \"Test Data\" dataset. Used in ~95% of tests. See `test-data.edn` for a overview of the tables and
fields in this dataset.")
(tx/defdataset-edn sad-toucan-incidents
"Times when the Toucan cried")
(tx/defdataset-edn sad-toucan-incidents
"Times when the Toucan cried")
(tx/defdataset-edn tupac-sightings
"Places, times, and circumstances where Tupac was sighted. Sighting timestamps are UNIX Timestamps in seconds")
(ns metabase.timeseries-query-processor-test.util
"Utility functions and macros for testing timeseries database drivers, such as Druid."
(:require [ :as data]
(:require [metabase.test :as mt]
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[datasets :as datasets]
......@@ -16,13 +16,21 @@
(defn do-with-flattened-dbdef
"Execute `f` with a flattened version of the test data DB as the current DB def."
(data/dataset flattened-db-def (f)))
(mt/dataset flattened-db-def (f)))
(defmacro with-flattened-dbdef
"Execute `body` using the flattened test data DB definition."
[& body]
`(do-with-flattened-dbdef (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn do-test-timeseries-drivers [thunk]
(mt/test-drivers (timeseries-drivers)
(defmacro test-timeseries-drivers {:style/indent 0} [& body]
`(do-test-timeseries-drivers (fn [] ~@body)))
(defmacro ^:deprecated expect-with-timeseries-dbs
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