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Unverified Commit 8c6d8540 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Remove unused Table.rows column & sync code (#12797)

* Remove Table.rows entirely

* Lots of test updates/modernization

* Test fixes :wrench:
parent d9e57686
No related merge requests found
Showing with 805 additions and 844 deletions
......@@ -6240,6 +6240,9 @@ databaseChangeLog:
id: 165
author: sb
comment: 'Added field_order to Table and database_position to Field'
- 8:474a357368a665d5e0701b9eb5f313f9
- 8:8848644da9dd9e40924ae71ac4c7c370
- addColumn:
tableName: metabase_field
......@@ -6376,3 +6379,16 @@ databaseChangeLog:
tableName: query_execution
columnName: started_at
newDataType: ${timestamp_type}
# Remove `Table.rows`, which hasn't been used for years now. Older versions of
# Metabase used to store the row count in this column but we disabled it a long
# time ago for performance reasons. Now it's time to remove it entirely.
- changeSet:
id: 169
author: camsaul
comment: Added 0.36.0
- dropColumn:
tableName: metabase_table
columnName: rows
......@@ -37,13 +37,9 @@
(api/defendpoint GET "/"
"Get all `Tables`."
(for [table (-> (db/select Table, :active true, {:order-by [[:name :asc]]})
(hydrate :db))
:when (mi/can-read? table)]
;; if for some reason a Table doesn't have rows set then set it to 0 so UI doesn't barf.
;; TODO - should that be part of `post-select` instead?
(update table :rows (fn [n]
(or n 0)))))
(as-> (db/select Table, :active true, {:order-by [[:name :asc]]}) tables
(hydrate tables :db)
(filterv mi/can-read? tables)))
(api/defendpoint GET "/:id"
"Get `Table` with ID."
......@@ -76,10 +76,8 @@
(update-last-analyzed! tables))
(s/defn analyze-table!
"Perform in-depth analysis for a TABLE."
"Perform in-depth analysis for a `table`."
[table :- i/TableInstance]
;; Table row count disabled for now because of performance issues
#_(table-row-count/update-row-count! table)
(fingerprint/fingerprint-fields! table)
(classify/classify-fields! table)
(classify/classify-table! table)
(ns metabase.sync.analyze.table-row-count
"Logic for updating a Table's row count by running appropriate MBQL queries."
(:require [ :as log]
[metabase.db.metadata-queries :as queries]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[interface :as i]
[util :as sync-util]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(s/defn ^:private table-row-count :- (s/maybe s/Int)
"Determine the count of rows in TABLE by running a simple structured MBQL query."
[table :- i/TableInstance]
(sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Unable to determine row count for %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging table))
(queries/table-row-count table)))
(s/defn update-row-count!
"Update the cached row count (`rows`) for a single TABLE."
[table :- i/TableInstance]
(sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error setting table row count for %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging table))
(when-let [row-count (table-row-count table)]
(log/debug (format "Set table row count for %s to %d" (sync-util/name-for-logging table) row-count))
(db/update! Table (u/get-id table)
:rows row-count))))
......@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
;; expecting it.
(when-not (env/env :drivers)
(t/testing "Don't write any new tests using expect!"
(t/is (<= total-expect-forms 1778))
(t/is (<= total-namespaces-using-expect 114))))))
(t/is (<= total-expect-forms 1716))
(t/is (<= total-namespaces-using-expect 108))))))
(defmacro ^:deprecated expect
"Simple macro that simulates converts an Expectations-style `expect` form into a `clojure.test` `deftest` form."
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(defn- table-details [table]
(-> (merge (mt/obj->json->obj (mt/object-defaults Table))
(select-keys table [:active :created_at :db_id :description :display_name :entity_name :entity_type
:fields_hash :id :name :rows :schema :updated_at :visibility_type]))
:fields_hash :id :name :schema :updated_at :visibility_type]))
(update :entity_type #(when % (str "entity/" (name %))))
(update :visibility_type #(when % (name %)))))
......@@ -244,7 +244,6 @@
:database_position 1})]
:segments []
:metrics []
:rows nil
:id (mt/id :categories)
:db_id (mt/id)})]})
(let [resp (mt/derecordize ((mt/user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "database/%d/metadata" (mt/id))))]
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
:schema "PUBLIC"
:name "USERS"
:display_name "Users"
:rows nil
:entity_name nil
:active true
:id (mt/id :users)
(ns metabase.api.permissions-test
"Tests for `/api/permissions` endpoints."
