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Unverified Commit 8e3b4ad8 authored by dpsutton's avatar dpsutton Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Paginated collection metadata (#16275)

* Add the last-edit-info to the child query

just for cards right now, need to extend to dashboards and then make
sure we clean it up into the proper map.

Have a set of all columns that are required and ensure those are in
each query. Nulls need to be cast to the correct type if they aren't a
text column (at least on postgres, need to investigate h2 and mysql).

* Correct find last-edit-info for cards and dashboards

* Move from group-by max id to self join

* Paginate and search on collection items

- include the metadata information in the query
  - to accomplish this, make a backstop to add all columns into each
  - need types to union the null. in postgres it assumes all nulls are
    text. Haven't checked what mysql and h2 do here yet
- sort_column: name, last_edited, model
- sort_direction: asc, desc

* Add default sort column and direction

* handle mysql

mysql doesn't need types on nulls to unify them

* Correct batch post processing for cards and dashboards

* Correct order of expectations

they were alphabetical inside of models
previous order:
- acme products           | pulse
- electro-magnetic pulse  | pulse
- birthday card           | card
- dine & Dashboard        | dashboard

and is now ordered solely by name

* Tests and sort on lower name after timestamp

When sorting by last edited, lots of things don't have this, so don't
want arbitrary sorting, but sort by name afterwards

* Ensure nulls go to the end of the list

* Tests

* trying to make h2, mysql, and pg happy

sorting timestamps and always having nulls last is quite difficult

* Make diff bigger

this was going in as a string and losing the timezone information, so
was actually advancing time.

Now: (java.time.OffsetDateTime/now)

Minus 2 hours: (.minusHours (java.time.OffsetDateTime/now) 2)

As seen in the code:
;; unaltered "now"
;; altered "two hours ago"
"2021-06-01T11:55:29" <- UTC shenanigans. so just bump back 24 hours

