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Unverified Commit 858573b5 authored by metamben's avatar metamben Committed by GitHub
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[MLv2] Support segments (#32882)

* Support segments

Fixes #32409.
parent f752c84d
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with 263 additions and 29 deletions
import * as ML from "cljs/metabase.lib.js";
import type { SegmentMetadata, Query } from "./types";
export function availableSegments(query: Query): SegmentMetadata[] {
return ML.available_segments(query);
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ export type TableMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof TableMetadata };
declare const CardMetadata: unique symbol;
export type CardMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof CardMetadata };
declare const SegmentMetadata: unique symbol;
export type SegmentMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof SegmentMetadata };
declare const MetricMetadata: unique symbol;
export type MetricMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof MetricMetadata };
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export * from "./filter";
export * from "./join";
export * from "./limit";
export * from "./metadata";
export * from "./segments";
export * from "./metrics";
export * from "./order_by";
export * from "./query";
......@@ -234,6 +234,8 @@
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.lib.common :as lib.common]
[metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
[metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
[metabase.lib.filter.operator :as lib.filter.operator]
[metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
......@@ -158,9 +159,12 @@
([query :- :metabase.lib.schema/query
stage-number :- [:maybe :int]
(let [stage-number (clojure.core/or stage-number -1)
new-filter (lib.common/->op-arg boolean-expression)]
(lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number update :filters (fnil conj []) new-filter))))
;; if this is a Segment metadata, convert it to `:segment` MBQL clause before adding
(if (clojure.core/= (lib.dispatch/dispatch-value boolean-expression) :metadata/segment)
(recur query stage-number (lib.ref/ref boolean-expression))
(let [stage-number (clojure.core/or stage-number -1)
new-filter (lib.common/->op-arg boolean-expression)]
(lib.util/update-query-stage query stage-number update :filters (fnil conj []) new-filter)))))
(mu/defn filters :- [:maybe [:ref ::lib.schema/filters]]
"Returns the current filters in stage with `stage-number` of `query`.
......@@ -654,6 +654,12 @@
(clj->js (lib.core/native-extras a-query)))
(defn ^:export available-segments
"Get a list of Segments that you may consider using as filters for a query. Returns JS array of opaque Segment
metadata objects."
(to-array (lib.core/available-segments a-query)))
(defn ^:export available-metrics
"Get a list of Metrics that you may consider using as aggregations for a query. Returns JS array of opaque Metric
metadata objects."
......@@ -382,6 +382,12 @@
:when (and a-metric (= (:table-id a-metric) table-id))]
(defn- segments [metadata table-id]
(for [[_id segment-delay] (some-> metadata :segments deref)
:let [a-segment (some-> segment-delay deref)]
:when (and a-segment (= (:table-id a-segment) table-id))]
(defn metadata-provider
"Use a `metabase-lib/metadata/Metadata` as a [[metabase.lib.metadata.protocols/MetadataProvider]]."
[database-id unparsed-metadata]
......@@ -397,6 +403,7 @@
(tables [_this] (tables metadata database-id))
(fields [_this table-id] (fields metadata table-id))
(metrics [_this table-id] (metrics metadata table-id))
(segments [_this table-id] (segments metadata table-id))
;; for debugging: call [[clojure.datafy/datafy]] on one of these to parse all of our metadata and see the whole
;; thing at once.
......@@ -135,7 +135,12 @@
{:error/message "Valid Segment metadata"}
[:lib/type [:= :metadata/segment]]
[:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]])
[:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
;; the MBQL snippet defining this Segment; this may still be in legacy
;; format. [[metabase.lib.segment/segment-definition]] handles conversion to pMBQL if needed.
[:definition :map]
[:description {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]]])
(def MetricMetadata
"Malli schema for a legacy v1 [[metabase.models.metric]], but with kebab-case keys. A Metric defines an MBQL snippet
......@@ -64,8 +64,12 @@
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error.")
(metrics [metadata-provider table-id]
"Return a sequence of legacy v1 Metrics associated with a Table with the given `table-id`. Metrics should satisfy
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/MetricMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error."))
"Return a sequence of legacy Metrics associated with a Table with the given `table-id`. Metrics should satisfy
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/MetricMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error.")
(segments [metadata-provider table-id]
"Return a sequence of legacy Segments associated with a Table with the given `table-id`. Segments should satisfy
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/SegmentMetadata]] schema. If no Table with ID `table-id` exists, this should error."))
(defn metadata-provider?
"Whether `x` is a valid [[MetadataProvider]]."