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[test :as mt]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.api.permissions :as permissions-api]
[database :refer [Database]]
[permissions :as perms]
[permissions-group :as group :refer [PermissionsGroup]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[data :as data]
[fixtures :as fixtures]]
[ :as test-users]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[schema.core :as s]))
;; there are some issues where it doesn't look like the hydrate function for `member_count` is being added (?)
(comment permissions-api/keep-me)
;; make sure test users are created first, otherwise we're possibly going to have some WEIRD results
(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :test-users))
;; GET /permissions/group
;; Should *not* include inactive users in the counts.
;; It should also *not* include the MetaBot group because MetaBot should *not* be enabled
(defn- fetch-groups []
(set ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "permissions/group")))
#{{:id (u/get-id (group/all-users)), :name "All Users", :member_count 3}
{:id (u/get-id (group/admin)), :name "Administrators", :member_count 1}}
;; make sure test users are created first, otherwise we're possibly going to have some WEIRD results
(set ((mt/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "permissions/group")))
;; The endpoint should however return empty groups!
(tt/expect-with-temp [PermissionsGroup [group]]
#{{:id (u/get-id (group/all-users)), :name "All Users", :member_count 3}
{:id (u/get-id (group/admin)), :name "Administrators", :member_count 1}
(assoc (into {} group) :member_count 0)}
(deftest fetch-groups-test
(testing "GET /api/permissions/group"
(letfn [(check-default-groups-returned [id->group]
(testing "All Users Group should be returned"
(is (schema= {:id (s/eq (:id (group/all-users)))
:name (s/eq "All Users")
:member_count su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(get id->group (:id (group/all-users))))))
(testing "Administrators Group should be returned"
(is (schema= {:id (s/eq (:id (group/admin)))
:name (s/eq "Administrators")
:member_count su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(get id->group (:id (group/admin)))))))]
(let [id->group (u/key-by :id (fetch-groups))]
(check-default-groups-returned id->group))
(testing "should return empty groups"
(mt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
(let [id->group (u/key-by :id (fetch-groups))]
(check-default-groups-returned id->group)
(testing "empty group should be returned"
(is (schema= {:id su/IntGreaterThanZero
:name su/NonBlankString
:member_count (s/eq 0)}
(get id->group (:id group)))))))))))
;; GET /permissions/group/:id
;; Should *not* include inactive users
#{{:first_name "Crowberto", :last_name "Corv", :email "", :user_id (test-users/user->id :crowberto), :membership_id true}
{:first_name "Lucky", :last_name "Pigeon", :email "", :user_id (test-users/user->id :lucky), :membership_id true}
{:first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan", :email "", :user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :membership_id true}}
(for [member (:members ((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (str "permissions/group/" (u/get-id (group/all-users)))))]
(update member :membership_id some?))))