* Sort by model ranking

* Remove clj-time and use ZonedDateTime instead of OffsetDateTime
parent 5a892e9c
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -4,10 +4,14 @@
`:snippet` namespace, (called 'Snippet folders' in the UI). These namespaces are completely independent hierarchies.
To use these endpoints for other Collections namespaces, you can pass the `?namespace=` parameter (e.g.
(:require [compojure.core :refer [GET POST PUT]]
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[compojure.core :refer [GET POST PUT]]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[honeysql.helpers :as h]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.api.card :as card-api]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[metabase.db.env :as mdb.env]
[metabase.models.card :refer [Card]]
[metabase.models.collection :as collection :refer [Collection]]
[metabase.models.collection.graph :as collection.graph]
......@@ -91,12 +95,18 @@
"Valid values for the `?pinned_state` param accepted by endpoints in this namespace."
#{"all" "is_pinned" "is_not_pinned"})
(def ^:private valid-sort-columns #{"name" "last_edited" "model"})
(def ^:private valid-sort-directions #{"asc" "desc"})
(defn- normalize-sort-choice [w] (when w (keyword (str/replace w #"_" "-"))))
(def ^:private CollectionChildrenOptions
{:archived? s/Bool
:pinned-state (s/maybe (apply s/enum (map keyword valid-pinned-state-values)))
{:archived? s/Bool
:pinned-state (s/maybe (apply s/enum (map keyword valid-pinned-state-values)))
;; when specified, only return results of this type.
:models (s/maybe #{(apply s/enum (map keyword valid-model-param-values))})})
:models (s/maybe #{(apply s/enum (map keyword valid-model-param-values))})
:sort-info (s/maybe [(s/one (apply s/enum (map normalize-sort-choice valid-sort-columns)) "sort-columns")
(s/one (apply s/enum (map normalize-sort-choice valid-sort-directions)) "sort-direction")])})
(defmulti ^:private collection-children-query
"Query that will fetch the 'children' of a `collection`, for different types of objects. Possible options are listed
......@@ -105,7 +115,11 @@
* `collection` will be either a CollectionInstance, or the Root Collection special placeholder object, so do not use
`u/the-id` on it! Use `:id`, which will return `nil` for the Root Collection, which is exactly what we want."
`u/the-id` on it! Use `:id`, which will return `nil` for the Root Collection, which is exactly what we want.
* These queries will be combined into a union-all query. You do not need to put all of the columns into the query,
any you don't select will be added in the correct position so the union will work (see `all-select-columns` for more
{:arglists '([model collection options])}
(fn [model _ _] (keyword model)))
......@@ -132,9 +146,7 @@
[_ collection {:keys [archived? pinned-state]}]
(-> {:select [
[nil :p.description]
[nil :p.display]
[(hx/literal "pulse") :model]]
:modifiers [:distinct]
:from [[Pulse :p]]
......@@ -155,7 +167,7 @@
(defmethod collection-children-query :snippet
[_ collection {:keys [archived? pinned-state]}]
{:select [:id :name [nil :description] [nil :collection_position] [nil :display] [(hx/literal "snippet") :model]]
{:select [:id :name [(hx/literal "snippet") :model]]
:from [[NativeQuerySnippet :nqs]]
:where [:and
[:= :collection_id (:id collection)]
......@@ -168,38 +180,58 @@
(defmethod collection-children-query :card
[_ collection {:keys [archived? pinned-state]}]
(-> {:select [:id :name :description :collection_position :display [(hx/literal "card") :model]]
:from [[Card :c]]
:where [:and
[:= :collection_id (:id collection)]
[:= :archived (boolean archived?)]]}
(-> {:select [ :c.description :c.collection_position :c.display [(hx/literal "card") :model]
[ :last_edit_user] [ :last_edit_email]
[:u.first_name :last_edit_first_name] [:u.last_name :last_edit_last_name]
[:r.timestamp :last_edit_timestamp]]
:from [[Card :c]]
;; todo: should there be a flag, or a realized view?
:left-join [[{:select [:r1.*]
:from [[:revision :r1]]
:left-join [[:revision :r2] [:and
[:= :r1.model_id :r2.model_id]
[:= :r1.model :r2.model]
:where [:and
[:= nil]
[:= :r1.model (hx/literal "Card")]]} :r]
[:= :r.model_id]
[:core_user :u] [:= :r.user_id]]
:where [:and
[:= :collection_id (:id collection)]
[:= :archived (boolean archived?)]]}
(h/merge-where (pinned-state->clause pinned-state))))
(defmethod post-process-collection-children :card
[_ rows]
(let [last-edits (last-edit/fetch-last-edited-info {:card-ids (->> rows (map :id))})]
(for [row (hydrate rows :favorite)]
(if-let [edit-info (get-in last-edits [:card (:id row)])]
(assoc row :last-edit-info edit-info)
(hydrate rows :favorite))
(defmethod collection-children-query :dashboard
[_ collection {:keys [archived? pinned-state]}]
(-> {:select [:id :name :description :collection_position [nil :display] [(hx/literal "dashboard") :model]]
:from [[Dashboard :d]]
:where [:and
[:= :collection_id (:id collection)]
[:= :archived (boolean archived?)]]}
(-> {:select [ :d.description :d.collection_position [(hx/literal "dashboard") :model]
[ :last_edit_user] [ :last_edit_email]
[:u.first_name :last_edit_first_name] [:u.last_name :last_edit_last_name]
[:r.timestamp :last_edit_timestamp]]
:from [[Dashboard :d]]
:left-join [[{:select [:r1.*]
:from [[:revision :r1]]
:left-join [[:revision :r2] [:and
[:= :r1.model_id :r2.model_id]
[:= :r1.model :r2.model]
:where [:and
[:= nil]
[:= :r1.model (hx/literal "Dashboard")]]} :r]
[:= :r.model_id]
[:core_user :u] [:= :r.user_id]]
:where [:and
[:= :collection_id (:id collection)]
