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Unverified Commit 7a9b6acc authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Fix sorting by `Offset()` custom expression aggregation (#42737)

* Fix sorting by `Offset()` custom expression aggregation

* Unskip test

* Revert breaking change to `mt/id` and related
parent c7b5cddb
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......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ describe("scenarios > question > offset", () => {
it.skip("works with a single breakout and sorting by aggregation (metabase#42554)", () => {
it("works with a single breakout and sorting by aggregation (metabase#42554)", () => {
const query: StructuredQuery = {
"source-table": ORDERS_ID,
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]
[potemkin :as p]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
......@@ -682,8 +683,8 @@
:hierarchy #'hierarchy)
(defmethod escape-alias ::driver
[_driver alias-name]
(mu/defmethod escape-alias ::driver :- :string
[_driver alias-name :- :string]
(driver.impl/truncate-alias alias-name))
(defmulti humanize-connection-error-message
......@@ -982,6 +982,9 @@
#{:+ :- :* :/}
(->honeysql driver &match)
[:offset (options :guard :name) _expr _n]
(->honeysql driver (h2x/identifier :field-alias (:name options)))
;; for everything else just use the name of the aggregation as an identifer, e.g. `:sum`
;; TODO -- I don't think we will ever actually get to this anymore because everything should have been given a name
......@@ -1630,9 +1633,10 @@
(defn mbql->honeysql
(mu/defn mbql->honeysql :- :map
"Build the HoneySQL form we will compile to SQL and execute."
[driver {inner-query :query}]
[driver :- :keyword
{inner-query :query} :- :map]
(binding [driver/*driver* driver]
(let [inner-query (preprocess driver inner-query)]
(log/tracef "Compiling MBQL query\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str 'magenta inner-query))
......@@ -1641,10 +1645,13 @@
;;;; MBQL -> Native
(defn mbql->native
(mu/defn mbql->native :- [:map
[:query :string]
[:params [:maybe [:sequential :any]]]]
"Transpile MBQL query into a native SQL statement. This is the `:sql` driver implementation
of [[driver/mbql->native]] (actual multimethod definition is in [[metabase.driver.sql]]."
[driver outer-query]
[driver :- :keyword
outer-query :- :map]
(let [honeysql-form (mbql->honeysql driver outer-query)
[sql & args] (format-honeysql driver honeysql-form)]
{:query sql, :params args}))
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
(let [unique-name-fn (lib.util/unique-name-generator (]
(fn unique-alias-fn [position original-alias]
{:pre (string? original-alias)}
(assert (string? original-alias)
(format "unique-alias-fn expected string, got: %s" (pr-str original-alias)))
(unique-name-fn position (driver/escape-alias driver/*driver* original-alias)))))
;; TODO -- this should probably limit the resulting alias, and suffix a short hash as well if it gets too long. See also
......@@ -405,6 +406,29 @@
{::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position (field-desired-alias inner-query field-clause expensive-info))
::position position}))))
(defmulti ^:private aggregation-name
{:arglists '([mbql-clause])}
(fn [x]
(when (mbql.u/mbql-clause? x)
(first x))))
;;; make sure we have an `:aggregation-options` or other fully-preprocessed aggregation clause (i.e., `:offset`) like we
;;; expect. This is mostly a precondition check since we should never be running this code on not-preprocessed queries,
;;; so it's not i18n'ed
(defmethod aggregation-name :default
(throw (ex-info (format "Expected :aggregation-options or other fully-preprocessed aggregation, got %s."
(pr-str ag-clause))
{:clause ag-clause})))
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :aggregation-options :- :string
[[_aggregation-options _wrapped-ag opts]]
(:name opts))
(mu/defmethod aggregation-name :offset :- :string
[[_offset opts _expr _n]]
(:name opts))
(defmethod clause-alias-info :aggregation
[{aggregations :aggregation, :as inner-query} unique-alias-fn [_ index _opts :as ag-ref-clause]]
(let [position (clause->position inner-query ag-ref-clause)]
......@@ -415,13 +439,7 @@
{:type qp.error-type/invalid-query
:clause ag-ref-clause
:query inner-query})))
(let [[_ _ {ag-name :name} :as matching-ag] (nth aggregations index)]
;; make sure we have an `:aggregation-options` clause like we expect. This is mostly a precondition check
;; since we should never be running this code on not-preprocessed queries, so it's not i18n'ed
(when-not (mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options matching-ag)
(throw (ex-info (format "Expected :aggregation-options, got %s. (Query must be fully preprocessed.)"
(pr-str matching-ag))
{:clause ag-ref-clause, :query inner-query})))
(let [ag-name (aggregation-name (nth aggregations index))]
{::desired-alias (unique-alias-fn position ag-name)
::position position})))
......@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[java-time.api :as t]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.lib.core :as lib]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[metabase.query-processor.test-util :as qp.test-util]
[metabase.test :as mt]))
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as tx]))
(defn- ->local-date [t]
......@@ -283,3 +285,27 @@
[->local-date 2.0]
(qp/process-query (mt/obj->json->obj query)))))))))
(deftest ^:parallel sort-by-offset-aggregation-test
(testing "Should be able to sort by an Offset() expression in an aggregation (#42554)"
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :window-functions/offset)
(let [query (-> (mt/mbql-query orders
{:breakout [[:field %created_at {:base-type :type/DateTime, :temporal-unit :month}]],
:aggregation [[:offset
{:display-name "X", :name "X", :lib/uuid "59590ea6-b853-4c2f-99dd-a3b0f5662fa7"}
[:sum [:field %total {:base-type :type/Float}]]
:order-by [[:asc [:aggregation 0]]]
:limit 3})
(assoc-in [:middleware :format-rows?] false))]
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(is (= (if (tx/sorts-nil-first? driver/*driver* :type/Float)
[[#t "2016-04-01" nil]
[#t "2016-05-01" 52.76]
[#t "2016-06-01" 1265.73]]
[[#t "2016-05-01" 52.76]
[#t "2016-06-01" 1265.73]
[#t "2016-07-01" 2072.92]])
[->local-date 2.0]
(qp/process-query query)))))))))
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