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Unverified Commit 7ee441f8 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Use classloader/require everywhere; un-HACK driver test HACKs (#10177)

* Use classloader/require everywhere; un-HACK driver test HACKs
[ci drivers]

* Test fixes [ci drivers]

* Test fixes :wrench: [ci drivers]

* Oracle Test fixes [ci oracle]
parent 5c0a52b3
No related merge requests found
with 132 additions and 96 deletions
(defproject metabase/lein-include-drivers "1.0.7"
(defproject metabase/lein-include-drivers "1.0.8"
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"
:eval-in-leiningen true
:deploy-repositories [["clojars" {:sign-releases false}]])
:deploy-repositories [["clojars" {:sign-releases false}]]
:dependencies [[colorize "0.1.1" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]])
(ns leiningen.include-drivers
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[colorize.core :as colorize]
[leiningen.core.project :as p])
......@@ -31,11 +32,18 @@
Make sure a file matching that name pattern exists in the `/plugins` directory."
(when-let [{:keys [include-drivers-dependencies]} (driver->project driver)]
{:pre [(string? driver) (seq driver)]}
(if-let [{:keys [include-drivers-dependencies]} (driver->project driver)]
(or (every? plugins-file-exists? include-drivers-dependencies)
(format "Not including %s because not all dependencies matching %s found in /plugins"
driver include-drivers-dependencies)))))
(format " [include-drivers middleware]Not including %s because not all dependencies matching %s found in /plugins"
driver (set include-drivers-dependencies)))))
(format "[include-drivers middleware] Not including %s because we could not its project.clj" driver)))))
;; if :include-drivers is specified in the project, and its value is `:all`, include all drivers; if it's a collection
;; of driver names, include the specified drivers; otherwise include whatever was set in the `DRIVERS` env var
......@@ -49,13 +57,20 @@
(some-> (System/getenv "DRIVERS") (str/split #",")))
(some-> (System/getenv "DRIVERS") (str/split #",") set (disj "h2" "postgres" "mysql")))
_ (println
(format "[include-drivers middleware] Attempting to include these drivers: %s" (set drivers))))
(for [driver drivers
:when (driver-dependencies-satisfied? driver)]
(concat drivers (set (mapcat driver-parents drivers)))))
(set (mapcat driver-parents available-drivers)))))
(defn- test-drivers-source-paths [test-drivers]
......@@ -79,10 +94,7 @@
(defn- test-drivers-projects [test-drivers]
(for [driver test-drivers
:let [project (driver->project driver)]
:when project]
(filter some? (map driver->project test-drivers)))
(defn- test-drivers-dependencies [test-projects]
......@@ -108,6 +120,10 @@
(defn- test-drivers-profile [project]
(let [test-drivers (test-drivers project)
test-projects (test-drivers-projects test-drivers)]
(format "[include-drivers middleware] including these drivers: %s" (set test-drivers))))
{:repositories (test-drivers-repositories test-projects)
:dependencies (test-drivers-dependencies test-projects)
:aot (test-drivers-aot test-projects)
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
......@@ -467,14 +466,7 @@
(defmethod driver/supports? [:bigquery :expressions] [_ _] false)
;; Don't enable foreign keys when testing because BigQuery *doesn't* have a notion of foreign keys. Joins are still
;; allowed, which puts us in a weird position, however; people can manually specifiy "foreign key" relationships in
;; admin and everything should work correctly. Since we can't infer any "FK" relationships during sync our normal FK
;; tests are not appropriate for BigQuery, so they're disabled for the time being.
;; TODO - either write BigQuery-speciifc tests for FK functionality or add additional code to manually set up these FK
;; relationships for FK tables
(defmethod driver/supports? [:bigquery :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
(defmethod driver/supports? [:bigquery :foreign-keys] [_ _] true)
;; BigQuery doesn't return a timezone with it's time strings as it's always UTC, JodaTime parsing also defaults to UTC
(defmethod driver.common/current-db-time-date-formatters :bigquery [_]
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
[format :as tformat]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[medley.core :as m]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[bigquery :as bigquery]
[google :as google]]
......@@ -11,7 +15,6 @@
[datasets :as datasets]
[interface :as tx]
[sql :as sql.tx]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[date :as du]
[schema :as su]]
......@@ -24,6 +27,16 @@
(sql.tx/add-test-extensions! :bigquery)
;; Don't enable foreign keys when testing because BigQuery *doesn't* have a notion of foreign keys. Joins are still
;; allowed, which puts us in a weird position, however; people can manually specifiy "foreign key" relationships in
;; admin and everything should work correctly. Since we can't infer any "FK" relationships during sync our normal FK
;; tests are not appropriate for BigQuery, so they're disabled for the time being.