......@@ -58,8 +58,14 @@
(mr/def ::fields
[:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::ref/ref]])
;; this is just for enabling round-tripping filters with named segment references
(mr/def ::filterable
[:ref ::expression/boolean]
[:tuple [:= :segment] :map :string]])
(mr/def ::filters
[:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::expression/boolean]])
[:sequential {:min 1} ::filterable])
(defn- bad-ref-clause? [ref-type valid-ids x]
(and (vector? x)
......@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@
(lib.hierarchy/derive :aggregation ::ref)
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :segment :- :type/Boolean
#_segment-id [:schema [:ref ::id/segment]])
(lib.hierarchy/derive :segment ::ref)
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :metric :- ::expression/type.unknown
#_metric-id [:schema [:ref ::id/metric]])
(ns metabase.lib.segment
"A Metric is a saved MBQL query stage snippet with `:filter`. Segments are always boolean expressions."
"A Segment is a saved MBQL query stage snippet with `:filter`. Segments are always boolean expressions."
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
[metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]))
[metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
[metabase.lib.options :as lib.options]
[metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
[metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
[ :as]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(defn- resolve-segment [query segment-id]
(when (integer? segment-id)
(lib.metadata/segment query segment-id)))
(defmethod lib.ref/ref-method :metadata/segment
[{:keys [id]}]
(lib.options/ensure-uuid [:segment {} id]))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :metadata/segment
[_query _stage-number _metric-metadata]
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :segment
[_query _stage-number _segment-clause]
(defn- fallback-display-name []
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Segment]"))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :metadata/segment
[_query _stage-number segment-metadata _style]
(or ((some-fn :display-name :name) segment-metadata)
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Segment]")))
(or (:display-name segment-metadata)
(:name segment-metadata)
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :segment
[query stage-number [_tag _opts segment-id-or-name] style]
(or (when (integer? segment-id-or-name)
(when-let [segment-metadata (lib.metadata/segment query segment-id-or-name)]
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number segment-metadata style)))
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Segment]")))
(mu/defn ^:private filtering-by-segment? :- :boolean
"Whether a given stage of a query currently includes a `:segment` ref clause in its filters."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
segment-id :-]
(some (fn [[tag _opts id]]
(and (= tag :segment)
(= id segment-id)))
(:filters (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :metadata/segment
[query stage-number {:keys [id description], :as segment-metadata}]
(let [default-display-info-method (get-method lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :default)
default-display-info (default-display-info-method query stage-number segment-metadata)]
(cond-> default-display-info
description (assoc :description description)
(filtering-by-segment? query stage-number id) (assoc :selected true))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :segment
[query stage-number [_tag _opts segment-id-or-name]]
(if-let [segment-metadata (resolve-segment query segment-id-or-name)]
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query stage-number segment-metadata)
{:effective-type :type/Boolean
:display-name (fallback-display-name)
:long-display-name (fallback-display-name)}))
(mu/defn available-segments :- [:maybe [:sequential {:min 1} lib.metadata/SegmentMetadata]]
"Get a list of Segments that you may consider using as filter for a query. Only Segments that have the same
`table-id` as the `source-table` for this query will be suggested."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(when-let [source-table-id (lib.util/source-table-id query)]
(not-empty (lib.metadata.protocols/segments (lib.metadata/->metadata-provider query) source-table-id))))
......@@ -238,6 +238,19 @@
(deftest ^:parallel round-trip-test
;; Miscellaneous queries that have caused test failures in the past, captured here for quick feedback.
(are [query] (test-round-trip query)
;; query with segment
{:database 282,
:type :query,
:query {:source-table 661,
:aggregation [[:metric "ga:totalEvents"]],
:filter [:and
[:segment "gaid::-4"]
[:segment 42]
[:= [:field 1972 nil] "Run Query"]
[:time-interval [:field 1974 nil] -30 :day]
[:!= [:field 1973 nil] "(not set)" "url"]],
:breakout [[:field 1973 nil]]}}
;; :aggregation-options on a non-aggregate expression with an inner aggregate.