[:= :archived (boolean archived?)]]}
(h/merge-where (pinned-state->clause pinned-state))))
(defmethod post-process-collection-children :dashboard
[_ rows]
(let [last-edits (last-edit/fetch-last-edited-info {:dashboard-ids (->> rows (map :id))})]
(for [row (hydrate rows :favorite)]
(let [res (dissoc row :display)]
(if-let [edit-info (get-in last-edits [:dashboard (:id res)])]
(assoc res :last-edit-info edit-info)
(hydrate (map #(dissoc % :display) rows) :favorite))
(defmethod collection-children-query :collection
[_ collection {:keys [archived? collection-namespace pinned-state]}]
......@@ -212,8 +244,6 @@
:select [:id
[nil :collection_position]
[nil :display]
[(hx/literal "collection") :model]])
;; the nil indicates that collections are never pinned.
(h/merge-where (pinned-state->clause pinned-state nil))))
......@@ -229,11 +259,35 @@
(mi/can-write? Collection (:id row)))))
(defn- post-process-rows [rows]
(fn [[model rows]]
(post-process-collection-children (keyword model) rows))
(group-by :model rows)))
(s/defn ^:private coalesce-edit-info :- last-edit/MaybeAnnotated
"Hoist all of the last edit information into a map under the key :last-edit-info. Considers this information present
if `:last_edit_user` is not nil."
(letfn [(select-as [original k->k']
(reduce (fn [m [k k']] (assoc m k' (get original k)))
(let [mapping {:last_edit_user :id
:last_edit_last_name :last_name
:last_edit_first_name :first_name
:last_edit_email :email
:last_edit_timestamp :timestamp}]
(cond-> (apply dissoc row :model_ranking (keys mapping))
;; don't use contains as they all have the key, we care about a value present
(:last_edit_user row) (assoc :last-edit-info (select-as row mapping))))))
(defn- post-process-rows
"Post process any data. Have a chance to process all of the same type at once using
`post-process-collection-children`. Must respect the order passed in."
(->> (map-indexed (fn [i row] (vary-meta row assoc ::index i)) rows) ;; keep db sort order
(group-by :model)
(into []
(comp (map (fn [[model rows]]
(post-process-collection-children (keyword model) rows)))
(map coalesce-edit-info)))
(sort-by (comp ::index meta))))
(defn- model-name->toucan-model [model-name]
(case (keyword model-name)
......@@ -243,20 +297,92 @@
:pulse Pulse
:snippet NativeQuerySnippet))
(defn- select-name
"Takes a honeysql select column and returns a keyword of which column it is.
(select-name :id) -> :id
(select-name [(literal \"card\") :model]) -> :model
(select-name -> :id"
(if (vector? x)
(recur (second x))
(-> x name (str/split #"\.") peek keyword)))
(def ^:private all-select-columns
"All columns that need to be present for the union-all. Generated with the comment form below. Non-text columns that
are optional (not id, but last_edit_user for example) must have a type so that the union-all can unify the nil with
the correct column type."
[:id :name :description :display :model :collection_position
:last_edit_email :last_edit_first_name :last_edit_last_name
[:last_edit_user :integer] [:last_edit_timestamp :timestamp]])
(defn- add-missing-columns
"Ensures that all necessary columns are in the select-columns collection, adding `[nil :column]` as necessary."
[select-columns necessary-columns]
(let [columns (m/index-by select-name select-columns)]
(map (fn [col]
(let [[col-name typpe] (u/one-or-many col)]
(get columns col-name (if (and typpe (= @mdb.env/db-type :postgres))
[(hx/cast typpe nil) col-name]
[nil col-name]))))
(defn- add-model-ranking
[select-clause model]
(let [rankings {:dashboard 1
:pulse 2
:card 3
:snippet 4
:collection 5}]
(conj select-clause [(get rankings model 100)
;; generate the set of columns across all child queries. Remember to add type info if not a text column
(into []
(comp cat (map select-name) (distinct))
(for [model [:card :dashboard :snippet :pulse :collection]]
(:select (collection-children-query model {:id 1 :location "/"} nil))))
(defn- collection-children*
[collection models options]
(let [models (sort (map keyword models))
queries (for [model models]
(collection-children-query model collection options))
total-query {:select [[:%count.* :count]]
:from [[{:union-all queries} :dummy_alias]]}
rows-query {:select [:*]
:from [[{:union-all queries} :dummy_alias]]
:order-by [[ :asc]]
:limit offset-paging/*limit*
:offset offset-paging/*offset*}]
{:total (-> (db/query total-query) first :count)
:data (-> (db/query rows-query) post-process-rows)
[collection models {:keys [sort-info] :as options}]
(let [sql-order (case sort-info
nil [[ :asc]]
[:name :asc] [[ :asc]]
[:name :desc] [[ :desc]]
[:last-edited :asc] [(if (= @mdb.env/db-type :mysql)
[(hsql/call :ISNULL :last_edit_timestamp)]
[:last_edit_timestamp :nulls-last])
[:last_edit_timestamp :asc]
[ :asc]]
[:last-edited :desc] (into
(case @mdb.env/db-type
[[(hsql/call :ISNULL :last_edit_timestamp)]]
[[(hsql/raw "last_edit_timestamp DESC NULLS LAST")]]
[[:last_edit_timestamp :desc]
[ :asc]])
[:model :asc] [[:model_ranking :asc] [ :asc]]
[:model :desc] [[:model_ranking :desc] [ :asc]])
models (sort (map keyword models))
queries (for [model models]
(-> (collection-children-query model collection options)
(update :select add-missing-columns all-select-columns)
(update :select add-model-ranking model)))
total-query {:select [[:%count.* :count]]
:from [[{:union-all queries} :dummy_alias]]}
rows-query {:select [:*]
:from [[{:union-all queries} :dummy_alias]]
:order-by sql-order
:limit offset-paging/*limit*
:offset offset-paging/*offset*}]
{:total (->> (db/query total-query) first :count)
:data (->> (db/query rows-query) post-process-rows)