(deftest fetch-group-test
(testing "GET /permissions/group/:id"
(let [{:keys [members]} ((mt/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "permissions/group/%d" (:id (group/all-users))))
id->member (u/key-by :user_id members)]
(is (schema= {:first_name (s/eq "Crowberto")
:last_name (s/eq "Corv")
:email (s/eq "")
:user_id (s/eq (mt/user->id :crowberto))
:membership_id su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(get id->member (mt/user->id :crowberto))))
(is (schema= {:first_name (s/eq "Lucky")
:last_name (s/eq "Pigeon")
:email (s/eq "")
:user_id (s/eq (mt/user->id :lucky))
:membership_id su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(get id->member (mt/user->id :lucky))))
(is (schema= {:first_name (s/eq "Rasta")
:last_name (s/eq "Toucan")
:email (s/eq "")
:user_id (s/eq (mt/user->id :rasta))
:membership_id su/IntGreaterThanZero}
(get id->member (mt/user->id :rasta))))
(testing "Should *not* include inactive users"
(is (= nil
(get id->member :trashbird)))))))
(deftest update-perms-graph-test
(testing "PUT /api/permissions/graph"
(testing "make sure we can update the perms graph from the API"
(mt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((mt/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (mt/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :venues) :all}}))
(is (= {(mt/id :venues) :all}
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (mt/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"]))))
;; make sure we can update the perms graph from the API
{(data/id :venues) :all}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(data/id :venues) :all}}))
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"])))
(testing "Table-specific perms"
(mt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((mt/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (mt/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :venues) {:read :all, :query :segmented}}}))
(is (= {(mt/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (mt/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"]))))))
{(data/id :venues) {:read :all
:query :segmented}}
(tt/with-temp PermissionsGroup [group]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas]
{"PUBLIC" {(data/id :venues) {:read :all, :query :segmented}}}))
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) (data/id) :schemas "PUBLIC"])))
(testing "permissions for new db"
(let [new-id (inc (mt/id))]
(mt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
Database [{db-id :id}]
Table [_ {:db_id db-id}]]
((mt/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]
(is (= :all
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))))
;; permissions for new db
(let [new-id (inc (data/id))]
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
Database [{db-id :id}]
Table [_ {:db_id db-id}]]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))
(testing "permissions for new db with no tables"
(let [new-id (inc (mt/id))]
(mt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
Database [{db-id :id}]]
((mt/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]
(is (= :all
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))))))
;; permissions for new db with no tables
(let [new-id (inc (data/id))]
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
Database [{db-id :id}]]
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "permissions/graph"
(assoc-in (perms/graph)
[:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]
(get-in (perms/graph) [:groups (u/get-id group) db-id :schemas]))))
This diff is collapsed.
(ns metabase.models.field-values-test
"Tests for specific behavior related to FieldValues and functions in the `metabase.models.field-values` namespace."
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[expectations :refer :all]
(:require [clojure
[string :as str]
[test :refer :all]]
[ :as jdbc]
[db :as mdb]
[sync :as sync]
[test :as mt]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries]
[database :refer [Database]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[field-values :refer :all]
[field-values :as field-values :refer :all]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
;;; ---------------------------------------- field-should-have-field-values? -----------------------------------------
(expect (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :sensitive
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :hidden
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :details-only
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values nil
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type :type/Text}))
(expect (field-should-have-field-values? {:has_field_values :list
:special_type :type/Category
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type "type/Boolean"}))
;; retired/sensitive/hidden/details-only fields should always be excluded
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :retired}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :sensitive}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :hidden}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :details-only}))
;; date/time based fields should always be excluded
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Date
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/DateTime
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}))
(expect false (field-should-have-field-values? {:base_type :type/Time
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}))
;;; ------------------------------------------------ everything else -------------------------------------------------
[[1 2 3]
(tt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(deftest field-should-have-field-values?-test
(doseq [[group input->expected] {"Text and Category Fields"
{{:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type :type/Text}
{:has_field_values nil
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type :type/Text}
{:has_field_values :list
:special_type :type/Category
:visibility_type :normal
:base_type "type/Boolean"}
"retired/sensitive/hidden/details-only fields should always be excluded"
{{:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :retired}
{:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :sensitive}
{:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :sensitive
:base_type :type/Text}
{:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :hidden}
{:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :hidden
:base_type :type/Text}
{:base_type :type/Boolean
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :details-only}
{:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :details-only
:base_type :type/Text}
"date/time based fields should always be excluded"
