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Unverified Commit 829c6f73 authored by Robert Roland's avatar Robert Roland Committed by GitHub
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Handle comparing ChronoLocalDateTime and Instants (#12834)

* Handle comparing ChronoLocalDateTime and Instants

During fingerprinting, we can end up trying to compare two datatypes
that are not comparable - ChronoLocalDateTime and Instant. Coerce the
ChronoLocalDateTime to a proper Instant for the comparison to work.

When earliest / latest are called, the acc parameter must be coerced to
a Temporal object also.

Resolves #12311

[ci all]

* making ->temporal recursive

* Get the timezone in an precedence order

When converting a LocalTime for fingerprinting, convert to an Instant
using the following precedence order:

* report timezone
* database timezone
* system timezone

[ci all]

* use UTC for timezones
parent 8a139b7c
No related merge requests found
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
(.. (t/system-clock) getZone getId))
(defn requested-timezone-id
"The timezone that we would *like* to run a query in, regardless of whether we are actaully able to do so. This is
"The timezone that we would *like* to run a query in, regardless of whether we are actually able to do so. This is
always equal to the value of the `report-timezone` Setting (if it is set), otherwise the database timezone (if known),
otherwise the system timezone."
^String []
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[math :as math]]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.models.field :as field]
[metabase.query-processor.timezone :as]
[ :as]
[metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
[metabase.util :as u]
......@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
[redux.core :as redux])
(:import com.bigml.histogram.Histogram
[java.time.chrono ChronoLocalDateTime ChronoZonedDateTime]
(defn col-wise
......@@ -157,6 +159,8 @@
{:type {~(first field-type) fingerprint#}})))
(trs "Error generating fingerprint for {0}" (sync-util/name-for-logging field#))))))
(declare ->temporal)
(defn- earliest
([] nil)
......@@ -182,9 +186,21 @@
(extend-protocol ITemporalCoerceable
nil (->temporal [_] nil)
String (->temporal [this] ( this))
Long (->temporal [this] (t/instant this))
Integer (->temporal [this] (t/instant this))
String (->temporal [this] (->temporal ( this)))
Long (->temporal [this] (->temporal (t/instant this)))
Integer (->temporal [this] (->temporal (t/instant this)))
;; this is challenging, because ChronoLocalDate requires a ZoneOffset
;; to work with. Ideally, we would use the database's ZoneOffset, but
;; we don't have access to that here. Use the JVM's systemDefault to
;; convert this.
ChronoLocalDateTime (->temporal [this] (.toInstant this
(.. (if-let [tz (or (
(java.time.ZoneId/of tz)
(getOffset (java.time.Instant/now)))))
ChronoZonedDateTime (->temporal [this] (.toInstant this))
Temporal (->temporal [this] this))
(deffingerprinter :type/DateTime
(ns metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint.fingerprinters-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.models.field :as field]
[metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint.fingerprinters :refer :all]))
[metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint.fingerprinters :refer :all]
[metabase.test :as mt]))
(deftest fingerprint-temporal-values-test
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 4
:nil% 0.5}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2013-01-01"
:latest "2018-01-01"}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/DateTime}))
[#t "2013" nil #t "2018" nil nil #t "2015"])))
(testing "nil temporal values"
{:global {:distinct-count 1
:nil% 1.0}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest nil
:latest nil}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/DateTime}))
(repeat 10 nil))))
;; we want to test h2 and postgres, because h2 doesn't
;; support overriding the timezone for a session / report
(mt/test-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
(doseq [tz ["UTC" nil]]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [report-timezone tz]
(mt/with-database-timezone-id "UTC"
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 4
:nil% 0.5}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2013-01-01"
:latest "2018-01-01"}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/DateTime}))
[#t "2013" nil #t "2018" nil nil #t "2015"])))
(testing "handle ChronoLocalDateTime"
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 2
:nil% 0.0}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2013-01-01T20:04:00Z"
:latest "2018-01-01T04:04:00Z"}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/Temporal}))
[(java.time.LocalDateTime/of 2013 01 01 20 04 0 0)
(java.time.LocalDateTime/of 2018 01 01 04 04 0 0)]))))
(testing "handle comparing explicit Instant with ChronoLocalDateTime"
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 2
:nil% 0.0}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z"
:latest "2018-01-01T04:04:00Z"}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/Temporal}))
[(java.time.Instant/parse "2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z")
(java.time.LocalDateTime/of 2018 01 01 04 04 0 0)]))))
(testing "mixing numbers and strings"
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 2
:nil% 0.0}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest "1970-01-01T00:00:01.234Z"
:latest "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z"}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/Temporal}))
["2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z" 1234]))))
(testing "nil temporal values"
(is (= {:global {:distinct-count 1
:nil% 1.0}
:type {:type/DateTime {:earliest nil
:latest nil}}}
(transduce identity
(fingerprinter (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/DateTime}))
(repeat 10 nil)))))))))))
(deftest disambiguate-test
(testing "We should correctly disambiguate multiple competing multimethods (DateTime and FK in this case)"
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