;; TODO - either write BigQuery-speciifc tests for FK functionality or add additional code to manually set up these FK
;; relationships for FK tables
(defmethod driver/supports? [:bigquery :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Connection Details -----------------------------------------------
(def ^:private ^String normalize-name (comp #(str/replace % #"-" "_") name))
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
[schema :as mbql.s]
[util :as mbql.u]]
[metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[interface :as i]
[store :as]]
......@@ -38,8 +39,8 @@
;; These are loaded here and not in the `:require` above because they tend to get automatically removed by
;; `cljr-clean-ns` and also cause Eastwood to complain about unused namespaces
(when-not *compile-files*
(require 'monger.joda-time
(classloader/require 'monger.joda-time
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Schema |
(:require [clojure
[set :as set]
[string :as str]]
[ :as jdbc]
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.common :as driver.common]
[query-processor :as sql.qp]
......@@ -248,8 +244,7 @@
(apply driver.common/current-db-time args))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :oracle [_]
;; TODO - are there othere APEX tables we want to skip? Maybe we should make this a pattern instead? (#"^APEX_")
......@@ -274,12 +269,7 @@
(when config/is-test?
;; DIRTY HACK (!) This is similar hack we do for Redshift, see the explanation there we just want to ignore all
;; the test "session schemas" that don't match the current test
(require '
((resolve '
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/set-timezone-sql :oracle [_]
"ALTER session SET time_zone = %s")
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[clojure.set :as set]
[config :as config]
[util :as u]]
[connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[interface :as tx]
[sql :as sql.tx]
[sql-jdbc :as sql-jdbc.tx]]
[execute :as execute]
[load-data :as load-data]]
[metabase.util :as u]))
[load-data :as load-data]]))
(sql-jdbc.tx/add-test-extensions! :oracle)
......@@ -103,6 +108,15 @@
(set (map :username (jdbc/query (dbspec) ["SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE username <> ?" session-schema]))))
(let [orig (get-method sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :oracle)]
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :oracle [driver]
(orig driver)
(when config/is-test?
;; This is similar hack we do for Redshift, see the explanation there we just want to ignore all the test
;; "session schemas" that don't match the current test
;;; Clear out the sesion schema before and after tests run
;; TL;DR Oracle schema == Oracle user. Create new user for session-schema
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.driver.common :as driver.common]
......@@ -363,5 +362,4 @@
(defmethod driver/supports? [:presto :expression-aggregations] [_ _] true)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:presto :binning] [_ _] true)
;; during unit tests don't treat presto as having FK support
(defmethod driver/supports? [:presto :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
(defmethod driver/supports? [:presto :foreign-keys] [_ _] true)
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]]
[metabase.driver.presto :as presto]
[metabase.driver.sql.util :as sql.u]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
......@@ -14,6 +17,9 @@
(sql.tx/add-test-extensions! :presto)
;; during unit tests don't treat presto as having FK support
(defmethod driver/supports? [:presto :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
;;; IDriverTestExtensions implementation
;; in the past, we had to manually update our Docker image and add a new catalog for every new dataset definition we
......@@ -3,14 +3,11 @@
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.common :as driver.common]
[connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]))
......@@ -101,20 +98,3 @@
:ssl true
:OpenSourceSubProtocolOverride false}
(dissoc opts :host :port :db)))
;; HACK ! When we test against Redshift we use a session-unique schema so we can run simultaneous tests
;; against a single remote host; when running tests tell the sync process to ignore all the other schemas
(def ^:private excluded-schemas
(if-not config/is-test?
(constantly nil)
(fn []
(require '
(let [session-schema-number @(resolve ']
(set (conj (for [i (range 240)
:when (not= i session-schema-number)]
(str "schema_" i))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :redshift [_]
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[config :as config]
[util :as u]]
[connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[interface :as tx]
[sql :as sql.tx]]
[ :as ddl]
[metabase.util :as u]))
[ :as ddl]))
;; we don't need to add test extensions here because redshift derives from Postgres and thus already has test
;; extensions
......@@ -45,6 +49,21 @@
(defonce ^:private session-schema-name
(str "schema_" session-schema-number))
;; When we test against Redshift we use a session-unique schema so we can run simultaneous tests
;; against a single remote host; when running tests tell the sync process to ignore all the other schemas
(def ^:private excluded-schemas
(if-not config/is-test?