:limit offset-paging/*limit*
:offset offset-paging/*offset*
:models models}))
......@@ -295,15 +421,19 @@
* `pinned_state` - when `is_pinned`, return pinned objects only.
when `is_not_pinned`, return non pinned objects only.
when `all`, return everything. By default returns everything"
[id models archived pinned_state]
{models (s/maybe models-schema)
archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString)
pinned_state (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-pinned-state-values))}
(let [model-kwds (set (map keyword (u/one-or-many models)))]
[id models archived pinned_state sort_column sort_direction]
{models (s/maybe models-schema)
archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString)
pinned_state (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-pinned-state-values))
sort_column (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-sort-columns))
sort_direction (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-sort-directions))}
(let [model-kwds (set (map keyword (u/one-or-many models)))]
(collection-children (api/read-check Collection id)
{:models model-kwds
:archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
:pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)})))
:pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)
:sort-info [(or (some-> sort_column normalize-sort-choice) :name)
(or (some-> sort_direction normalize-sort-choice) :asc)]})))
;;; -------------------------------------------- GET /api/collection/root --------------------------------------------
......@@ -331,11 +461,13 @@
By default, this will show the 'normal' Collections namespace; to view a different Collections namespace, such as
`snippets`, you can pass the `?namespace=` parameter."
[models archived namespace pinned_state]
{models (s/maybe models-schema)
archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString)
namespace (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
pinned_state (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-pinned-state-values))}
[models archived namespace pinned_state sort_column sort_direction]
{models (s/maybe models-schema)
archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString)
namespace (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
pinned_state (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-pinned-state-values))
sort_column (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-sort-columns))
sort_direction (s/maybe (apply s/enum valid-sort-directions))}
;; Return collection contents, including Collections that have an effective location of being in the Root
;; Collection for the Current User.
(let [root-collection (assoc collection/root-collection :namespace namespace)
......@@ -344,9 +476,11 @@
{:models model-kwds
:archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
:pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)})))
{:models model-kwds
:archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived)
:pinned-state (keyword pinned_state)
:sort-info [(or (some-> sort_column normalize-sort-choice) :name)
(or (some-> sort_direction normalize-sort-choice) :asc)]})))
;;; ----------------------------------------- Creating/Editing a Collection ------------------------------------------
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.util :as u]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]))
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import [java.time ZonedDateTime ZoneId]))
(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :test-users-personal-collections))
......@@ -301,15 +302,15 @@
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [collection]
Card [card {:collection_id (u/the-id collection)}]]
(is (= (mt/obj->json->obj
[{:id (u/the-id card)
:name (:name card)
:collection_position nil
:display "table"
:description nil
:favorite false
:model "card"}])
[{:id (u/the-id card)
:name (:name card)
:collection_position nil
:display "table"
:description nil
:favorite false
:model "card"}])
(:data (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 (str "collection/" (u/the-id collection) "/items"))))))))
(:data (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 (str "collection/" (u/the-id collection) "/items"))))))))
(testing "check that limit and offset work and total comes back"
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [collection]
Card [card3 {:collection_id (u/the-id collection)}]
......@@ -332,9 +333,9 @@
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! (group/all-users) collection)
(with-some-children-of-collection collection
(is (= (map default-item [{:name "Acme Products", :model "pulse"}
{:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"}
{:name "Birthday Card", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "card", :display "table"}
{:name "Dine & Dashboard", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "dashboard"}])
{:name "Dine & Dashboard", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "dashboard"}
{:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"}])
(:data (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" (u/the-id collection) "/items"))))))))
......@@ -359,26 +360,77 @@
(is (= [(default-item {:name "Dine & Dashboard", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "dashboard"})]
(:data (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" (u/the-id collection) "/items?archived=true")))))))))
(testing "Results include last edited information from the `Revision` table"
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [{collection-id :id} {:name "Collection with Items"}]