{{:base_type :type/Date
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}
{:base_type :type/DateTime
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}
{:base_type :type/Time
:has_field_values :list
:visibility_type :normal}
[input expected] input->expected]
(testing (str group "\n")
(testing (pr-str (list 'field-should-have-field-values? input))
(is (= expected
(#'field-values/field-should-have-field-values? input)))))))
(deftest distinct-values-test
(with-redefs [metadata-queries/field-distinct-values (constantly [1 2 3 4])]
(is (= [1 2 3 4]
(#'field-values/distinct-values {}))))
(testing "(#2332) check that if field values are long we skip over them"
(with-redefs [metadata-queries/field-distinct-values (constantly [(str/join (repeat 50000 "A"))])]
(is (= nil
(#'field-values/distinct-values {}))))))
(deftest clear-field-values!-test
(mt/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]
FieldValues [_ {:field_id field-id, :values "[1,2,3]"}]]
[(db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)
(clear-field-values! field-id)
(db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id))]))
(is (= [1 2 3]
(db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)))
(#'field-values/clear-field-values! field-id)
(is (= nil
(db/select-one-field :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)))))
(defn- find-values [field-values-id]
(-> (db/select-one FieldValues :id field-values-id)
......@@ -99,48 +121,52 @@
(sync/sync-database! db)
(find-values field-values-id))
;; Test "fixing" of human readable values when field values change
(concat (repeat 2 {:values [1 2 3] :human_readable_values ["a" "b" "c"]})
(repeat 2 {:values [-2 -1 0 1 2 3] :human_readable_values ["-2" "-1" "0" "a" "b" "c"]})
[{:values [-2 -1 0] :human_readable_values ["-2" "-1" "0"]}])
(binding [mdb/*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
;; Create a temp warehouse database that can have it's field values change
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:classname "org.h2.Driver", :subprotocol "h2", :subname "mem:temp"}]
(jdbc/execute! conn ["drop table foo if exists"])
(jdbc/execute! conn ["create table foo (id integer primary key, category_id integer not null, desc text)"])
(jdbc/insert-multi! conn :foo [{:id 1 :category_id 1 :desc "foo"}
{:id 2 :category_id 2 :desc "bar"}
{:id 3 :category_id 3 :desc "baz"}])
;; Create a new in the Database table for this newly created temp database
(tt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :h2
:name "foo"
:is_full_sync true
:details "{\"db\": \"mem:temp\"}"}]
;; Sync the database so we have the new table and it's fields
(do (sync/sync-database! db)
(let [table-id (db/select-one-field :id Table :db_id (u/get-id db) :name "FOO")
field-id (db/select-one-field :id Field :table_id table-id :name "CATEGORY_ID")
field-values-id (db/select-one-field :id FieldValues :field_id field-id)]
;; Add in human readable values for remapping
(db/update! FieldValues field-values-id {:human_readable_values "[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]"})
;; This is the starting point, the original catgory ids and their remapped values
[(find-values field-values-id)
;; There should be no changes to human_readable_values when resync'd
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id)
;; Add new rows that will have new field values
(jdbc/insert-multi! conn :foo [{:id 4 :category_id -2 :desc "foo"}
{:id 5 :category_id -1 :desc "bar"}
{:id 6 :category_id 0 :desc "baz"}])
;; Sync to pickup the new field values and rebuild the human_readable_values
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id))
;; Resyncing this (with the new field values) should result in the same human_readable_values
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id)
;; Test that field values can be removed and the corresponding human_readable_values are removed as well
(do (jdbc/delete! conn :foo ["id in (?,?,?)" 1 2 3])
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id))]))))))
(deftest update-human-readable-values-test
(testing "Test \"fixing\" of human readable values when field values change"
(binding [mdb/*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
;; Create a temp warehouse database that can have it's field values change
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:classname "org.h2.Driver", :subprotocol "h2", :subname "mem:temp"}]
(jdbc/execute! conn ["drop table foo if exists"])
(jdbc/execute! conn ["create table foo (id integer primary key, category_id integer not null, desc text)"])
(jdbc/insert-multi! conn :foo [{:id 1 :category_id 1 :desc "foo"}
{:id 2 :category_id 2 :desc "bar"}
{:id 3 :category_id 3 :desc "baz"}])
;; Create a new in the Database table for this newly created temp database
(mt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :h2
:name "foo"
:is_full_sync true
:details "{\"db\": \"mem:temp\"}"}]
;; Sync the database so we have the new table and it's fields
(sync/sync-database! db)
(let [table-id (db/select-one-field :id Table :db_id (u/get-id db) :name "FOO")
field-id (db/select-one-field :id Field :table_id table-id :name "CATEGORY_ID")
field-values-id (db/select-one-field :id FieldValues :field_id field-id)]
;; Add in human readable values for remapping
(db/update! FieldValues field-values-id {:human_readable_values "[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]"})
(let [expected-original-values {:values [1 2 3]
:human_readable_values ["a" "b" "c"]}
expected-updated-values {:values [-2 -1 0 1 2 3]
:human_readable_values ["-2" "-1" "0" "a" "b" "c"]}]
(is (= expected-original-values
(find-values field-values-id)))
(testing "There should be no changes to human_readable_values when resync'd"
(is (= expected-original-values
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id))))
(testing "Add new rows that will have new field values"
(jdbc/insert-multi! conn :foo [{:id 4 :category_id -2 :desc "foo"}
{:id 5 :category_id -1 :desc "bar"}
{:id 6 :category_id 0 :desc "baz"}])
(testing "Sync to pickup the new field values and rebuild the human_readable_values"
(is (= expected-updated-values
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id)))))
(testing "Resyncing this (with the new field values) should result in the same human_readable_values"
(is (= expected-updated-values
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id))))
(testing "Test that field values can be removed and the corresponding human_readable_values are removed as well"
(jdbc/delete! conn :foo ["id in (?,?,?)" 1 2 3])
(is (= {:values [-2 -1 0] :human_readable_values ["-2" "-1" "0"]}
(sync-and-find-values db field-values-id)))))))))))
(ns metabase.sync.analyze.table-row-count-test
"Tests for the sync logic that updates a Table's row count."