(constantly nil)
(fn []
(set (conj (for [i (range 240)
:when (not= i session-schema-number)]
(str "schema_" i))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :redshift [_]
(defmethod sql.tx/create-db-sql :redshift [& _] nil)
(defmethod sql.tx/drop-db-if-exists-sql :redshift [& _] nil)
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.hive-like :as hive-like]
[query-processor :as sql.qp]
......@@ -142,7 +140,6 @@
(defmethod driver/supports? [:sparksql :nested-queries] [_ _] true)
(defmethod driver/supports? [:sparksql :standard-deviation-aggregations] [_ _] true)
;; during unit tests don't treat Spark SQL as having FK support
(defmethod driver/supports? [:sparksql :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
(defmethod driver/supports? [:sparksql :foreign-keys] [_ _] true)
(defmethod sql.qp/quote-style :sparksql [_] :mysql)
......@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[core :as hsql]
[format :as hformat]
[helpers :as h]]
[metabase.driver.hive-like :as hive-like]
[format :as hformat]]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[query-processor :as sql.qp]
[util :as sql.u]]
......@@ -14,16 +16,16 @@
[interface :as tx]
[sql :as sql.tx]
[sql-jdbc :as sql-jdbc.tx]]
[ :as ddl]
[execute :as execute]
[load-data :as load-data]
[spec :as spec]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]))
[load-data :as load-data]]
[ :as ddl]))
(sql-jdbc.tx/add-test-extensions! :sparksql)
;; during unit tests don't treat Spark SQL as having FK support
(defmethod driver/supports? [:sparksql :foreign-keys] [_ _] (not config/is-test?))
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:sparksql :type/BigInteger] [_ _] "BIGINT")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:sparksql :type/Boolean] [_ _] "BOOLEAN")
(defmethod sql.tx/field-base-type->sql-type [:sparksql :type/Date] [_ _] "DATE")
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
[[metabase/lein-include-drivers "1.0.7"]]
[[metabase/lein-include-drivers "1.0.8"]]
......@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
(let [email-settings (select-keys settings (keys mb-to-smtp-settings))
smtp-settings (-> (set/rename-keys email-settings mb-to-smtp-settings)
(assoc :port (some-> (:email-smtp-port settings) Integer/parseInt)))
;; TODO - this is :thumbs_down`, we should just use `with-redefs` for `email/test-smtp-connection` where
;; needed in the tests. FIXME!
response (if-not config/is-test?
;; in normal conditions, validate connection
(email/test-smtp-connection smtp-settings)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
[config :as config]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[ :as du]))
(defn ^:command migrate
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
(load-from-h2 nil))
(require 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2)
(binding [mdb/*disable-data-migrations* true]
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.load-from-h2/load-from-h2!) h2-connection-string))))
......@@ -40,20 +41,20 @@
"Start Metabase the usual way and exit. Useful for profiling Metabase launch time."
;; override env var that would normally make Jetty block forever
(require 'environ.core 'metabase.core)
(classloader/require 'environ.core 'metabase.core)
(alter-var-root #'environ.core/env assoc :mb-jetty-join "false")
(du/profile "start-normally" ((resolve 'metabase.core/start-normally))))
(defn ^:command reset-password
"Reset the password for a user with `email-address`."
(require 'metabase.cmd.reset-password)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.reset-password)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.reset-password/reset-password!) email-address))
(defn ^:command refresh-integration-test-db-metadata
"Re-sync the frontend integration test DB's metadata for the Sample Dataset."
(require 'metabase.cmd.refresh-integration-test-db-metadata)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.refresh-integration-test-db-metadata)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.refresh-integration-test-db-metadata/refresh-integration-test-db-metadata)))
(defn ^:command help
......@@ -89,14 +90,14 @@
"Generate a markdown file containing documentation for all API endpoints. This is written to a file called
(require 'metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.endpoint-dox/generate-dox!)))
(defn ^:command driver-methods
"Print a list of all multimethods a available for a driver to implement. A useful reference when implementing a new
(require 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd.driver-methods/print-available-multimethods)))
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:require [ :as classpath]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as ns-find]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[metabase.util :as u]))
(defn- driver-ns-symbs []
......@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@
:when (and (or (starts-with? "metabase.driver")
(starts-with? ""))
(u/ignore-exceptions (require ns-symb))
(u/ignore-exceptions (classloader/require ns-symb))
(find-ns ns-symb)))]
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[config :as config]
[util :as u]]))
[util :as u]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]))
(defn- dox
"Generate a Markdown string containing documentation for all Metabase API endpoints."
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
(str/join "\n\n\n" (for [ns-symb @u/metabase-namespace-symbols
:when (.startsWith (name ns-symb) "metabase.api.")
[symb varr] (do (require ns-symb)
[symb varr] (do (classloader/require ns-symb)
(sort (ns-interns ns-symb)))
:when (:is-endpoint? (meta varr))]
(:doc (meta varr))))))
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
[io :as io]
[shell :as shell]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[environ.core :as environ])
[environ.core :as environ]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader])
(:import clojure.lang.Keyword))
(def ^Boolean is-windows?
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@
;; If for some wacky reason the test namespaces are getting loaded (e.g. when running via
(require 'expectations)
(classloader/require 'expectations)
((resolve 'expectations/disable-run-on-shutdown))
;; This will fail if the test dependencies aren't present (e.g. in a JAR situation) which is totally fine
(catch Throwable _))
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
[setting :as setting]
[user :refer [User]]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [set-locale trs]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
......@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
(System/exit 1))))
(defn- run-cmd [cmd args]
(require 'metabase.cmd)
(classloader/require 'metabase.cmd)
((resolve 'metabase.cmd/run-cmd) cmd args))
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