User [{user-id :id} {:first_name "Test" :last_name "User" :email ""}]
Card [{card-id :id :as card}
{:name "Card with history" :collection_id collection-id}]
Revision [_revision {:model "Card"
:model_id card-id
:user_id user-id
:object (revision/serialize-instance card card-id card)}]]
(is (= [{:name "Card with history",
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [{collection-id :id} {:name "Collection with Items"}]
User [{user-id :id} {:first_name "Test" :last_name "User" :email ""}]
Card [{card1-id :id :as card1}
{:name "Card with history 1" :collection_id collection-id}]
Card [{card2-id :id :as card2}
{:name "Card with history 2" :collection_id collection-id}]
Card [_ {:name "ZZ" :collection_id collection-id}]
Card [_ {:name "AA" :collection_id collection-id}]
Revision [_revision1 {:model "Card"
:model_id card1-id
:user_id user-id
:object (revision/serialize-instance card1 card1-id card1)}]
Revision [_revision2 {:model "Card"
:model_id card2-id
:user_id user-id
:object (revision/serialize-instance card2 card2-id card2)}]]
;; need different timestamps and Revision has a pre-update to throw as they aren't editable
(db/execute! {:update :revision
;; in the past
:set {:timestamp (.minusHours (ZonedDateTime/now (ZoneId/of "UTC")) 2)}
:where [:= :id (:id _revision1)]})
(testing "Results include last edited information from the `Revision` table"
(is (= [{:name "AA"}
{:name "Card with history 1",
{:id true,
:email "",
:first_name "Test",
:last_name "User",
;; timestamp collapsed to true, ordinarily a OffsetDateTime
:timestamp true}}]
:timestamp true}}
{:name "Card with history 2",
{:id true,
:email "",
:first_name "Test",
:last_name "User",
:timestamp true}}
{:name "ZZ"}]
(->> (:data (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" collection-id "/items")))
(map #(select-keys % [:name :last-edit-info])))))))))
(map #(select-keys % [:name :last-edit-info]))))))
(testing "Results can be ordered by last-edited"
(testing "ascending"
(is (= ["Card with history 1" "Card with history 2" "AA" "ZZ"]
(->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" collection-id "/items?sort_column=last_edited&sort_direction=asc"))
(map :name)))))
(testing "descending"
(is (= ["Card with history 2" "Card with history 1" "AA" "ZZ"]
(->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" collection-id "/items?sort_column=last_edited&sort_direction=desc"))
(map :name))))))
(testing "Results can be ordered by model"
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [{collection-id :id} {:name "Collection with Items"}]
Card [_ {:name "ZZ" :collection_id collection-id}]
Card [_ {:name "AA" :collection_id collection-id}]
Dashboard [_ {:name "ZZ" :collection_id collection-id}]
Dashboard [_ {:name "AA" :collection_id collection-id}]
Pulse [_ {:name "ZZ" :collection_id collection-id}]
Pulse [_ {:name "AA" :collection_id collection-id}]]
(testing "sort direction asc"
(is (= [["dashboard" "AA"] ["dashboard" "ZZ"] ["pulse" "AA"] ["pulse" "ZZ"] ["card" "AA"] ["card" "ZZ"]]
(->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" collection-id "/items?sort_column=model&sort_direction=asc"))
(map (juxt :model :name))))))
(testing "sort direction desc"
(is (= [["card" "AA"] ["card" "ZZ"] ["pulse" "AA"] ["pulse" "ZZ"] ["dashboard" "AA"] ["dashboard" "ZZ"]]
(->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (str "collection/" collection-id "/items?sort_column=model&sort_direction=desc"))
(map (juxt :model :name)))))))))))
(deftest snippet-collection-items-test
(testing "GET /api/collection/:id/items"
......@@ -602,11 +654,11 @@
(with-some-children-of-collection nil
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "collection/root")))))
(testing "Make sure you can see everything for Users that can see everything"
(is (= [(default-item {:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"})
(default-item {:name "Birthday Card", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "card", :display "table"})
(is (= [(default-item {:name "Birthday Card", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "card", :display "table"})
(collection-item "Crowberto Corv's Personal Collection")
(default-item {:name "Dine & Dashboard",
:favorite false, :description nil, :model "dashboard"}) ]
:favorite false, :description nil, :model "dashboard"})
(default-item {:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"}) ]
(with-some-children-of-collection nil
(-> (:data (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "collection/root/items"))
(remove-non-test-items &ids)
......@@ -636,9 +688,9 @@
(mt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (mt/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/the-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/collection-read-path {:metabase.models.collection.root/is-root? true}))
(is (= [(default-item {:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"})
(default-item {:name "Birthday Card", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "card", :display "table"})
(is (= [(default-item {:name "Birthday Card", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "card", :display "table"})
(default-item {:name "Dine & Dashboard", :description nil, :favorite false, :model "dashboard"})
(default-item {:name "Electro-Magnetic Pulse", :model "pulse"})
(collection-item "Rasta Toucan's Personal Collection")]
(-> (:data (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 "collection/root/items"))
(remove-non-test-items &ids)
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