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Commit 8e6697e0 authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
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parent 8d6908ec
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......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
:jvm-opts ["-Dmb.db.file=target/metabase-test"
"-Xverify:none"]} ; disable bytecode verification when running tests so they start slightly faster
:uberjar {:aot :all
:prep-tasks ^:replace ["npm" "webpack" "javac" "compile"]}})
......@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@
(declare driver)
;; TODO - this isn't necessarily Mongo-specific
(def ^:private ^:const document-scanning-limit
"The maximum number of documents to scan to look for Fields.
We can't feasibly scan every document in a million+ document collection, so scan the first `document-scanning-limit`
documents and hope that the rest follow the same schema."
;;; ### Driver Helper Fns
(defn- table->column-names
......@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@
(with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DBApiLayer conn @(:db table)]
(->> (mc/find-maps conn (:name table))
(take 10000) ; it's probably enough to only consider the first 10,000 docs in the collection instead of iterating over potentially millions of them
(take document-scanning-limit)
(map keys)
(map set)
(reduce set/union))))
......@@ -108,20 +115,19 @@
;; Build a map of nested-field-key -> type -> count
;; TODO - using an atom isn't the *fastest* thing in the world (but is the easiest); consider alternate implementation
(let [field->type->count (atom {})]
;; Look at the first 1000 values
(doseq [val (take 1000 (field-values-lazy-seq this field))]
(doseq [val (take document-scanning-limit (field-values-lazy-seq this field))]
(when (map? val)
(doseq [[k v] val]
(swap! field->type->count update-in [k (type v)] #(if % (inc %) 1)))))
;; (seq types) will give us a seq of pairs like [java.lang.String 500]
(->> @field->type->count
(m/map-vals (fn [type->count]
(->> (seq type->count) ; convert to pairs of [type count]
(sort-by second) ; source by count
last ; take last item (highest count)
first ; keep just the type
(->> (seq type->count) ; convert to pairs of [type count]
(sort-by second) ; source by count
last ; take last item (highest count)
first ; keep just the type
(#(or (driver/class->base-type %) ; convert to corresponding Field base_type if possible
:UnknownField))))))))) ; fall back to :UnknownField for things like clojure.lang.PersistentVector
:UnknownField))))))))) ; fall back to :UnknownField for things like clojure.lang.PersistentVector
(def driver
"Concrete instance of the MongoDB driver."
......@@ -76,22 +76,29 @@
(if *mongo-connection* (f# *mongo-connection*)
(-with-mongo-connection f# ~database))))
;; TODO - this is actually more sophisticated than the one used for annotation in the GenericSQL driver, which just takes the
;; types of the values in the first row.
;; We should move this somewhere where it can be shared amongst the drivers and rewrite GenericSQL to use it instead.
;; TODO - this isn't neccesarily Mongo-specific; consider moving
(defn values->base-type
"Given a sequence of values, return `Field` `base_type` in the most ghetto way possible.
"Given a sequence of values, return `Field.base_type` in the most ghetto way possible.
This just gets counts the types of *every* value and returns the `base_type` for class whose count was highest."
{:pre [(sequential? values-seq)]}
(println (first values-seq))
(or (->> values-seq
(filter identity) ; TODO - why not do a query to return non-nil values of this column instead
(take 1000) ; it's probably fine just to consider the first 1,000 non-nil values when trying to type a column instead of iterating over the whole collection
;; TODO - why not do a query to return non-nil values of this column instead
(filter identity)
;; it's probably fine just to consider the first 1,000 *non-nil* values when trying to type a column instead
;; of iterating over the whole collection. (VALUES-SEQ should be up to 10,000 values, but we don't know how many are
;; nil)
(take 1000)
(group-by type)
(map (fn [[type valus]]
[type (count valus)]))
(map (fn [[klass valus]]
(println [klass (count valus)])
[klass (count valus)]))
(sort-by second)
((fn [klass]
(println klass)
......@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@
(and (or (nil? valid-base-types)
(contains? valid-base-types base-type))
(re-matches name-pattern (s/lower-case field-name))
(if top-level-only? (nil? (:parent_id field))
(or (not top-level-only?)
(nil? (:parent_id field)))))
(defn- auto-assign-field-special-type-by-name!
......@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
(defn- sync-field-nested-fields! [driver field]
(when (and (= (:base_type field) :DictionaryField)
(supports? driver :nested-fields) ; if one of these is true
(supports? driver :nested-fields) ; if one of these is true
(satisfies? ISyncDriverFieldNestedFields driver)) ; the other should be :wink:
(let [nested-field-name->type (active-nested-field-name->type driver field)]
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "Syncing subfields for '%s.%s': %s" (:name @(:table field)) (:name field) (keys nested-field-name->type)))
......@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@
:base_type "TextField"
:parent_id nil
:parent nil})
((user->client :rasta) :get
200 (format "meta/field/%d" (id :users :name))))
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/field/%d" (id :users :name))))
;; ## GET /api/meta/field/:id/summary
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