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Unverified Commit 858aa150 authored by Alexander Solovyov's avatar Alexander Solovyov Committed by GitHub
Browse files

serdes: do not die on unreadable yamls (#41887)

parent 256835b0
No related merge requests found
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.models.serialization :as serdes]
[ :as]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[metabase.util.yaml :as yaml]
[potemkin.types :as p])
(:import ( File)))
......@@ -61,12 +62,17 @@
(defn- ingest-all [^File root-dir]
;; This returns a map {unlabeled-hierarchy [original-hierarchy File]}.
(into {} (for [^File file (file-seq root-dir)
:when (and (.isFile file)
(str/ends-with? (.getName file) ".yaml")
(let [rel (.relativize (.toPath root-dir) (.toPath file))]
(-> rel (.subpath 0 1) (.toString) legal-top-level-paths)))
:when (and (.isFile file)
(not (str/starts-with? (.getName file) "."))
(str/ends-with? (.getName file) ".yaml")
(let [rel (.relativize (.toPath root-dir) (.toPath file))]
(-> rel (.subpath 0 1) (.toString) legal-top-level-paths)))
;; TODO: only load YAML once.
:let [hierarchy (serdes/path (ingest-file file))]]
:let [hierarchy (try
(serdes/path (ingest-file file))
(catch Exception e
(log/error e "Error reading file" (.getName file))))]
:when hierarchy]
[(strip-labels hierarchy) [hierarchy file]])))
(deftype YamlIngestion [^File root-dir settings cache]
......@@ -856,3 +856,27 @@
(get-in viz [:column_settings
(format "[\"ref\",[\"field\",%s,null]]"
(deftest extra-files-test
(testing "Adding some extra files does not break deserialization"
(ts/with-random-dump-dir [dump-dir "serdesv2-"]
(let [coll (ts/create! Collection :name "coll")
_ (ts/create! Card :name "card" :collection_id (:id coll))]
(storage/store! (extract/extract {:no-settings true
:no-data-model true}) dump-dir)
(spit (io/file dump-dir "collections" ".hidden.yaml") "serdes/meta: [{do-not: read}]")
(spit (io/file dump-dir "collections" "unreadable.yaml") "\0")
(testing "No exceptions when loading despite unreadable files"
(let [logs (mt/with-log-messages-for-level ['metabase-enterprise :error]
(let [files (->> (#'ingest/ingest-all (io/file dump-dir))
(map (comp second second))
(map #(.getName %))
(testing "Hidden YAML wasn't read even though it's not throwing errors"
(is (not (contains? files ".hidden.yaml"))))))]
(testing ".yaml files not containing valid yaml are just logged and do not break ingestion process"
(is (=? [[:error Throwable "Error reading file unreadable.yaml"]]
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