(:require [metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.sync.analyze.table-row-count :as table-row-count]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[data :as data]
[util :as tu]]
[ :as datasets]
[toucan.db :as db]))
;; test that syncing table row counts works
;; TODO - write a Druid version of this test. Works slightly differently since Druid doesn't have a 'venues' table
;; TODO - not sure why this doesn't work on Oracle. Seems to be an issue with the test rather than with the Oracle driver
(datasets/expect-with-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-except #{:oracle})
(tu/with-temp-vals-in-db Table (data/id :venues) {:rows 0}
(table-row-count/update-row-count! (Table (data/id :venues)))
(db/select-one-field :rows Table :id (data/id :venues))))
(ns metabase.sync-database.analyze-test
"TODO - this namespace follows the old pattern of sync namespaces. Tests should be moved to appropriate new homes at
some point"
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[expectations :refer :all]
[metabase.db.metadata-queries :as metadata-queries]
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[test :as mt]
[util :as u]]
[database :refer [Database]]
[field :as field :refer [Field]]
[field-values :as field-values]
[table :as table :refer [Table]]]
[metabase.sync.analyze :as analyze]
[metabase.sync.analyze.classifiers.text-fingerprint :as classify-text-fingerprint]
[metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint.fingerprinters :as fingerprinters]
[ :as data]
[ :refer :all]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
[toucan.db :as db]))
;; distinct-values
;; (#2332) check that if field values are long we skip over them
;; TODO - the next two should probably be moved into field-values-test
(with-redefs [metadata-queries/field-distinct-values (constantly [(str/join (repeat 50000 "A"))])]
(#'field-values/distinct-values {})))
[1 2 3 4]
(with-redefs [metadata-queries/field-distinct-values (constantly [1 2 3 4])]
(#'field-values/distinct-values {})))
;;; ## mark-json-field!
(defn- values-are-valid-json? [values]
(defn- classified-special-type [values]
(let [field (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/Text})]
(= (:special_type (classify-text-fingerprint/infer-special-type field (transduce identity (fingerprinters/fingerprinter field) values)))
;; When all the values are valid JSON dicts they're valid JSON
(values-are-valid-json? ["{\"this\":\"is\",\"valid\":\"json\"}"
;; When all the values are valid JSON arrays they're valid JSON
(values-are-valid-json? ["[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"]))
;; Some combo of both can still be marked as JSON
(values-are-valid-json? ["{\"this\":\"is\",\"valid\":\"json\"}"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"]))
;; Check that things that aren't dictionaries or arrays aren't marked as JSON
(expect false (values-are-valid-json? ["\"A JSON string should not cause a Field to be marked as JSON\""]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-json? ["100"]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-json? ["true"]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-json? ["false"]))
;; Check that things that are valid emails are marked as Emails
(defn- values-are-valid-emails? [values]
(let [field (field/map->FieldInstance {:base_type :type/Text})]
(= (:special_type (classify-text-fingerprint/infer-special-type field (transduce identity (fingerprinters/fingerprinter field) values)))
(expect true (values-are-valid-emails? [""]))
(expect true (values-are-valid-emails? ["", "", ""]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-emails? ["", "1111IsNot!", ""]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-emails? ["\"A string should not cause a Field to be marked as email\""]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-emails? ["true"]))
(expect false (values-are-valid-emails? ["false"]))
(println "RESULT =" (classify-text-fingerprint/infer-special-type
(transduce identity (fingerprinters/fingerprinter field) values)))
(:special_type (classify-text-fingerprint/infer-special-type
(transduce identity (fingerprinters/fingerprinter field) values)))))
(deftest classify-json-test
(doseq [[group values->expected] {"When all the values are valid JSON dicts they're valid JSON"
"{\"this\":\"is\",\"valid\":\"json\"}"] true}
"When all the values are valid JSON arrays they're valid JSON"
{["[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"] true}
"Some combo of both can still be marked as JSON"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"
"[1, 2, 3, 4]"] true}
"Check that things that aren't dictionaries or arrays aren't marked as JSON"
{["\"A JSON string should not cause a Field to be marked as JSON\""] false
["100"] false
["true"] false
["false"] false}}
[values expected] values->expected]
(testing (str group "\n")
(testing (pr-str values)
(is (= (when expected :type/SerializedJSON)
(classified-special-type values)))))))