{:database 194
:query {:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
......@@ -387,20 +400,20 @@
{:type :query
:database 5
:query {:source-table 5822,
:expressions {"Additional Information Capture" [:coalesce
[:field 519195 nil]
[:field 519196 nil]
[:field 519194 nil]
[:field 519193 nil]
"Additional Info Present" [:case
[[[:= [:expression "Additional Information Capture"] "None"]
{:default "Yes"}]},
:filter [:= [:field 518086 nil] "active"],
:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
[:share [:= [:expression "Additional Info Present"] "Yes"]]
{:name "Additional Information", :display-name "Additional Information"}]]}}))
:expressions {"Additional Information Capture" [:coalesce
[:field 519195 nil]
[:field 519196 nil]
[:field 519194 nil]
[:field 519193 nil]
"Additional Info Present" [:case
[[[:= [:expression "Additional Information Capture"] "None"]
{:default "Yes"}]},
:filter [:= [:field 518086 nil] "active"],
:aggregation [[:aggregation-options
[:share [:= [:expression "Additional Info Present"] "Yes"]]
{:name "Additional Information", :display-name "Additional Information"}]]}}))
(deftest ^:parallel round-trip-aggregation-with-case-test
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
(testing "segment"
(doseq [id [7 "6"]]
(let [id 7]
[:segment {:lib/uuid string?} id]
......@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@
[:time-interval field :last :hour]
[:time-interval field 4 :hour]
[:time-interval {:include-current true} field :next :day]
[:segment 1]
[:segment "segment-id"]]]
[:segment 1]]]
(doseq [op (filter-ops filter-expr)]
(is (not (identical? (get-method expression/type-of-method op)
(testing (str op " is a registered MBQL clause (a type-of-method method is registered for it)")
(ns metabase.lib.segment-test
[clojure.test :refer [are deftest is testing]]
[metabase.lib.core :as lib]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
[metabase.lib.test-metadata :as meta]
[metabase.lib.test-util :as lib.tu]
#?@(:cljs ([metabase.test-runner.assert-exprs.approximately-equal]))))
#?(:cljs (comment metabase.test-runner.assert-exprs.approximately-equal/keep-me))
(def ^:private segment-id 100)
(def ^:private segment-definition
{:source-table (meta/id :venues)
:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter [:and
[:> [:field (meta/id :venues :id) nil] [:* [:field (meta/id :venues :price) nil] 11]]
[:contains [:field (meta/id :venues :name) nil] "BBQ" {:case-sensitive true}]]})
(def ^:private metadata-provider
{:database meta/metadata
:tables [(meta/table-metadata :venues)]
:fields (mapv #(meta/field-metadata :venues %) [:id :price])
:segments [{:id segment-id
:name "PriceID-BBQ"
:table-id (meta/id :venues)
:definition segment-definition
:description "The ID is greater than 11 times the price and the name contains \"BBQ\"."}]}))
(def ^:private segment-clause
[:segment {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))} segment-id])
(def ^:private query-with-segment
(-> (lib/query metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :venues))
(lib/filter (lib/= (meta/field-metadata :venues :id) 5))
(lib/filter segment-clause)))
(def ^:private segment-metadata
(lib.metadata/segment query-with-segment segment-id))
(deftest ^:parallel query-suggested-name-test
(is (= "Venues, Filtered by ID equals 5 and PriceID-BBQ"
(lib.metadata.calculation/suggested-name query-with-segment))))
(deftest ^:parallel display-info-test
(are [segment] (=? {:name "priceid_bbq",
:display-name "PriceID-BBQ",
:long-display-name "PriceID-BBQ",
:effective-type :type/Boolean,
:description "The ID is greater than 11 times the price and the name contains \"BBQ\".",
:selected true}
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query-with-segment segment))
(deftest ^:parallel display-info-unselected-segment-test
(testing "Include `:selected false` in display info for Segments not in aggregations"
(are [segment] (not (:selected (lib.metadata.calculation/display-info lib.tu/venues-query segment)))
(deftest ^:parallel unknown-display-info-test
(is (=? {:effective-type :type/Boolean
:display-name "[Unknown Segment]"
:long-display-name "[Unknown Segment]"}
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query-with-segment [:segment {} (inc segment-id)]))))
(deftest ^:parallel available-segments-test
(testing "Should return Segments with the same Table ID as query's `:source-table`"
(is (=? [{:lib/type :metadata/segment
:id segment-id
:name "PriceID-BBQ"
:table-id (meta/id :venues)
:definition segment-definition
:description "The ID is greater than 11 times the price and the name contains \"BBQ\"."}]
(lib/available-segments (lib/query metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :venues))))))
(testing "query with different Table -- don't return Segments"
(is (nil? (lib/available-segments (lib/query metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders)))))))
(deftest ^:parallel filter-with-segment-test
(testing "Should be able to pass a Segment metadata to `filter`"
(let [query (lib/query metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :venues))
segments (lib/available-segments query)]
(is (= 1
(count segments)))
;; test with both `:metadata/segment` and with a `:segment` ref clause
(doseq [segment [(first segments)
[:segment {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))} segment-id]]]
(testing (pr-str (list 'lib/filter 'query segment))
(let [query' (lib/filter query segment)]
(is (=? {:lib/type :mbql/query
:stages [{:lib/type :mbql.stage/mbql
:source-table (meta/id :venues)
:filters [[:segment {:lib/uuid string?} segment-id]]}]}
(is (=? [[:segment {:lib/uuid string?} segment-id]]
(lib/filters query')))
(is (=? [{:name "priceid_bbq",
:display-name "PriceID-BBQ",
:long-display-name "PriceID-BBQ",
:effective-type :type/Boolean,
:description "The ID is greater than 11 times the price and the name contains \"BBQ\".",
:selected true}]
(map (partial lib/display-info query')
(lib/filters query'))))))))))
......@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@
(metrics [_this table-id] (for [metric metrics
:when (= (:table-id metric) table-id)]
(assoc metric :lib/type :metadata/metric)))
(segments [_this table-id] (for [segment segments
:when (= (:table-id segment) table-id)]
(assoc segment :lib/type :metadata/segment)))
(datafy [_this]
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