(deftest classify-emails-test
(testing "Check that things that are valid emails are marked as Emails")
(doseq [[values expected] {[""] true
["", "", ""] true
["", "1111IsNot!", ""] false
["\"A string should not cause a Field to be marked as email\""] false
["true"] false
["false"] false}]
(testing (pr-str values)
(is (= (when expected :type/Email)
(classified-special-type values))))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -96,84 +81,85 @@
{:order-by [[:last_analyzed :desc]]}))
(defn- set-table-visibility-type-via-api!
"Change the VISIBILITY-TYPE of TABLE via an API call.
(This is done via the API so we can see which, if any, side effects (e.g. analysis) get triggered.)"
"Change the `visibility-type` of `table` via an API call. (This is done via the API so we can see which, if any, side
effects (e.g. analysis) get triggered.)"
[table visibility-type]
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "table/%d" (:id table)) {:display_name "hiddentable"
:visibility_type visibility-type
:description "What a nice table!"}))
(defn- api-sync!
"Trigger a sync of TABLE via the API."
"Trigger a sync of `table` via the API."
((user->client :crowberto) :post 200 (format "database/%d/sync" (:db_id table))))
;; use these functions to create fake Tables & Fields that are actually backed by something real in the database.
;; Otherwise when we go to resync them the logic will figure out Table/Field doesn't exist and mark it as inactive
(defn- fake-table [& {:as additional-options}]
(merge {:rows 15, :db_id (data/id), :name "VENUES"}
(merge {:db_id (mt/id), :name "VENUES"}
(defn- fake-field [table & {:as additional-options}]
(merge {:table_id (u/get-id table), :name "PRICE", :base_type "type/Integer"}
;; expect all the kinds of hidden tables to stay un-analyzed through transitions and repeated syncing
(tt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(api-sync! table)
(api-sync! table)
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field)))
;; same test not coming through the api
(defn- analyze-table! [table]
;; we're calling `analyze-db!` instead of `analyze-table!` because the latter doesn't care if you try to sync a
;; hidden table and will allow that. TODO - Does that behavior make sense?
(analyze/analyze-db! (Database (:db_id table))))
(tt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(analyze-table! table)
(analyze-table! table)
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field)))
;; un-hiding a table should cause it to be analyzed
(tt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table nil)
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field)))
;; re-hiding a table should not cause it to be analyzed
;; create an initially hidden table
(tt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table :visibility_type "hidden")]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
;; switch the table to visible (triggering a sync) and get the last sync time
(let [last-sync-time (do (set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table nil)
(latest-sync-time table))]
;; now make it hidden again
(deftest dont-analyze-hidden-tables-test
(testing "expect all the kinds of hidden tables to stay un-analyzed through transitions and repeated syncing"
(mt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(api-sync! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(api-sync! table)
(api-sync! table)
(is (= false
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field))))
(testing "same test not coming through the api"
(mt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "cruft")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(analyze-table! table)
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "technical")
(analyze-table! table)
(analyze-table! table)
(is (= false
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field)))))))
(deftest analyze-unhidden-tables-test
(testing "un-hiding a table should cause it to be analyzed"
(mt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table)]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
;; sync time shouldn't change
(= last-sync-time (latest-sync-time table)))))
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table nil)
(is (= true
(fake-field-was-analyzed? field))))))
(deftest dont-analyze-rehidden-table-test
(testing "re-hiding a table should not cause it to be analyzed"
;; create an initially hidden table
(mt/with-temp* [Table [table (fake-table :visibility_type "hidden")]
Field [field (fake-field table)]]
;; switch the table to visible (triggering a sync) and get the last sync time
(let [last-sync-time (do (set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table nil)
(latest-sync-time table))]
;; now make it hidden again
(set-table-visibility-type-via-api! table "hidden")
(is (= last-sync-time
(latest-sync-time table))
"sync time shouldn't change")))))
......@@ -93,56 +93,39 @@
(update :fingerprint_version (complement zero?))))))
(def ^:private table-defaults
{:active true
:caveats nil
:created_at true
:db_id true
:description nil
:entity_name nil
:entity_type :entity/GenericTable
:id true
:points_of_interest nil
:rows nil
:schema nil
:show_in_getting_started false
:updated_at true
:visibility_type nil
:fields_hash true
:field_order :database})
(def ^:private field-defaults
{:active true
:caveats nil
:created_at true
:description nil
:fingerprint false
:fingerprint_version false
:fk_target_field_id false
:has_field_values nil
:id true
:last_analyzed false
:parent_id false
:points_of_interest nil
:position 0
:database_position 0
:custom_position 0
:preview_display true
:special_type nil
:table_id true
:updated_at true
:visibility_type :normal
:settings nil})
(def ^:private field-defaults-with-fingerprint
(assoc field-defaults
(defn- table-defaults []
(mt/object-defaults Table)
{:created_at true
:db_id true
:entity_type :entity/GenericTable
:id true
:updated_at true
:fields_hash true}))
(defn- field-defaults []
(mt/object-defaults Field)
{:created_at true
:fingerprint false
:fingerprint_version false
:fk_target_field_id false
:id true
:last_analyzed false
:parent_id false
:position 0
:table_id true
:updated_at true}))
(defn- field-defaults-with-fingerprint []
(assoc (field-defaults)
:last_analyzed true
:fingerprint_version true
:fingerprint true))
(def ^:private field:movie-id
{:name "id"
:display_name "ID"
:database_type "SERIAL"
......@@ -151,9 +134,9 @@
:database_position 0
:position 0}))
(def ^:private field:movie-studio
(defn- field:movie-studio []
{:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:database_type "VARCHAR"
......@@ -163,9 +146,9 @@
:database_position 2
:position 2}))
(def ^:private field:movie-title
(defn- field:movie-title []
{:name "title"
:display_name "Title"
:database_type "VARCHAR"
......@@ -174,9 +157,9 @@
:database_position 1
:position 1}))
(def ^:private field:studio-name
(defn- field:studio-name []
{:name "name"
:display_name "Name"
:database_type "VARCHAR"
......@@ -186,9 +169,9 @@
:position 1}))
;; ``? huh?
(def ^:private field:studio-studio
(defn- field:studio-studio []
{:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:database_type "VARCHAR"
......@@ -202,29 +185,34 @@
(sync/sync-database! db)
(sync/sync-database! db)
(let [[movie studio] (mapv table-details (db/select Table :db_id (u/get-id db) {:order-by [:name]}))]
(is (= (merge table-defaults {:schema "default"
:name "movie"
:display_name "Movie"
:fields [field:movie-id field:movie-studio field:movie-title]})
(is (= (merge table-defaults {:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:fields [field:studio-name field:studio-studio]})
(testing "`movie` Table"
(is (= (merge
{:schema "default"
:name "movie"
:display_name "Movie"
:fields [field:movie-id (field:movie-studio) (field:movie-title)]})
(testing "`studio` Table"
(is (= (merge
{:name "studio"
:display_name "Studio"
:fields [(field:studio-name) (field:studio-studio)]})
(deftest sync-table-test
(mt/with-temp* [Database [db {:engine :metabase.sync-database-test/sync-test}]
Table [table {:name "movie", :schema "default", :db_id (u/get-id db)}]]
(sync/sync-table! table)
(is (= (merge
{:schema "default"
:name "movie"
:display_name "Movie"
:fields [field:movie-id
(assoc field:movie-studio :fk_target_field_id false :special_type nil)
(assoc (field:movie-studio) :fk_target_field_id false :special_type nil)
(table-details (Table (:id table)))))))
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